Being Incorporated into the New Jerusalem, the Ultimate Incorporation of God and Man

And the Spirit and the bride say, Come!... Rev. 22:17

The ultimate incorporation of the processed and consummated Triune God with the regenerated and transformed people is the New Jerusalem, and we’re incorporated into the New Jerusalem, the universal incorporation, by eating Christ as the hidden manna. Wow, Hallelujah!

God’s desire, His ultimate purpose, is high and lofty, but the way to attain it and carry it out is wonderful and enjoyable: it is by loving the Lord, spending time with Him, abiding in His word, and eating Christ as the hidden manna.

However, we are so much in ourselves; by default, we live in ourselves, by ourselves, and for ourselves, and God’s purpose cannot be carried out in this realm.

This is why morning by morning we need to be sanctified by touching the Word of God and by allowing the Spirit to touch us.

When we come to the Lord in His word in the morning, spending time to enjoy Him in His word, we touch Him and He touches us, and something wonderful happens: we move out of ourselves and into the Triune God.

As we spend time with the Lord in His word, we are infused with His element, and He works Himself into us a little more.

Every morning we need to make a move; we need to move out of ourselves – our default lodging place – and into the Triune God – our new lodging place – by touching the Lord in His word.

The Lord’s words are spirit and are life (John 6:63).

We need to find a way every day to convert the word of God into spirit and life, that is, to touch the word of God with our spirit and by having a turned heart so that He may infuse us with what He is.

The more we spend time with the Lord in His word, coming to Him as we come to the word of God in the Bible, the more we move out of ourselves and into Him.

We do not sense that we’re beside ourselves; we simply are in God and God is in us.

How amazing it is that, by means of the word of God and our coming to it in a proper way, we can get out of ourselves and into God, the place of the coinehring oneness of the Triune God! Wow!

This should be our experience day by day. Day by day we need to initiate a move, a move out of ourselves and into God.

Yes, God is in us, and yet, we are in Him, but we need to experience this.

We cannot just try to behave more nicely or limit our lusts and thoughts; we simply need to turn to the Lord in spirit and contact Him, love Him, and open to Him in His word.

He will do the rest. He will expose what is in us, and we will repent.

We will simply agree with what His light exposes.

Then, we have fellowship with God, an intimate fellowship face to face, and He has a way to speak to us.

May we be those who spend time with the Lord day by day, especially in the morning, to have the shining of His face and to move out of ourselves and into the Triune God!

The New Jerusalem is the Ultimate Incorporation of the processed Triune God and the Regenerated Man

Whoever confesses that Jesus is the Son of God, God abides in him and he in God. And we know and have believed the love which God has in us. God is love, and he who abides in love abides in God and God abides in him. 1 John 4:15-16God’s unique desire in the universe is to have an enlargement of Himself, a corporate expression of Himself, and He will gain it in the New Jerusalem.

This enlarged expression of the Triune God is the New Jerusalem, the ultimate incorporation of the processed and consummated Triune God with the regenerated, sanctified, renewed, transformed, conformed, and glorified tripartite church (Rev. 21:3, 22).

In Rev. 21:3 we are told that the New Jerusalem is the tabernacle of God with man, and God tabernacles with man. In v. 22 we are told that there’s no temple in the New Jerusalem, for the Lord God the Almighty and the Lamb are its temple.

God dwells in man and man dwells in God; this is the New Jerusalem. God and man and man in God – a mutual dwelling place.

God in man – God dwells in man as the tabernacle, and man in God – man dwells in God as the temple.

This is the ultimate and final consummation of the incorporation of God and man.

The New Jerusalem is a corporate person, a corporate, great God-man; in the holy city, we see not just God and man, but God and man being constituted together, one with one another, mingled together, and dwelling in one another to be a universal divine-human incorporation.

This corporate person, the New Jerusalem, is a couple – the processed Triune God married to the transformed tripartite man (Rev. 22:17).

This is the Spirit and the bride being united, mingled, and incorporated together to become one entity.

This is what God is after and this is what we are becoming: a corporate, great God-man, a universal couple.

The Spirit and the bride become one to the extent that they speak as one. In Rev. 2:7 we are told that he who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.

And at the end of Revelation the Spirit and the bride speak together as one; what we see in 22:17 is not just the Spirit speaking to the churches but the Spirit and the bride speaking as one.

