God as Blessing comes to us through the Divine Dispensing to Accomplish God’s Economy

Unto the economy of the fullness of the times, to head up all things in Christ... Eph. 1:10. Article on, God as Blessing comes to us through the Divine Dispensing to Accomplish God's Economy

In this universe, the unique blessing is the Triune God, and this blessing comes to us through the divine dispensing of the Divine Trinity into us for our enjoyment to accomplish His divine economy. Hallelujah!

This week in our morning revival we start a new series based on the 2022 Thanksgiving Weekend Conference with the general title of, The Divine Dispensing of the Divine Trinity for the Divine Economy.

And this first week the title is, The Eternal Blessing of the Triune God through the Divine Dispensing of the Divine Trinity into us for the Accomplishing of His Divine Economy.

May we come to the Lord and be shined on so that we have an unveiled face and receive His fresh speaking concerning what is on His heart.

We may have heard of the divine dispensing of the Divine Trinity into us for our enjoyment, but we need to be freshly unveiled to see how this relates to our accomplishment of the divine economy.

There is a central vision, a governing vision in the entire Bible; this is God’s eternal economy.

Paul asked Timothy to remain in Ephesus to charge certain ones not to teach different things except God’s economy, which is in faith.

May we be like little children coming to the Lord with a pure heart and poor in spirit to receive His new, fresh thoughts, and be infused with His heart’s desire.

The eternal economy of God is the central line of the Bible and the governing vision of the entire word of God.

This eternal economy can be presented from different angles and with various facets, with many features and a wonderful issue – but it is still the one eternal economy of God.

All the sixty-six books of the Bible reveal that the Divine Trinity – the Father, the Son, and the Spirit – is for God’s dispensing of Himself into man so that many would accomplish and fulfil His economy.

God is Triune so that He can dispense Himself into us so that He can work Himself into us for us to enjoy Him so that we may be built up to be the Body of Christ! Amen!

As we enjoy God’s divine dispensing day by day, we’re built together to be the organic Body of Christ and we are prepared to be the bride of Christ for His second coming.

This is the way for us to be prepared to be the bride of Christ so that He would return and the kingdom of the world would become the kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ.

If we ask a fellow Christian, Why is God Triune? we may get different answers, and many times this matter is very confusing to our fellow believers.

God being triune seems to complicate and confuse the believers, but the Bible has a clear revelation that He is Triune so that He may dispense Himself into us.

God is not triune so we may debate and discuss in a theological way concerning the deity, the Godhead, the Trinity, etc.

He is Triune so that we may enjoy Him and be built up together to be the organism of the Triune God, be prepared to be the bride of Christ to bring Him back!

May we remain in the divine dispensing, even asking the Lord to intensify His dispensing so that we hasten His coming and the kingdom of the world would become the kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ!

The Divine Trinity is for the Divine Dispensing of the Triune God into us

But whoever drinks of the water that I will give him shall by no means thirst forever; but the water that I will give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into eternal life. John 4:14Why is God Triune? Why can’t He be just God, as He seemed to be in the Old Testament?

The entire Bible shows us that God is not just one but Three – even in the creation of man, instead of saying, Let Me make man…He said, Let Us make man (Gen. 1:26).

The entire revelation of the sixty-six books of the Bible shows us that God is triune for Him to dispense Himself into us.

He is eternally the Father, the Son, and the Spirit, co-existing and co-inhering (mutually dwelling in one another).

In His economy, however, the Divine Trinity is involved for the specific purpose of dispensing everything that God is into man so that man would become the Body of Christ, the organism of the Triune God.

God’s desire with His strong intention is to dispense Himself into us, His chosen and redeemed people, to be our life, life supply, and everything.

Yes, He had to take care of our sins, so the second of the Divine Trinity, Christ, died on the cross; this, however, is not the final purpose of God.

Christ died for us, redeemed us, and reconciled us back to God; all this is for the purpose of the divine dispensing of the Divine Trinity into us for our enjoyment in our daily life.

Day by day, God comes to us in His Divine Trinity to dispense Himself into us.

In order for Him to carry out His divine dispensing, God needs to be triune.

