God’s Move is in man to Deify man and Gain the One New Man for His Expression

Dan. 11:32b ...But the people who know their God will show strength and take action.

By the side of every living creature there is a high and awesome wheel, which show us the extraordinary move of the Lord for the fulfilment of His economy; God’s move today is in man to deify man to bring forth the new man so that God may obtain a corporate expression and have His administration carried out.

The entire Bible from Genesis to Revelation presents a full picture of God’s economy and His move on earth to carry out His economy.

In Ezekiel God’s economy and God’s move in His economy are signified by a wheel (see Ezek. 1:15); the hub of this great wheel signifies Christ as the centre of God’s economy, the rim signifies the church as His counterpart, and the spokes spreading from the hub to the rim signify the many believers in Christ.

This great wheel of God’s move in His economy is on earth besides the living creatures; God’s move on earth follows the coordination of the four living creatures.

When we are in coordination through the cross, by the Spirit, ministering Christ to one another, we have with us a great and awesome wheel – God’s move to accomplish His economy. But if we are not the coordinated living creatures on earth who are one with the heavens, the Lord has no way to move with us.

Why can’t God move by Himself, since He is greater than the living creatures? It is because God does everything according to the principle of incarnation: He moves, lives, acts, and is expressed in and through man, as He gains man’s cooperation.

Therefore, for us to have the Lord’s move, we must first live Christ and express Him; just as the wheels were for the four faces of the living creatures, so for us to have the Lord’s move we must live out the Lord, expressing Him in our daily living.

In our natural man, we cannot express Christ: we have a fallen humanity, and we have no way to express the Lord; but when we live by the Christ in us and express Him in our daily life and in coordinating with others, we have a great and awesome wheel with us, the Lord’s move to carry out His economy.

No matter how much Satan tries to stop God’s move, he can at most delay it, for God has a way to gain man’s cooperation on earth for His move! Hallelujah!

God is Living, Christ is Moving, and the Spirit is Working to Carry out God’s Economy

Ezek. 1:15, 21 And as I watched the living creatures, I saw a wheel upon the earth beside the living creatures...Whenever those went, these went; and whenever those stood still, these stood still; and whenever those were lifted up above the earth, the wheels were lifted up alongside them; for the Spirit of the living creature was in the wheels.By the side of every living creature, there is a high and awesome wheel (Ezek. 1:15-21); if you read this section of the word, it is not easy to describe the relationship between the living creatures and the wheels.

On the one hand, the wheels are beside the living creatures, and on the other, the Spirit of the living creature is in the wheels; they move as one entity – when the living creatures go up, the wheels go up.

The living creatures are full of life and vitality, and the wheels represent their activity; these two are one. Our living and our work and move should be one, just as it was with the Lord Jesus; with the Lord, His living was His work, and His work was His move. If our work is apart from our living, it is possible that our work is the movement of man.

The move of the wheels is the special and extraordinary move of the Lord, which is to accomplish His eternal economy; the way we can do this is by Him as our strength, power, and supply, and not by our own effort.

If we want to move about around the house, we don’t need a wheel, but if we want to go to a distant place, a wheel is necessary; furthermore, when we use a wheel, we don’t exercise effort, for the wheel takes us where we want to go. The wheel in Ezekiel 1 implies a move with a purpose.

Our God is living (see 1 Tim. 3:15; Heb. 3:12), our Lord Jesus is moving (Matt. 16:18), and the Spirit is working (Rev. 5:6) to carry out God’s eternal economy. Our God is a living and moving God, our Lord is working and moving to build up His church, and the Spirit is intensified sevenfold to carry out God’s ultimate move in His economy.

Now He needs a group of living creatures on earth who are one with God for His move; He needs those who know their God, show strength, and take action (Dan. 11:32), by being one with the Lord in His move and letting the great wheel of God’s move to carry them along.

