The Human Life and the Divine Life can be Grafted Together: we’re One Spirit with God

I am the vine; you are the branches. He who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit; for apart from Me you can do nothing. John 15:5

As we prayerfully consider what it means for us to live a grafted life, we need to realize that in grafting two similar lives are joined and then grow together; our human life was made in the image of God and according to His likeness, so we can be joined to the ord and grow together organically. Amen!

The Lord’s word in John 15:1-5 is both wonderful and mysterious; here He said that He is the true vine and we are the branches in the vine.

The fact that Christ is the true vine means that there is at least one more vine out there that is not the true vine; however, the Lord is the true vine.

In Rev. 14:18 we see the vine of the earth.

This vine of the earth refers to the vine in this world, a counterfeit of the genuine vine, even the satanic vine. Oh, Lord!

On the positive side, there is the true vine, Jesus Christ, who is the organism of the Triune God to embody, express, and flow out the riches of the Triune God in the universe.

On the negative side, however, Satan has his own vine, which is the vine of the earth, a satanic vine including all those whose flesh Satan eats and consumes and embodies. Oh, Lord Jesus!

When the Lord returns, this counterfeit vine, the satanic vine, will be cut and cast into the eternal fire.

But Christ as the true vine remains and will remain for eternity, for in the New Jerusalem there is the tree of life!

The tree of life in the New Jerusalem is a vine, for it is planted and grows on the banks of the river of the water of life, spreading and giving fruit just as a vine tree does.

Praise the Lord, we believers in Christ have been grafted into the true vine, Christ Himself, by our repentance and faith into Christ!

We are now one spirit with the Lord, for by our faith in Him we have been organically joined to Him.

The Bible reveals that the relationship God wants to have with us is not just that of a Creator with a creature, or a Master with His slaves, but that of being one – God wants to be one with man and make man one with Him.

For this, God had to become the same as we are so that we and Him may be made one.

For Him to be one with us, He had to become the same as we are, and now He is making us the same as He is in life and nature so that intrinsically, organically, and constitutionally we would be one.

The oneness God desires to have with man is not just an agreement or an outward union; it is the organic union in spirit that translates into living a grafted life, a life of being organically one with the Lord in spirit. Amen!

The Human Life and the Divine Life can be Joined Together in Grafting, for they are Similar

And God said, Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of heaven and over the cattle and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth. Gen. 1:26Thank and praise the Lord for saving us and grafting us into Himself as the true vine!

We were born in the vine of the earth, far away from God, having no inheritance among God’s people, but through repentance and faith in Christ, we were cut off from the old source and we were grafted into Christ (Rom. 11:17-18).

In the matter of grafting, in order for one kind of life to be grafted into another, the two lives must be very similar.

You can’t graft a branch from a banana tree, for example, into a peach tree; the two lives have to be very similar.

You can graft a branch from a poorer peach tree into a better, more productive, and healthier peach tree, for they share the same life.

It is the same with us being grafted into Christ.

The human life was made in the image of God and according to His likeness (Gen. 1:26), so the human life can be joined to the divine life in grafting.

Because the human life is very similar to the divine life, it can be grafted into the divine life; these two can be grafted together.

Our human life is not the divine life, but it resembles it; therefore, these lives can easily be grafted together so that they grow organically. Praise the Lord!

For example, a branch from a poorer kind of apple tree is cut off and then grafted into a more productive and richer apple tree.

There is a cut made in the richer apple tree, and the branch from the poorer tree is also cut; these two cuts are joined and even bound together, and they grow together – they are grafted together.

This is because grafting can be effective only if the lives to be grafted are similar.

Because our human life was made in the image of God and according to His likeness, it can be joined to the divine life.

God created us in a very specific way and with a particular make-up, disposition, virtues, and features.

When the Bible speaks of God creating all things, it says that He created everything according to their kind.

But if some of the branches were broken off, and you, being a wild olive tree, were grafted in among them and became a fellow partaker of the root of fatness of the olive tree, Do not boast against the branches; but if you boast, [remember that it is] not you [who] bear the root, but the root you. Rom. 11:17-18When man was created, however, he was created not according to his kind but according to God’s kind, in the image of God and according to His likeness.

This is because God intends to be one with man, so he created the human life to correspond to the divine life and be similar to the divine life so that these two lives might be grafted. Wow, Hallelujah!

We need to be filled with praise and thanks to the Lord that He made us in His image and according to His likeness, for we are fit and ready to be grafted into Christ!

We should not despise our human life, our humanity, for it was made in God’s image to match God and to be able to be grafted into Christ for our organic union!

Because our human life resembles the divine life, the divine life and the human life can be grafted together and then they can grow organically.

When a branch is grafted into a tree, the branch grows with the tree and in the tree; at the same time, the tree grows in the branch and by means of that branch.

