God is Spirit and we have a spirit to Contact God, Enjoy God, and be One with God

God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truthfulness. John 4:24

In the blueprint of God’s original intention, man is the center of the entire universe, and the center of man is in his spirit; man has a spirit to contact God, enjoy God, receive God, and be one with God, and as believers in Christ, our spirit has been reinforced with the vivifying, sevenfold intensified Spirit. Hallelujah!

In God’s economy, Christ is the center and everything; for us to participate in God’s economy, we need to exercise our spirit.

God has an economy, a plan to administrate the universe and to dispense all that He is into His people.

In His economy, He wants to impart, dispense, and infuse all His riches into us, His people.

The way we can participate in God’s economy is by exercising our spirit.

It is in our spirit that we see God’s economy, and it is in our spirit that we can partake of all that God is.

Unless we know the eternal economy of God, we miss out on participating in what God is and cooperating with Him for the fulfilment of His purpose.

This is why we today need to build up a habit of exercising our spirit.

We need to build up a habit of living Christ by exercising our spirit, paying attention to our spirit, and setting our mind on our spirit.

We all are learning. We all are in the process of building up a habit of living Christ by exercising our spirit all the time.

We have not only a body outwardly and a soul inwardly but even more, in the center of our being we have a human spirit.

We need to find our spirit, touch our spirit, exercise our spirit, and live in our spirit.

The only way we can live Christ is by exercising our spirit.

But how can we exercise our spirit if we do not know our spirit?

Do you know that you have a human spirit? Do you know that God created us with three parts – a body to contact the physical world, a soul to think and love and decide, and a spirit to contact God and fellowship with God?

May we know that we have a spirit, may we find our spirit, and may we build up a habit of exercising our spirit at all time.

To exercise our spirit is to fan into flame the gift of God.

He has given us a particular gift, our human spirit, and we need to exercise our spirit and fan our spirit into flame.

First of all, we need to see a vision of God’s eternal economy and realize that we can cooperate with God’s economy by exercising our spirit.

Second, we need to see the importance of our human spirit and learn to exercise our spirit, even build up the habit of exercising our spirit, so that we may live in the reality of God’s eternal economy.

God is Spirit and we have a spirit to Contact God, Enjoy God, and be one with God

...Thus declares Jehovah, who stretches forth the heavens and lays the foundations of the earth and forms the spirit of man within him. Zech. 12:1

Zech. 12:1 is an amazing verse in the Bible, for it equates the heavens, the earth, and the spirit of man.

God stretches forth the heavens, lays the foundations of the earth, and forms the spirit of man within Him.

In God’s eyes, these three are of equal importance, and the center is man’s spirit.

The heavens were created by God for the earth, the earth was made for man, and man was created by God with a spirit to contact God, receive God, worship God, live God, fulfil God’s purpose for God, and be one with God. Wow, Amen!

Vanity of vanities, says the Preacher; / Vanity of vanities; all is vanity. Eccl. 1:2 He has made everything beautiful in its own time; also He has put eternity in their heart, yet so that man does not find out what God has done from the beginning to the end. Eccl. 3:11 But there is a spirit in man, / And the breath of the Almighty gives them understanding. Job 32:8In the blueprint of God’s original intention, man is the center of the universe, and the center of man is his spirit (Zech. 12:1; Gen. 2:7; Prov. 20:27).

We as human beings are for God, and in particular, we have a spirit to contain God, contact God, enjoy God, and worship God.

God has an economy, and the economy of God has Christ as the centrality and universality of God’s move on earth.

How can we relate to God’s economy and how can we cooperate with His move on earth?

It is by means of our spirit.

If we as God’s chosen people would care for God as the Creator and as the Redeemer, there is the need for God to create a receiving organ for us to have the capacity to receive and enjoy all that God had planned for Christ to be.

God wants His all-inclusive, extensive Christ to be everything to us in our experience and enjoyment, and this is possible by means of our spirit.

