And having shod your feet with the firm foundation of the gospel of peace. Eph. 6:15
Dear saints, let us pray that the saints would see the urgent need to preach the gospel of peace, the glad tidings that Christ is our peace, our peace offering, and the Peacemaker, the One who broke down the middle wall of partition, the enmity, abolishing in His flesh the law of the commandments in ordinances, that He might create believers of all races, colors, and nationalities in Himself into one new man (Eph. 2:13-17; 6:15; Rev. 6:2 and note 2-3).
In Ephesians 2:14 and 15 we see that Christ died as the Peacemaker, as the One who makes peace…Here we see that Christ died on the cross to abolish all the ordinances among mankind. In particular, He died to take away the partition between the Jews and the Gentiles. Not only was there a partition between Jews and Gentiles; there were also partitions between every nationality and race. Without the removal of these partitions, there would be no way for us to be one in the Lord Jesus as His Body. Praise the Lord that all the ordinances were abolished by the Man-Savior on the cross! Now in the church life we have people of all races, colors, and nationalities. (Life-study of Luke, msg. 53, p. 461, by Witness Lee)
According to [Ephesians 2:17], Christ did not mainly preach forgiveness or salvation. Rather, He preached the gospel concerning peace among the peoples. Have you ever realized that such a peace is related to the gospel? The gospel of peace involves not only the peace between man and God, but especially the peace between one man and another. For example, there is a need for peace between Germans and French, and between Chinese and Japanese. Just as there was enmity between the Jews and the Gentiles at the time of Paul, so there is enmity among peoples today. Among the different nations there is no real peace. Instead there is enmity. Hence, there is an urgent need not only for the preaching of the gospel concerning forgiveness, justification, salvation, grace, and regeneration, but also for the preaching of the gospel of peace. (Life-study of Ephesians, msg. 86, p. 720, by Witness Lee)
More details via Beseeching.org, day 357.