Kingdom People Enjoy Christ as our Physician, Shepherd, and the Lord of the Harvest

Now when He heard this, He said, Those who are strong have no need of a physician, but those who are ill. Matt. 9:12

In His kingly ministry for the establishing of His heavenly kingdom in the stage of His incarnation, the Lord Jesus considered Himself a Physician, a Shepherd, and the Lord of the harvest; today we can enjoy and experience Christ as our Physician, our Shepherd, and the Lord of the harvest.

What a wonderful Christ we have!

He came to bring in the kingdom of God, the kingdom of the heavens; we can enter into this kingdom and see this kingdom by regeneration, and we can live in this kingdom by living in the mingled spirit, for this kingdom is in our spirit.

The kingdom of God is like no other kingdom, for the Lord Jesus gave many parables to illustrate what kind of kingdom it is.

In both Mark and Matthew, the Lord Jesus said that the kingdom is like a Sower sowing the seed, and the seed grows and develops; this is how the kingdom is today.

What does this mean? This means that, in the aspect of life, the kingdom of God is the Lord Jesus as the Sower coming to sow Himself as the seed through His word to grow in us into a realm, the kingdom of God, where God can rule and reign.

What a wonderful view of the kingdom in its organic aspect!

If we see that the kingdom is the seed of the kingdom being sown to grow in us and bear fruit, even become a rich harvest, we will realize that the entire New Testament talks about this.

The intrinsic element of the entire teaching of the New Testament is that the Triune God has been incarnated in order to be sown into us, His chosen and redeemed people, so that He may grow and develop within us into a kingdom. Hallelujah!

Today we as believers in Christ have the seed of the kingdom in us, and we need to cooperate with the Lord Jesus to let Him grow in us so that He may develop and mature in us to become the kingdom of God.

When we say, Lord Jesus, grow in us! we actually cooperate with the Lord so that He may grow in our being.

When we deal with the hidden sins, worldly pleasures, and anxieties of life, and we turn our heart to the Lord, we deal with the soil of our heart so that the Lord as the seed of the kingdom may grow in us and develop in us into a kingdom for the Lord to rule and reign. Hallelujah!

May we be those who today cooperate with the Lord by living in the reality of the kingdom so that, at His return, He may reward us with the manifestation of the kingdom and give us to be co-kings with Him in the millennium! Amen!

Christ is our Physician, our Shepherd, and the Lord of the Harvest to Establish His Kingdom

The Lord Jesus is the Triune God in humanity, God incarnated to be a man to be the heavenly King of the kingdom of the heavens.

When He ministered on the earth, He had a kingly ministry for the establishment of His heavenly kingdom.

In the stage of His incarnation, that is, from His incarnation to His death, Christ ministered in His kingly ministry for the establishment of His heavenly kingdom.

How did He minister? He did not come as a Judge, even though He could judge those around Him, neither did He come as an unapproachable king whom others could not reach to or speak to.

Rather, He considered Himself a Physician, a Shepherd, and the Lord of the harvest.

He is so wonderful, and each of these aspects relates to us, to our needs, and to His work in us and for us to become the citizens of His heavenly kingdom.

Christ came as our Physician to Heal, Recover, Enliven, and Save us to make us His Kingdom People

And when the Pharisees saw [it,] they said to His disciples, Why does your Teacher eat with the tax collectors and sinners? Now when He heard [this,] He said, Those who are strong have no need of a physician, but those who are ill. But go and learn what [this] means, "I desire mercy and not sacrifice," for I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners. Matt. 9:11-13 The Lord Jesus came not as a Judge but as a Physician. He came to minister as our Physician so that He may heal us, recover us, enliven us, and save us for us to be reconstituted to be His new and heavenly citizens (Matt. 9:11-13).

The Pharisees thought they were not ill but rather, they were self-righteous, thinking they needed better teachings; however, the Lord said that He came as a Physician for those who are ill.

Those who are ill are in need of a physician.