We need to pay full attention to our spirit, exercise our spirit, and be in our spirit so that we may receive Christ, enjoy Christ, and be one with Christ.

The way God created man is different from the way He created all other things.

When He created the heavens, the earth, the fish, the animals, etc, He simply spoke, and they came into being (Psa. 33:9).

Man, however, was formed by God out of the dust of the ground, and God breathed into man the breath of life.

This breath of life is not God Himself nor is it His Spirit but something very close to God and His Spirit with His life.

When God breathed into man’s nostrils, man became a living soul, and he had a spirit to contact God and know God (Gen. 2:7, 9).

If man would not have a spirit, he would be like the beasts, having no purpose and no goal in life.

Our human life would be meaningless if we did not have a human spirit.

If there were no God in the universe, the whole universe would become empty.

Without God being the Spirit and without us having a spirit to contact God, to be one with God, the whole universe and we are nothing (Eccl. 1:2; 3:11; Job 32:8; 12:10; 2 Cor. 4:13, 16-18).

The key to our meaning and the meaning of the universe is in the fact that God exists, God is Spirit, and we have a human spirit to contact God, enjoy God, receive God, worship God, and be one with God.

God is Spirit, and we must contact Him, and worship Him, in our spirit (John 4:24).

The human spirit and the divine Spirit should contact each other and become one (1 Cor. 6:17).

When this happens, the whole universe becomes meaningful. If we do not contact God in our spirit, if we don’t enjoy God by exercising our spirit to contact Him in spirit, our human life is meaningless.

And the God of peace Himself sanctify you wholly, and may your spirit and soul and body be preserved complete, without blame, at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. 1 Thes. 5:23 But he who is joined to the Lord is one spirit. 1 Cor. 6:17Man’s existence is a life of vanity of vanities, vapour of vapours, and futility of futilities, if man does not contact God by the exercise of his spirit.

Blaise Pascal famously said that there is a God-shaped vacuum in every man that only God can fill.

Each man desires to know God and enjoy God.

Even if someone considers themselves an atheist, saying there is no God, they acknowledge God’s existence by simply mentioning God. If there is no God, why even talk about God?

God exists, God is the meaning of our human life, and we have a spirit to contact God and enjoy God.

There is no way for us to have evolved from monkeys, as some would say, for the monkeys do not have a spirit.

They have a body and a soul, but there is no spirit in monkeys, nor is there any way for monkeys to evolve and develop a spirit.

The outstanding feature of man is his spirit. God put eternity in man’s heart, and only man considers the meaning of his human existence.

There is a divinely implanted sense of a purpose working throughout the ages which nothing under the sun but only God can satisfy. Hallelujah for our spirit!

Thank You, Lord, for creating us in Your image and according to Your likeness, and thank You for putting a spirit in us! Hallelujah, we human beings have not only a body to contact the physical world and a soul to think and love and choose but even more, we have a human spirit! Wow, Lord, we have an organ to contact God, enjoy God, and worship God! Praise the Lord for our spirit, our means to worship God and partake of all that God is! Amen, Lord, we exercise our spirit right now to contact You and enjoy You. We open to You and we turn our whole being to You. We want to pay our full attention to our spirit. Amen, Lord, our spirit is the most important part of our being, and in spirit You are so real and so available! Wow, there’s a divinely implanted sense of a purpose which nothing under the sun but only God can satisfy, and we can touch the meaning of our human life by contacting God the Spirit by means of our spirit! Amen, Lord, God is Spirit, and we have a spirit to contact God, be one with God, and fulfill God’s purpose for God!

Through God’s Recovery in His Salvation, Man’s Spirit is Regenerated, Rebuilt, and Reinforced with the Vivifying, Sevenfold Intensified Spirit

These are those who make divisions, soulish, having no spirit. But you, beloved, building up yourselves upon your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit, Keep yourselves in the love of God, awaiting the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life. Jude 19-21The Bible clearly shows us that God is Spirit and man has a spirit to contact God and receive God, but so many today do not see this and some even do not agree with this.

