God is Working on Us to Bring us to the Throne – We are Destined to Rule with God!

God is Working on Us to Bring us to the Throne - We are Destined to Rule with God!

God desires to have a man on the throne with Him, ruling and reigning over the universe.

For this, God Himself became a man: He brought God into man, lived a perfect human life, died on the cross, resurrected, ascended, and brought man into God! Now on the throne in the glory there is a Man, the Lord Jesus, who overcame and was given to sit on the throne with His Father, God Himself. Now Jesus is leading many sons of God into glory, perfecting them that they may be also on the throne with Him.

Today we as believers in Christ are being worked on by God that we may be qualified and empowered to rule with Him on the throne (not in His sovereignty but over all the evil powers and over all the earth). We are people of the throne, and our destiny is to rule and reign together with Christ on the throne for eternity!

Today we need to allow God to rule and reign in us, being fully subdued and brought under the throne of God, and we learn to cooperate with God’s working in us by many prayers of opening to Him and giving Him more ground in us.

God has a problem; God has a need, and man can meet God’s need by cooperating with God to subdue His enemy, rule with God on the throne, and bring in God’s kingdom! May we be part of the corporate one new man who is full-grown, through whom God’s authority is executed and by whom His kingdom is brought to the earth!

God’s Goal is to Bring Us to the Throne and Make Us People of the Throne

God's intention is to work Himself into man and to work on man so that man can be on the throne - God wants man to rule with Him (see Psa. 8:4-8).

The Lord Jesus as the Pioneer cut the way into glory and overcame, being given by God to sit down on the throne in glory with His Father (Rev. 3:21). But God’s goal is not to have only one who rules with Him on the throne, but to bring many sons of God to sit with Him on the throne as people of the throne to rule and reign with Him forever.

God’s intention is to work Himself into man and to work on man so that man can be on the throne – God wants man to rule with Him (see Psa. 8:4-8). The Lord needs many believers who would know the Body of Christ, know ascension, and reign with Him on the throne for the fulfillment of His purpose.

Our status for eternity is to be people of the throne – this is our destiny as redeemed and regenerated believers, and we need to grow in life unto maturity and enter into the fourth stage of the growth in life (sooner or later) to enter into this! How we need God to work on us and make us those who rule with Him on the throne!

When it comes to reigning with God on the throne, there’s nothing of ourselves that we can hold back – we cannot reserve anything for ourselves. This requires a firm decision before the Lord – not to do anything or to promise Him anything but simply to tell Him,

Lord, I choose to give You the room in my being that You may work on me for the purpose of bringing me to the throne! Lord, please give me the experiences that I need and touch what needs to be touched so that both I and many others would be persons of the throne, reigning with You!

It is good to pray prayers like this individually, and it is good to pray together with the brothers and the sisters the Lord put us with as we meet in homes, prayer meetings, group meetings, and all kinds of meetings. Together, we can tell the Lord,

Lord, make us people of the throne. Bring us to the throne. Cause us to advance. Otherwise, how can Your purpose be fulfilled? Lord, who will represent You? Whom will the enemy fear and whose prayers will terrify him? Make us people of the throne!

God Needs a Full-Grown Corporate Man to Express Him and Execute His Authority on Earth

God cannot be expressed in full through one or a few men, and His authority cannot be exercised completely through only a few believers. Rather, today in the church life we need to have a condition in which God is manifested in man! We all need to have a clear sky with a throne above it, being under God’s rule, and simply express God in the flesh for all to see Him in us (see 1 Tim. 3:15-16).

God’s eternal plan is to connect heaven to earth and join God to man, working God into man and bringing man into God so that the two would be one organically. He wants man to express Him and represent Him, and He can be expressed and represented only through man. For this, God works on man and works Himself into man so that many believers would grow in life unto maturity to become a full-grown corporate man to express and represent God.

Satan as God’s enemy rebelled against God and even today he tries to set up his throne on the earth. Much of what’s happening today on the earth causes people to ask themselves, Who is actually reigning on earth, God or Satan?

This is why it is a glory to God and a great boast for Him if He can take sinners who were once corrupted and usurped by Satan, and work on them until they fully express Him in His glory and represent Him with His authority! We who were once captives of Satan are now in the process of being made God’s expression and His representation!

The greatest difficulty that God faces in the universe is that His throne has been and still is opposed and attacked by Satan with his rebel forces. Satan tried to exalt his throne to the heavens and intrude upon God’s authority (see Isa. 14:12-14), and today he is deceiving man to the extent that many think that there is no God.

If we look around us, read the news, watch the news reports, we will realize that we are in a warzone, and today God is preparing His overcomers who will sit with Him on His throne. God is now preparing thousands of believers in the Lord who are worked on by Him to grow in life unto maturity to become a full-grown corporate man to express God and represent Him!

God needs to gain such a corporate full-grown man so that through this man (composed of millions of matured believers in Christ) the authority of God can be executed and the kingdom of God can come to the earth (see Rev. 11:15; 12:5, 10).

Lord, gain the full-grown corporate man that You need on earth to express You and represent You! Today in the church life may all the saints have a clear sky with a throne above it, and may You rule in their being in full. Gain the manifestation of God in the flesh among us. Lord, rule and reign in our being. We enthrone You. We simply want to let You rule in us and hold nothing back. Bring us all the way to the throne! Work on us, Lord, until we are on the throne! Hallelujah, we are people of the throne and we destined to rule and reign with God for eternity!

References and Hymns on this Topic
  • Inspiration (besides the Word of God and my Christian experience): bro. Ron Kangas’ speaking in this message and portions from, Life-study of Ezekiel (pp. 126-128), as quoted in the Holy Word for Morning Revival on, Entering into the Fourth Stage of the Experience of Life to Arrive at a Full-Grown Man for the Fulfillment of God’s Purpose, week / msg 1, A Full-Grown Corporate Man Fulfilling God’s Purpose Through the Experience of Life in the Fourth Stage.
  • Further reading on this topic: The Church as the Body of Christ (chs. 1-2, by Witness Lee).
  • Hymns on this topic:
    # Oh, the church of Christ is glorious, and we are part of it— / We’re so happy that the Lord has made us one! / There’s a Body in the universe and we belong to it— / Hallelujah, for the Lord has made us one! / Hallelujah for the Body! / We are members of the Body!
    # As the product, the fulfillment, / Will the church in glory stand, / Consummation of the purpose / In eternal ages planned. / God will have His corporate vessel, / All His glory to contain; / Lord, we’re wholly for Thy purpose / All Thy goal in us attain.
    # The Lord shall get the glory / If we will sing His praise, / And angel hosts will listen / When we our voices raise; / The world around will hear us / Give glory unto God, / And Satan’s hosts will tremble / And flee our conqu’ring rod.
    # God the Spirit transforms man and causes man / To be mature in life, enabling man / To bless and supply all, and rule o’er the earth, / In the section of Jacob with Joseph.
About aGodMan

A God-man is a normal believer in Christ; the author of this article is one who is learning to be a normal Christian, a daily enjoyer of Christ, a living and functioning member in the Body of Christ. Amen, Lord, make us such ones for the building up of the Body of Christ!

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Dan Babcock
Dan Babcock
1 year ago

Thank you. So many good things in this article. Lots of inspiration and connection to points the Holy Spirit is teaching all over the world. I do want to mention that having been a foreign missionary for 20 years and in full time ministry 38 years we should be careful of terms, especially as non-Christians and babes in Christ can easily be confused. Therefore I would encourage you that the term God-man be used only for Jesus Christ. Your points are well made without it being referred to as a believer.