The Key to being an Overcomer is the Law of the Spirit of Life seen in Romans 8

For the law of the Spirit of life has freed me in Christ Jesus from the law of sin and of death. Rom. 8:2

The key to being an overcomer is the law of the Spirit of life in Rom. 8, a chapter for desperate seekers; when we enjoy the law of the Spirit of life, we’re ushered into the reality of the Body of Christ, for this law operates within us as we live in the Body and for the Body. Hallelujah!

This week we come to a new topic in our morning revival in the series, The Divine Dispensing of the Divine Trinity for the Divine Economy.

The topic for this week is Living in the Divine Dispensing of the Divine Trinity by the Law of the Spirit of Life in Romans 8.

May we have the Lord’s grace and mercy to be poor in spirit and emptied, unloaded, and open vessels to the Lord to receive something from the Lord’s heart regarding our needs.

We may be familiar with the matter of the divine dispensing of the Divine Trinity, but there is a burden in the Lord’s heart concerning this matter, and we need to be brought into His heart and burden.

According to the entire revelation of the sixty-six books of the Bible, the Divine Trinity is for God’s dispensing.

The Father, the Son, and the Spirit are for the distribution of God into His chosen people.

God is triune so that He can dispense Himself into us, that is, to work Himself into us for our enjoyment so that we can be built up to be the Body of Christ and prepared to be the bride of Christ.

This is all for His second coming, when the kingdom of the world becomes the kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ, so that He may reign forever and ever.

According to the entire Bible, the Divine Trinity is for God to dispense Himself into us. This is the key that opens every book in the Bible.

If we see the divine dispensing of the Divine Trinity, the Bible will make sense; everything in the Bible falls into place and is so real to us when we realize that God intends to dispense Himself into us.

Both in the Old and in the New Testament we see that God intends to dispense what He is into man.

When He ordained that the priests would bless the people and thus put the name of God on them in Num. 6, we see the divine dispensing of the Divine Trinity.

In the Song of Songs, a love story between Solomon and the Shulammite, we also see the divine dispensing of the Divine Trinity in a divine romance.

We are in the divine romance today experiencing and enjoying the divine dispensing, and so we live a life of loving the Lord day by day.

Now we come in particular to Romans 8, one of the most crucial chapters in the Bible, to see how we can live in the divine dispensing of the Divine Trinity by the law of the Spirit of life in Rom. 8.

In the entire universe, the unique and eternal blessing is the Triune God dispensing Himself in His Divine Trinity into us by our enjoyment of the indwelling and automatic law of the Spirit of life.

This is for the building up of the Body of Christ with the goal of making us God in life, nature, and expression, but not in the Godhead, to accomplish the goal of His eternal economy – the New Jerusalem. Wow, Hallelujah!

The Key to being an Overcomer is the Law of the Spirit of Life in Rom. 8, a Chapter for Desperate Seekers

Wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from the body of this death? Thanks be to God, through Jesus Christ our Lord! So then with the mind I myself serve the law of God, but with the flesh, the law of sin. Rom. 7:24-25 There is now then no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus. For the law of the Spirit of life has freed me in Christ Jesus from the law of sin and of death. Rom. 8:1-2In Romans 5 we see that we are in Adam, in Rom. 6 we are in Christ, in Rom. 7 we are in the flesh, and in Rom. 8 we are in the spirit.

When we’re in the flesh, we experience Adam with all that he is, including sin, darkness, and death. When we are in the spirit, we experience Christ.

When we are born of our parents, we are born in Adam, and the more we grow in the human life, the more we have the experience of being in the flesh.

What we have in Adam is experienced by being in the flesh. But through regeneration, we are reborn of God, and we can enjoy the riches of Christ by being in spirit.

Rom. 8 gives us the key to being an overcomer: the law of the Spirit of life. This chapter is for desperate seekers.

In Rom. 7 Paul realized that in himself, that is, in his flesh, there is the law of sin and of death.

The more he tries to serve God and obey His law with his mind, for he agreed with the law of God, the more he failed.

As soon as he tried to do what the Lord asks him to do, sin rose up in him to put him down and defeated him all the time.

All the ways that he tried did not work.

This is our experience also; even after our regeneration, we want to obey God and fulfil what the Bible tells us, but the more we try, the more we fail.

Many times we become desperate like Paul – we become desperate seekers, for we want to obey and fulfil what the Lord requires of us, but the more we try to do it, the more we are defeated.

There is a stronger law in us, the law of sin and of death, which is activated whenever we set our mind to do what the law of God says we should do.

As desperate seekers of God, we try to please God, but we utterly fail when we do this in ourselves and by ourselves.

