Many of the questions people ask today have a deeper seeking behind them, and if we read the Bible under the divine light, we will find answer to all our questions. Via the website TruthQuestions there are a lot of questions that are answered, and below we list some of them, together with the link where you can download the PDF (to print the gospel tract) and where you can read the entire text.
More gospel tracts and booklets here, and read about the Mystery of Human Life.
Are You Looking for Love?
Every human being is created with the capacity to love and to be loved. Love is a human virtue. This is because every human being is made in the image of God and the Bible tells us that God is love (1 John 4:8, 16). The very nature of God’s being and God’s essence is love. Although someone may have told you that they love you or that they are in love with you, no one can say that they are love. Only God Himself is love.
Read this gospel tract here, and download or view the PDF file here.
What is It?
In the morning. From heaven. With the dew. Small. Fine. Round. White. As frost. As coriander seed. Solid. Its appearance like that of bdellium. Its taste like that of fresh oil. Its taste like that of wafers with honey. Good for making cakes. A mystery. What is it?
Read this gospel tract here, and download or view the PDF file here.
Are You Going for the Gold?
For centuries, gold has long been a precious and highly sought after element. Its qualities are in its colour, resistance, density, and texture. However, in the Bible, gold has an even more wonderful significance. Gold signifies the divine nature of God.
Read this gospel tract here, and download or view the PDF file here.
Have You Entered the Race?
In early Greece, the winner of an Olympic sporting event was awarded an olive branch, which was made into a wreath, or crown. The winner was also awarded other prizes, great honour, and prestige. Even though this was a top glory, the apostle Paul referred to this crown as “corruptible” and “fading” (1 Corinthians 9:25).
Read this gospel tract here, and download or view the PDF file here.
How Can We Experience the Jubilee?
The revelation of the jubilee originates from the Bible. The Old Testament describes that each family of the Israelites was allotted a portion of the good land. However, some became poor, sold their allotment (Leviticus 25:25) and lost their inheritance. Others became poorer still and even sold themselves into slavery (Leviticus 25:39). But every fifty years was the year of jubilee. Liberty was proclaimed throughout the land and each inhabitant was released from slavery, forgiven of their debts, and returned to their possession and their family (Leviticus 25:10). The jubilee was a year of enjoyment, satisfaction, and rest.
Read this gospel tract here, and download or view the PDF file here.
Where is the Water?
Water is one of the most important things on earth. Without water, there is no life. We can only survive for a few days without a source of water. It is no wonder that the possibility of a drought is a cause for great concern. Wouldn’t it be marvellous to find a source of water that never runs out?
Read this gospel tract here, and download or view the PDF file here.
What is the Question of Questions?
During His last visit to Jerusalem, He was surrounded by many people who endeavoured to ensnare Him with puzzling and crafty questions related to religion, politics, belief, and the law (Matthew 21:23-22:46). He answered each question wisely, and then He asked: “What do you think concerning the Christ? Whose son is He?” (Matthew 22:42). This question touches Christ’s person, which is a mystery, the most perplexing matter in the universe. This question of questions must be answered by everyone.
Read this gospel tract here, and download or view the PDF file here.
How Does God Carry Out His Economy?
Suppose you have a large container of juice. In order for people to drink and enjoy the juice, you must first find a way to dispense the juice from the container to them. The best way is to pour the juice into clean cups and then distribute it among the people who are present. It is then possible for the juice that is in the container to be received by people so that it enters into them to be enjoyed by them.
Read this gospel tract here, and download or view the PDF file here.
What is God’s Economy?
God is exceedingly rich, and His wealth is countless. However, the riches of God are far more precious than gold or diamonds. God’s riches are simply Himself. God desires to dispense Himself into humanity. For this, God made an economy.
Read this gospel tract here, and download or view the PDF file here.
Where Does God Live?
One of the best ways to know a person is to visit their home. This is because a person’s home is a place where he or she can be expressed. If a home is neat and clean then we know that a neat and clean person lives there. If a home is beautifully decorated then we know that the person who lives there appreciates beauty. The principle is the same with God. To know God we should find out where He lives and what His dwelling place is like.
Read this gospel tract here, and download or view the PDF file here.
Why Are We Here?
In order to answer such a thoughtful question it is helpful to first consider another question: what are we? When an object is identified we realise the reason that it exists. For example, when we see and recognise a chair we know that the purpose for its existence is so that someone would sit in it. Similarly, when we identify a glove we know the purpose for which it was created. A glove is made in a particular shape so that it can contain and express a hand.
Read this gospel tract here, and download or view the PDF file here.
What Do You Need?
If you were asked the question, “What do you need?” what would your answer be? You might answer that you need the latest smart phone, good exam results, or a pay rise. Or you might think that you need a new relationship, a listening ear, or a change of scenery. Perhaps you say that you need a hot drink, a tasty meal or a good night’s sleep. But can you say that any of these will satisfy your inner need? What is our need and how can it be met?