The Lord came as a healer, a physician; He came to call people to follow Him for His heavenly kingdom, but He realized that those around Him were ill.

So He did not judge them according to righteousness but rather, He came as our Physician according to mercy and grace.

If we read the Gospel of Matthew we will realize that the people whom He made His heavenly kingdom were lepers (Matt. 8:2-4), paralytics (vv. 5-13; 9:2-8), the fever-ridden (8:14-15), the demon-possessed (vv. 16, 28-32), those ill with all kinds of diseases (v. 16), despised tax collectors, and sinners (9:9-11).

This is how we all were, and even after being saved by the Lord, we still are ill, in need of the Lord as our Physician.

He visits us not as a Judge but as our Physician; if He would visit us as a Judge, we would all be judged and condemned, but He comes to us as our Healer and our Physician.

He comes to heal us, enliven us, and take care of us so that we may be His kingdom people.

If He would come as a judge, none of us could be qualified, selected, and called to be the people of His heavenly kingdom.

But thank the Lord that He came to minister as our Physician so that He may heal us, recover us, enliven us, and save us so that we may be reconstituted to be His new and heavenly citizens.

We all are sick. We all are ill. We need the Lord as our Physician.

...If He had visited these pitiful people as a Judge, all would have been condemned and rejected, and none would have been qualified, selected, and called to be the people of His heavenly kingdom. However, He came to minister as a Physician, to heal, recover, enliven, and save them that they might be reconstituted to be His new and heavenly citizens, with whom He could establish His heavenly kingdom on this corrupted earth. Matt. 9:12 part of footnote 1 on, physician, Recovery Version Bible We are not strong nor are we whole or fully healthy; we need the Lord Jesus.

May we be under the Lord’s shining to realize that, as our Physician, He is restoring us, healing us, and making us well so that we may be His kingdom people.

May the Lord remove any self-righteousness and self-justification from us under His shining light so that we may come to Him as we are, with our sicknesses and illnesses for Him to heal, enliven, and restore us.

Even after being saved by the Lord, after receiving His divine life into our spirit, our soul still has so many problems, so many ailments, and so many diseases; we need the Lord as our Physician, and we need to come to Him again and again for healing and enlivening.

Sometimes when we’re on the way to the meeting we realize that we are like a paralytic, unable to walk and so weak that we need others to bear us in love.

Sometimes at the end of the day, we feel we have a disease, a sickness, something that just makes us unable to grow in life, touch the Lord, and minister life to others.

So we need to come to the Lord as our Physician to let Him heal us and enliven us.

Lord Jesus, thank You for coming as our Physician. We are so ill, so sick, and so full of diseases. We come to You as we are and we take You as our Physician. We need You, dear Lord! We need Your healing and recovering. We need You to enliven us and save us. Reconstitute us, dear Lord, so that we may be Your new and heavenly citizens. Thank You for coming to us as our Physician to heal, recover, enliven, and save us. We love You, Lord. We open to You. We need You. We are the sick ones who need Your healing. Thank You for not coming to us as a Judge to condemn and reject us. How we love You as our Physician who recovers our health, enlivens us, and heals us of our sicknesses. Amen, Lord, we just come to You as we are to enjoy and experience You as our Healer, our Physician! Make us Your kingdom people with whom You can establish Your heavenly kingdom on this corrupted earth!

Christ came as our Shepherd to Care for us full of Compassion and Love

I am the good Shepherd; the good Shepherd lays down His life for the sheep...I am the good Shepherd, and I know My own, and My own know Me. John 10:11, 14

Matt. 9:35-36 tells us that the Lord as the heavenly King of the kingdom of the heavens went about all the cities and the villages, teaching in the synagogues and preaching the gospel of the kingdom and healing every disease and every sickness.

As He did this, He saw the crowds, and He was moved with compassion for them, because they were harassed and cast away like sheep not having a shepherd.

The Lord Jesus as the heavenly King came to establish His kingdom on earth, and when He saw the people of Israel, He was moved with compassion for them, for He realized that they are like sheep without a shepherd.