The conclusion is like Paul’s in Rom. 7:24, “Wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from the body of this death?”

This conclusion seems to be quite sad and desperate, but the key to being an overcomer is in Rom. 8.

If we are the Lord’s desperate seekers and come to Rom. 8 with a seeking heart, we will see the key to being an overcomer.

The key is not to try harder or to even pray for the Lord to help us overcome.

Paul cries, “Wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from the body of this death?” Paul is desperate; he is seeking to the uttermost. He has nothing else in his heart, except such a freedom…He found out that all the ways he tried did not work. To will to do good was present with him, but to do it was not. He was a desperate person. Romans 8 is for such a person. one in chapter 2, but it is for the one at the end of chapter 7 and the beginning of chapter 8. After such a desperate cry the answer came: “There is now then no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus.” It then gives the reason why there is now no condemnation in Christ Jesus: “For the law of the Spirit of life has freed me in Christ Jesus from the law of sin and of death.” Why was there now no condemnation in Christ? Because the law of the Spirit of life had been installed into Paul. Collected Works of Witness Lee, 1980, vol. 1, “Perfecting Training,” pp. 361-362The key is in Rom. 8:1-2, “There is now then no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus. For the law of the Spirit of life has freed me in Christ Jesus from the law of sin and of death.”

Hallelujah, we have found the key to being an overcomer: being in Christ and activating the law of the Spirit of life!

Before we were saved we may have not thought about pleasing God and doing His will, but after being saved we wanted to please God, have a good testimony, and obey what He says in His word.

But we all come to the point where we declare that we are wretched men, for in ourselves there’s no way to overcome.

But praise the Lord, we are in Christ Jesus when we are in our spirit, and here the law of the Spirit of life frees us from the law of sin and of death!

Rom. 8 is not something that stirs us up or brings us back to the Lord after a time of backsliding.

It is a chapter for desperate seekers, those who tried it all and nothing works; this chapter offers us the key to being an overcomer.

May we all arrive at the point where we realize that in ourselves, that is, in our flesh, nothing good dwells, and may we be the desperate seekers who see the key to being an overcomer: the law of the spirit of life!

Lord Jesus, we love You! Thank You for regenerating us with the divine life to make us children of God. Amen, Lord, we want to live a life for You, a life that is pleasing to You. But we can’t do this in ourselves. Lord, in ourselves, that is, in our flesh, nothing good dwells, for the will to do the good is with us but the doing of the good is not. We can’t do it, Lord. We can’t please You in ourselves. We can’t fulfil Your word and commandments in ourselves. We come to You as Your desperate seekers to find out the key to being an overcomer. Unveil us to see that we are in Christ, and in Him, there’s no condemnation! Cause us to realize that the law of the Spirit of life has freed us in Christ Jesus from the law of sin and of death!

Seeing that God has been Installed in us as the Law of the Spirit of Life

That the righteous requirement of the law might be fulfilled in us, who do not walk according to the flesh but according to the spirit...But you are not in the flesh, but in the spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God dwells in you. Yet if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he is not of Him. But if Christ is in you, though the body is dead because of sin, the spirit is life because of righteousness. Rom. 8:4, 9-10May the Lord make us His desperate seekers, those who do not only want to please Him by striving to do many things for Him but who seek Him in a desperate way and come to Him desperately in His word.

May He have mercy on us to bring us to the point where we realize that we are wretched men, for in ourselves nothing good dwells, and we can’t please God by the efforts of our flesh.

May we be saved from trying harder to please God and may we be brought into a more desperate seeking of God.

When we realize that all the efforts of our flesh in pleasing God amount to nothing, we will desperately seek Him in His word.

When we realize that we can’t do it, we can’t be it, and we can’t make it in ourselves, we will desperately come to the Lord and we will take Him at His word.

What we need is not more activities for the Lord.

What we need is not more striving and trying to please Him.

We need to have a view, a vision, of the fact that God has been installed in us as the law of the Spirit of life.

The key to being an overcomer is not our striving or trying; it is seeing that we are in Christ, and the law of the Spirit of life is installed in us to spontaneously operate in us.

Romans 7 is the experience of being “in the flesh”; Romans 8 is the experience of being “in the spirit” (the divine Spirit dwelling in our human spirit and these two mingled together to be one spirit – see vv. 4, 9-10, 16; 1 Cor. 6:17; 2 Tim. 4:22).

As believers in Christ, we have a mingled spirit; our human spirit has been mingled with the divine Spirit.

We may not feel it or be conscious of it, but we are joined to the Lord as one spirit.

He is in us and, when we’re in our spirit, we are in Him.

