Kingdom People have Secret Growth in Life before God and do Righteous Deeds in Secret

But take care not to do your righteousness before men in order to be gazed at by them; otherwise, you have no reward with your Father who is in the heavens. Matt. 6:1

As people of the kingdom of God, we believers in Christ live a hidden life, not performing our righteous deeds before men; rather, we give, we pray, and we fast in secret, having much secret growth in life before the Lord, so that our heavenly Father, who sees in secret, would reward us and be our reward. Amen!

We need to realize that the Christian life is not what others see in the open, outwardly, or things that we do for the Lord before others.

The Christian life is what we live before the Lord in secret, in private, in our personal time with the Lord.

There is an outward manifestation of the inner life, but what matters before God is our time with Him, our secret time with Him in which we seek Him in prayer.

Every believer in Christ needs to set aside time every day to be with the Lord in prayer.

We need to learn from the Lord Jesus, even in the busy schedule that we have today, to seek to spend time alone with the Lord.

The Lord Jesus was very busy, and He did many things; however, even though He was busy and crowds were pressing upon Him, He still took time to be with the Father.

The Lord spent many nights before the Father in prayer to be filled with the Father and become one with the Father in all things.

We may think that, since the Lord Jesus was God, He didn’t need to spend time with the Father, for He was always with the Father in spirit.

This is true, but at the same time, His roots were in the Father, His source was in the Father, and everything He did and said was in oneness with the Father.

He was always in communication with the Father, being one with the Father in all things.

Even after the miracle of feeding the five thousand, He didn’t remain there for a while to praise God for such a miracle; rather, He sent the crowds away, He compelled His disciples to go, and He went to be with the Father in prayer.

Many times He went to a deserted place to pray to the Father in secret.

How about us today? We as believers in Christ are the people of the kingdom of God, and the nature of our relationship with the Lord is secret, personal, private, and spiritual.

We need to set aside time every day to seek the Lord in secret, to open to Him in secret, and to fellowship with Him and pray with Him in secret.

Sometimes we may even have to spend a prolonged time in secret with the Lord, just to open to Him and be infused with Him.

If we want to be healthy Christians and proper believers in Christ, we need to have a hidden life with the Lord, always seeking Him in secret and paying attention to our private, spiritual, and personal contact with Him.

Kingdom People do Righteous Deeds in Secret, before God, not Outwardly before Men

But you, when you give alms, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, So that your alms may be in secret; and your Father who sees in secret will repay you. Matt. 6:3-4

The principle of the kingdom people is that they live a hidden life with God, particularly in Matt. 6, they do not perform their righteous deeds before men.

Our righteousness is not a performance or something we perform before others; rather, our righteous deeds are before the Lord, not before men.

Righteous deeds such as giving alms (Matt. 6:2-4), praying (vv. 5-15), and fasting (vv. 16-18) are not to be performed before men but in secret, before God.

Regarding each of these three illustrations, the Lord Jesus used the word secret (vv. 4, 6, 18); we kingdom people need to have a hidden life with God and do our righteous deeds in secret, not in public before men.

Our Father is in secret, and He sees in secret; we seek Him in secret, we fellowship with Him in secret, and we do our righteous deeds in secret.

The self and the flesh, however, want to show everyone the good deeds we do, and the self loves to show the good things it does.

But we as kingdom people need to do our righteous deeds in secret, before God, not in public or outwardly, before men.

This means that we as kingdom people are children of the heavenly Father, and we must live in and care for the Father’s secret and hidden presence.

When we pray, we should not let others know we pray or do things in such a way that they know we pray and how much we pray.

Rather, we need to enter into our private room, shut the door, and pray to our Father who is in secret; the Father, who sees in secret, will repay us.

Similarly, when we give, we should not let others know how much we give or that we give; rather, we need to give in secret.

We need to give in secret before the Lord, not letting our left hand know what the right hand is doing, that is, not even we ourselves should make a big deal about our giving, for we give to the Lord, in the Lord, and before the Lord.

Similarly, when we fast, we should not do it before men but before God, for our heavenly Father who sees in secret will repay us.

