Picture credit: Amana Trust “a time to know the Bible”.
It’s time to know the Bible, the word of God! And now you can get a free Bible – a free New Testament Recovery Version, a unique study Bible designed with many useful features to help us read and study the Word of God.
All those who have read the Bible can tell that this book – The Book – is not always easy to understand.
For example, there is not just one Gospel but four – why not one, what’s the need for four? The first footnote in Matt. 1:1 in the Recovery Version Bible says,
Christ, as the wonderful center of the entire Bible, is all-inclusive, having many aspects. The New Testament at its beginning presents four biographies to portray the four main aspects of this all-inclusive Christ. The Gospel of Matthew testifies that He is the King, the Christ of God prophesied in the Old Testament, who brings the kingdom of the heavens to the earth. The Gospel of Mark tells us that He is the Servant of God, laboring for God faithfully. Mark’s account is most simple, for a servant does not warrant a detailed record. The Gospel of Luke presents a full picture of Him as the only proper and normal man who ever lived on this earth; as such a man, He is the Savior of mankind. The Gospel of John unveils Him as the Son of God, the very God Himself, who is life to God’s people. Among the four Gospels, Matthew and Luke have a record of genealogy; Mark and John do not. To testify that Jesus is the King, the Christ of God prophesied in the Old Testament, Matthew needs to show us the antecedents and status of this King, to prove that He is the proper successor to the throne of David. To prove that Jesus is a proper and normal man, Luke needs to show the generations of this man, to attest that He is qualified to be the Savior of mankind. For the record of a servant, Mark does not need to tell us His origin. To unveil that Jesus is the very God, neither does John need to give us His human genealogy; rather, he declares that, as the Word of God, He is the very God in the beginning. Matt. 1:1, part of footnote 1
This note helps us enjoy and appreciate our Lord Jesus Christ, and also get deeper into these books, which are part of His biography.
It’s time to know the Bible!
You can order a free Study Bible – the Recovery Version New Testament – which has 9000 footnotes (explanatory notes on words, expressions, topics and verses), detailed outlines (each book of the New Testament has a detailed outline), 13.000 Cross-references (sending you to other verses that speak of the same word or topic), Historical References (related to the background of different events, the books, and the stories presented in the New Testament), and charts and maps.

Picture credit: Amana Trust “a time to know the Bible”.
All of these help us grasp the deeper meaning of the Scriptures so that we may know and appreciate our God. These features, along with the accurate and readable translation make it an excellent help for both our personal and group Bible study. This Bible will help you understand more of God’s word and know its deeper meaning.
These days we can clearly see – both according to the world events, the earthquakes, the violence, the racial tension, the virus spreading around, the enmity among people, and according to the Bible – that we are toward the end of this age.
The Bible speaks about these matters and many more.
Especially the New Testament speaks concerning the Lord Jesus – God who became man – and He said that, in times such as these, He gives us His peace (John 14:27).
The Lord gives us His peace, but not as the world gives us peace but rather, He Himself becomes our peace. What is peace? How come in the world we don’t have peace, and the more peace reunions and meetings we have, there is no peace? The more peace treaties are out there, the more troubles there are.
It is time to know the Bible. It’s time to read the Bible, learn what the Bible says, and understand the Bible. What is the Bible speaking about? What is this peace that the Lord said that He will give us? There is a footnote in Phil. 4:7 that says,
The result of practicing fellowship with God in prayer is that we enjoy the peace of God. The peace of God is actually God as peace (v. 9) infused into us through our fellowship with Him by prayer, as the counterpoise to troubles and the antidote to anxiety (John 16:33). Phil. 4:7, footnote 1, Recovery Version Bible.
This peace, the peace of God, surpasses every man’s understanding; if we have the peace of God, this peace will guard our hearts and our thoughts in Christ Jesus (Phil. 4:7).
It’s time to know the Bible. It is time to know our God and not only understand His word but enter into a relationship with Him according to His word. It’s time to know the word of God and understand what God has to say and give to us.

