But rise up and stand on your feet; for I have appeared to you for this purpose, to appoint you as a minister and a witness both of the things in which you have seen Me and of the things in which I will appear to you…Acts 26:16
Dear saints, let us pray that the saints would proclaim the glad tidings of the jubilee of grace, ministering Christ as the jubilee to people that they might be returned to Him as their lost possession, enjoy freedom from the bondage of sin, and be returned to the church as their divine family (Lev. 25:9-10; Luke 4:17-21; Acts 26:16, 18).
[T]here are two Hebrew words that are translated jubilee. The first of these words bears the denotation of a time of shouting; the second bears the denotation of trumpeting. This kind of trumpeting is actually a shouting. Jubilee is a matter of joy becoming a shout. The jubilee, therefore, was a time of excitement. Many of us experienced such joy and excitement when we got saved. We were happy and full of rejoicing. Our salvation was a real jubilee.
The preaching of the gospel is simply the proclamation of the jubilee. We need to go forth and sound the trumpet so that the people may shout. Today most people are silent. But if we proclaim the jubilee, sounding the trumpet, they will begin to shout. They will learn to say, “Amen! Hallelujah! Praise the Lord!”…
“Each of you shall return to his possession, and each of you shall return to his family” ([Lev. 25:]10b)…This signifies that in the New Testament jubilee the believers have returned to their lost divine possession and to their divine family. (Life-study of Leviticus, msg. 56, pp. 504-505, by Witness Lee)
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