But holding to truth in love, we may grow up into Him in all things, who is the Head, Christ. Eph. 4:15
Dear saints, let us pray for the full-time training at the beginning of the fall term, that the trainees would be built up in Christ in the growth of His life unto maturity and would have a solid pursuit and progress in life (Eph. 4:15; Col. 1:28; Heb. 6:1a).
Or, perfect, complete, mature. Perfect denotes full in quality, whereas complete denotes full in quantity. The apostle’s ministry, whether in announcing Christ or in admonishing and teaching men in all wisdom, was altogether to minister Christ to men that they might become perfect and complete by maturing with Christ as the element of the divine life unto full growth. Col. 1:28 – note 1 on, full-grown, Recovery Version Bible
To pursue the progress in life, you must study The Knowledge of Life. The more times you read it, the better. Then you need to study the book The Experience of Life. It would be good to read this book once every two years and to actually practice what it teaches regarding both the dealings in life and the learning in life…It was I who used the scientific method to completely present what so many throughout the generations had taught and experienced, plus my own experience. So I hope that you would all study it diligently…
Simply absorb these basic truths and teach them accordingly. Concerning the pursuit of life, what other books are more basic than The Knowledge of Life and The Experience of Life? What other book can speak as clearly and transparently as the chapter on the three laws and four lives in The Knowledge of Life? These books are like the multiplication table…If you teach multiplication, you must use the multiplication table…
I do not have the time to speak all these things to you again. You have to understand that all the basic items are in the books. All you have to do is to study them thoroughly. In particular, you must spend time and energy to get into The Knowledge of Life and The Experience of Life…I hope that you will all be able to have a solid pursuit and progress in life. (Collected Works of Witness Lee, 1985, vol. 5, “Vessels Useful to the Lord,” ch. 3)
More details via Beseeching.org, day 414.