God’s ultimate move today is to carry out His economy concerning Christ and the church, and this is by Christ being in us, filling us, flowing in us, saturating and permeating us, and making us fit to be built up into His Body for His expression.
We need to see a vision of the world’s ultimate situation, God’s ultimate move, and the Lord’s ultimate recovery. We need to see a vision, for without a vision we cast off restraint (Prov. 29:18).
In the world’s ultimate situation, as we can see it develop today in human history, the United States take the lead in many things such as military, politics, economy, development, etc; furthermore, the United States has been kept for the spreading of the central vision of Paul’s complete ministry.
We do not uplift any country in particular, but based on our observation and prayerful study both of the Bible and of the world situation, we have to admit that today the Lord has a country where there’s much freedom of speech, and where many people give themselves to the Lord to be trained and sent out for the move of God on earth.
We are not here to change the world, bring a social reform, or be involved in politics to make sure things go smoothly in a certain country; we are here to bring in the kingdom of God, and we seek first God’s kingdom.
God’s ultimate move is to carry out His economy in this age concerning Christ as the mystery of God and the church as the mystery of Christ.
The Apostle Paul completed the word of God, and he wrote extensively concerning the mystery of God (which is Christ) and the mystery of Christ (which is the church, the Body of Christ), who together form the great mystery, Christ and the church.
We need to know Christ, have Him wrought into our being, let Him flow in us, let Him transform us, and let Him make us suitable for the building up of the church. Furthermore, we need to speak the deeper truths in the word of God, bringing people in the proper experience of Christ as life for the building up of the church as the Body of Christ.
May we no longer speak a low or shallow gospel, “repent and believe into the Lord to go to heaven”, but may we speak boldly the deeper truths in the Bible, the high gospel, the gospel of the kingdom, so that the Lord may gain many who enjoy Him, experience Him, and are one with Him to build up the church as the Body of Christ.
God’s Ultimate Move is to have Christ Saturating us and Living in us for the Body
Throughout history we can see that there is much preaching of the gospel, teaching of the Bible truths, and even the recovery of the proper way to meet; what is missing is the inward experience of Christ as life for the building up of the Body.
God’s ultimate move today is to gain a people who have Christ as their life and who live Christ for the building up of the Body of Christ. God wants us to have Christ as life to us flowing in us, saturating and permeating us, so that we may be transformed and made fit to be built up into His Body for His expression.
This should be our focus: first experiencing Christ as life for the Body, and second speaking the deeper truths in the Bible to help others experience Christ for the Body. God’s move is not something outward but something inward; He wants us to take Christ as life and let Him live in us.
We believers in Christ have Christ in us: He is flowing in us, He’s saturating us and permeating us, and He is doing a work of filling us, transforming us, and sanctifying us by His flowing life until we are fit for His Body (see Col. 3:4; Eph. 3:16; 4:16).
We have the preach the gospel – that is, speak the high gospel – and teach the truth – that is, speak the deeper truths in the Bible – and go on to practice the church life – that is, practice the God-ordained way of meeting and serving.
Even more, we need to cooperate with God’s ultimate move, letting Him fill us and saturate us inwardly so that we may experience His organic salvation and become a member of His Body to be built up together as the church, the Body of Christ, for God’s corporate expression.
This must be not only knowledge or truth to us but our experience in our daily living.
It must be our experience that Christ is the flowing life within us, saturating us and permeating us.
In this inward process of saturating and filling, all the elements of Christ’s incarnation, humanity, human living, crucifixion, and resurrection are being imparted into our being to transform us inwardly and make us fit for the building up of the Body of Christ.
We need to know how to cooperate with the Lord to be transformed and how to grow unto maturity, and we need to know in experience what it means to be built up with the saints into the Body, so that Christ may have a corporate expression on earth.
In a sense, God is not primarily after gospel preaching or Bible teaching or scriptural meetings; He wants that Christ would be our life in a practical way so that we as members of Christ would become a part of His Body.
When this happens, Christ will have a Body, and in all the local churches He is being expressed in the local churches, the golden lampstands.
This is for the building up of the Body of Christ and the preparation of the Bride of Christ so that He may return and bring in the kingdom of God.
Lord Jesus, we want to cooperate with God’s ultimate move by taking You as our life and letting You saturate us to make us fit to be built up into Your Body for Your expression. Amen, Lord, we take You as our life; flow in us, saturate us and permeate us, and be lived out of us for Your expression in man. We want to know in experience how to be transformed, how to grow unto maturity, and how to be built up into the Body of Christ. Make us one with You for God’s ultimate move today, His move in man to make man the same as Christ for the corporate expression of God in man.
It must be our Real Experience that Christ is Flowing in us, Saturating us, and Transforming us for the Building up of the Body of Christ
We are thankful to the Lord that He has brought us under the ministry of the age in the Lord’s recovery today, and we can see that God’s ultimate move is to have Christ as our life saturating us and transforming us for the building up of the Body of Christ.