When we are grafted into Christ by our repentance and faith into Him, we start a process of growth together with Christ.

Now we grow together and are one with Him; we draw all our supply from Him, His life enriches us and bountifully supplies us, and we grow with the growth of God to express Christ.

Praise the Lord!

Thank You, Lord, for creating us in Your image and according to Your likeness so that we may match You and be able to be grafted into You! Wow, Lord, how we praise You for granting us to have the human life which is so similar to the divine life that it can be grafted into it! Hallelujah, we men were created in God’s image and our human life can be grafted into the divine life. Amen, Lord, we believe into You and are joined with You as one spirit. Because our human life resembles the divine life, the divine life and the human life can be grafted together and then grow together organically! Hallelujah, we believers in Christ have been grafted into Christ by our repentance and faith into Him, and now we grow together with Him and in Him, as He grows in us and through us! Amen, Lord, we want to abide in You, enjoying all Your riches to become Your expression on the earth! Keep us abiding in the vine all the time, drawing all our life from You, so that we may grow with the growth of God and express Christ!

Both Christ and us have been Cut and Joined to be Grafted Together: we’re One with God!

But he who is joined to the Lord is one spirit. 1 Cor. 6:17 When we speak of cutting in the physical realm, two main matters are involved: first, there’s the cutting, and then, there’s the joining or uniting.

The richer tree is cut, and the branch to be grafted is also cut; then, these two are joined together at the right spot, and they are united together.

If a branch from one tree is to be grafted into another tree, it needs to be cut, and the destination tree also needs to be cut; after the cutting, there’s the joining, the union.

All this is an organic process, though there is some cutting and joining taking place.

Because we have the human life, which is similar to the divine life, we can be grafted into Christ.

Christ, the vine tree into whom we are grafted, was cut on the cross.

When He died on the cross, he was cut open, and now there’s an open wound, a cut, into which we are being grafted.

The uniting is done in the resurrection of Christ, for it is in His resurrection that we are joined to Him as one spirit.

Through death, both Christ and we are cut; in His resurrection, we are joined together as one spirit to be grafted together; now we are one with God! Praise the Lord!

When we repented and believed into the Lord Jesus, we experienced the cutting and joining, for we experienced the death and resurrection of Christ to be grafted together in spirit.

It is only by being grafted into Christ that we can be one with Him in His death and resurrection.

In ourselves and by ourselves, we can’t die to the law or live to God; however, when we see Jesus, when we’re infused with His preciousness, we begin to appreciate Him, and we are grafted into Christ.

On one hand, we are cut; on the other hand, we are joined to Christ in His resurrection life.

We believers in Christ need to realize that we have been grafted into Christ – Christ and we have been grafted together, and now we need to live in this organic union with the Lord (1 Cor. 6:17).

When we remain in the organic union with the Lord, we are dead to the world through the crucifixion of Christ (Gal. 6:13-14).

Day by day we need to remain in this organic union with the Lord; it is by abiding in the Lord that we die to the law and live to God.

For neither do they that become circumcised keep the law themselves, but they desire you to be circumcised that they may boast in your flesh. But far be it from me to boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom the world has been crucified to me and I to the world. Gal. 6:13-14 As we live in the organic union with the Lord, we are dead to everything other than God and we live to the Lord.

Thank the Lord that, by the all-inclusive cutting of Christ’s all-inclusive death on the cross, we are dead to the world, the law, the self, and anything other than God.

Even more, by being grafted into Christ, we enjoy all that He is, and His experience has become our history.

On the negative side, we were cut off from the self, the flesh, the world, religion, and the law with its ordinances.

On the positive side, since we’re grafted into Christ, His resurrection is ours for us to enjoy today.

Christ’s history has become our history, and we have a wonderful history!

We are dead to religion – including Judaism, Catholicism, and Protestantism, and we are living to God!

We have been cut off from everything other than God and have been joined to Him to live in resurrection a life that is one with Him!

May we see and realize that both Christ and we were cut on the cross and we both were joined in resurrection to be grafted together, and now we are organically one with the Lord!

Lord Jesus, thank You for being willing to be cut on the cross so that we may be grafted into Christ. Thank You for entering into resurrection and making a way for us to be organically joined to the Lord in spirit! Hallelujah, though in ourselves we’re not able to die to law and live to God, we can be grafted into Christ in spirit! Hallelujah, we were cut in the death of Christ from anything negative, and we were joined to Christ in His resurrection to partake of all His riches! Amen, Lord, we declare that, by Your death, we are dead to everything other than God. We praise You that, in Your resurrection, we are joined to You so that all Your history becomes our history and Your riches are ours for our enjoyment! Amen, we are dead to everything other than God and we are living to God, for we and Christ are grafted together! Praise the Lord, we today can live in our mingled spirit to partake of all the riches of Christ and live a life in union with the Triune God in our spirit!

