God’s Economy is that we Eat Christ as the Bread of God to be Constituted with Him

Jesus said to them, I am the bread of life... John 6:35

God’s economy is that we believers in Christ eat Christ as the bread of God and become constituted with Him in order to express Him and represent Him; we need to eat Christ as the living bread, the true bread, the bread of God, and live because of Him. Amen!

God’s economy, His household administration to dispense His riches into all the members of His house, is carried out in a practical way by our eating, drinking, and breathing spiritually.

When we eat the Lord, drink the Spirit, and breathe in the Lord as the Spirit, we receive the divine dispensing of the Divine Trinity, and the Lord can carry out His eternal economy in us.

First, we need to breathe the Lord in by calling on His name all the time.

All throughout the day we need to keep calling on the name of the Lord, breathing Him in, so that we may remain open to the divine dispensing.

As we breathe the Lord in, we also breathe ourselves out. We breathe out our sorrow, our sin, our problems, our sickness, and anything of ourselves, and we breathe the Lord in.

When we just call on the name of the Lord and give Him all our problems, sins, anxieties, and difficulties, we empty ourselves; He then comes in to fill us with Himself.

We need to practice calling on the name of the Lord all the time, all throughout the day.

To call on the Lord all the time is to unceasingly pray.

How can we pray without ceasing?

The Lord Jesus prayed without ceasing, even as He was working or speaking or doing something; many times the Gospels say that, Jesus answered and said…

No one seemed to have asked Him a question, but He answered and said; He was in a constant conversation with the Father, and He breathed the Father in all the time.

Besides breathing in the Lord, we also need to drink Him; we need to drink Him many times during the day.

Just as we need to drink water again and again for our body to be healthy and for us to maintain our existence, so we need to drink the Lord as the living water.

Christ has been smitten on the cross by the righteous judgment of God, and out of Him flows the water of life.

There’s a fountain filled with blood that flows from the crucified Christ; this fountain is for the washing away of our sins.

Also, there is the river of water of life flowing to reach us all the time – this is the Spirit, the all-inclusive Spirit, flowing in Christ’s resurrection to quench our thirst.

We need to deeply drink of the Spirit by calling on the name of the Lord to draw water with rejoicing from the well of God’s salvation.

As we call on the name of the Lord and take time to pray and open to Him, we drink of Him. How important is our calling on the name of the Lord!

How vital and crucial is the matter of calling on His name!

God’s Economy is that we Eat Christ as the Bread of God and be Constituted with Him to Express and Represent Him

I am the living bread which came down out of heaven; if anyone eats of this bread, he shall live forever... John 6:51

God’s economy is that we eat Christ as the bread of God and become constituted with Him in order to express Him and represent Him (1 Tim. 1:4; John 6:35, 41, 57; Gen. 1:26).

The way that we can express God and represent Him, thus fulfilling God’s purpose in creating man, is by eating Christ as the bread of life, the living bread, the bread that came down out of heaven. In the Bible the matter of eating is very significant.

Again and again, both the Old and the New Testaments show us how critical it is for us to eat and drink. The whole Bible is a book of eating.

It begins in Genesis with a river and with the tree of life, and it ends with the river of water of life and the tree of life, and in the middle, it is full of eating and drinking.

And when the layer of dew lifted, there upon the surface of the wilderness were fine round flakes, fine as the frost on the earth. And when the children of Israel saw [it,] they said to one another, What is it? For they did not know what it was. And Moses said to them, It is the bread which Jehovah has given you to eat. Exo. 16:14-15 Work not for the food which perishes, but for the food which abides unto eternal life, which the Son of Man will give you; for Him has the Father, [even] God, sealed. John 6:27In the Old Testament, we see the history of the children of Israel, and we can follow their history and see what they ate.

Their eating and what they ate are significant in our spiritual pursuit of the Lord and in our Christian journey.

They were in Egypt, enslaved by Pharaoh, and God commanded them to eat the Passover; they ate the roasted lamb, put his blood on the doorposts, and ate unleavened bread and bitter herbs.

The blood was for redemption, but the lamb is for their supply.

Yes, we need the Lord’s blood for our redemption, but all the more we need Christ as the Lamb of God to come into us for our life and life supply so that we may be delivered from the usurpation of Satan in the world.

Because the children of Israel were inwardly supplied by the Passover, they could have an exodus from Egypt.

Then, in the wilderness, they ate the manna; this manna was the bread that God rained on them for forty years.

They didn’t know what it was, but they ate it and were supplied.

Every morning the Lord rains on us heavenly food; we need to get up in the morning and enjoy Him as the manna to be supplied and live a life for the fulfilment of His purpose.

In our long Christian journey, as we live ordinary days in our Christian life and in the church life, we need to enjoy the Lord as the heavenly food.

What a blessing it is to eat Christ as the bread of God, the bread that rains on us every morning, for us to live Christ!