They were being harassed, as the sheep were skinned by a cruel shepherd and thus suffering pain.

They were cast away, being abandoned by a wicked shepherd and falling into a distressed condition in which they were homeless, wandering from place to place, and helpless.

This is how we all were: we were all like sheep without a shepherd.

Those put over us to shepherd us rather beat us, scatter us, and skin us.

Actually, even in Christianity today, in many so-called churches and denominations, the leading ones do not shepherd their sheep but rather, they harass them, cast them away, and skin them. Oh, Lord!

The pitiful Israelites were afflicted and in anguish under the hands of the chief priests and scribes, the evil shepherds.

But praise the Lord, He came not only as our Physician to heal us and enliven us but even more, He came to us as our Shepherd.

He is the good Shepherd (John 10:11); He is the Shepherd of His sheep.

When He came to the Jews the first time, they were like lepers, paralytics, demon-possessed, and all manner of pitiful persons because they had no shepherd to care for them.

And Jesus went about all the cities and the villages, teaching in their synagogues and preaching the gospel of the kingdom and healing every disease and every sickness. And seeing the crowds, He was moved with compassion for them, because they were harassed and cast away like sheep not having a shepherd. Matt. 9:35-36 We were like this also, not only dead in sins and offenses but even worse, we were contagious and incurable, in a pitiful situation and condition, possessed by demons who took advantage of us, and in dire need of shepherding. Oh, Lord!

Thank the Lord for coming to us as our Shepherd to care for us, minister to us, and be moved with compassion over us.

He sees those who are afflicted, in anguish, and in a distressed condition, and He realizes that so many people are homeless, wandering from place to place and helpless.

Thank the Lord for having a heart for all of us, His sheep, and coming to us as our Shepherd to seek us out, put us on His shoulders, bring us back to His flock, and shepherd us.

He is the Good Shepherd, and He cares for us in a tender, loving, and compassionate way.

He leads us to the waters of rest. He guides us and restores our soul.

Even today, as His sheep in His flock, we still need His shepherding; His shepherding is not only initially but continually, all the way and all throughout our Christian life.

It was prophesied in Isa. 53:6 and 40:11 that He is the Shepherd of His people, and He came as our Shepherd to care for us in love.

The result is that we become His kingdom people for His heavenly kingdom on earth. Praise the Lord, our good Shepherd!

Lord Jesus, thank You for coming to us as our Shepherd. Thank You for being moved with compassion for us, seeing that we were harassed and cast away like sheep not having a shepherd. Oh Lord, we love You as our Shepherd! Thank You for coming to us in our low and pitiful condition to care for us and shepherd us in love. Oh Lord, we need Your shepherding! We are like sheep that are cast away and harassed; our soul is restless and in need of care and water! We come to You, Lord Jesus, for You are our Good Shepherd. You are the Shepherd of our soul. We open to Your shepherding today. We need You as our Shepherd. Shepherd us all the days of our life. Make us the heavenly citizens of Your kingdom on earth. Amen, Lord, we just open to You to enjoy Your shepherding today!

Christ is the Lord of the Harvest, and we Beseech Him to Thrust out Workers into His Harvest

Then He said to His disciples, The harvest is great, but the workers few; Therefore beseech the Lord of the harvest that He would thrust out workers into His harvest. Matt. 9:37-38 On one hand, Christ as the heavenly King came to us as our Physician and as our Shepherd; on the other hand, He came also as the Lord of the Harvest (Matt. 9:37-38).

The harvest is great, but the workers are few. The Lord as the king of the heavenly kingdom considers His people, the citizens of the kingdom of God, in the way of life.

On the one hand, we are sheep in need of a Shepherd and on the other hand, we are sick people in need of a Physician.

Christ is our Physician and our Shepherd. Also, Christ is the Lord of the harvest, and we are His crop, also something of life.

We are living wheat, for Christ as the seed of the kingdom came into us and was sown in us to grow and develop in us.

