When God shines in our hearts, we have the illumination of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ; this glory is not temporary but eternal, and when we have God’s shining, we are infused with Him as glory to shine Him forth so that others may also have the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. Amen!
Our Christian life is a life under God’s shining.
We began our Christian life by seeing something of God’s shining in the face of Jesus Christ, and we were captivated by His shining.
The Lord is so wonderful, so lovely, and so attractive, and when He shines on us, we cannot but believe into Him, follow Him, and receive Him as our life and everything.
The gospel that we hear is not just concerning forgiveness and sins and being saved from eternal perdition; it is the gospel of the glory of the blessed God.
Our blessed God shines forth. He shines forth in splendour, and His shining has reached us.
People today are being blinded by the god of this age who works tirelessly to veil them with many things and activities so that they do not see the illumination of the gospel of the glory of God.
If we look around us, we will realize how many things the god of this age, Satan, uses to blind the people in the world.
And if we look around us in the church life we see also that the god of this age tries to veil and blind the saints with many things so that they don’t behold the Lord’s shining face.
We have been shined on, we have been captivated, and we are the Lord’s loving pursuers, but the enemy operates in a subtle way to veil us and render us unable to see the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.
May we turn our heart to the Lord day by day and may we learn to open to Him so that He may have a free way to shine on us, shine in us, and shine through us as the God of glory.
May we learn daily to open to the Lord and remove any veils or anything that hinders us from seeing the Lord.
The gospel of Christ is the gospel of His glory that illuminates, radiates, and shines in our hearts.
Christ is the image of God, even the effulgence of God’s glory, to shine God in our heart.
In a sense, we can’t explain how we became a Christian and why do we believe into the Lord Jesus, but in another sense, we can testify that God shined on us, we saw something of His glory, and we were captivated. Hallelujah!
What a blessed God we have, and how much we love to be under His shining so that we may be infused with Him and have Him shine not only in us but also through us!
God Shines in our Hearts to Illuminate the Knowledge of the Glory of God in the Face of Jesus Christ
2 Cor. 4:6 says, The God who said, Out of darkness light shall shine, is the One who shined in our hearts to illuminate the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.
We all can testify that this is the case with us. God shines in our hearts.
We lived in darkness and walked in darkness, and one day God shined in our hearts to illuminate the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.
And day by day, as we turn our heart to the Lord and cooperate with Him to remove any veil from the eyes of our heart, as we have the eyes of our heart enlightened, we see more of His shining.
When we exercise our spirit to call on the name of the Lord and turn our heart to Him, we can behold the Lord’s face, and we are infused with all that He is.
What we behold or enjoy is not just teachings or doctrines; it is a lovely person, a glorious person, who shines in our heart.
God’s shining in our hearts results in the illumination of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.
When God shines in us, when He shines in our hearts, we have an enlightenment that causes us to know the glory of God in the gospel of Christ (vv. 4, 6).
God’s shining results in us receiving the illumination of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.
We all are learning to behold the Lord’s face day by day.
To some extent, we have inwardly seen the glory on the face of Jesus Christ.
We have realized that it’s not just us who live, trying to please God and obey His word, but that Christ lives within us.
Christ, a living person, lives in us, and this person is so wonderful, so marvellous, and so glorious!
It’s not just a life or a thing, nor is it just a glory that is in us, but a person, Christ as the life-giving Spirit is mingled with our spirit.
He dwells in our spirit, and He wants to spread from our spirit into every part of our soul so that He can saturate and permeate us with all that He is.
This is why Paul prayed in Eph. 3:16-18 that God the Father would strengthen us through His Spirit, according to the riches of His glory, into the inner man so that Christ may make His home in our hearts through faith.
Daily we need to ask the Lord to strengthen us into our spirit according to the riches of His glory so that Christ may have a way to spread from our spirit into our mind, emotion, and will. Amen!
May we let the Lord make His home in our hearts.
May we allow Him to be at home in us, redecorate our inner being, change us from within, and remake us and rebuild us inwardly with Himself.
The illumination of the knowledge of the glory of God is in the face of Jesus Christ; this indicates that the gospel of the glory of Christ is a lovely person on whose face we can see the glory of God (Matt. 17:2).
The gospel is a wonderful Person who shines forth the glory of God.
The gospel is not the old covenant, which had a temporary glory as seen on the face of Moses after he spent time with God on the mountain (2 Cor. 3:7; Exo. 34:29-30).
The Lord’s glory shines not on our face but in our hearts, having to do with our inner life.
When we are inwardly enlightened by God, when God’s light shines on us to illuminate the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ, we know Christ inwardly and subjectively, and we will also shine Him forth.