When the children of Israel entered into the good land, the manna stopped; now they had to labour and eat the produce of the good land, which was so rich!

We need to daily labor on Christ, the rich and all-inclusive land, and eat Him as the rich produce of the land for our life and life supply.

As we eat Christ day by day, we will be inwardly strengthened and supplied to build up the church as the house of God and the city of God.

In the New Testament we see that the Lord Jesus came not only as the awaited Messiah but even more, He came as the bread of God, the bread that came down out of heaven to feed His people.

He presented Himself to the Jews as the bread, and He said that, unless men partake of Him, they have no part with Him.

He is the bread of life, the living bread, and the bread of God, and He is even the crumbs under the table for His people to eat.

The Jews were expecting to see a great Messiah who will deliver them from the Romans, but the Lord came to give Himself to them as their food.

When we eat Christ, we live because of Him (John 6:57).

By our eating Him, Christ will make His home in our heart. This means that He will work Himself into our entire inner being. The Lord Jesus desires to saturate our mind, permeate our emotion, and take over our will so that our whole being is possessed by Him. When we eat, the food taken into our body is digested and assimilated so that it becomes our body’s constituent. This causes us to grow gradually and be transformed metabolically until we arrive at a full-grown man. Likewise, by our eating the Lord Jesus, we grow in the divine life and are transformed metabolically into the image of Christ (2 Cor. 3:18). Through such a transformation we spontaneously put on the new man and are fully brought into the church life. This church life is the practical living of the Body, which is the fullness of the One who fills all in all. Here there is no doctrine or human organization; there is only Christ for the growth in life. Collected Works of Witness Lee, 1972, vol. 3, p. 331When we eat Christ as the bread of God, we can fulfil God’s economy.

When we eat Christ as the bread of God, we are constituted with Him, and we will spontaneously express Him and represent Him.

God’s eternal economy is to make man the same as He is in life and nature but not in the Godhead; we become God in life and nature by eating Christ as the bread of God (John 6:33).

As we eat Christ as the bread of life day by day, our constitution is changed, because our diet is no longer worldly things but Christ as the heavenly food (Exo. 16:14-15; John 6:27, 32, 35).

By our eating Christ, He makes His home in our heart; this means that He works Himself into our entire inner being. He is saturating our mind, permeating our emotion, and taking over our will so that our whole being is possessed by Him.

As we eat Christ as the bread of God, we grow in life and are metabolically transformed until we arrive at a full-grown man.

Our eating of Christ will cause us to grow in life and be transformed metabolically into the image of Christ (2 Cor. 3:18).

The result will be that we live the church life, the practical living of the Body of Christ, and we become the fullness of the One who fills all and in all.

Lord Jesus, grant us to see a vision of Your economy so that we may eat Christ as the bread of God and be constituted with Him to express Him and represent Him. Amen, Lord Jesus, we come to You in Your word to eat You; make Your home in our hearts a little more today. Work Yourself into our entire inner being. Have a way to saturate our mind, permeate our emotion, and take over our will so that our whole being is possessed by You. We want to eat Christ as the bread of God so that we may grow in life and be metabolically transformed until we arrive at a full-grown man. Amen, Lord Jesus, keep us eating You today so that You may have a way to accomplish Your economy! Constitute us with Yourself. Change our inner constitution. Work Yourself into us for the fulfilment of Your economy!

We need to Eat, Digest, and Assimilate Christ as the Bread of Life to Live because of Him

Jesus therefore said to them, Truly, truly, I say to you, Moses has not given you the bread out of heaven, but My Father gives you the true bread out of heaven. For the bread of God is He who comes down out of heaven and gives life to the world...Jesus said to them, I am the bread of life; he who comes to Me shall by no means hunger, and he who believes into Me shall by no means ever thirst.John 6:32-33, 35 I am the bread of life...This is the bread which comes down out of heaven, that anyone may eat of it and not die. I am the living bread which came down out of heaven; if anyone eats of this bread, he shall live forever; and the bread which I will give is My flesh, [given] for the life of the world. John 6:48, 50-51Today men work for the bread which perishes, but Christ as the Son of Man gives us the food which abides unto eternal life; this is the food that we need to eat daily (John 6:27).

We should not seek the food that perishes but rather, seek the food which abides forever; we need to eat the eternal food, the Lord Jesus Christ Himself.

Christ came not only to be our Savior but even more, to be our food.

On one hand, Jesus Christ came as God incarnated to be the Lamb of God to take away the sin of the world (John 1:29); as such a One, He is our Savior, our Redeemer, and our Propitiation.

Based on His redeeming death, we now can come forward to God.

On the other hand, Christ came as our food; He told us many times in John 6 that He is our bread for us to partake of.