God to us is not just our Creator but even more, our Father; as our Father, His nature is in secret, He hides Himself, and He wants us to have a hidden life with Him.

We are not only created beings; we have the divine life, the uncreated spiritual life of God.

When we live by the divine life in our spirit, we will not do things before men to be seen by men and praised by Him; rather, we will do things in secret for our Father to see and be happy with us.

So that your alms may be in secret; and your Father who sees in secret will repay you. Matt. 6:4 But you, when you pray, enter into your private room, and shut your door and pray to your Father who is in secret; and your Father who sees in secret will repay you. Matt. 6:6 So that you may not appear to men to be fasting, but to your Father who is in secret; and your Father who sees in secret will repay you. Matt. 6:18The new law of the kingdom of the heavens was decreed by the King on the mountain in Matt. 5-7; we keep this law not by our fallen human life but by the Father’s eternal, divine life, not to gain man’s glory but to receive the Father’s reward.

One outstanding thing about our life with the Lord and before the Lord is doing things in secret, before God, and not publicly before men to be seen or praised by them.

As kingdom people who live in an emptied and humbled spirit and walk in a pure and single heart, we live under the heavenly ruling of the kingdom of God today (Matt. 5:3, 8).

As such people, we are not allowed to do anything in the flesh for the praise of others but rather, do all things in the spirit for the pleasing of our heavenly Father. Amen!

The Lord is in us as life, and we live by His divine life in us; such a life is in secret, for it is a hidden life.

The Lord rules by His anointing to do things or not do things, and all things we do are before the Lord, not outwardly before men.

We need to pay attention to the inner anointing and follow the Lord’s leading day by day, and we need to make sure we do not perform our righteous deeds before men but rather, do things before God in secret, seeking Him and desiring to please Him in secret.

This does not come naturally, so we need much prayer before Him, opening to Him and telling Him,

Lord Jesus, we want to live as kingdom people today. May we live a hidden life, not performing our righteous deeds before men but doing things in secret before God to please Him. Amen, Lord, we want to live by the divine life in our spirit, the uncreated, spiritual divine life of our heavenly Father! Hallelujah, our Father sees in secret and He wants us to seek Him in secret, do things before Him in secret, and enjoy Him in secret! Amen, Lord, may we as children of the heavenly Father live and care for the Father’s secret and hidden presence! May we live in an emptied and humbled spirit today, walking in a pure and single heart under the heavenly ruling of the kingdom. We love You, Lord, and we want to live a hidden life before You. We do not want to do anything in the flesh for the praise of man but in the spirit for the pleasing of our heavenly Father! Amen, Father, we love You and we seek You! We want to live before You and do all things for Your satisfaction!

Having Secret Growth in Life Before God Deals with the Self and the Flesh

Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of the heavens...Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. Matt. 5:3, 8

Even though the Lord Jesus said that those who do things before the Father in secret will be rewarded by Him in secret (Matt. 6:1, 5), what is important here is not the reward but the growth in life.

Every believer in Christ needs to have a secret growth in life before God, and this is done by living a hidden life before God and doing things in secret before God, not outwardly to be gazed at or praised by man.

The saints who grow openly don’t grow in a healthy way; those who have a secret life with God and grow before God, having secret growth in life before God, are healthy in their growth.

When we pray, we need to pray before the Lord and in Him in secret, not before others for them to see us.

Although the Lord spoke about the matter of reward (vv. 1, 5), the important thing here is not the reward but the growth in life. The saints who grow openly do not grow in a healthy way. We all need some secret growth in life, some secret experiences of Christ. We need to pray to the Lord, worship the Lord, contact the Lord, and fellowship with the Lord in a secret way. Perhaps not even the one closest to us will know or understand what we are doing. We need these secret experiences of the Lord because such experiences kill our self and our flesh. Life-study of Matthew, p. 244, by Witness LeeWhen we worship the Lord, this needs to be in secret, just between us and Him, not for others to see.

Similarly, when we contact the Lord and fellowship with Him, we need to do all these in secret, in a hidden way.