Concerning the direction of the Lord’s move today, I fully believe that our God is living (1 Tim. 3:15; Heb. 3:12), that our Lord is moving (Matt. 16:18), and that the Spirit is working (Rev. 5:6b). Since our God is living, our Lord is moving, and the Spirit is working, our Triune God must still be carrying on His unique work for the accomplishing of His eternal economy, just as He has worked for this in the past ages and centuries...Both God and Christ are aspiring to see the Body of Christ built up, to see the bride prepared, and to see the kingdom brought in, that Christ may have a Body, that Christ may have His bride, and that God may have a kingdom on this earth for His eternal economy. There is no other way to accomplish this but the God-ordained way. W. Lee, Elders’ Training, Book 10: The Eldership and the God-ordained Way, p. 31The Triune God as an incorporation is coordinating and moving together as one to carry out His eternal economy, and we as members of the Body of Christ need to join Him to become the four-in-one for the move of the Triune God on earth in His economy.

What is God doing today, and what is the direction of the Lord’s move on earth today? What is God carrying out on this earth to complete His work for His eternal economy?

The direction of God’s move today is to build up the Body of Christ, prepare the bride of Christ, and bring in the kingdom of God, so that Christ would have a built-up Body, He would gain a Bride, and God would have a kingdom on earth.

Both God and Christ are aspiring and working together to see the Body built up, see the bride prepared, and see the kingdom brought in, and the way we cooperate with God is by practicing the God-ordained way to meet and to serve.

We need to cooperate with God in His move in His economy by preaching the gospel to save sinners, nourish the new believers with the healthy word of God, perfect the saints for them to function in the Body, and prophesy to build up the church as the Body of Christ.

Hallelujah, our God is living, our Lord is moving, and the Spirit is working to carry out God’s eternal economy! Lord, we want to be one with You in Your move to carry out God’s economy in this age today. We want to be the living creatures who are properly coordinated and who express Christ in our daily living so that we may be part of God’s special, extraordinary move for His eternal purpose. Lord, we are one with You for the building up of the Body of Christ, the preparation of the bride of Christ, and the bringing in of the kingdom of God!

God’s Move is in man to Deify man and Gain One New Man for His Expression and Representation

The New Testament is a record of God’s move, and what we see in both the Gospels and the Epistles is that God moves in man and with man; God never moves apart from man.

In the beginning of the New Testament, God moved in and through the Lord Jesus – God Himself became a man (Matt. 1:21-23; John 1:1, 14). God moved in Jesus Christ not only as a man or merely as God – He moved in Him as a God-man.

When the Lord lived and worked on earth, many of those around Him didn’t know who He was: they knew He was the son of a carpenter from Galilee, but they realized that His words and activities were of God and not of man.

Because God moved in man in the Lord Jesus, He was a mystery, for He was God yet man, man yet God.

Athanasius, one of the early church fathers, said concerning Christ, “He was made man that we might be made God,” and “The Word was made flesh…that we, partaking of His Spirit, might be deified.” This is the principle of God’s move on earth. God’s move is in man and through man. God’s move is to deify man, making man God in life and in nature but not, of course, in the Godhead. (Witness Lee, Life-study of Job, msg. 24)

God’s move is the move of His economy in man to deify man to bring forth the one new man so that God in Christ may have His corporate expression and administration. Crystallization-Study of Ezekiel, outline 6How does God move? He moves in man and through man, and apart from man, He will not move on the earth. How does God move in man, and what is the result?

God moves in man to deify man, that is, regenerate him with God’s life, renew his mind, transform his soul, and transfigure his body until man becomes the same as Christ in life, nature, expression, and function, but not in the Godhead.

In the Four Gospels there was one God-man – Jesus Christ, who through His death and resurrection was increased, reproduced, expanded, and enlarged to become the Body of Christ composed of thousands of God-men, even millions of God-men (Acts 2:41).

The disciples and early believers became the continuation of God’s move on earth; in the book of Acts we see how God in Christ as the Spirit moved in and through the disciples and the believers to increase the kingdom of God.