Even though many reject the Lord, some people still receive Him and are part of the crop that needs to be reaped.

There are many today who need the Lord’s reaping, but who will go to reap them and bring them into the kingdom of God?

The King of the heavenly kingdom considered Himself not only the Shepherd of the sheep but also the Lord of the harvest, the One who owns the crop (see 1 Cor. 3:6-9).

Because the harvest is great but the workers are few, we must beseech the Lord of the harvest so that He would thrust out workers into His harvest. Amen!

Today the harvest is white, and we need to ask the Lord of the harvest to thrust out workers to reap the harvest!

We need to pray for many who would go out one with the Lord, being equipped by Him, to reap the harvest and bring many into the Lord’s barn, the kingdom of God.

We believers in Christ are those who have been reaped by the Lord through many who went out to do the reaping work, and today we pray to the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His harvest.

Look at today’s world, especially in the Western countries: there are so many who are ready to be reaped.

So we need to pray for the Lord of the harvest to thrust many workers out to reap the harvest!

May we beseech the Lord of the harvest to thrust out workers, even to thrust us out, into His harvest.

God in His economy has a plan to accomplish, and He needs His people to beseech Him. Amen!

He wants to do many things; He wants to save many people and bring them into His kingdom, but there’s the need for us to beseech Him to do it, even to thrust out many into His harvest.

As we beseech the Lord of the harvest, He will answer our prayer and will accomplish what we have prayed concerning His plan.

Especially in Europe, we need to pray that the Lord of the harvest would thrust out some, even many, to reap the harvest.

In this land of the Antichrist, where that evil person will rise up before the Lord’s return, we need to beseech the Lord of the harvest to thrust out many workers into His harvest so that the sickle would go forth and reap the harvest.

May many believers in Christ be fully equipped and loaded with the riches of Christ to come to the dark continent of Europe and pour themselves out for many years so that many would be reaped and brought into the kingdom of God to become the kingdom people!

Lord Jesus, we beseech You as the Lord of the harvest to thrust out workers into Your harvest! Amen, Lord, especially in Europe, thrust out many workers to reap the harvest and bring many into the kingdom of God! The harvest is great but the workers few: we beseech You, Lord of the harvest, to thrust out many workers into Your harvest! It is Your desire for many to be saved and come to the full knowledge of the truth. We beseech You to prepare and thrust out many workers who would preach the gospel of the kingdom to do a reaping work and bring many into Your kingdom! Oh Lord, the harvest is great but the workers few: thrust us out and thrust many out to reap the harvest! May You gain a rich crop of living beings who are saved, regenerated, and transformed to be the heavenly citizens of the kingdom of God on earth!

References and Hymns on this Topic
  • Inspiration for this article/sharing comes from the Word of God, the enjoyment in the ministry, a sharing by brother Minoru Chen in the message for this week, and portions from, Life-study of Matthew, msgs. 27 and 29, as quoted in the Holy Word for Morning Revival on, Living in the Reality of the Kingdom of God (2024 October ITERO), week 8, Preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom and Discipling the Nations.
  • Similar articles on this topic:
    Christ came to minister as a Physician to heal, recover, enliven, and save us that we might be reconstituted to be His new and heavenly citizens, with whom He could establish His heavenly kingdom on this corrupted earth. More via, Living to Him facebook page.
    The pathway to glory (1), a portion from, Life-Study of Matthew, Chapter 42.
    Psalms (Program #14) – Christ as the Shepherd in His Resurrection and Christ as the King in God’s Kingdom, via, Bible study radio.
    The real life being Christ, the Son of God, a portion from, Basic Principles of the Experience of Life, Chapter 1, by Witness Lee.
    The Good News of the Riches of Christ, via, New Jerusalem blog.
    A physician, not a judge, article via, Conversant Faith.
    The Lord Jesus Is Our Shepherd, via, Bibles for America blog.
    Medicine, a portion from, Life Messages, Vol. 1 (#1-41), Chapter 10, by Witness Lee.
    Christ Our Physician, Bridegroom, New Wine, and Shepherd, via, Holding to Truth in Love.
    Psalm 23 – Christ in His shepherding, a portion from, Christ and the Church Revealed and Typified in the Psalms, Chapter 5, by Witness Lee.
  • Hymns on this topic:
    – There is a great Physician still / Whose hand has all its ancient skill; / At His command our pains will flee— / “I am the Lord that healeth thee.” (Hymns #753 stanza 4)
    – Thou the Shepherd and Physician, / Thou hast healed our sick condition; / Comfort, guide, protect—Thy mission; / Thou dost care for us. (Hymns #78 stanza 10)
    – The harvest’s ripe! We are preaching the full gospel now! / The fields are white! We are preaching the full gospel now! / For this men search— / Christ and the church! / Let us reap the harvest, preaching the full gospel now! (Hymns #1294 stanza 5)
About aGodMan