Picture credit: Bibles for Europe.
Order a Free Bible in English. Order a Free New Testament Recovery Version in English today here. With this study Bible, you’ll receive the supply of life from the Bible and understand and love the Bible in a way you never thought possible. Free New Testament Study Bible.

Picture credit: Bibles for Europe.
Order a Free Bible in German. Order a Free New Testament Recovery Version in German today here. Kostenlose Studienbibel – Entdecke mit diesem hervorragenden Studium die Bibel. Das Neue Testament – Wiedererlangungs-Ubersetzung.

Picture credit: Bibles for Europe.
Order a Free Bible in Spanish. Order a Free New Testament Recovery Version in Spanish today here. Biblia de estudio gratuita – Descubra el entendimiento profundo de la Palabra de Dios con esta excelente Biblia de estudio. El Nuevo Testamento, Version Recobro.

Picture credit: Bibles for Europe.
Order a Free Bible in French. Order a Free New Testament Recovery Version in French today here. Bible d’étude gratuite – Découvrez une vision révélatrice de la Parole de Dieu grâce à cette remarquable bible d’étude. Le Nouveau Testament – Version Recouvrement.

Picture credit: Bibles for Europe.
Order a Free Bible in Polish. Order a Free New Testament Recovery Version in Polish today here. Bezpłatna Biblia – Odkryj w Słowie Bożym olśniewającą wizję, jaką ukazuje ta wyjątkowa i doskonała do studiowania Słowa Bożego Biblia. Nowy Testament – Przekład Odzyskiwania.
The New Testament – Recovery Version – Features
If you want to enter into a deeper enjoyment and study of God’s word, the Recovery Version of the Bible is an invaluable resource that will help you very much. It is a faithful and accurate translation, and it is also very readable. It has many helpful guides and study tools such as:
- 15,000 footnotes emphasizing the supply of spiritual light and divine life
- 26,000 cross-references to verses developing spiritual truths
- Outlines presenting the structure and crucial points in each section
- Backgrounds to each book providing information on author, time and place written, and recipient
- Subjects presenting the central thought of each book according to the divine revelation
- Charts of crucial truths and maps of Old and New Testament lands
Read more information on the Recovery Version from the Editorial Team here, and read a presentation with a lovely slideshow of this wonderful version of the Bible via Amana Trust.
About Amana Trust

Picture credit: Amana Trust, Contact
Amana Trust is a Christian charity that distributes the ministry of Watchman Nee and Witness Lee. We sell books and Bibles and sponsor the Life-study of the Bible with Witness Lee, a radio programme on Premier Christian Radio. Many of the books and resources are freely available online.
Amana Trust also endeavours to help believers to grow in the Christian faith both personally and in groups through events and trainings. Read more here.
About Bibles for Europe

Picture credit: Bibles for Europe.
Bibles for Europe (BfE) is a registered charity dedicated to giving away free copies of the New Testament Recovery Version study Bible in Europe. They’re believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, and they love the Bible! Read more here.
Get a Free Bible in your Language – even outside of Europe!
If you don’t live in Europe, you can still get a free Bible in your language!
Bibles for America – get a Free Bible in USA

Picture credit: Bibles for America.
Order a free Bible and free Christian books via Bibles for America. Get a free New Testament Recovery Version and a few good spiritual books for free by visiting their website. You can also download free e-books as PDF and read them at your leisure.
Bibles for Canada – get a Free Bible in Canada

Picture credit: Bibles for Canada.
Order a free Bible and free Christian books via Bibles for Canada! If you live in Canada, you can visit the Bibles for Canada website (or give them a call) and order free Christian books and a free New Testament.
Bibles for Australia – Get a Free Bible in Australia

Picture credit: Bibles for Australia.
Order a free Bible and free Christian books – via Bibles for Australia! Hallelujah, if you live in Australia, you can get a free Bible sent by mail by visiting their website and filling in the form, and you can also get some great free Christian books.
Bibles for New Zealand – get a Free Bible in New Zealand

Picture credit: Bibles for New Zealand.
Order a free Bible and free Christian books. If you live in the New Zealand and want to know God, you can receive free Christian books and a free New Testament at your house by ordering one for free online!
Amen! Praise the Lord Jesus…