![God's Move on Earth is by the Move of "the High and Awesome Wheels" (Ezek. 1) [In the picture: Our God is living, our Lord is moving, and the Spirit is working, to carry out God's eternal economy. ] God's Move on Earth is by the Move of "the High and Awesome Wheels" (Ezek. 1) [In the picture: Our God is living, our Lord is moving, and the Spirit is working, to carry out God's eternal economy. ]](https://i0.wp.com/agodman.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/god-living-lord-moving-spirit-working-carry-out-gods-economy-1024x679.jpg?resize=700%2C464&ssl=1)
Our God is living, our Lord is moving, and the Spirit is working, to carry out God’s eternal economy.
When we walk from here to there we don’t need wheels, but when we go to specific places we need some wheels. God has a special move, He wants to accomplish something, and His extraordinary move is by the great and high wheels.
It is not by ourselves, by our own strength, but by God as our supply and power. The Triune God is a living, moving, and working God, working tirelessly to carry out God’s economy.
We are little people, earthen vessels, very small, but God in His move has reached us in His recovery and He has brought us into the local churches. In the church, there is only one move of God, and as we go to work, to school, at home, or anywhere we are, we have the move of God with us.
We may be little people but we can pray in a big and bold way to bring the high and awesome wheel of the move of God’s economy with us!
This move bears God’s appearance – when others see us, they see God! When others come to meet with us, they see God among us!
Lord, may all the local churches have a great and awesome wheel with them, the move of God! Save us from having any appearance that is unique and distinct – we want to bear the appearance of God. Lord, be with us at work, at school, on the street, while driving, and in everything we do. Accompany us with Your move, Lord, and make us fully one with You that we may bear Your expression!
God’s Move for His Purpose By His Strength
In Ezekiel 1:15-21 we see a great vision concerning the four living creatures who are moving all over the earth, and each one had a great and high wheel, all bearing the appearance of beryl.
The living creatures had four faces and four wings; the wings signify God’s strength and grace covering us and empowering us to soar. We as living creatures may not be that high or big, but we are strengthened and supplied by God.
We should not look at ourselves – we are not the source, but God is the source of His move.
Our God is living (see 1 Tim. 3:15; Heb. 3:12), our Lord is moving (Matt. 16:18), and the Spirit is working (Rev. 5:6b) to carry out God’s eternal economy. The Triune God is more than vital – living, moving, and working – and we are joined to this One in our spirit!
We may be little people, not having high degrees or being extremely smart, but we can pray to God in a bold way to bring the high and awesome wheel of the move of God’s economy!
We should pray big prayers – not just prayers for our needs, but prayers for the Lord’s testimony to be all over the earth and especially to gain Europe city by city so that one day there may also be a Lord’s Table meeting recovered in Jerusalem, Israel! As long as we are one with the Lord, this is NOT impossible!
Today we all, wherever we are and whatever we do, should have a high and awesome wheel with us (see Acts 13:1-4). Both as individual Christians and as the local church, we should have the high and awesome wheel of God’s move with us!
God Needs a Move On the Earth!

The move of God to carry out His economy is by the move of the high and awesome wheels portrayed in Ezekiel 1:15-21.
The move of the four living creatures and the move of the wheels was on the earth – God today needs a move on the earth among man and with man (Ezek. 1:15; Matt. 6:10).
In the heavens God has the angels and His armies, but on earth He has man whom He created in His image and likeness to be one with man and make man fully one with Him for His move. On earth today where we are God wants to move.
The appearance of God’s move is like beryl (Ezek. 1:16), which in Daniel 10:6 is the appearance of the Lord when He was moving. Within the move of the wheels is the appearance of the Lord – God moves in us, among us, and through us.
It is us as Christians, human beings with God living in them, that go to work, go to school, study in university, seek for jobs, live the family life, etc. but it is God who is expressed through us. The more we all enjoy Christ the more we express Christ – and we all bear the image of Christ!
God needs such a move on the earth today – both in many individual believers and in many local churches spreading all over the earth one with God in His move!
The Lord’s Move has the Same Appearance in Every Church
All the wheels in Ezek. 1 have the same likeness, which means that, just like the 7 golden lampstands in Revelation 1, we bear the same likeness, the same expression, the same appearance!
We should not seek to be different in our expression as a local church but rather just enjoy Christ and let Him be expressed through us!