The Lord Jesus said that He is the bread of life (John 6:35, 48), the bread that came down out of heaven (vv. 41, 50, 51, 58), the bread of God (v. 33), the living bread (v. 51), and the true bread (v. 32).

Christ is the bread of life, meaning that the nature of this bread is life.

When we eat Christ as the bread of God, we receive life, the divine life.

Christ is the living bread; the living bread refers to the condition of the bread, which is living.

The condition of the bread we eat is living, and when we eat this living bread, we are made living!

As we eat of Christ as the living bread, we live because of Him (John 6:57). Christ is the true bread; He is the bread of truth, of reality.

The physical food we eat is a shadow, a type of Christ as the real food.

When we eat Christ as the true bread, we are made true, real, and genuine, for Christ becomes our genuineness and reality.

Christ is the true bread sent by God to bring us eternal life; as we eat Him, we partake of the divine life and we live because of Him.

We need to realize that our Christian life depends on our eating Christ as the living food daily.

Many times we still try to live the Christian life in ourselves, without eating the Lord Jesus.

We don’t yet realize to the fullest extent how much we need the Lord Jesus to be our daily food.

We may hear messages on life but we may still not be deeply impressed that we need Christ as our daily life supply.

May the Lord have mercy on us and unveil us to see how much we need to eat, digest, and assimilate Christ as the bread of life so that we may live because of Him.

As the living Father has sent Me and I live because of the Father, so he who eats Me, he also shall live because of Me. John 6:57 It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing; the words which I have spoken to you are spirit and are life. John 6:63First, we need to eat Christ; we do this by coming to His word and reading and praying over His word.

As we read and pray, pray and read, and muse on the word of God, mixing it with much prayer and petition, we eat the Lord.

This means that He as the bread of life comes into us, for His words are spirit and are life (John 6:63).

Once the Lord as the bread of life comes into us, there needs to be a process of digestion and assimilation taking place.

The Lord Jesus wants us to eat, digest, and assimilate Him as the bread of God, the bread of life, and the living bread.

Yes, we need to eat Christ as the bread of God, and this is so enjoyable; however, we need to go one step further and allow Him to be digested and assimilated into our being.

We do this by saying Amen to His word.

He speaks to us through His word, and throughout the day He tells us “No, don’t do this” or “No, don’t say this”; as we say amen to His inner speaking, we digest and assimilate His word.

We shouldn’t come to the Word of God to merely seek teachings or commandments and regulations; we should come to the Bible to get the life and life supply, which is Christ as the bread of life.

We need to feed on the Lord as the true bread of life through His word.

Lord Jesus, show us how much we need to take in the Lord Jesus as our daily food! Save us from merely understanding the doctrines and teaching in God’s word; may we come to You to eat You! Amen, Lord Jesus, we want to eat, digest, and assimilate You as the bread of God, the bread of life, and the living bread! We want to eat Christ as the bread of God until we live because of Him in our daily living! Thank You for coming not only to be our Savior but even more, to be our daily food, even the bread of life! We come to You in Your word, dear Lord, to feed on Christ as the living bread. Your words are spirit and are life. Keep us eating You day by day. Keep us depending on You as our daily food. Amen, Lord, You are our life and our life supply. Keep us eating You so that we may digest and assimilate You as the bread of life, the living bread, the bread which came down out of heaven!

References and Hymns on this Topic
  • Sources of inspiration: the Word of God, my enjoyment in the ministry, a sharing by brother Ted Williamson in the message, and portions from, Collected Works of Witness Lee, 1982, vol. 2, “The Fulfillment of the Tabernacle and the offerings in the Writings of John,” pp. 208-211, as quoted in the Holy Word for Morning Revival on, The Divine Dispensing of the Divine Trinity for the Divine Economy (2022 Thanksgiving Weekend Conference), week 4, entitled, Experiencing the Divine Dispensing of the Divine Trinity by Breathing the Spirit, Drinking the Water of life, and Eating the Bread of God.
  • Further reading on this topic:
    – God’s Economy Beginning with Adam and Concluding with the New Jerusalem, portion from, The Economy of God and the Mystery of the Transmission of the Divine Trinity, Chapter 2, by Witness Lee.
    – The Economy of God: the Triune God in His Operation, an article by Ron Kangas in, Affirmation and Critique.
    – God Wants to Change Your Diet – What would cause you to change your diet? A need to lose weight? Build muscle? Improve energy? Other health concerns? Read more at Holding to Truth.
    – What Is God’s Economy? God is exceedingly rich, and His wealth is countless. However, the riches of God are far more precious than gold or diamonds. God’s riches are simply Himself. God desires to dispense Himself into humanity. For this, God made an economy. More at, Amana Trust Truth Questions.
    – The mark building up the church – portion from, The Economy of God, Chapter 24.
  • Hymns on this topic:
    – We are feeding on the living bread, / Eating of the feast our Lord has spread, / And whoso eateth, Jesus said, / Shall hunger nevermore. / What, hunger nevermore? Yes, hunger nevermore! / What, hunger nevermore? Yes, hunger nevermore! / And whoso eateth, Jesus said, / Shall hunger nevermore. (Hymns #1150 stanza 2)
    – Thy Word in spirit we must eat / And to our inmost part receive; / ’Tis by our spirit’s exercise / To pray with what our minds perceive. / Thy Word remaining in our mind / Is only knowledge burdensome, / But when it to the spirit goes / Then life and spirit it becomes. (Hymns #814 stanzas 6-7)
    – 1. God gave His Son to man to be / The tree of life so rich and free, / That every man may taste and see / That God is good for food. / Yes, God is good for food! / Yes, God is good for food! / We’ve tasted and we testify / That God is good for food! / 2. We eat this feast and take God in, / And as we eat we live by Him, / For all the elements within / This feast are God Himself. / Yes, Jesus is our feast! / Yes, Jesus is our feast! / We eat this feast and live by Him, / For Jesus is our feast! (Hymns #1145 stanzas 1-2)
About aGodMan