Due to the fall of man, men have not only overlooked and neglected the human spirit but even more, they have even refused to admit that man has a spirit (1 Thes. 5:23; Heb. 4:12; Jude 19-21).

Even some believers today think that man has only a body and a soul, thinking that the soul and the spirit are one and the same.

However, the Bible clearly shows us that man has a spirit and, through God’s recovery in His salvation, man’s spirit is regenerated, rebuilt, and reinforced with the vivifying, sevenfold intensified Spirit (Gen. 2:7; Prov. 20:27; John 3:6; Rev. 4:5; 1 Cor. 15:45)! Hallelujah!

Some today neglect their spirit, and they even have no spirit in the sense that they do not possess their spirit in a worthy sense.

They don’t use their spirit and they do not employ their spirit.

But we as beloved saints of God need to exercise our spirit, pray in the Holy Spirit, awaiting the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ (Jude 19-21). And we need to keep ourselves in the love of God.

We have a human spirit and we need to exercise our spirit to contact God in prayer; when we do this, we enjoy and employ the entire blessed Divine Trinity.

When we exercise our spirit, we pray in the Holy Spirit, we keep ourselves in the love of God, and we await the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ., with the result that we become the New Jerusalem! Amen!

Man as a vessel, through the exercise of his spirit, was to receive God as the tree of life so that life as a river would flow in and out of his innermost being for his transformation into precious materials for God’s building, God’s eternal expression (Gen. 1:26; 2:7-12, 22; 1 Tim. 4:7-8).

The breath of God, which He breathed into Adam at the time of the creation of man, has become our human spirit; now our spirit is God’s lamp to contain God as the oil and to give us light (Gen. 2:7; Prov. 20:27).

However, through the fall the lamp of man became broken, and man does not live according to his spirit.

Man’s spirit became a broken lamp through the fall, but praise the Lord, through God’s recovery in His salvation, man’s spirit is regenerated, rebuilt, and reinforced with the vivifying, sevenfold intensified Spirit! Hallelujah!

We believers in Christ are different from the unbelievers not merely because we read the Bible and go to church meetings but because we have a reinforced spirit, a spirit that is indwelt by the Spirit of God and filled with the life of God.

Most people today take care of the law, being law-abiding citizens.

They neglect their conscience, which is a part of their spirit, so they are looking for loopholes in the law to break the law and gain more things for themselves. Oh, Lord.

Some, however, live according to their conscience, and they live in a higher way than others.

Jehovah God formed man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul. Gen. 2:7 The spirit of man is the lamp of Jehovah, / Searching all the innermost parts of the inner being. Prov. 20:27 That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. John 3:6 But praise the Lord, we believers in Christ have a reinforced spirit, a spirit that is regenerated and filled with the vivifying Spirit of God!

When we believed into the Lord Jesus, God gave us His divine life.

God’s life was added into our spirit when we believe into the Lord Jesus.

Then, God gave us the Holy Spirit, together with many other things such as His forgiveness, righteousness, peace, and joy, together with His justification, reconciliation, and His full salvation.

All these are in God’s life and in His Spirit given to us at our regeneration.

Our spirit is a regenerated and reinforced spirit, a spirit that is very strong, for in our spirit we have God Himself as the Spirit to be our life and our everything.

Praise the Lord for our enriched spirit, our reinforced spirit!

We simply need to exercise our spirit and contact the Lord as the Spirit to enjoy Him and partake of all His riches, and we will be one with God to fulfil His eternal economy in spirit.

Lord Jesus, thank You for coming into us as life to be everything we need in our spirit. Hallelujah, we can contact God the Spirit with our human spirit to receive Him as life into us. Thank You, Lord, for Your recovery in Your salvation. Thank You for regenerating and rebuilding our spirit with the vivifying, sevenfold intensified Spirit. Hallelujah, our spirit is a regenerated spirit, a reinforced spirit, for we have God as the Spirit mingled with our spirit! Lord Jesus, we exercise our spirit to contact You. We exercise our spirit to partake of You as the tree of life and drink You as the water of life. May life as a river flow in and out of our innermost being for our transformation into precious materials for God’s building! Amen, Lord Jesus, we want to be in our spirit today to enjoy God, partake of God’s riches, worship God, be one with God, and fulfil God’s economy for God and with God. Hallelujah for our spirit!