The Father is the origin, the fountain, the source; the Son is the expression, the coming out of the hidden Father; and the Spirit is the transmission, the flow, the fellowship of the Father with the Son.

The Father as the fountain, the source, is hidden and unapproachable, intangible; but the Son came as the embodiment and expression of the Father to manifest who the Father is and live out all that God is and wants to be to us.

How can Christ, who lived and died two thousand years ago, reach us and be personal to us?

It is not merely by us believing into Him as a person who lived and died for us, but it is by the Spirit who gives life (1 Cor. 15:45) coming to us and joining Himself with us.

The Spirit is the flowing of the Triune God, the reaching of the Triune God to us to apply all that the Father is and has, and all that the Son has accomplished and attained, to our being.

For My people have committed two evils: / They have forsaken Me, / The fountain of living waters... Jer. 2:13 But whoever drinks of the water that I will give him shall by no means thirst forever; but the water that I will give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into eternal life. John 4:14 And he showed me a river of water of life, bright as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb in the middle of its street. Rev. 22:1Jer. 2:13 shows us that God is the fountain of living waters. John 4:14 shows us that Christ is the spring of water of life. Rev. 22:1 shows us that the Spirit is the flow, the river of water of life.

The Father is the fountain of living waters, the Son is the spring of the water of life, and the Spirit is the river of water of life.

All this is for the Triune God to reach us in His Divine Trinity so that He may dispense Himself into us.

All we need to do is see the divine dispensing of the Divine Trinity and open to this dispensing every day. God’s only goal in time is to dispense His element and all that He is into us day by day.

He doesn’t want merely to change us outwardly or to carry out a work; He desires to dispense Himself into us day by day.

We are still so full of the self-element, but we have the Triune God in our spirit.

The more we open to Him and contact Him, the more He dispenses Himself into us and mingles Himself with us.

May we open to Him and allow Him to dispense Himself into our being a little more today!

Lord, we open to You. Thank You for being Triune so that You may dispense Yourself into us. We open to Your divine dispensing. Mingle Yourself more with us today. Hallelujah, the Father is the fountain, the Son is the spring, and the Spirit is the flowing of the water of life to come into us and dispense all that God is into our being! Amen, Lord, carry out Your goal in us by Your divine dispensing! We open to the divine dispensing of the Divine Trinity so that our whole being would be reconstituted with what God is! Accomplish Your goal in us. Mingle Yourself more with us today. Keep us open to the divine dispensing and mingle Yourself more with us today!

God as the Unique Blessing comes to us through the Divine Dispensing for our Enjoyment to accomplish His Divine Economy

...God's economy, which is in faith. 1 Tim. 1:4

In this entire universe, the unique blessing is the Triune God. Apart from God, everything else is vanity of vanities (Eccl. 1:2).

Even if we would gain all the world and even the entire universe, we are empty and meaningless without God, for God is the meaning of the universe.

The universe is a great miracle, but without God, the miraculous existence of the universe is just vanity.

Science tries to explore what God is, but without receiving the divine dispensing of the Divine Trinity, science is empty.

If we gained the whole universe yet missed God, we would be the most pitiful persons.

God is the unique blessing, and this unique blessing comes to us through the dispensing of the Divine Being into us in His Divine Trinity.

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenlies in Christ, Even as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world to be holy and without blemish before Him in love...In whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of offenses, according to the riches of His grace...In whom you also, having heard the word of the truth, the gospel of your salvation, in Him also believing, you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of the promise...And He subjected all things under His feet and gave Him [to be] Head over all things to the church, Which is His Body, the fullness of the One who fills all in all. Eph. 1:3-4, 7, 13, 22-23Eph. 1 shows us the divine dispensing of the Divine Trinity into us for the fulfilment of His purpose.

We are the chosen, redeemed, and transformed people of God, and He is continually dispensing Himself into us for the accomplishing of His economy.

And He does this in three main steps.

God blesses us in His divine trinity in the Father (Eph. 1:3-6), in the Son (vv. 7-12), and in the Spirit (vv. 13-14).

The issue of such a flow of the Divine Trinity as the blessing to us, His chosen people, is the church as the Body of Christ, the fullness of the One who fills all and in all (vv. 22-23). Wow!

