Having Morning Watch to Contact the Lord in Spirit and in the Word

If you abide in Me and My words abide in you, ask whatever you will, and it shall be done for you. John 15:7

The most precious possession a human being can have is the presence of God and the indwelling of His word.

I really appreciate this wonderful fact this morning:

Praise the Lord that we have something very substantial, available, and practical in our hands. We have the Word. We can read the Word and receive it with our heart and our spirit. We can contact the word of the Lord in our spirit day by day and even moment by moment. As long as we are contacting the Lord’s word, we are contacting the Lord Himself.

As my morning watch began a little dry this morning, this portion was a very good reminder of my need to exercise my spirit.

Sometimes it is not so easy to remember that the purpose of morning watch is to contact the Lord. It should not be a kind of religious practice (it felt that way this morning….at first) of merely exercising our mind to understand something in the Word, but to contact the Lord by exercising our spirit.

When we remember WHY we need morning watch which is to contact the Lord IN SPIRIT, not in mind, the Lord, who desires our contact with Him, will meet us. He, will come to us and make an abode with us because He also desires to mutually abide with us.

Praise the Lord that HE is always available and He desires our presence as much as we seek and desire His! – John 14:21; 15:7.

“Jesus answered and said to him, If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word, and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make an abode with him.” (John 14:23) Recovery Version

The first thing we must do when approaching the word is to exercise our spirit. The Lord’s word is “spirit and life.” It is not religious, it is not conceptual. It is reality.

Praise the Lord for the living words living in us!!

A FEW matters were very tasty to me this morning. The first is actually the last, but not the least in the outline today. I haven’t gotten to the “Morning Nourishment” and “Today’s Reading” sections….yet, but:

“Morning by morning we need to be sanctified by touching the word and allowing the Spirit to touch us in order to move out of ourselves, our old lodging place, and into the Triune God, our new lodging place, the place of the coinhering oneness of the triune God. – John 17:17, 21; Eph. 5:26” (IV.C.5)

I exhort you therefore, brothers, through the compassions of God to present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, well pleasing to God, [which is] your reasonable service. Rom. 12:1Each morning I pray for this! I refer to it as my “divine transfer:”…. “from Adam to Christ, from my flesh to my spirit, and from Egypt to Canaan.”

We ALL need this spiritual migration EVERY MORNING! Why? Because every day I/WE wake up, I/we are spontaneously in our flesh, in Adam….not Christ. We cannot allow ourselves to remain in such a state! When we pray for the Lord to shepherd us in such a way each morning and all day long He will do it. He “will do it” because it is also the desire of HIS heart for us. The Lord desires “LIVING sacrifices.” (Rom. 12:1)

To let go of a very comfortable bed before sunrise especially when there is no need or requirement otherwise to do so, doing so becomes a sacrifice unto Jesus. Remaining in our comfy bed pleases OURSELVES, slumbering is unto ourselves.

“How long, sluggard, will you lie there? / When will you arise from your sleep?” (Proverbs 6:9) Recovery Version

Rising up is unto Christ. When we RISE UP EARLY, call on His name, exercising our spirit something marvellous takes place “within” and “without.”

1. “By loving the Lord with the first love, we are incorporated into the Triune God.” (IV.B.1)

2. “He manifests Himself to us, and the Father comes WITH Him to make an abode with us.” (IV.B.2)

3. The more we do this EVERY MORNING, “the more we are in His presence, the more we will enjoy all that He is to us.” (IV.B.3)

All of this leads to so much more in IV.C. This, to me, is the “Best Start” of any and every day of our human living.

The Lord knows we are busy with “stuff,” unfortunately, in our human living. He is merciful, but His eternal purpose remains until its full consummation and glorious manifestation.

“And Jesus said to him, The foxes have holes, and the birds of heaven have roosts, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay His head.” (Matthew 8:20) Recovery Version

“It is he who will build a house for My name; and he will be My son, and I will be his Father; and I will establish the throne of his kingdom over Israel forever.” (1 Chronicles 22:10) Recovery Version

Lord build us more into YOU this morning as you build Yourself into us for your resting place…and ours!

The way to the throne is the way of early rising. We must “overcome” every aspect of our fallen humanity by keeping the Lord as our first love.

Oh Lord Jesus saints!! I don’t know about you, but my heart yearns for my place on His throne.

“He who overcomes, to him I will give to sit with Me on My throne, as I also overcame and sat with My Father on His throne.” (Revelation 3:21) Recovery Version

Sharing by brother Tony C. from his enjoyment with the Lord in the morning watch. To share your enjoyment with the saints via this website, email us at enjoyingthelord@gmail.com.

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Mike Bledsoe
Mike Bledsoe
1 year ago

This is extremely refreshing and and encouraging as a way to start our day and have our living in Him.