As we are beholding the Lord’s face in our time with Him, we receive the illumination.
He is a lovely person who is in us, in our spirit, and we can behold Him face to face.
As we behold Him, He infuses us with Himself and shines in us, and we ourselves become shining even as He is.
The glory of the gospel shines in the face of One through whom grace and reality came, issuing in righteousness and life (2 Cor. 3:8-9).
When God shines in our hearts, He illumines the glory in Christ’s face.
The glory of God manifested in the face of Jesus Christ is the God of glory expressed through Him, and it is Jesus Christ who is the effulgence of the glory of God (Heb. 1:3). Hallelujah!
May we daily remain under the Lord’s shining, behold Him in our spirit face to face until we are transformed into His image and shine Him forth.
May we take time day by day to be under His shining so that we may have the illumination of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ infused into us.
Lord, thank You for shining on us as the God of glory to illuminate the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ! Oh, what a wonderful person Christ is! Amen, Lord, we love You, we open to You, and we receive and welcome Your shining! We turn our heart to You to behold You with an unveiled face so that we may see the glory of God shining in the face of Jesus Christ. Enlighten us, Lord, and shine in our being. Strengthen us into our inner man according to the riches of Your glory through Your Spirit so that Christ may make His home in our hearts through faith! Amen, Lord Jesus, we open to Your shining today! May we be under Your shining continually. May we have the illumination of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ so that we may be infused with God and shine forth with God! Hallelujah, the gospel is of the glory of God, and God is shining on us and in us to infuse us with Himself as glory!
God Shines in our Hearts and He Shines through us into Others for them to have the Knowledge of the Glory of God
All believers in Christ who love God, have Christ as their life, and pursue Christ in love have a deep realization that Christ as a lovely, wonderful, and glorious person lives in them to illuminate the knowledge of God in the face of Jesus Christ. Hallelujah!
Day by day we are under His shining.
The illumination of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God, has shined on us, and now we have the Lord in us as the shining One.
The illumination of the knowledge of the glory of God is in the face of Jesus Christ; the more we behold the Lord face to face, the more we are infused with God and with all that He is.
The gospel we preach today and the gospel we heard is not a doctrine, a theology, or a teaching, but a lovely person on whose face we can see the glory of God, the image of God. Amen!
When we place ourselves under the hearing of faith by coming to the Lord in His word with an unveiled face and an exercised spirit, we are under the illumination of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. Amen!
When we experience the glory of God shining in the face of Jesus Christ, this shining brings into us Christ as the image of God, and we cannot but love such a One and be attracted to Him.
Especially as we see what is happening around us, as we see all the signs of the times pointing toward the end of this age, we want to be more infused with the Lord as the glorious One so that we may be prepared and beautified to be His bride.
The glory of God manifested in the face of Jesus Christ is the God of glory expressed through Jesus Christ, and this One has come into us to shine on us and illuminate the knowledge of the glory of God.
The more God shines in our hearts, the more we will shine on others so that they may also have the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ (John 1:18; Matt. 5:16; Phil. 2:15). Amen!
God’s shining is not just so that we may enjoy this shining and that’s it; He shines in us and within us so that He may also shine through us to others.
The gospel of the glory of Christ shines first into us, and then it shines out from within us.
The more we allow the Lord to shine in us and even shine within our being, the more the glory penetrates into our being and saturates it.
Slowly, we are being transformed into the same image as the Lord from glory to glory, even as from the Lord Spirit, for we behold the Lord face to face (2 Cor. 3:18).
As we spend time with the Lord and open to His shining, He not only exposes us and illuminates our inner being but He infuses His glory into us, even saturating us with His glory.
Eventually, the Lord will saturate us with His glory, and this glory will consume, swallow up, our entire inner being, until the Lord shines through us.
Then the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ will shine out through us! Amen!
The more God shines in our hearts, the more we will shine on others so that they may have the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.
He shines in us, and He shines through us so that others may receive the knowledge of Christ, who expresses and declares God.
May we pray and open to the Lord so that He may shine in us and saturate us with Himself as glory.
May we pray for others that the Lord will shine on them and illuminate the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.
How we thank and praise the Lord that Christ has shone into the depths of our inner being (Phil. 2:15; Matt. 5:16)!
How we thank Him for all that He is doing in us, His constant infusing of His element into our being.
We want to pay attention daily to Christ’s inner shining as the glory within us, so that He may saturate us with His glory and have a way to shine through us.
As we remain on the Lord’s shining, Christ saturates us with Himself, and we shine Him forth to others also.
May we see that God shines in our hearts and He also shines through us to infuse others with God!