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References and Hymns on this Topic
  • Inspiration for this article/sharing comes from the Word of God, the enjoyment in the ministry, a sharing by the brothers in the message for this week, and portions from, Collected Works of Witness Lee, 1993, vol. 2, “The Spirit with Our Spirit,” pp. 180-181, as quoted in the Holy Word for Morning Revival on, Being a Vessel unto Honor, a Fully Equipped Man of God, by being Empowered in the Grace which is in Christ Jesus to Fully Accomplish our Ministry in the Unique Ministry of God’s Economy (2024 April ITERO), week 1, Living in the Reality of God’s Eternal Economy for Its Fulfillment by Building Up a Habit of Exercising Our Spirit, Fanning Our God-given Spirit into Flame.
  • Similar articles on this topic:
    3 Key Verses on the Holy Spirit with Our Human Spirit, via, Bibles for Europe blog.
    Living in the Reality of God’s Eternal Economy for Its Fulfillment by Building Up a Habit of Exercising Our Spirit, Fanning Our God-given Spirit into Flame, outline via, Strumien.
    Choosing to Exercise our Spirit, via, Living to Him.
    New Jerusalem Radiates the Glory of God, via, New Jerusalem blog.
    Calling on the name of the Lord to enjoy God’s spirit of life, a portion from, God’s Way in Life, Chapter 2, by Witness Lee.
    The True Nature of Our Relationship with the Lord Jesus, via, Bibles for America blog.
    The Ministry Abounding with Glory (2) – From chapter eight of The Ministers in the Lord’s Recovery – Genuine Ministers of the New Covenant, via, Shepherding Words.
    Knowing the Two Spirits, the Spirit with Your Spirit, via, Holding to Truth in Love.
    Our mingled spirit, article by John Pester in, Affirmation and Critique.
    The searching lamp, a portion from, Life Messages, Vol. 2 (#42-75), Chapter 27, by Witness Lee.
  • Hymns on this topic:
    – The spirit is the innermost, / The part of man most deep and real; / If he would contact God in life, / ’Tis with the spirit he must deal. / The worship which the Father seeks / Is in the spirit’s strength alone; / His Spirit into man’s would come, / That His and man’s may thus be one. (Hymns #611 stanzas 2-3)
    – In the center of our being, past our mind, emotion, will, / Is a certain spot created to contain the Lord until / By His flowing and His flooding He will all our being fill; / Yes, mingling is the way. (Hymns #1199 stanza 2)
    – A spirit God has made for us / That we may worship Him, / Not striving, serving outwardly, / But seeking from within. / Regenerated by the Lord, / Renewed in mind and heart, / He dwells within us as our life / True worship to impart. (Hymns #865 stanzas 3-4)
About aGodMan

A God-man is a normal believer in Christ; the author of this article is one who is learning to be a normal Christian, a daily enjoyer of Christ, a living and functioning member in the Body of Christ. Amen, Lord, make us such ones for the building up of the Body of Christ!

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brother L.
brother L.
8 months ago

If we did not have a spirit, we would be like the beasts. We would become meaningless. Also, if there were no God in the universe, the whole universe would become empty. So the key to our meaning and the meaning of the universe is in God’s existence and also in our having a spirit. God is Spirit, and we must contact Him, worship Him, in our spirit (John 4:24). These two spirits should contact each other and should become one (1 Cor. 6:17). Then the whole universe becomes meaningful. Then our life has meaning…By this we can see the importance of our spirit.

