in like manner the Spirit also joins in to help us, to intercede for us according to God

in like manner the Spirit also joins in to help us, to intercede for us according to GodI was very touched by the verse in Rom. 8:26recently:

Moreover, in like manner the Spirit also joins in to help us in our weakness, for we do not know for what we should pray as is fitting, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.

We all have to admit that in what regards the things of the world, or even cultural or ethical things, we are eager and full of energy to contribute and participate; when it comes to prayer, we are weak and cannot sustain a regular prayer life.

The Spirit within us joins “in like manner” – He comes alongside us, joining us in our weaknesses, seemingly weak just like us, not different or extraordinary – but He helps us in our weakness by interceding for us. The interceding Spirit helps us, symphatizes with us, sustains us, comforts us, and even supports us – by interceding for us.

Even when we think we’re done, it’s all over, we failed so miserably and we didn’t contact the Lord for a while – even then, the Spirit in us intercedes for us before God – and He intercedes according to God!

“He understands you thoroughly – there’s nothing He does not know;
All your problems and weaknesses – don’t say it isn’t so;
He’s your Helper, sympathizing. He’s the Spirit. Don’t neglect Him.
He’s praying for you And sustaining you.
” (song)

Prayer – or prayer-lessness – exposes our weakness. We may pray for a while, but eventually we can’t keep up a solid prayer life, and we would rather solve the problems/deal with the situations by ourselves than pray.

But in this weakness, when we are weak and unable to pray, the Spirit comes in to strengthen us. Then, we may begin to pray. However, even though we now want to pray and are burdened to, we still don’t know what to pray for – we lack the utterance.

We may begin to sigh, moan, or even groan… and the Spirit joins in to sigh, moan, and groan in our doing this. He is groaning in our groaning as the interceding Spirit in us. He joins in like manner. This is one of the best prayers we can have for the growth in life.

Actually, what can we pray for so that we may grow in life? Do we know what does it mean to grow? How to grow? Even: do we know what our real need is?

We don’t, but the Spirit knows the mind of God and He knows all things – He intercedes in us, groaning with groanings which cannot be uttered…. for us to grow in life, develop, go on with the Lord. Don’t you just love Him, this wonderful One, who is in us and is praying for us?

About aGodMan

A God-man is a normal believer in Christ; the author of this article is one who is learning to be a normal Christian, a daily enjoyer of Christ, a living and functioning member in the Body of Christ. Amen, Lord, make us such ones for the building up of the Body of Christ!

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