Not even the ones close to us need to know we are doing it, that is, we shouldn’t let them know for them to praise us. Oh, Lord Jesus!

In ourselves, in the self, we want others to know when we do something good.

The self wants to be appreciated and praised. But as kingdom people, we need to do our righteous deeds in secret; when we do this, the flesh and the self are killed.

If people today in society and even in degraded Christendom are not allowed to make a show of their good deeds, they will not do them!

This is because the self loves to be glorified, and the flesh loves to be gazed upon.

We all have the self and the flesh, and when we do something good, the self wants to be appreciated and praised.

In society today some people give large amounts of money to help with this or that, and they love for everyone to know they are doing this.

The ones who give more may even want to have their name inscribed on a plaque or printed somewhere.

Some may not even give money or help unless they are appreciated. Oh, Lord Jesus!

We as kingdom people living in this corrupt world and in the midst of the degraded Christendom need to live by the hidden life of our heavenly Father and do things in secret.

We need to have secret growth in life before God, not before men.

We need to have some secret experiences of Christ and some secret growth in life before God.

This means that we need to pray to the Lord, worship the Lord, contact the Lord, and fellowship with the Lord in a secret way.

This kills the self and the flesh, and we grow in life in a genuine way, secretly, before God.

If we live in the flesh, we won’t grow in life.

Though we may not sin that much, we still have the self and the flesh, which are the greatest hindrances to our growth in life.

How can we grow in life if the self is there, being expressed and manifested? How can we grow in the divine life when we live in the flesh and are natural?

May we have secret experiences of the Lord and therefore have the self and the flesh killed.

May we see that the greatest frustration to the Lord’s growing in us is the self and the flesh, and may we spend much time secretly with the Lord.

We all have the self, and the self wants to be praised and appreciated.

If we look around us, we may see that even in Christianity or in the church life there are some who do things in the church and love to be appreciated. Oh, Lord Jesus!

Now He who bountifully supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will supply and multiply your seed and cause the fruits of your righteousness to increase. You in everything are being enriched unto all liberality, which works out through us thanksgiving to God. 2 Cor. 9:10-11 And you will be blessed, because they do not have [anything with which] to repay you; for it will be repaid to you in the resurrection of the righteous. Luke 14:14We may be so full of the self and the flesh that we are eager to do things for the Lord and in the church, for we love to be gazed at by others or appreciated by them.

May we let the Lord expose the self and terminate it by spending secret time with Him to have secret growth in life before God.

Our reward is the Lord Himself. He may reward us in this wage (2 Cor. 9:10-11) or in the coming age (Luke 14:14), but what we want is to gain more of God for Him to be satisfied, not for us to gain any praise or appreciation. Oh, Lord Jesus!

May we be recovered back to having a secret life with our Father, having secret growth before God and not doing things before men in order to be gazed at by them.

Our anger and our lust are ugly, but what frustrates us the most from growing in life is the self.

The self enjoys and wants to do things before men in a public way.

May we live according to the hidden, spiritual, divine nature of our Father to do our righteous deeds before Him, not before others.

Lord Jesus, we love You and we want to grow in You. We want to live by the divine life in our spirit and not do things merely outwardly for others to see us. Amen, Lord Jesus, have Your way to expose the self and the flesh in the desire to do things publicly for others to see. May we do our righteous deeds in secret so that the self and the flesh are killed. May we do all things before the Lord and in the Lord, desiring only to please the Lord and not to gain any appreciation or praise from others. Have Your way in us. May we have secret growth in life before God and in the Lord. Amen, Lord Jesus, grow in us. We want to pray to You, worship You, contact You, and fellowship with You in a secret way. May we be those who grow not only openly but even more, have secret growth in life with God! Grant us some secret experiences of Christ today. We just open to You. We live to You. We want to live one spirit with You so that the heavenly Father would be pleased!

References and Hymns on this Topic
About aGodMan

A God-man is a normal believer in Christ; the author of this article is one who is learning to be a normal Christian, a daily enjoyer of Christ, a living and functioning member in the Body of Christ. Amen, Lord, make us such ones for the building up of the Body of Christ!