Regretfully, due to the fall, men have not only overlooked and neglected the human spirit but also have even refused to admit that man has a spirit…Most people take care of the law, not their conscience. Today’s society needs the law so much because most people neglect one part of their spirit—their conscience. The conscience functions to judge us and condemn us when we do something wrong…Some who are governed merely by the law like to find loopholes in the law so that they can carry out things that are unrighteous and unjust. Those who live by the conscience, however, live in a higher way. Our inward conscience controls us much more than the outward law does.

Collected Works of Witness Lee, 1993, vol. 2, “The Spirit with Our Spirit,” pp. 180-181

RcV Bible
RcV Bible
8 months ago

The heavens are for the earth, the earth is for man, and man was created by God with a spirit that he may contact God, receive God, worship God, live God, fulfill God’s purpose for God, and be one with God. In His economy God planned to have Christ as the centrality and universality of His move on earth. For His chosen people, who would care for Him as the Creator and as the Redeemer, there was the need for Him to create a receiving organ so that they would have the capacity to receive all that God had planned for Christ to be. Hence, [the book of Zechariah] charges us to pay full attention to our human spirit, that we may receive the Christ revealed in this book and may understand all that is revealed therein concerning Him (Eph. 1:17-18a; 3:5).

Zech. 12:1, footnote 2, Recovery Version Bible

Stefan M.
Stefan M.
8 months ago

God stretched forth the heavens, laid the foundations of the earth, and formed the spirit of man within him.

We have a human spirit to contact God, receive God, worship God, and be one with God.

God is Spirit and we have a human spirit to contact God and enjoy God. This is the meaning of our human existence.

Hallelujah, through regeneration our human spirit has been revived, enlivened, and reinforced with the vivifying Spirit of God!

Lord, we want to exercise our spirit and be in our spirit today! Hallelujah for our spirit!

Daniel A.
Daniel A.
8 months ago

Amen brother, God has created us with a spirit to receive him, enjoy him, worship him, be filled with and express him

Today we must exercise and live in our Spirit to experience, enjoy, be filled and express God,

Lord thank you for our spirit! May we learn to exercise to stay in our Spirit

S. A.
S. A.
8 months ago

Amen! Lord dispense yourself into us more and more each day so that we may be constituted with your spirit.

We were created with a spirit to receive and contact God.

To contact You and live in our spirit gives our lives meaning.

Amen that the Triune God is our companion in spirit.

Dispense yourself into us more today Lord, we want to remain in the spirit and understand our conscience to live in a higher way

Christian A.
Christian A.
8 months ago

Yes, Hallelujah for our regenerated spirit!

What a joy and blessing it is to have a spirit that contains all the heavenly things and even the Triune God Himself.

Most people overlook & neglect the human spirit, and even refuse to admit that man has a spirit. 

We need to treasure our regenerated spirit and seek to live by the higher way of the conscience in our enlivened spirit rather than merely follow outward law.

Our inward conscience should control us much more than the outward laws of society.

Oh! The Triune God is the wonderful Spirit in our spirit!

Moh S.
Moh S.
8 months ago

Man’s spirit is the lamp of Jehovah, through the fall man’s spirit became a broken lamp, but through God’s recovery in His salvation, man’s spirit is regenerated, rebuilt, and reinforced with the vivifying, sevenfold intensified Spirit! Hallelujah!

We have a regenerated and reinforced spirit, a very strong spirit, with a companion – the Triune God!!

Hallelujah! Lord may we pay more attention to our spirit today!!

M. M.
M. M.
8 months ago

Praise the Lord for the formation of our human spirit so that we can contact or communicate with Him.

Because God is Spirit, not of the Spirit.

So, for man, to contact Him, we need to have a human spirit.

Without a human spirit we can be like any other beast.

Therefore, to live the proper Christian life we need to live by the spirit in our daily life. Praise the Lord!

Keven B.
Keven B.
8 months ago

Amen 🙏 Hallelujah for our human exercised spirit!

Dear brother, If we did not have a spirit, we would be like the beasts.

Also, if there were no God in the universe, the whole universe would become empty.

So the key to our meaning and the meaning of the universe is in God’s existence and also in our having a spirit!!