The Spirit is working in us and around us to the extent that we are fully united, mingled, and incorporated with Him – He dwells in us and we dwell in Him.

The Spirit is the processed and consummated Triune God, and the bride is the processed and consummated tripartite church.

The Spirit as the husband went through a process to be consummated and completed to be the Spirit.

And I saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a loud voice out of the throne, saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and He will tabernacle with them, and they will be His peoples, and God Himself will be with them [and be] their God. Rev. 21:2-3 And I saw no temple in it, for the Lord God the Almighty and the Lamb are its temple. Rev. 21:22We also going through a process to be organically saved and be the bride of Christ.

We are going through regeneration, sanctification, renewing, transformation, conformation, and glorification to be consummated as the bride of Christ, the church as the bride.

God is three – the Father, the Son, and the Spirit – to be a corporate person.

We, the millions of believers, are also a corporate person, for we’re members of the Body of Christ as the one new man and the bride of Christ, one corporate entity.

These two persons – the Spirit and the bride – are in one another – not just one or mingled together but incorporated together (John 14:20-21; 15:5; 1 John 4:15-16).

We are God’s tabernacle for His dwelling place, and God is our temple for our dwelling place; the New Jerusalem is the mutual abode of God and man (Rev. 21:2-3, 22- 23; Psa. 90:1; 27:4; Deut. 33:27).

God is our dwelling place and we are His dwelling place.

Today we have a foretaste of this in the church and as the church; God dwells in us and we dwell in Him, and we are in the process of becoming the New Jerusalem, the ultimate consummation of the incorporation of the processed and consummated Triune God and the regenerated and transformed tripartite man.

Lord Jesus, may we see the divine-human incorporation in the word of God. May we realize that the purposeful God has an economy according to which He intends to be incorporated with man! Amen, Lord, we open to You so that we may remain in the process of being incorporated with the processed and consummated Triune God! Keep us in the process of God’s organic salvation for us to be regenerated, sanctified, renewed, transformed, conformed, and glorified. May You gain the bride that matches You and is fully one with You! Amen, Lord, gain the New Jerusalem, the ultimate incorporation of the processed and consummated Triune God with the regenerated and transformed tripartite church! We want to be part of this one corporate entity, the Spirit and the bride, where God is united, mingled, and incorporated with man to become one entity! Praise the Lord!

We’re Incorporated into the New Jerusalem by Eating Christ as the Hidden Manna

...Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and He will tabernacle with them, and they will be His peoples, and God Himself will be with them [and be] their God. Rev. 21:3

When many hear of the high, lofty, and great purpose of God to obtain a divine-human universal incorporation of the processed and consummated Triune God with the regenerated and transformed tripartite man, they may wonder how can we be part of this.

What is the practical way in our daily experience for us to be incorporated into the universal incorporation of God and man?

The Bible gives us a way, shown in type in the Old Testament and in reality in the New Testament, for us to be incorporated into the New Jerusalem.

The New Jerusalem is the tabernacle of God, and the centre of the tabernacle is Christ as the hidden manna.

He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To him who overcomes, to him I will give of the hidden manna, and to him I will give a white stone, and upon the stone a new name written, which no one knows except him who receives [it.] Rev. 2:17The way for us to be incorporated into the universal, divine-human incorporation of God and man is to eat the hidden manna (Rev. 21:3; Exo. 16:32-34; Heb. 9:4; Rev. 2:17).

In the Old Testament, we see that in the tabernacle we have three sections with the Holy of Holies as the innermost section, and in the Holy of Holies we have the Ark, and in the ark, we have the golden pot, and in the golden pot there’s the hidden manna.

This is quite significant, for the hidden manna is mentioned in Rev. 2:17 as a reward for overcoming believers in the church in Sardis, the church that became united with the world.

What is the hidden manna, what does it signify, and how can we experience or enjoy it today?

Manna is a type of Christ, and the hidden manna is a type of the special portion of Christ as our life and life supply to overcome the degradation in the church, especially the worldliness.

Christ as the hidden manna is in God the Father (the reality of the golden pot).

The Father is in Christ as the Ark with His two natures – divinity and humanity. Christ as the indwelling Spirit lives in our regenerated spirit to be the reality of the Holy of Holies.