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brother L.
brother L.
2 months ago

Although the Lord spoke about the matter of reward (vv. 1, 5), the important thing here is not the reward but the growth in life. The saints who grow openly do not grow in a healthy way. We all need some secret growth in life, some secret experiences of Christ. We need to pray to the Lord, worship the Lord, contact the Lord, and fellowship with the Lord in a secret way. Perhaps not even the one closest to us will know or understand what we are doing. We need these secret experiences of the Lord because such experiences kill our self and our flesh. Although anger and lust are ugly, the thing that most frustrates us from growing in life is the self. The self is most visible in the fact that it enjoys doing things in a public way, in the presence of man. The self likes to do righteous deeds before man. We all must admit that, without exception, we have such a self. Those who always want to do things in such a way as to make a public show are full of self, full of the flesh. The self loves to be glorified, and the flesh loves to be gazed upon…Whenever we come to this portion of the Word, we must realize that it exposes our self and our flesh.

Life-study of Matthew, pp. 242-244, by Witness Lee

Stefan M.
Stefan M.
2 months ago

As kingdom people, we need to live before the Lord and do righteous things in secret before Him, not before others for them to see us.

We need to have secret growth before God by praying, contacting the Lord, and having fellowship with Him in secret, not openly for others to see.

This kills the flesh and the self, who like to be seen.

Oh Lord Jesus. May we live before You and do our righteous things in secret, one with You and for You, not for others to see. We want to live by the divine life in our spirit doing things for our Father to be pleased!

Alan B.
Alan B.
2 months ago

Amen! Thank you, Lord we can have secret time with you.

Man’s flesh is always seeking to glorify itself and gain praise from man.

But even if we are doing good deeds this may not be pleasing to the Father if it is for ourselves.

That is why we must walk according to our spirit and spend secret time with the Lord in order to kill the self and the flesh.

O Lord may we abide in our Spirit today. We no longer want to live for ourselves but for you.

Seni A.
Seni A.
2 months ago

Man’s flesh is always seeking to glorify itself to gain man’s praise but we the kingdom people operate in secret and private to please the Heavenly Father.

Self frustrates our growth, we must be so hidden that our left hand doesn’t know what the right is doing.

Lord, we want to remain in the spirit to please You instead of ourselves!

Richard C.
Richard C.
2 months ago

Living a hidden life in the Kingdom life includes our righteous deeds such as giving, praying and fasting, not to be seen by men but to do so in the presence of our heavenly Father secretly.

Our living and growth in life need to be in secret to give no room for our fallen self which seeks the glory of men, but of an emptied and humbled spirit being pure and single in heart.

Lord, purify us from any seeking after the glory of men that we would have such a hidden life before our Father!

Christian A.
Christian A.
2 months ago

We are filled with the self and the flesh.

The thing that most frustrates our growth in life is the self. The self loves to be glorified and the flesh loves to be gazed upon.

How to be delivered from our ugly self & flesh? The solution is to do our righteousness in secret as much as possible.

Our secret experiences with God will kill our self & flesh.

We need to care for the Father’s presence and for the growth in life more than people’s approval.

Hallelujah for our secret life before God.

Moh S.
Moh S.
2 months ago

The Kingdom people have the uncreated, spiritual divine life in addition to the created, natural human life through regeneration and through being born of God as our heavenly Father.

As such we should live under the heavenly ruling, doing nothing in the flesh or the self to gain the praise of men, but receiving the Father’s reward by living in the presence of the Father and caring for the Father’s presence!

Oh, this kills the self and the flesh and causes us to grow in life in a healthy way!

Heavenly Father we love You and praise You for giving us Your life and nature, Lord Jesus cause the growth today for the sake of the Kingdom!!