Read this gospel tract here, and download or view the PDF file here.
Is Man Good or Evil?
What causes man to riot and rebel? What causes man to clean up afterwards? For generations, thoughtful people have tried to understand and explain the inward nature of man. The philosopher Mencius asserted that man’s nature is intrinsically good, whereas Xun Zi insisted that man’s nature is wayward and evil. However, neither of these schools of thought adequately describes the complexities of human nature.
Read this gospel tract here, and download or view the PDF file here.
How Does the Bible End?
The Bible literally means the book, and like any book, it has both a beginning and an end. In order to see the preciousness of the Bible and to understand its content, we must pay attention to how it concludes. Additionally, in order to appreciate the end of the Bible, we must first see its beginning.
Read this gospel tract here, and download or view the PDF file here.
What is Truth?
What is truth? Can an answer be found to this question, and where can we find it? Jesus Christ was asked this very question by Pontius Pilate, a Roman governor: “What is truth?” (John 18:38). This was Pilate’s response when Jesus said that He came into the world to testify to the truth (John 18:37). But what was this truth?
Read this gospel tract here, and download or view the PDF file here.
What Are You Eating?
“Tell me what you eat,” wrote Anthelme Brillat-Savarin, “and I shall tell you what you are.” We all realise that to live properly we need to eat properly. The way we live depends on what we eat. You are what you eat, so what are you eating?
Read this gospel tract here, and download or view the PDF file here.
What is the Mystery of the Universe?
The universe is a story of mysteries. What are the heavens, what is earth, and what are we human beings? What is the mystery of the universe, and where can we find the answer to all our questions?
Read this gospel tract here, and download or view the PDF file here.
Why Are There So Many Problems in the World?
Recent events have caused us to pay close attention to the current situation in the world. Newspapers are full of bad news, and prisons are full of criminals. Society is corrupt, people are suffering from sickness and poverty, and we are riding on an economic rollercoaster. Intelligent people try to tackle these problems, but everywhere we look there are more problems. Why are there so many problems in the world, and what is the solution to these problems?
Read this gospel tract here, and download or view the PDF file here.
How Can I Rest?
Many people are seeking rest. We look forward to the end of the day, to weekends, and even to holidays. Yet even when our body rests physically, our mind and our heart are often not at rest. And then, on Monday, we have to return to school or to work. How can we find true rest, complete satisfaction, and full enjoyment?
Read this gospel tract here, and download or view the PDF file here.
When is the Real Royal Wedding?
When Prince William and Kate Middleton announced their engagement, everyone was asking the question, “When is the royal wedding?” But have you heard that there is another royal wedding soon to take place? This is the divine romance between God and man, and with the wedding day soon approaching, it would be a good idea to find out what it is all about. What is this wonderful story? When is the real royal wedding?
Read this gospel tract here, and download or view the PDF file here.
Will It Work This Year?
At the start of each new year, many people resolve to drop bad habits and pick up good habits. But did it work last year? Will it work this year? How many times have we made resolutions: to not get angry, to not eat that last piece of chocolate, to be more assertive, to be a better husband, wife, parent, or child? We try our best and may succeed for a while, but eventually something causes us to fail. Then we comfort ourselves by saying, “There is always next year.” Making and breaking resolutions year after year, have you ever considered that what we need is more than a new year’s resolution?
Read this gospel tract here, and download or view the PDF file here.
Looking for the Best Gift?
At this time of year a question that is often posed is, “What can I give to him or her?” The hunt is on for gifts that are unique and thoughtful, intimate and witty, or sweet and cute. Up and down the country, people are looking for perfect gift ideas so that special gifts can be given to family and friends. But what is the best gift for her? What is the best present for him? The answer lies not only with the gift itself, but even more with the giver.
Read this gospel tract here, and download or view the PDF file here.
Is Jesus God or Man?
Is Jesus God, or is Jesus man? Or is He both, a God-man? As one of the most complicating matters in the New Testament, let us spend more time to enter into this marvelous mystery—the mingling of God with man for our experience and enjoyment of the Triune God in His dispensing.
Read this gospel tract here.
Can God be Contacted?
Have you ever wondered if God can be contacted? To many of us God is abstract and far away. Even the Bible confirms that God dwells in unapproachable light (1 Timothy 6:16). Yet the Bible also tells us that we, as human beings, can contact and receive God and become His children (John 1:12). How can we reconcile this apparent paradox?
Read this gospel tract here, and download or view the PDF file here.
Is it Human to Need God?
It is a fact that human beings have certain needs. We need light and air, water and food, shelter and rest. Many people also sense the need for God, but is this normal? Is it human to need God?
Read this gospel tract here.
Are You Thirsty?
The Bible reveals that man is thirsty. This is why he continually seeks countless things to satisfy himself, such as knowledge, diplomas, careers, money, sports, music, entertainment, parties, relationships, etc.
Read this gospel tract here, and download or view the PDF file here.