Recently, I was enjoying these verses in 1 Thes. 5:9-10 with the Lord, concerning contacting Him:
For God did not appoint us to wrath but to the obtaining of salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ,
Who died for us in order that whether we watch or sleep, we may live together with Him.
We human beings are not appointed to wrath or destruction (as some people say), but rather – for obtaining salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ and for living together with the Lord!
Our destiny is to be forever with God, in God, and one with God! Before we were saved, we could do so many things in ourselves, by ourselves, and for ourselves, but now since we have the divine life in us, we are learning to live by the divine life in our spirit. No longer we alone that live, but Christ together lives in us and with us – we just give Him our cooperation.
In small things and in big things, we are learning to turn to the Lord and contacting Him moment by moment. Not just for the big decisions, but in everything – we learn to touch Him and enquire of Him, ask Him things, open to Him.
We no longer live our life by ourselves but with the Lord; no longer living in ourselves, but in the Lord; no longer live for ourselves, but we live for the Lord. This is our normal Christian life, a life lived together with the Lord.
This is also the way for us to be prepared for His return – we need to learn to be one with Him in our spirit. When the Lord will return, He will take those who are so precious to Him – by spending more and more time with Him in His presence – that He can’t resist them: He has to take them closer to Himself, to be fully one with Him in His great enterprise and plan (the ending of this age and the bringing in of the kingdom).
If we take this step to continually turn to Christ in our spirit, we will be turned from the earthly and temporary things to Christ, to the heavenly things, to His purpose, to God’s economy. We really see that the Lord’s return is imminent, the signs of His coming are showing more and more, and we need to be prepared for His return.
Actually, we MUST prepare ourselves today – by learning to live together with the Lord, contacting Him in our spirit, to be one with Him. This is the way for us to be transformed in the divine life, and to be conformed to His glorious image.
Furthermore, as we spend time with the Lord, we will also be burdened to be built up in the spirit with the local saints – in the church the Lord has placed us. We are the Lord’s expression on the earth, His reproduction and also His counterpart, His Bride.
How much we love the Lord! How much we need Him every day! How much we love to spend time with Him, to live with Him and unto Him!