Those therefore who were scattered went throughout the land announcing the word as the gospel. Acts 8:4
Dear saints, let us pray for the saints would realize that their sowing the gospel seed is their sowing of God’s word that conveys God’s life into people’s spirit for their regeneration (Mark 4:14, 20, 33; Acts 8:4; James 1:21 and note 21-1; 1 Pet. 1:23 and note 23-2).
A seed is a container of life. The word of God, as the incorruptible seed, contains God’s life. Hence, it is living and abiding. Through this word, we were regenerated. It is God’s living and abiding word of life that conveys God’s life into our spirit for our regeneration. 1 Pet. 1:23 – note 2 on the word, seed, Recovery Version Bible
In Mark 4 we have the seed of the gospel, or the gospel as a seed. According to 4:3, as the Lord was teaching He was sowing. This sowing was the Slave-Savior’s preaching of the gospel of God that brought in the kingdom of God (1:14-15). It was, as in 4:26, the sowing of this seed of life in the word spoken by the Slave-Savior. This indicates that His gospel service was to sow the divine life into the people whom He served. The growth of this life depends upon the condition of the ones served by Him, with its issue differing according to their various conditions, as portrayed in the parable of the sower (4:1-20). (Life-study of Mark, msg. 14, by Witness Lee)
More details via Beseeching.org, day 367.