When the chief priests saw the disciples preaching the gospel, baptizing thousands, performing miracles, and having an impact in their doing, they did not understand how this happened but had to admit that it may be of God (Acts 5:38-39).

God’s move is the move of His economy in man to deify man to bring forth the one new man so that God in Christ may have His corporate expression and administration (see Ezek. 1:10, 13, 15, 26-27; Eph. 2:15; 4:22-24; Col. 3:10-11).

When we speak of God’s move or the Lord’s move, we don’t merely refer to the outward activities as a result of our coordination with one another and with the Lord; God’s move is the move of His economy in man to deify man and gain the one new man to express and represent God.

The Lord’s move to Europe is His move in His economy to deify some Europeans so that they would become a part of the one new man, part of the blended Body of Christ, to be the living creatures on earth and become the means for God to carry out His move and administration in Europe.

Lord, thank You for coming into us to regenerate us in our spirit, transform us in our soul, and transfigure us in our body so that we may become the same as God in life, nature, expression, and function, but not in the Godhead. Wow, hallelujah, God’s move is the move of His economy in man to deify man to bring forth the one new man so that God in Christ may have His corporate expression and administration! Lord, we give ourselves to You for Your move so that we may be the living creatures on earth as the means for You to carry out Your move!

References and Hymns on this Topic
  • Inspiration: the Word of God, my enjoyment in the ministry, the message by brother Mark R. for this week, and portions from, Life-study of Job, msg. 24 (by Witness Lee), as quoted in the Holy Word for Morning Revival on, Crystallization-Study of Ezekiel (1), msg. 6 (week 6), The High and Awesome Wheels.
  • Hymns on this topic:
    # God has called us for His purpose, / His economy so glorious, / For which He was fully processed; / Consummated now is He! / As the Spirit, He indwells us; / As our God allotted portion, / Working out His full salvation, / Making us the same as He is. (Song on God’s economy)
    # Sitting here at My right hand. / Jesus is King, yet He’s bound, / He cannot move until His people / give Him ground. / Lord, we see You! Lord, we love You! / Lord, we submit everything to You. / Each day, Your ruling and Your reigning / Brings a sweet supply. / Oh, what a rich blessing! / We’re in the hand of our King. / Everything You hope to accomplish, / do in me. (Song on God moving in man)
    # Pray to labor with the Lord; / Let the Lord initiate / All the plan and all the work; / Then thru us He’ll operate. (Hymns #786)
About aGodMan

A God-man is a normal believer in Christ; the author of this article is one who is learning to be a normal Christian, a daily enjoyer of Christ, a living and functioning member in the Body of Christ. Amen, Lord, make us such ones for the building up of the Body of Christ!

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brother L.
brother L.
8 years ago

A wheel is for moving, not in an ordinary way but in a special way. At home, when we walk from the kitchen to our bedroom,…we do not need a wheel. But when we travel a distance, we need a wheel. When we do something to fulfill a purpose, we may also need a wheel. Thus, the move by a wheel is not an ordinary move but a special move with a purpose. The wheel in Ezekiel 1 implies a move with a purpose. Furthermore, the wheel implies that this move is not by our own strength. (Life-study of Ezekiel, p. 91, by Witness Lee)

Alde B.
Alde B.
8 years ago

Amen.. Praise the Lord!

Ioan B.
Ioan B.
8 years ago

Amin Aleluia !!!

Mariza S.
Mariza S.
8 years ago

PTL…….. Amen…,..

Brian B.
Brian B.
8 years ago

Amen! OLJ!

Aracily D.
Aracily D.
8 years ago

Amen! ❤❤❤

Larry S.
Larry S.
8 years ago

They mystery of God is Christ, and the mystery of Christ is the Church. This is being accomplished on the earth today by the indwelling Spirit. Amen. Praise the Lord.

Klazien B.
Klazien B.
8 years ago

Praise the Lord!