A God-man is a normal believer in Christ; the author of this article is one who is learning to be a normal Christian, a daily enjoyer of Christ, a living and functioning member in the Body of Christ. Amen, Lord, make us such ones for the building up of the Body of Christ!

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brother L.
2 years ago

Chapter 6 of the Gospel of John is unique in giving many details concerning the Lord Jesus as the bread of life. The Lord clearly said, “I am the bread of life” (vv. 35, 48). As the bread of life, He is the bread that came down out of heaven (vv. 41, 50, 51, 58), He is the bread of God (v. 33), He is the living bread (v. 51), and He is the true bread (v. 32)… As the bread that came down out of heaven, He is the heavenly bread. As the bread of God, He is of God, He was sent by God, and He was with God. As the bread of life, He is the bread with eternal life, with zoe… The bread of life refers to the nature of the bread, which is life; the living bread refers to the condition of the bread, which is living. As the true bread, Christ is the bread of truth, or reality. Christ is true, real…The physical food that we take in every day is a shadow of Christ. The reality of the food we eat daily is Jesus Christ. Christ is the true bread of life sent by God to bring us eternal life. We all need Christ to be the bread of life to us. Collected Works of Witness Lee, 1982, vol. 2, “The Fulfillment of the Tabernacle and the Offerings in the Writings of John,” pp. 208-209

Stefan M.
2 years ago

We need to realize to the fullest extent that we NEED the Lord Jesus to be our daily food! He came not only to be our Savior but even more, to be the bread of life for us to eat!

We need to eat the Lord in His word by exercising our spirit to read and pray the word of God.

Amen, Lord Jesus, we want to seek the food that abides forever. We come to You in Your word to eat You as the bread of life! May we eat Christ daily to live because of Him! Amen, Lord, we want to eat, digest, and assimilate Christ as the bread of God, the bread of life, and the living bread!

Christian A.
Christian A.
2 years ago

As well as breathing & drinking the Spirit, we need to see that Jesus came from the heavens not only to be our Saviour— He also came to be our food.

Jesus desires to saturate our mind, permeate our emotion and take over our will.

For this to become our reality, we need Christ to be the bread of life to us. It is through the Word that Jesus can be our living bread.

May we unceasingly exercise our spirit to receive Christ as the bread of life through the Word so that we would spontaneously put on the new man and be fully brought into the practical living of the Body.

A. O.
A. O.
2 years ago

‘We need to be deeply impressed with the fact that we need Christ as the true bread of life sent by God to bring us eternal life. ‘


Jon H.
Jon H.
2 years ago

Amen Lord do stir up a hunger for your word

Moh S.
Moh S.
2 years ago

Aaaaameeen! Yes Lord!

B. X.
B. X.
2 years ago

Amen,Yes Lord is our daily food!

RcV Bible
2 years ago

The Greek word for words, here and in v. 68, is rhema, which denotes the instant and present spoken word. It differs from logos (used for Word in John 1:1), which denotes the constant word. Here the words follows the Spirit. The Spirit is living and real, yet He is very mysterious, intangible, and difficult for people to apprehend; the words, however, are substantial. First, the Lord indicated that for giving life He would become the Spirit. Then He said that the words He speaks are spirit and life. This shows that His spoken words are the embodiment of the Spirit of life. He is now the life-giving Spirit in resurrection, and the Spirit is embodied in His words. When we receive His words by exercising our spirit, we get the Spirit, who is life. John 6:63, footnote 3 on “words”, Recovery Version Bible

K. P.
K. P.
2 years ago

Amen brother!
John 6:57 As the living Father has sent Me and I live because of the Father, *so he who eats Me, he also shall live because of Me.*

O Lord you are the living bread and we need to eat you to give us eternal life!