Lord Jesus, we open to Your inner shining and illuminating. We want to behold Your wonderful face. May the glory of God manifested in the face of Jesus Christ shine on us and infuse us with all that God is. Amen, Lord Jesus, shine in our hearts. Shine into the depths of our being so that You may shine throughout our inner being. How we need Your shining. We just want to behold Your face. We want to see You face to face and be infused with You. We turn our heart to You. We exercise our spirit. We come to You as we are so that we may behold You face to face and be shined on by You! Amen, Lord Jesus, may God shine in our heart so that He may shine through us into others! May those around us have the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. Amen, may the gospel of the glory of Christ first shine in us and then shine out from us into so many others! Keep us under Your shining today. Make us Your luminaries in this world, those who shine You forth by beholding You and reflecting You!
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References and Hymns on this Topic
- Inspiration for this article/sharing comes from the Word of God, the enjoyment in the ministry, a sharing by brother Ron Kangas in the message for this week, Life-study of 2 Corinthians, msg. 9, by Witness Lee, as quoted in the Holy Word for Morning Revival on, The Christian Life (2024 Memorial Day Blending Conference), week 6, The Triune God in Christ Being Life to Us by Shining in Our Hearts.
- Similar articles on this topic:
– The economy of God and the mark of God’s economy, a portion from, Dealing with Our Inward Parts for the Growth in Life, Chapter 2, by Witness Lee.
– Light Versus Darkness in the New Testament, via, Holding to Truth in Love.
– The glory of God and the economy of God, article by Ron Kangas in, Affirmation and Critique.
– The Glory of God Becoming Our Experience, via, Living to Him.
– The main part related to the inner life being the heart, a portion from, Practical Lessons on the Experience of Life, Chapter 9, by Witness Lee.
– 8 – The Ministry Abounding with Glory (1), From chapter eight of The Ministers in the Lord’s Recovery – Genuine Ministers of the New Covenant, via, Shepherding Words.
– 2 Corinthians 3:18—Beholding and Reflecting the Lord with an Unveiled Face, via, Bibles for America Blog.
– The Gospel of Glory and New Jerusalem, via, New Jerusalem blog. - Hymns on this topic:
– “Within the Veil”: be this, belov’d, thy portion, / Within the secret of thy Lord to dwell; / Beholding Him, until thy face His glory, / Thy life His love, thy lips His praise shall tell. / “Within the Veil,” for only as thou gazest / Upon the matchless beauty of His face, / Canst thou become a living revelation / Of His great heart of love, His untold grace. (Hymns #642 stanzas 1-2)
– O Lord, Thou art the Spirit now / That transforms us and saturates, / And to Thine image true conforms / And with Thy light illuminates. / O Lord, Thou art the Spirit now / Who in my spirit makes His home; / He mingles with my spirit too, / And both one spirit thus become. (Hymns #493 stanzas 3-4)
– In spirit while gazing on Thee, / As a glass reflecting Thy glory, / Like to Thyself transformed I’ll be, / That Thou might be expressed thru me. / In no other way could we be / Sanctified and share Thy vict’ry; / Thus only spiritual we’ll be / And touch the life of glory. (Hymns #501 stanzas 5-6)
Life-study of 2 Corinthians, 2nd ed., pp. 80-81, by Witness Lee
Thank the Lord that He has shined in our hearts to illuminate the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.
As we turn our heart to Him, He shines into us and He also shines through us to cause others to also have the knowledge of the glory of God.
Amen brother. Only God’s shining can produce the new covenant ministers and their ministry.
God shines in our hearts so that He may shine on others from within us.
The gospel is not a doctrine, a theology/teaching; it’s a lovely person on whose face we see the glory/image of God.
Jesus Christ is the effulgence — God’s beauty & goodness — of the glory of God, and the goal of God’s economy is that we all shine forth Christ’s glory.
Amen, yes, Lord, do it shine in us and through us to illuminate others to see God’s glory in the face of Jesus Christ.
Amen! Praise the Lord that Christ shines within us, through our being completely saturating us and shining onto others to see God’s glory. Amen
Aaaaameeen! Yes Lord!
The gospel of the glory of Christ is a lovely person on whose face we can see the glory of God, the image of God!
This Christ is very attractive! His shining penetrates our being and saturates it!
Amen Lord saturate and shine in us the glory of God, until we are the same image as you in life and in nature
Amen, we don’t want the mere objective knowledge of Him but the actual knowing of Him by looking into His face and shining as luminous to reflect Him. Amen
The Lord shines in our hearts to illuminate us through the gospel of the glory of God.
As the one who is the effulgence of God’s glory, He expresses and declares God and as we receive this shining He penetrates and saturates us with Himself so that as luminaries He can shine forth out of us.
Praise the Lord! 🙌🙋🏼
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