in His wisdom, God has made the birthright as an incentive and a reward for the seeking believers

in His wisdom, God has made the birthright as an incentive and a reward for the seeking believersWe introduced a little what the birthright is in the previous article – the significance, preciousness, and enjoyment of the birthright in God’s economy: what is the birthright? – and we have seen that God intended for the whole human race to enjoy this birthright: expressing Him in His image (the priesthood), having dominion over the earth for Him (the kingship), and taking possession of the whole earth for Him (the double portion of the good land – see Gen. 1:26).

But as we all know, man fell – Satan tricked man into “selling his birthright” to him – for a fruit, in exchange for “the knowledge of good and evil”. Even today, Satan offers us many things – either good things, shiny things, physical things, positions and golden futures, careers, etc – he would give us anything so that we may sell our birthright, so that we may neglect the birthright we have by being not only created by God but also born of God.

Due to Adam’s fall, we lost the birthright; that’s why God came in to call Abraham – He intended to “start anew” with a new race, the called race. But as we know, the called race, the people of Israel, failed also and rejected God, even they crucified God’s Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.

In Romans we see that they, being a cultivated olive tree, were uprooted for a while, and we, the Gentiles who believe into the Lord Jesus, have been grafted into the rich Christ (Rom. 11:17)! Now the birthright has been passed on to the church of the firstborn (James 1:18).

Being in Christ and one with Christ, the FirstBorn Son of God, we also are the firstborn! Hallelujah, as believers in Christ we have the birthright that God intended for humanity to have! We can enjoy this birthright in God’s economy today!

As we all know and can clearly see even in the churches today, not all the believers cooperate with the Lord to enter into the enjoyment of their birthright. Since not all the Christians are willing to cooperate with Him in this matter, God, in His wisdom, has decided to make the birthright a reward.

The birthright is our incentive today and it will be our reward in the coming age and for eternity! As the firstborn sons of God, we have the birthright – including the inheritance of the earth, the priesthood, and the kingship, which will be the main blessings in the coming kingdom and which the profane, world-loving-and-seeking Christians will lose at the Lord’s coming back.

We just need to daily not despise or neglect our birthright, but enjoy it and enter into it.

If we by faith take grace, enter into the Holy of Holies, and cooperate with God, we shall certainly live out the birthright. If we today exercise our spirit to enjoy the Lord as grace, spend time with Him, and allow Him to rule and reign in us, we shall spontaneously be in the reality of the kingdom of God. Then, the reality which we are living out today will become our reward in the manifestation of the kingdom.

Lord, save us from being complacent or passive – make us those who contact You today, live in Your presence, and take grace today – those who enjoy the birthright You gave us in this age!

About aGodMan

A God-man is a normal believer in Christ; the author of this article is one who is learning to be a normal Christian, a daily enjoyer of Christ, a living and functioning member in the Body of Christ. Amen, Lord, make us such ones for the building up of the Body of Christ!

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