Whenever we turn to our spirit, we activate the law of the Spirit of life.

On one hand, God came to be our life and our life supply.

On the other hand, through regeneration, the Triune God has been installed in our being as the law of the Spirit of life.

Just as the electrical installation is all set up in a house and all you need to do is turn on the switch, so in our spiritual life all we need to do is turn to our spirit to activate the law of the Spirit of life, and we will simply overcome.

The Spirit Himself witnesses with our spirit that we are children of God. Rom. 8:16 But he who is joined to the Lord is one spirit. 1 Cor. 6:17 The Lord be with your spirit. Grace be with you. 2 Tim. 4:22God has been processed to come into us as a law that operates spontaneously, effortlessly, and all the time.

We may still pray to the Lord to help us to overcome here and do that thing, or we may ask for His help in dealing with this or that issue or character flaw.

But He is in us as a law that operates spontaneously and automatically when we are in spirit, when we’re in Christ.

We may still ask the Lord to help us not to lose our temper, but we don’t really have to do it; we simply need to “turn on the switch” and the law of the Spirit of life, the key to being an overcomer, will operate in us to cause us to overcome our temper. This is amazing!

Just as we don’t beg the power plant to give us some electricity so that we turn on our electrical appliances but simply turn on the switch and electricity flows, so we don’t need to beg the Lord to help us to overcome but simply turn to our spirit!

And the enjoyment of the law of the Spirit of life in Rom. 8 will usher us into the reality of the Body of Christ in Rom. 12, for this law operates in us as we live in the Body and for the Body (Rom. 8:2, 28-29; 12:1-2, 11; Phil. 1:19).

May we have a clear view that God today is a law in us – He’s the law of the Spirit of life installed in our inner being.

And may we simply turn to Him, contact Him, and remain in our spirit so that He may operate in us and impart all that He is into us, causing us to overcome effortlessly and spontaneously.

Hallelujah, the Triune God has been installed in our being as the law of the Spirit of life! Wow, God went through a process to become a life-giving Spirit, and this Spirit is one with our spirit to give us life and to cause us to overcome! Amen, Lord, cause us to see what has been installed in our being. May we learn to switch on the law of life so that God as life may be imparted into us and we may overcome in Him and through Him! Amen, Lord, may we see and use the key to being an overcomer in our Christian life day by day. Save us from begging You to do this or that for us. Save us from asking You to help us to overcome our temper. May we realize that God has been installed into us as the law of the Spirit of life, and may we activate this law again and again so that we may overcome spontaneously and effortlessly!

References and Hymns on this Topic
  • Sources of inspiration: the Word of God, my enjoyment in the ministry, a sharing by brother Ricky Acosta in the message, and portions from, Collected Works of Witness Lee, 1980, vol. 1, “Perfecting Training,” pp. 361-364, as quoted in the Holy Word for Morning Revival on, The Divine Dispensing of the Divine Trinity for the Divine Economy (2022 Thanksgiving Weekend Conference), week 3, entitled, Living in the Divine Dispensing of the Divine Trinity by the Law of the Spirit of Life in Romans 8.
  • Further reading on this topic:
    – The key to overcoming – the law of the Spirit of life, article by Ed Marks in Affirmation and Critique.
    – The law of the Spirit of Life – Freedom in the Spirit by the Highest and Strongest Law; quote from, General Sketch of the New Testament in the Light of Christ and the Church, A – Part 2: Romans through Philemon, by W. Lee.
    – How the Bride of Christ Comes into Being – outline via, the Church in Dunn Loring.
  • Hymns on this topic:
    – The law of God is holy, good, / To practise good it doth command; / Its purpose is to clearly show / That we cannot meet God’s demand….But in our spirit is a law, / Which is the Spirit’s law of life; / ’Tis of the very life of God / Which we from our rebirth derive. / This law divine the strongest is, / Transcending all the others o’er; / From sin’s law freeing, it fulfills / The full requirement of God’s law. (Hymns #734, stanzas 1, 6-7)
    – ’Tis by this Spirit that we shall be freed / From Sin whose law inside us death would bring. / Our mortal bodies will have life indeed; / Thus sanctified we’ll be in everything. / This Spirit shall transform our natural life, / Save us from self, build us in one new man, / Till we’re conformed to be like Jesus Christ, / Thus finishing our God’s eternal plan. (Hymns #1195, stanzas 10-11)
    – To the Lord belonging, / Bound I’ll never be, / For the law of life now / Sets me wholly free. / Minding flesh no longer, / I’ll the spirit mind; / Self-will never follow, / But the Spirit’s find. / Christ within empow’rs me / Spiritual to be! / E’en my body quick’ning / By His pow’r in me. (Hymns #594 stanzas 2-4)
About aGodMan

A God-man is a normal believer in Christ; the author of this article is one who is learning to be a normal Christian, a daily enjoyer of Christ, a living and functioning member in the Body of Christ. Amen, Lord, make us such ones for the building up of the Body of Christ!