However, we need to not only know, understand, speak, and agree with this truth, but we must also experience it in our daily living. We are not merely spiritual beings with no feelings, desires, or opinions; rather, we are spirit, soul, and body, and we live in a certain family, society, and country, and it is there that we need to live Christ and experience Him.
It must be our real experience that Christ is the flowing life within us (John 4:14; 7:37-39).
For example, sometimes we may argue with our spouse for small things; we know so much of the truth in the Bible, and we can recite verses and quotes, but when it comes to our living, we may be lacking in living Christ.
How much Christ is lived out and manifested in us and through us? How much did we live Christ today or this week? We need to experience the Lord and live Him out.
For us to experience Christ, we need to exercise our spirit to be filled with the Spirit by all means of prayer, pray-reading the word, calling on the name of the Lord, rejoicing, singing, and giving thanks.
We need to take care of our needs, do our job, take care of our family, and do many things; but in all these things, we need to care for God’s ultimate move so that God may gain His heart’s desire.
Who cares about God’s ultimate move to carry out His eternal intention? Who even knows what God’s intention is? If we know God’s ultimate move, we will cooperate with the Lord by calling on His name, abiding in Him, and exercising our spirit to live in spirit day by day.
In the small things and events in our daily living, we need to call on the name of the Lord and pray so that we may be filled in spirit. Without being filled in spirit, we cannot cooperate with God’s ultimate move, we cannot experience Christ as our life, we cannot experience the cross, and we cannot build up the church.
We need to realize that, as we exercise our spirit and cooperate with God’s ultimate move to saturate us and permeate us with Christ for the building up of the Body, He supplies us with all His elements and He terminates the negative things within us.
May we be those who care about God’s ultimate move to carry out His eternal intention, and may we cooperate with Him by letting Him transform us, saturate us, and supply us, until we are fit for the building up of the Body.
It must be our real experience in our daily life that Christ is flowing in us, saturating us, and transforming us for the building up of the church as the Body of Christ.
Lord Jesus, may it be our real experience in our daily life that Christ is flowing in us, saturating us, and transforming us for the building up of the church as the Body of Christ. Save us from merely knowing, agreeing with, and speaking the deeper truths in the Bible; may we experience the truth and may the truth become real to us in our living. Keep us calling on Your name, praying over Your word, and enjoying You by singing, praising, and thanking, so that we may experience Christ flowing in us, saturating us, and transforming us for the building up of the church as the Body of Christ!
References and Hymns on this Topic
- Inspiration: the Word of God, my enjoyment in the ministry, the message by Minoru C. for this week, and portions from, Collected Works of Witness Lee, 1981, vol. 1, “The World Situation and God’s Move,” pp. 313-317, as quoted in the Holy Word for Morning Revival on, Special Fellowship concerning the World Situation and the Lord’s Move, msg. 3 (week 3), Spreading the Divine Truths and Seeing a Vision of the World’s Ultimate Situation, God’s Ultimate Move, and the Lord’s Ultimate Recovery.
- Hymns on this topic:
# In my spirit He remains, / With His power He sustains; / As the Spirit one with me, / He is my reality. / Moving in me day by day, / Mingling with me all the way, / All my steps He regulates, / Every part He saturates. (Hymns #548)
# I am weakness, full of weakness; / At Thy sacred feet I bow; / By Thy blest, eternal Spirit, / Fill with strength, and fill me now! / Fill me now! Fill me now! / Fill me with Thy Spirit now! / Strip me wholly, empty throughly, / Fill me with Thy Spirit now! (Hymns #267)
# In tenderness He deals with me, / While I stay with joy in His presence; / And He saturates and supplies my soul / With all His precious essence. / And He speaks to me and reveals to me / All His riches for me today; / And in every way I partake of Him, / My problems all passed away. (Hymns #554)
Do not think I have no earthly cares. I have a wife, children, grandchildren, daughters-in-law, and sons-in-law. Sometimes I have to see a doctor for a physical problem. Yes, I have my share of troubles; that is part of my lot as a human being. But none of these is my real concern. My real concern is how to present to the dear saints the Lord’s ultimate move so that they may see it. I have a burden within. Where can the Lord get His heart’s desire? Surely not in the idol temples or in the Muslim mosques or in the Catholic cathedrals. The Lord has no way. Even the proper gospel preaching, Bible teaching, and scriptural meetings have been neglected….Who cares about God’s ultimate move to carry out His eternal intention? Who even knows what God’s eternal intention is? (CWWL, 1981, vol. 1, “The World Situation and God’s Move,” pp. 316-317)
O lord Jesus
Amen!! Hallellujah!
Amen Glory Hallelujah Jesus is Lord
Give me the grace lord to finish my course I know not how much farther I can go
Amen Lord, not merely knowing, but much more, grant us a rich experience of you.
Amen !!!
God’s Goal is people who express Him, who Shine like the Stars, who are Holy and without Blemish Before Him in Love, people who have executed judgement on all the foul evil angels, and Demons ,and the Devil Himself. Men and Women who have become Inheriters of God Himself. These are just a few things and these are enough to make me very Grateful to God.