As Christians, our spirit has been regenerated. To be regenerated is to be reinforced…God’s life…has been added into our spirit! Hallelujah!

We have a regenerated and reinforced spirit, a very strong spirit, with a companion.

This companion is the Triune God. The Triune God becomes our companion in our spirit.

Praise the Lord, brother, what an enriched spirit we have!

Richard C.
Richard C.
8 months ago

There is a spirit in man! Such a spirit is for us to contain God, receive God, worship God, live God and be one with God to fulfill His economy.

Without our spirit we would be like beasts and our life would be meaningless.

Since we were regenerated with the divine life and have received the Holy Spirit our life has meaning and we have righteousness, peace and joy!

Praise the Lord!

Pak L.
Pak L.
8 months ago

Amen! Man is the center of the entire universe and the center of man is his spirit.

Thank You, Lord we have a spirit. We shouldn’t live by laws but by our conscience. Thank You Lord, we are regenerated.

Keep us silently at Your feet. We want to be sensitive to our conscience.

Nick H.
Nick H.
8 months ago

Amen, brother. Thank you for your sharing.

If in a day we do not exercise our spirit, the universe is empty to us, and we are nothing.

It is only when we exercise our spirit that the universe has meaning and that our daily life, our human life, has meaning. Amen.

Mario V.
Mario V.
8 months ago

In the “blueprint” of God’s original intention, man is the center of the entire universe, and the center of man is his spirit.

The heavens are for the earth, the earth is for man, and man was created by God with a spirit that he may contact God, receive God, contain God, worship God, live God, fulfill God’s purpose for God, express God, and be one with God.

Without God being the Spirit and without us having a spirit to contact God, to be one with God, the whole universe is empty, and we are nothing.

Thank You Lord for breathing into us to form the spirit within us. Thank You that in Your salvation our spirit is regenerated, rebuilt, and reinforced with the vivifying, sevenfold intensified Spirit.

We give You our day. Lord flow in and out of our innermost being for our transformation for Your building, God’s eternal expression. 🙏🙏🙏

K. P.
K. P.
8 months ago

Gen. 2:7 Jehovah God formed man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul.

Zech. 12:1 …Thus declares Jehovah, who stretches forth the heavens and lays the foundations of the earth and forms the spirit of man within him.

Praise the Lord! 😃🙌🙋🏼

Alan T.
Alan T.
8 months ago

07/23/24 Living in the Reality of God’s Eternal Economy for Its Fulfillment by Building Up a Habit of Exercising Our Spirit, Fanning Our God-given Spirit into Flame (Week 1, Day 2)

“In the Blueprint of God’s Original Intention, Man is the Center of the Entire Universe, and the Center of Man is His Spirit: (Part 1) God Created Man with a Spirit That Man May Receive God, Contain God, and Be One with God”

Zech.12:1b says, “Thus declares Jehovah, who stretches forth the heavens and lays the foundations of the earth and forms the spirit of man within him,” Jehovah God created the heavens for the earth, He created the earth for man, and He created man with a spirit. The book of Zechariah reveals that the heavens are for the earth, the earth is for man, and man was created by God with a spirit that he may contact God, receive God, live God, fulfill God’s purpose for God, and be one with God.

Isaiah 42:5 is a sister verse to Zechariah 12:1. “Thus says God Jehovah, / Who created the heavens and stretched them out, / Who spread forth the earth and what springs up from it, / Who gives breath to the people upon it / And spirit to those who walk on it.” The Hebrew word translated breath here can also be rendered spirit (Prov. 20:27). These sister verses both mention three matters: the heavens, the earth, and the human spirit. Whereas Zechariah 12:1 speaks of God’s forming the human spirit, Isaiah 42:5 simply speaks of God’s giving a spirit to man.

Isaiah 42:6 goes on to speak concerning God’s purpose in giving man a spirit. “I am Jehovah; I have called You in righteousness; / I have held You by the hand; / I have kept You and I have given You / As a covenant for the people, as a light for the nations.” Here we see that God intends to give His Son Christ to us as a covenant and as a light to the nations.