References and Hymns on this Topic
  • Inspiration for this article/sharing comes from the Word of God, the enjoyment in the ministry, a sharing by brother Ray Mulligan in the message for this week, Life-study of Galatians, msg. 9 (by Witness Lee), as quoted in the Holy Word for Morning Revival on, The Christian Life (2024 Memorial Day Blending Conference), week 2, The Grafted Life.
  • Similar articles on this topic:
    Why We Witness for Christ and 6 Practical Points on How to Do It, via, Bibles for America blog.
    One Body in Christ – the organic union in the Epistle to the Romans, article by Ron Kangas in Affirmation and Critique.
    Lord, Dispense into me for New Jerusalem, via, New Jerusalem blog.
    The grafted life, a portion from, The Experience and Growth in Life, Chapter 4, by Witness Lee.
    The Secret to Switching on the Divine Power to Live the Christian Life, via, Holding to Truth in Love.
    A Grafted Life, via, Church in New York City.
    Transformation and conformation by the grafted life, a portion from, Life-Study of Romans, Chapter 64.
    The mingled spirit – the key to the Christian life, article by Ron Kangas in, Affirmation and Critique.
    A grafted life, a portion from, The Secret of Experiencing Christ, Chapter 5, by Witness Lee.
  • Hymns on this topic:
    – This the secret nature hideth, / Harvest grows from buried grain; / A poor tree with better grafted,VRicher, sweeter life doth gain. / This the secret of the holy, / Not our holiness, but Him; / O Lord! empty us and fill us, / With Thy fulness to the brim. (Hymns #482 stanzas 3-4)
    – By His mercy, we’re selected, / Ours a glorious destiny. / Not by running, nor by willing, / But through God’s own sovereignty. / Once we were wild olive branches, / Now the root and fat partake, / Grafted in, rejoice together, / Growing for the kingdom’s sake. / As we’re daily in this process / And by life are sanctified, / How we thank Him for the blessing / Of the church life He’s supplied. / Here God is our full enjoyment, / Practical and real to us; / Sons we are, and heirs together, / In the church life, glorious! (Hymns #1203 stanzas 7-8)
    – He’s the vine and we’re the branches, / We should e’er abide in Him, / And let Him abide within us / As the flow of life within. / In the vine, in the vine, / In the vine, in the vine, / We would know Thee, Lord, / more deeply, / E’er abiding in the vine. (Hymns #1163 stanza 1 and chorus)
About aGodMan

A God-man is a normal believer in Christ; the author of this article is one who is learning to be a normal Christian, a daily enjoyer of Christ, a living and functioning member in the Body of Christ. Amen, Lord, make us such ones for the building up of the Body of Christ!

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brother L.
brother L.
6 months ago

In order for one kind of life to be grafted to another, the two lives must be very similar. For example, it is not possible to graft a branch from a banana tree to a peach tree. However, it is possible to graft some branches from a poorer peach tree to a healthy, productive peach tree, for the lives of these two trees are very close to each other. We may apply this principle to the dispensing of the divine life into man…Because our human life was made in the image of God and according to the likeness of God, it can be joined to the divine life. Although our human life is not the divine life, it resembles the divine life. Therefore, these lives can easily be grafted together and then grow together organically. The life of the poor tree does not disappear. Rather, it grows together as one unit along with the life of the rich, sweet tree…This is not an exchanged life but a grafted life. (Life-study of Romans, 2nd ed., p. 639)

RcV Bible
RcV Bible
6 months ago

This indicates the mingling of the Lord as the Spirit with our spirit. Our spirit has been regenerated by the Spirit of God (John 3:6), who is now in us (v. 19) and is one with our spirit (Rom. 8:16). This is the realization of the Lord, who became the life-giving Spirit through resurrection (1 Cor. 15:45; 2 Cor. 3:17) and who is now with our spirit (2 Tim. 4:22). This mingled spirit is often referred to in Paul’s Epistles, e.g., in Rom. 8:4-6.

1 Cor. 6:17, footnote 2 on “one spirit,” Recovery Version Bible

Mario V.
Mario V.
6 months ago

Ammeeen!!! Hallelujah!!!!

Brother this grafted life is possible because our human life was made in the image of God and according to the likeness of God, it can be joined to the divine life.

Our human life resembles the divine life; therefore, the divine life and the human life can be grafted together and then grow together organically.

Thank the Lord that though is life is inferior and low and even poor and bankrupt because of the fall like the poor wild olive branches but He still desires to be one with us.

I praise the Lord for His death on the cross both the Lord and us have been cut and in resurrection, we have been joined and united with Him.

Wow!!! Lord really cause us to see this vision of the organic union.

A. K.
A. K.
6 months ago

Hallelujah, we’re joined to the Lord as one spirit. Father thank you for grafting us wild olive branches into your son.