A God-man is a normal believer in Christ; the author of this article is one who is learning to be a normal Christian, a daily enjoyer of Christ, a living and functioning member in the Body of Christ. Amen, Lord, make us such ones for the building up of the Body of Christ!

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brother L.
brother L.
1 month ago

The King of the heavenly kingdom considered Himself not only the Shepherd of the sheep but also the Lord of the harvest. His kingdom is established with things of life that can grow and multiply…We are both the flock and the crop. The flock is made up of living animals, and the crop, of living vegetation … Everything under the care of this heavenly King is living. We all need to see a vision of the Lord Jesus as the Lord of the harvest. In verse 38 the Lord told us to beseech the Lord of the harvest that He would thrust out workers into His harvest. First, in His economy God has a plan to accomplish; then there is the need for His people to beseech Him, to pray to Him, concerning it. In answering their prayer, He will accomplish what they have prayed concerning His plan.

Life-study of Matthew, pp. 340-341, by Witness Lee

Stefan M.
Stefan M.
1 month ago

Dear brother, what a Christ we have! In His kingly ministry for the establishing of His heavenly kingdom in the stage of His incarnation, the Lord Jesus considered Himself a Physician, a Shepherd, and the Lord of the harvest.

He did not come as a Judge but as a Physician, and we are those who are ill, in need of healing.

He came as our Shepherd to care for us as His sheep, and He is the Lord of the harvest and we’re the living crop.

Oh Lord, we love You as our Physician, our Shepherd, and the Lord of the harvest! We open to You today!

Phil H.
Phil H.
1 month ago

Amen, lord, we agree. We take you as our physician, our Shepherd, and our Lord of the harvest.

Seni A.
Seni A.
1 month ago

Amen! Lord Jesus through Your mercy You came as a physician to heal the ill.

Through Your compassion, You came as the shepherd to lead the cast aways and as the owner and all-inclusive one You are the Lord of the harvest.

Thank you Lord Jesus, heal us, lead us and grow in us

Richard C.
Richard C.
1 month ago

Amen. Lord, we are not strong we are ill so we need You as our Physician! Thank You also for being a wonderful Shepherd!

Moh S.
Moh S.
1 month ago


Lord save us from self-righteousness, may we realise You came for the sick ones, the tax collectors and sinners, not as a judge but as a physician, not according to Your righteousness but according to Your mercy and grace, thank You, Lord!

Wow brother it is with sinners the Lord reconstitutes to be His new and heavenly citizens so He can establish His heavenly kingdom on this corrupted earth!!

Lord Jesus Your Kingdom come!

Alan B.
Alan B.
1 month ago

Amen. The Lord did not come as a judge but as our physician and shepherd.

We must realize that we are not strong but rather we are very ill and in need of a physician.

Otherwise, we would be blinded by our own self-righteousness and would not realize that we are ill. We need this realization every day.

O Lord thank you you came as a physician and shepherd. Lord, we need You today to heal us and guide us. O Lord keep our heart turning to You.