Such a Christ is wonderful, but unless we can receive Him, He does not have anything to do with us. In order to receive this Christ, we must have a receiver within us, and this receiver is our human spirit. God has given us a spirit so that we can receive, partake of, participate in, and enjoy Christ as the covenant and as the light.

In John 4:14, the Lord Jesus said to the Samaritan woman, “Whoever drinks of the water that I will give him shall by no means thirst forever; but the water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water gushing up into eternal life”.

The Lord continued to say, “An hour is coming when neither in this mountain nor in Jerusalem will you worship the Father….But an hour is coming, and it is now, when the true worshippers will worship the Father in spirit and truthfulness….God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truthfulness” (John 4:21, 23-24). John 4:24, a wonderful verse, matches Zechariah 12:1 and Isaiah 42:5.

Another crucial verse concerning the human spirit is 2 Timothy 4:22. “The Lord be with your spirit. Grace be with you.” This verse does not say that the Lord is with our mind or soul or heart; it tells us that He is with our spirit. Deep within, in the center of our being, we have a particular organ—the human spirit—created by God for the purpose of receiving Him and containing Him. We all, especially the young people, need to see that today the Lord Jesus Christ is with our spirit.

Romans 8:16 says, “The Spirit Himself witnesses with our spirit that we are children of God.” When we first believed and received the Lord Jesus as our Lord and Savior, we were regenerated in our human spirit, that is, we received the divine life of God, making us the children of God. Not only so, the Holy Spirit then also began to dwell in our regenerated spirit.

At the time of our regeneration, we, the believers in Christ, experienced some things being added into us, into our human spirit:

a.) God’s life,

b.) the Holy Spirit,

c.) Christ Himself, and

d.) all the divine attributes of the Triune God.

Actually, after being regenerated, we shall have the Triune God as our Companion eternally. As such, having Him as our Companion, we then have a reinforced spirit, a very strong spirit, in order for us to accomplish God’s eternal economy.

“We thank You, Lord Jesus, for creating us with a spirit in order for us to receive You, contact You, contain You, and be one with You as the Spirit in our spirit. Amen.”

Jon H.
Jon H.
8 months ago

Hallelujah for our spirit!

Len I.
Len I.
8 months ago

Zechariah 12:1 – The burden of the word of Jehovah concerning Israel. Thus declares Jehovah, who stretches forth the heavens and lays the foundations of the earth and forms the spirit of man within him,

The heavens are for the earth, the earth is for man, and man was created by God with a spirit that he may contact God, receive God, worship God, live God, fulfill God’s purpose for God, and be one with God. In His economy God planned to have Christ as the centrality and universality of His move on earth. For His chosen people, who would care for Him as the Creator and as the Redeemer, there was the need for Him to create a receiving organ so that they would have the capacity to receive all that God had planned for Christ to be.

Church InOroquieta
Church InOroquieta
8 months ago

We have a regenerated and reinforced spirit, a very strong spirit, with a companion. This compaion is the Triune God.


Unsearchable Riches
Unsearchable Riches
8 months ago

We have a regenerated and reinforced spirit, a very strong spirit, with a companion. This companion is the Triune God. The Triune God becomes our companion in our spirit. What an enriched spirit we have! (CWWL, 1993, vol. 2, “The Spirit with Our Spirit,” pp. 180-181)

agodman audio
agodman audio
8 months ago

Listen to the audio version of this article via, 



Didier K.
Didier K.
8 months ago


… “The burden of the word of Jehovah concerning Israel. Thus declares Jehovah, who stretches forth the heavens and lays the foundations of the earth and forms the spirit of man within him,” (Zechariah 12:1) …

“and formed the spirit of man within him”

Wonderful! O Lord Jesus! Hallelujah! 🕊

A. K.
A. K.
8 months ago

Amen, Hallelujah for our spirits. Lord, we want to exercise our spirits every day.