I have visited many local churches on the earth and I can testify that whether the saints are in Taiwan, USA, Canada, Romania, England, Portugal, Spain, France, Greece, China, or Poland, the expression of the local churches is the same! The saints bear the image and expression of Christ, and there’s the move of God with the local churches in the Lord’s recovery!
God has only one move, God gives us only one thing to enjoy – Christ, and God has only one expression all over the earth!
There is no need to “turn” by following a certain special leader or dominating brother – we just go on following the Lord’s move on earth today! We move in coordination, in oneness, and in our move God is moving.

The high and awesome rims of the wheels being full of eyes indicates that if we are one with the Lord in His move, we will have His insight and revelation; the more we participate in the Lord’s move, the more we will be enlightened and the more we will be able to see.
The high and awesome rims are full of eyes (Ezek. 1:18), which means that if we are one with the Lord in His move today, we will have His insight and His revelation!
Just as Paul prayed, we will have the eyes of our heart enlightened that we may see what God’s move is and what is He doing today (Eph. 1:17). Just stay in God’s move, just be one with the Lord in His move, and there will be a lot of seeing, revelation, and vision.
The Lord’s Move with Watchman Nee and Witness Lee
There is much to say about these two ministers of the Lord and how they saw God’s move, were in God’s move, and furthered God’s move on the earth, and here are a few such manifestations.
In 1949 Watchman Nee saw that the political situation in China was inclining towards Communism, so he had some conferences and he sent Witness Lee to Taiwan to preserve the testimony of the Lord.
When brother Lee went to Taiwan, the Lord moved in his moving: in max. 5-10 years there were hundreds of churches on the island of Taiwan, and there was a great spiritual awakening. Then brother Lee saw the importance of the USA in the spreading of the truths in the Lord’s recovery, and he moved there in the 1960’s, when he himself was almost 60 years old.
He started in the USA by praying for three weeks with some brothers, and the Lord began to move. The Lord opened up the heavens to His recovery, and today we have the life-study of the Bible and many other books opening the deeper truths in God’s word.
In 1991, after many years of prayer among the saints in the local churches and all over the world, Witness Lee was one with the Lord in sending some saints to move to Russia after the Communism fell. Now there are more than 200 churches in this country, and the hunger for the truth is great.
Recently, the Lord has continued to move in His recovery toward Europe – many local churches are being established, the free Rhema literature is being distributed in almost all European countries, and there are hundreds of seeking believers desiring more fellowship.
In England, UK, during the Olympic Games this past year there were more than 70.000 New Testament Recovery Version distributed, and more than 60% of the recipients want further contact.
The Lord is really moving – whether through great moves, small moves, outward moves, inward and house-to-house moves… He is moving today! Oh, that all believers would see the wheel of the great move of God’s economy today and pray for it, be in it, and be one with God to move in His move today!
Lord, open our eyes to see God’s move today. We want to be one with You in Your move. Lord, You are the source, the supply, and the strength for us to move and do anything. May You be expressed through us, and may we bear Your likeness at work, at school, at home, in the church, and wherever You have placed us. Lord, may Your kingdom come on the earth. Recover the earth, Lord, and gain many people today for Your testimony, for Your move!
References and Further Reading
- Sharing inspired by brother James Lee’s sharing in this message, and portions in, Life-study of Ezekiel (msg. 8), as quoted in the Holy Word for Morning Revival on Prayer and the Lord’s Move, week 5 (entitled, Being One with the Triune God in the Move of the Great Wheel of His Economy).
- Further reading: The Ground of the Church and the Service of the Body (ch. 9).
- Hymns on this topic:
# When God wants to move, / He must gain an instrument; / Overcomers separated from the current age.
# Do you see them in the cities, / Meeting on the local ground? / They’re the local, golden lampstands, / Where the Lord His home has found.
# By our passing through this cycle, / Living creatures we become / To express the life of Jesus; / He with whom we’ve been made one.
# We are for the great migration, / And, O Lord, we seek Thy face. / Who? and when? and where? Lord Jesus, / Grant us now Thy blessed grace. - Pictures source: with permission via, Inspiration Unlimited (Prayer and the Lord’s Move set).