RcV Bible
RcV Bible
2 months ago

Man’s flesh, seeking to glorify itself, always wants to do good deeds before men in order to gain men’s praise. But the kingdom people, who live in an emptied and humbled spirit and walk in a pure and single heart under the heavenly ruling of the kingdom, are not allowed to do anything in the flesh to gain the praise of men, but must do all things in the spirit to please their heavenly Father. Matt. 6:1 footnote 3 on “before.”

To the kingdom people God is not only their God but also their Father; they are not only created by God but also regenerated by the Father. They have not only the created, natural human life but also the uncreated, spiritual divine life. Hence, the new law of the kingdom, decreed by the King on the mountain, is given to them with the intention that they should keep it not by their fallen human life but by the Father’s eternal, divine life, not to gain man’s glory but to receive the Father’s reward. Matt. 6:1 footnote 4 on “Father.”

The kingdom people live by the Father’s divine life and walk according to their spirit. Thus, they are required to do good things in secret, not in public. Public exhibition does not correspond with the mysterious, hidden nature of the divine life. Matt. 6:4 footnote 1 on “secret.”

The kingdom people, as children of the heavenly Father, must live in the presence of the Father and care for the Father’s presence. Whatever they do in secret for the Father’s kingdom is seen in secret by the Father, and He will repay them. Their heavenly Father’s seeing in secret must be an incentive to doing their righteous deeds in secret. So in vv. 6, 18. Matt. 6:4 footnote 2 on, “sees in secret.”

Footnotes from, the Holy Bible, Recovery Version

agodman audio
agodman audio
2 months ago
brother N.
brother N.
2 months ago

Verses 2-4: This is concerning alms. “Sound a trumpet” in verse 2 is probably an idiomatic expression. “Do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing.” Of course, this cannot be interpreted literally. What it means is that we should try our best to avoid giving alms before men, even to the extent that seemingly our left hand does not know what our right hand is doing. “Repay” may also be rendered “reward.” All our righteous deeds before God should be done only before God (in secret).

“Your Father who sees in secret will repay you.” It is human nature to call people’s attention to one’s good points. But God sees in secret; He cannot even forget a cup of water (Matt. 10:42). The good points that we remember today may not be counted by God in the future. What we have forgotten today may be remembered by God in the future. The Greek word for repay means “reward.” This does not refer to what is commonly called “answers to prayer.” Rather, it points to the reward in the future. God cannot answer prayers that are not according to His will and therefore do not deserve His answer. However, God considers all our prayers in secret as righteous deeds and will reward us in the future.

There are two different times for reward: (1) today and (2) in the future. There are two kinds of reward: (1) reward from men and (2) reward from God. We cannot have both kinds of reward. If we want to receive reward from men, we will not be able to receive reward from God in the future. We cannot enjoy a big name in the world and also have a position in the kingdom. Today there are some zealous ones who give alms in order to gain glory and praise. Thus, they will not be able to receive reward from God. Therefore, we should refuse the present reward. People in the world are willing to be zealous and to suffer because they want to gain something today. If we are not careful, we may have the same inclination in our giving of alms and praying. What can we gain from the praise of men? If our eyes are open, we will seek only the glory before God and before His angels. All other things do not count.

Collected Works of Watchman Nee, The (Set 1) Vol. 15: Study on Matthew (W. Nee)

Clive B.
Clive B.
2 months ago

Aamen! May we live in the newness of life and care for the Father’s secret hidden presence and walk in a pure and single heart under the heavenly ruling of the kingdom.

Mario V.
Mario V.
2 months ago


The kingdom people, who live in an emptied and humbled spirit and walk in a pure and single heart under the heavenly ruling of the kingdom, are not allowed to do anything in the flesh to gain the praise of men, but must do all things in the spirit to please their heavenly Father.

As those who have been regenerated by the Father, we have the uncreated, spiritual divine life. Only by the Father’s eternal, divine life that we share our Father’s temperament, the One who hides Himself. Otherwise in the flesh we will always lust for man’s glory and the self we will desire the praise from men.

May we live by the Father’s divine life and walk according to our spirit. May we correspond with the mysterious, hidden nature of the divine life. As children of the heavenly Father, may we live in the presence of the Father and care for the Father’s presence. Amen