This means that the Son is in the Father, the Father is in the Son, and the Son as the Spirit is the reality of the Holy of Holies, which is our mingled spirit today.

This is the reality of John 14:10-11. When we eat Christ as the hidden manna, we are incorporated into the tabernacle as the incorporation of God and man.

The Father is in the Son, the Son is in the Father, and the Son as the Spirit is the reality of the Holy of Holies, which is our spirit mingled with the Spirit.

This implies and corresponds to the four ins in John 14:16-20.

The way for us to be incorporated into the tabernacle is to eat the hidden manna; the way for us to be incorporated into the New Jerusalem is to eat Christ as the hidden manna.

The tabernacle is a type, a precursor, of the New Jerusalem as the universal incorporation.

This universal incorporation is God’s eternal goal.

The center of the consummated tabernacle of God is Christ as the hidden manna for us to eat.

As we eat Christ day by day, seeking to enjoy and partake of Him in a hidden way in order to have the secret, hidden, deeper supply to overcome the degradation of the church, we are incorporated into the universal incorporation of God and man.

As the tabernacle of God, the New Jerusalem is the incorporation of the universe. This union of the universe is God's eternal goal. The New Jerusalem is the tabernacle of God, and the center of this tabernacle is Christ as the hidden manna for us to eat. The way to enter the New Jerusalem is to eat Christ. The more we eat Christ, the more we are merged into this universal incorporation. The church in Pergamum signifies the worldly church, the church that is married to the world and united with the world. …The Lord promised the overcomers in the church in Pergamum that if they eat Him, they will be incorporated into the universal incorporation, which is the consummated New Jerusalem. We should not be united with the world but be incorporated into the New Jerusalem by eating Christ as the hidden manna. The Collected Works of Witness Lee, 1994-1997, Volume 5, pp. 428-430May we not be joined to the world but rather be incorporated into the New Jerusalem by eating Christ as the hidden manna.

The world wants to incorporate us by luring us, deceiving us, taking away our time and energy, and drawing us with all kinds of things.

We need to choose to eat Christ as the hidden manna to be incorporated into the New Jerusalem.

When we eat Christ as the hidden manna, we live by Him in this incorporation, which today is the Body of Christ and which eventually consummates the New Jerusalem. Hallelujah!

The holy city, the New Jerusalem, is the goal of God’s eternal economy, and God is in the process of gaining it.

The unique God is eventually enlarged into one city for His eternal enlargement and eternal expression as the great divine-human, universal incorporation.

May we eat the Lord, digest Him, and assimilate Him in a hidden way so that He may get into us, even into the very fibres of our being, to become our constitution today.

As He gets into us and we get into Him, we become what we eat – we become the same as He is.

We eat the heavenly manna, we become heavenly; we eat the hidden manna, we live because of Christ, and we are incorporated into the New Jerusalem.

Lord Jesus, we do not want to be joined to the world but rather, we want to be incorporated into the New Jerusalem by eating Christ as the hidden manna! Amen, Lord Jesus, we come to You again and again to eat You, partake of You, and enjoy Your secretly and hiddenly. We want to obtain the secret, hidden portion of Christ that will cause us to overcome the degradation in the church today and be the Lord’s overcomers. Amen, Lord Jesus, we want to be incorporated into the New Jerusalem by eating Christ as the hidden manna. We want to eat You and live because of You. Constitute us with Yourself as we partake of You day by day. We refuse to be joined to the world and we choose to be incorporated into the New Jerusalem by eating Christ! Amen, Lord, You are our only diet today. We take You in, we eat You, and we want to digest and assimilate You. Make us the same as You are. Take us on with You until we are incorporated into the universal, divine-human incorporation of God and man, the New Jerusalem!