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brother L.
2 years ago

Again I say, in chapter 8 of Romans there is no stirring up and no bringing back. All those who are qualified for this chapter must be the ones who are desperate. After being saved, after seeking the Lord, and after being defeated along the seeking way, they are desperate…You must be a desperate one. This chapter does not try to stir you up because you do not have a heart toward the Lord…This chapter gives you a clear view of what you have within you. Because you are so seeking, because you are so desperate, you need such a view. You do not need a “way”; you need a view. You need to see what has been done with you, what has been installed into you. to see what you have already. You do not need just a kind of instruction, but you need a view to see what you have. Collected Works of Witness Lee, 1980, vol. 1, “Perfecting Training,” pp. 361-362

Stefan M.
2 years ago

Wow, God has been installed in our being as the law of the Spirit of life!

May we see the key to being an overcomer in Rom. 8, a chapter for desperate seekers.

May we have a clear view of the law of the Spirit of life in our spirit so that we may keep turning to the Lord and overcome effortlessly and spontaneously!

Amen, Lord Jesus, grant us a view of the fact that God is in us as a law, the law of the Spirit of life! May we activate this law again and again by turning to our spirit and being in Christ! Amen, Lord, keep us in our spirit today!

Richard C.
Richard C.
2 years ago

Dear brother, we do not need a way we need a view!

This view is that Christ has been installed in us and is working in us as the law of the Spirit of life.

Instead of praying and asking Him to save us from our temper, we must cooperate with this one by walking according to our spirit.

O Lord Jesus may we be desperate, seeking persons who see this in Romans 8 so that in our experience we are living in the divine dispensing of the Divine Trinity by the law of the Spirit of life!

Moh S.
Moh S.
2 years ago

Oh wow, may see this view, Lord you have freed us through the law of yhe spirit of life in Christ Jesus! May we cooperate with this law within us!! Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord!

Rob M.
Rob M.
2 years ago

Amen brother.

Today we have a law of the spirit of life operating in us by setting us free automatically according to the law.

Lord make us desperate loving you seeking you… only when we are desperate will we realise such a wonderful law in us operating setting us free from ourselves. 

By such view We begin to cooperate with Him. Lord we want to cooperate with you only you and not us.

2 years ago

I really appreciate the nourishment served today. So sweet

K. P.
K. P.
2 years ago

Amen brother!

Rom. 8:2 For the law of the Spirit of life has freed me in Christ Jesus from the law of sin and of death.

O Lord thank you for the Spirit of Life in Christ which is a higher law than the law of sin and death and has set us free!


O may we love you and enjoy you in the Spirit unceasingly!

Christian A.
Christian A.
2 years ago

Amen brother. We need to see that God is a law within us, and we need to cooperate with the law of the Spirit of life by switching it on.

May the Lord keep us in the right view where we can see clearly that God today is working within us by a law, not by activity.

We need to be desperate to be set free from the law of sin & death and to be bound by the law of the Spirit of life.

The secret of being set free is to exchange one master for another.

When we believe, we’re able to exchange the evil master of sin & death for the master of life in Christ Jesus.

O Lord, cause us to choose You as the law of life that regulates us…

Claude Y.
Claude Y.
2 years ago

Amen Lord Jesus! Grant us this view that Christ is in us and we need to cooperate with Him by living in our mingled spirit!

Mario V.
Mario V.
2 years ago

Ameeenn! To be in flesh is the practical experience of being in Adam and to be in the spirit of the practical experience of being in Christ.

Thank the Lord that He as the law of the Spirit of life is installed in us as an automatic principle.

We just need to cooperate with this law to experience its operations. Amen!

Keven B.
Keven B.
2 years ago

Aaaaameeeen!!! Wow, brother, how much we need this VIEW!

That God in Christ as the law of the Spirit of life has been installed into us.

Lord Jesus Christ, we come to You as desperate ones that You would have mercy on us and grant us such a view.

R. M.
R. M.
2 years ago

We need to have a view that Christ is in us and we need to cooperate with Him by living in our mingled spirit as the law of the Spirit of life!

Instead of praying and asking Him to save us from our selves, we must cooperate with this one by walking according to our spirit.

Christ has freed us from the law of sin and death through the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus! May we cooperate with this law within us!!