God specifically chose us, sealed us, and now He owns us! (2011 winter school of truth)

God specifically chose us, sealed us, and He owns us! (2011 winter school of truth)This Winter School Of Truth was my first, but I hope it won’t be my only one! I have thoroughly enjoyed every message shared by the brothers, I enjoyed being around with the saints 24/7, and I enjoyed singing songs and pray-reading the Word of God!

One of of the things that I was really touched by was that God has specifically chosen each of us to be His people and has also chosen the place where we currently are at, the people around us, etc. Our Lord Jesus was once like us, a human being, as He lived on the earth for 33 and half years – but He has died for us and then He became the life-giving Spirit (1 Cor. 15:45)! He suffered terribly on the cross and has died for each and every one of us so that our sins can be cleansed and removed by His precious blood and be forgiven too.

I’m originally from Malaysia and our family moved to Birmingham about 6 years ago. I have always wondered why I moved when I was perfectly happy with the place where I lived in and the family and friends I had back then. I have always asked my mom this question but she has never given me a specific answer. But now I know the reason. I have been moved for God’s purpose, which is His economy – to dispense Himself in Christ as the Spirit into His chosen and redeemed people (us!), so that we collectively will be built together to be the church, the Body of Christ as the expression of God in Christ! To be honest, if I was still in Malaysia today, I wouldn’t even be in the church life and wouldn’t even be who I am today. So, thank You, Lord!

Doesn’t it feel good to know that you actually belong to Someone and that Someone actually cares about you very much? I have learned that when we believed in the Lord Jesus, the Spirit of God sealed us: this signifies that God is our owner and that we belong to Him! This can be related to when a farmer wishes to sell his/her cattle so that the cattle then becomes the farmer’s property; therefore, an ownership is signified by the seal. Similarly, God is our owner and we belong to Him and only to Him! Because we have been sealed, we should bear the image of God and the expression of God. Praise the Lord, we want to SAY NO TO SATAN and SAY YES TO THE LORD!

However, if you are an unbeliever and you happen to be reading this, and you wish for the Lord to be revealed to you, say the following prayer with eyes closed. “Oh Lord Jesus! Oh Lord Jesus! Oh Lord Jesus! Reveal Yourself to me. I want to know You!”

Praying in the spirit is just like talking to your friends; you can ask God a question, share, and confess literally anything and everything you wish to. Some people may not believe that they have a spirit, but according to the Bible, it clearly mentions that we have three parts – “the spirit and the soul and the body” (1 Thes. 5:23; Gen 2:7; cf. Prov. 20:27). So, our spirit is already in us and all we need to do is to “switch it on”; just like a switch in our house, supplying the electricity needed for a light bulb to work. We just need to turn to our spirit.

In addition, I have also enjoyed that to be a believer is to be saved, to be a saint, and to be different! Sometimes, it is very difficult to be different as we live in the world which is created by Satan (“God created the Earth but the World is created by Satan!“), so it’s easy to be influenced. However, as Christians, we must learn to deny the soul life – which means we need to reject our mind, emotion and will. Therefore, we must reject ourselves to take the Lord Jesus as our life. This is done by turning to our spirit and sensing what is there in our spirit as well as following our conscience.

Lord, thank You for showing me something special and for giving us such precious experiences. I want to be WILLING and to be BOLD. I, too, want to serve You! Lord, I consecrate myself to You! Thank You that we can pour out upon You!

[sharing by sister Joey (UK) from her topmost enjoyment in the 2011 Winter School of Truth in London, UK. The main topic was, The Two Spirits (the divine Spirit and the human spirit). What a precious time it was! … – you can also share what you have enjoyed during this time by writing to enjoyingthelord@gmail.com with your portion of enjoyment! Praise the Lord, each one has!]
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Sister in the Lord
Sister in the Lord
13 years ago

If I could be unbeliver reading this… – I am sure that this testimony could change my life! and  I could consecrating my life to the Lord as you 🙂

Dear Sister Joey THANK YOU VERY MUCH for your sharing :)))Let's keep turning, more and more to our dear Lord in our spirit and anjoy His rich supplay in us!

Sister in the Lord
Sister in the Lord
13 years ago

If I could be unbeliver reading this… – I am sure that this testimony could change my life! and  I could consecrating my life to the Lord as you 🙂

Dear Sister Joey THANK YOU VERY MUCH for your sharing :)))Let’s keep turning, more and more to our dear Lord in our spirit and anjoy His rich supplay in us!