References and Hymns on this Topic
  • Inspiration for this article/sharing comes from the Word of God, the enjoyment in the ministry, a sharing by brother Ed Marks in the message for this week, and portions from, The Collected Works of Witness Lee, 1994-1997, Volume 5, pp. 427-430, as quoted in the Holy Word for Morning Revival on, An Overview of the Central Burden and Present Truth of the Lord’s Recovery Before His Appearing (2023 July Semiannual Training), week 11, entitled, The Divine-human Incorporation of the Consummated God with the Regenerated Believers – the Issue of Christ being Glorified by the Father with the Divine Glory.
  • Similar articles on this topic:
    Blending Conference with Ron Kangas in Brisbane, Australia (March 2020) – As the ultimate consummation of the church, the city New Jerusalem is described at the end of the Bible as “having the glory of God” (Rev. 21:11). The primary characteristic of the building of God is to express the glory of God, which glory is God’s expressed (Eph. 5:27). Read more via, Living to Him.
    Aspects of the New Jerusalem – Deification, article via, Affirmation and Critique.
    New Jerusalem is God’s Unique Goal, article via, New Jerusalem blog.
    The New Jerusalem, a list of articles via, an Open Letter.
    What miracle! What mystery! A new song via,
    The New Jerusalem – a Corporate Person, article by Ed Marks via, Affirmation and Critique.
    The New Jerusalem as the ultimate consummation of the mingling of divinity with humanity, a portion via, The Building of God, Chapter 1, by Witness Lee.
  • Hymns on this topic:
    – O what a miracle, my Lord, / That I’m in Thee and Thou in me, / That Thou and I are really one; / O what a wondrous mystery! (Hymns #233 stanza 1)
    – In my spirit deeper still / I would touch the Lord I love, / Touch Him in His hidden depth / And His hidden manna prove. (Hymns #769 stanza 7)
    – From the fruit of daily living, New Jerusalem we’ll see, / It’s the ultimate in mingling—it’s divine humanity. / And what joy that we can share it all, and share it corporately. / Yes, mingling is the way. (Hymns #1199 stanza 6)
About aGodMan

A God-man is a normal believer in Christ; the author of this article is one who is learning to be a normal Christian, a daily enjoyer of Christ, a living and functioning member in the Body of Christ. Amen, Lord, make us such ones for the building up of the Body of Christ!

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brother L.
1 year ago

To eat the hidden manna is to be incorporated into the tabernacle. The tabernacle in the Old Testament is a symbol of the incorporation of the universe. Christ as the hidden manna is the center of the tabernacle. …The hidden manna signifies Christ in the golden pot, and the golden pot refers to God. The manna in the golden pot indicates that Christ is in the Father. (John 14:10a, 11a.) The Ark of the Covenant is in the Holy of Holies, and the Holy of Holies is our spirit. Today, our spirit indwelled by the Holy Spirit is the Holy of Holies. From here we can see that Christ as the hidden manna is in God the Father as the golden pot; the Father is in Christ as the ark of the covenant (with His two natures—divinity and humanity); this Christ as the inner The abiding Spirit is in our regenerated spirit as the reality of the Holy of Holies. This means that the Son is in the Father, the Father is in the Son, and the Son as the Spirit is the reality of the Holy of Holies. This implies and is consistent with the four words “in” in John 14:16-20. …The Son is in the Father, we are in the Son, the Son is in us, and we are indwelled by the Spirit of reality. This is the processed merger of God and the born-again believer.

The Collected Works of Witness Lee, 1994-1997, Volume 5, pp. 428-430

Stefan M.
1 year ago

May we be those who are not joined to the world but those who eat Christ as the hidden manna so that we may be incorporated into the New Jerusalem.

Amen, Lord Jesus, we want to eat You as the hidden manna today so that we may be Your overcomers and be incorporated into the New Jerusalem with You and with all the saints!

1 year ago

Amen. We want to eat You as the hidden manna today! Lord build us up and incorporate us into the New Jerusalem!

Clive B.
Clive B.
1 year ago


Lord Jesus we want to continue eating of You as the hidden manna until we all arrive.

Moh S.
Moh S.
1 year ago

Aaaaameeen! Lord thank You for being our daily supply by eating the hidden manna to be Your overcomers, incorporated into You! Lord more incorporation today!

Jon H.
Jon H.
1 year ago

Oh amen dear Lord may we enjoy the hidden portion every morning, make us faithful priests 🙏

Here’s my pigeon enjoyment:)

Bible Verses

Romans 7:7 …But I did not know sin except through the law ; for neither did I know coveting, except the law had said, “You shall not covet.” (18) For I know that in me, that is, in my flesh , nothing good dwells…

God knows that no good thing comes out of the flesh. He knew this a long time ago, but we do not know…The purpose of the law is to prove to us that man is sinful and powerless. The law was not given for us to keep; God knows that we cannot keep the law.