A. D.
A. D.
1 month ago

Amen, thank you Lord that you are our physician, shepherd and Lord of the harvest before eventually you become our judge. We appreciate this tender, merciful order.

M. M.
M. M.
1 month ago

Yes, He came to heal us from our sickness of sin, but religious people do not know their sickness because of their self-righteousness. 

Jesus disclosed this based on their silly question: Why are we eating with sinners? His answer was that strong people do not need physicians but the ill.

He is also the good shepherd for His sheep from cruel shepherds. In general, He is our all-inclusive Lord to grow in life so that we can be overcomers.

Christian A.
Christian A.
1 month ago

We all need to see that Jesus is both our shepherd and our physician.

We need Jesus to heal, recover, enliven & save us every day.

Jesus is also the Lord of the harvest, making us both His flock and His crop.

We are living animals and living vegetation.

God has a plan to accomplish His economy.

For this, there’s the need for God’s people to beseech Him to pray to Him, concerning His plan.

The Lord will accomplish what we have prayed.

K. P.
K. P.
1 month ago

Matt. 9:12 ..Those who are strong have no need of a physician, but those who are ill.

Matt. 9:36 And seeing the crowds, He was moved with compassion for them, because they were harassed and cast away like sheep not having a shepherd.

Matt. 9:38 Therefore beseech the Lord of the harvest that He would thrust out workers into His harvest.

Praise the Lord!😃🙌🙋🏼

O Lord thank you for being in your kingdom and growing in us and now we beseech you to send us in the harvest field to gather your harvest!🙏

RcV Bible
RcV Bible
1 month ago

Matt. 9:12 footnote 1 on, physician.

In calling people to follow Him for the kingdom, the King of the heavenly kingdom ministered as a Physician, not as a Judge. A judge’s judgment is according to righteousness, whereas a physician’s healing is according to mercy and grace. Those whom He made people of His heavenly kingdom were lepers (Matt. 8:2-4), paralytics (Matt. 8:5-13; 9:2-8), the fever-ridden (Matt. 8:14-15), the demon possessed (Matt. 8:16, 28-32), those ill with all kinds of diseases (Matt. 8:16), despised tax collectors, and sinners (vv. 9-11). If He had visited these pitiful people as a Judge, all would have been condemned and rejected, and none would have been qualified, selected, and called to be the people of His heavenly kingdom. However, He came to minister as a Physician, to heal, recover, enliven, and save them that they might be reconstituted to be His new and heavenly citizens, with whom He could establish His heavenly kingdom on this corrupted earth.

Matt. 9:12 footnote 2 on, ill

The Lord’s word here implies that the self-righteous Pharisees did not realize that they needed Him as a Physician. They considered themselves strong; hence, blinded by their self-righteousness, they did not know that they were ill.

Footnotes from: Holy Bible, Recovery Version

C. S.
C. S.
1 month ago

Thank You Lord for coming to us, not as a Judge, but as the Great Physician, to heal us and save us

Rejoice together
Rejoice together
1 month ago

Right after the Lord said, “Behold, I tell you, lift up your eyes and look on the fields, for they are already white for harvest” in John 4, He continued, “For in this the saying is true: One sows and another reaps. I sent you to reap that for which you have not labored; others have labored, and you have entered into their labor.”

This is exactly what is happening today. Many faithful Christians who do not see the matter of the kingdom have spent a great deal of time and effort preaching the gospel of the church age—the word of the beginning of Christ—so that, later, those who are prepared to preach the gospel of the kingdom may enter into their labor.

Personally, I do not feel a strong burden to preach the gospel at this point. I sought the Lord regarding this, and this was how He answered me. That being said, I deeply appreciate those who have labored to preach the word of the beginning of Christ. A group of saints came to my place every week for half a year before I finally agreed to attend their meetings, and just a few weeks later, I left for the Lord’s Recovery. That is simply the way God works. Some are called to serve in the outer court, while others serve in the Holy of Holies.