[Ezekiel 1:15-21] describes the high and dreadful [awesome] wheels. By the side of every living creature there is a wheel. This wheel is so high that it is dreadful; it is dreadfully high….A wheel is for moving, not in an ordinary way but in a special way. At home, when we walk from the kitchen to our bedroom or living room, we do not need a wheel. But when we travel a distance, we need a wheel. When we do something to fulfill a purpose, we may also need a wheel….The wheel in Ezekiel 1 implies a move with a purpose. Furthermore, the wheel implies that this move is not by our own strength. (Life-study of Ezekiel, p. 91)
Ezek 1:16 The appearance of the wheel & their workmanship were like the sight of beryl, & the four of them had 1 likeness; that is, their appearance & their workmanship were as it were a wheel within a wheel.
18 As for their rims, they were high & they were awesome; & the rims of the 4 of them were full of eyes all around.
‘…when we travel a distance, we need a wheel…The wheel in Ezekiel 1 implies that this move is not by our own strength…According to Daniel 10:6 beryl was the appearance of the Lord when He was moving. All the moves bear the appearance of the Lord…”Whenever they went, they went in their 4 directions; they did not turn as they went” (Ezek 1:17)…a move in coordination, without any turns.’
Dear Lord, give us eyes to see with great spiritual insight & be watchful to have a proper church life unto the growth of Your Body in love.
Oh Lord Jesus, we pray that the eyes of our heart be enlightened so that we may see what I Your move on the earth today. Lord we pray for a spirit of wisdom and revelation so we will be able to be one with You in Your move. Lord remove all distractions from our lives, anything that will take us away from this one flow but keep us in the flow! Keep us enjoying and feasting on You Lord for Your expression on the earth! Oh Lord do this for Your testimony.
The appearance of the wheels and its workmanship were like the sight of beryl. Beryl was the appearance of the Lord when He was moving in Daniel 10:6. This indicates that within the move of the wheels is the appearance of the Lord. If the wheel moves to a certain place, it will bring the appearance of the Lord to that place. If a wheel is with you at school or at work, it will bring the Lord’s appearance there. Others will be able to see beryl, the appearance of the Lord. In Daniel 10:6, the Lord’s body was like beryl, a bluish-green or yellow precious stone. This signifies Christ being divine (yellow), full of life (green), and heavenly (blue). May such an expression be among us today! As the church produced by Christ in His resurrection and with His resurrection life within, we don’t live and move by our own strength but by Him as our strength, power, and supply.
The high and awesome wheel (Ezekiel 1) being upon the earth shows that God needs a move on the earth. Our living God, is moving and working to carry out His eternal economy. Every local church and every individual believer should have a high and awesome wheel with them. The wheels having the appearance of beryl (the appearance of the Lord) and the rim is full of eyes. If we are one with the Lord’s move, we will have the appearance of beryl. In our shepherding, in our serving, we bring the appearance of the Lord to others. And the more we participate in the Lord’s move, the more we will have His insight and revelation, the more we are clear concerning His economy. The move of the wheel is the special, extraordinary move by Him as our strength, power, and supply for the carrying of His purpose. Hallelujah! The more the wheel moves in us, the more God’s purpose is accomplished. We also enjoy God’s move corporately in the local churches, in gaining the increase, and coordinating and building up with others. All the local churches have the same appearance and likeness and having fellowship among the churches.
I was really impressed by Ezekiel 1:16 which talked about the four wheels having the same appearance, the same likeness. This is so unlike the world which promotes individuality. People don't like to hear that we should be the same. But 1 Cor. 1:10 charges us to speak the same thing and that there be no divisions among us, but that we be attuned in the same mind and in the same opinion. In Revelation we see the 7 golden lampstands which are identical in their nature. In Ezekiel we see that the move of the Lord has the same likeness and appearance in every church. If the church in one locality has a likeness, an appearance, which is different from the likeness of the church in another locality, something is wrong. If a particular church thinks that it needs to build up its own local distinction, that it needs to build up something typically and uniquely local, it is acting contrary to Ezekiel 1, where we are told that all four wheels bear the same likeness.
Here's a song based on the above sharing. Tune: I Take My Portion / 473
1) Saints, we should pray big prayers, but not-–
Only just prayers for our needs, but–
Prayers for the Lord’s testimony–
To be all over the earth, and–
Especially to gain Europe,
City by city, that one day–
A table meeting, there would be–
Recovered in Jerusalem!
2) As long as we are one with Him,
Then, this is not impossible!
Today we all, wherever we–
We are and whatever we do,
Should have a high and awesome wheel–
With us. Both as individuals,
And as the local church, we'd have–
The wheel of God’s move with us.