God has to bring us to the point where we confess that we cannot make it. Only then will we acknowledge Gods wisdom in crucifying us on the cross.

Every person has his specific weakness, and he must ask God to enlighten him and show him his weakness.

Every person has at least one thing that he cannot overcome. Once you see that you are unable, you will see that God is able.

Mario V.
Mario V.
1 year ago


The New Jerusalem is the ultimate and consummate divine- human incorporation as the tabernacle and the temple.

As the New Jerusalem, we, His believers are the tabernacle and the Triune God as the temple. The tabernacle and the temple in the OT are types and Christ and the church as the reality, and the New Jerusalem as the ultimate consummation.

The way to be incorporated into this unique incorporation is to enjoy Christ, to eat Him, to partake of Him as the hidden manna.

Lord Jesus thank You for this practical ways to be incorporated into this universal incorporation. We can abide in You and you abide in us by loving You. We can abide in You and You abide in us by the word. 

Lord keep us in this incorporation. Strengthen and deepen this incorporation in our experience until we’re fully incorporated without any mixture of the world, the flesh, and the self. 

OH Lord Jesus🙏🙏🙏

1 year ago

Amen, dear saint, thank you also for giving me your daily portion, today we must be those who eat public manna, which is to display it before others and we also have hidden manna which is reserved for our husband. Hallelujah!

M. M.
M. M.
1 year ago

Yes Lord, let your will be done upon us so that we can eat from the hidden manna as overcomers.

Christian A.
Christian A.
1 year ago

Brother, what does it mean to be in the New Jerusalem?

This morning, we see that it means to be part of a huge universal incorporation.

The Bible is all about this universal incorporation. God’s ultimate goal is for the Son to be in the Father, for us to be in the Son, for the Son to be in us, so that we would be indwelt by the Spirit of reality.

How can we attain to this awesome goal?

We need to eat Christ as our hidden manna so that we will have the grace to overcome the degradation of the worldly church. It’s no small thing to overcome the degradation.

Being present among the saints from many different backgrounds in Spain recently, the Spirit really impressed upon me that we have the privilege of being part of an enormous miracle that is taking place today before our very eyes.

From all corners of the Earth, the Lord is drawing those who are willing to eat Him and be nourished by Him and overcome the Babylonian degradation.

How amazing!

Richard C.
Richard C.
1 year ago

Dear brother, the way to be incorporated into the Body of Christ which ultimately consummates in the New Jerusalem is to eat Christ as the hidden manna typified by the omerful of wheat in the golden pot in the Holy of Holies.

The more we eat this Christ the more we are rescued from being joined to the world and the more we are incorporated into the New Jerusalem the Holy City for God’s eternal enlargement and expression! Now is the time and eating is the way for us to be incorporated into the Tabernacle of God, the New Jerusalem!

Praise the Lord!

K. P.
K. P.
1 year ago

Rev. 21:3 …Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and He will tabernacle with them… 

Rev. 21:22 And I saw no temple in it, for the Lord God the Almighty and the Lamb are its temple

Praise the Lord!😃🙋🏽 Amen!🙏

John T.
John T.
1 year ago

I think many Christians have the erroneous view that heaven and New Jerusalem are synonymous terms. I did for some time. However, may our understanding be expanded to God’s view!

agodman youtube
1 year ago

Listen to the audio version of this article via,

D. S.
D. S.
1 year ago

Amen! Lord, teach us how to take you into ourself as the hidden manna.

RcV Bible
1 year ago

As God’s habitation, the New Jerusalem will be the tabernacle of God with men for eternity. The tabernacle made by Moses was a type of this tabernacle (Exo. 25:8-9; Lev. 26:11). That type was first fulfilled in Christ as God’s tabernacle among men (John 1:14) and will eventually be fulfilled in the fullest way in the New Jerusalem, which will be the enlargement of Christ as God’s dwelling place. This tabernacle will also be the eternal dwelling place of God’s redeemed people. God will overshadow us with Christ. (See note Rev. 7:15, footnote 3.) Hence, the New Jerusalem will be a mutual habitation for both God and us.

Rev. 21:3, footnote 3 on “tabernacle”, via Recovery Version Bible

Larry S.
Larry S.
1 year ago

Amen! Eating Christ is the way for Him to dispense Himself into our being.