The church is not merely the gathering of the Christians to read the Bible and sing; the church is the issue of the blessed flow of the Triune God in His Divine Trinity into man to regenerate us, sanctify us, transform us, and build us up!

The total issue of the Divine Trinity as a flow is the church.

May we realize that in the entire universe the unique blessing is the Triune God, and this blessing comes to us through the divine dispensing of the Divine Trinity into us for our enjoyment to accomplish His divine economy.

This word, economy, is seen in 1 Tim. 1:4, where Paul asked Timothy to charge certain ones not to teach different things rather than God’s economy, which is in faith.

God’s economy is His household administration to dispense Himself in His Divine Trinity with all His unsearchable riches into our being to make us the fullness of the Triune God for His corporate expression in this universe.

God’s eternal economy is His household administration to dispense Himself in Christ into us, His chosen people, so that He may have a house to express Himself; this house is the church, the Body of Christ (1 Tim. 1:3-4; 3:15; Rom. 12:5; Eph. 1:10; 3:8-9; 2:10).

God’s eternal economy is His eternal plan, and His divine dispensing is the means by which He accomplishes His plan.

God doesn’t accomplish His plan by forcing His way with His people or by coercing others to do what He wants to do.

Rather, He accomplishes His economy by His divine dispensing.

God’s divine dispensing deifies the believers – it makes them God in life and nature but not in the Godhead, for the building up of the church as the Body of Christ and for the preparation of the bride of Christ to usher in the kingdom of Christ. Hallelujah!

God's eternal economy is His household administration to dispense Himself in Christ into His chosen people that He may have a house to express Himself, which house is the church, the Body of Christ; God's eternal economy is His eternal plan, and His divine dispensing is the means by which He accomplishes His plan — 1 Tim. 1:3-4; 3:15; Rom. 12:5; Eph. 1:10; 3:8-9; 2:10. God's divine dispensing deifies the believers, making them God in life and nature but not in the Godhead, for the building up of the church as the Body of Christ and for the preparation of the bride of Christ to usher in the kingdom of Christ; for this purpose God became a man to “man-ize” Himself; then He dispenses Himself as life into us to “God-ize” us. 2022 Thanksgiving Conference, outline 1For this to take place, God Himself became a man to “man-ize” Himself, and then He dispenses Himself into us to “God-ize” us. Wow, Praise the Lord!

God became a man for the purpose of making us the same as He is through His divine dispensing.

As John 3:16 says, whoever believes into the Lord will not perish but have eternal life, and 1:12 says that we become children of God – born not of the will of man but of God.

2 Pet. 1:4 further says that we are partakers, enjoyers of the divine nature.

We believers in Christ are men born of God, having the divine life and nature of God, and our Christian life is simply a life under the divine dispensing of the Divine Trinity for the accomplishing of His economy.

God man-ized Himself through incarnation and He is God-izing us to make us the same as Christ in life and nature but not in the Godhead; this is His eternal economy.

God’s intention in His economy is to dispense Himself in His Divine Trinity – the Father, the Son, and the Spirit – into His chosen people, and His only goal in time is to dispense Himself into us and mingle Himself with us day by day.

May we be those who see this and remain daily under the divine dispensing of the Divine Trinity for the accomplishment of the divine economy!

Hallelujah, in the entire universe the unique blessing is the Triune God! Amen, Lord, we open to You and we want to enjoy You as the unique blessing. DIspense Yourself into us more today. May we be those who enjoy the unique blessing through receiving the divine dispensing of the Divine Trinity constantly. Lord, dispense more of what You are into us for the fulfilment of Your economy. Fill us with Yourself so that You may gain the church, the house of God, and the Body of Christ. Thank You for man-izing Yourself through incarnation so that You may dispense Yourself into us to God-ize us in Your economy! Wow, Lord, may we just be open vessels to Your divine dispensing today so that Your divine economy may be carried out in us and through us!

References and Hymns on this Topic
  • Sources of inspiration: the Word of God, my enjoyment in the ministry, a sharing by brother Ed Marks in the message, and portions from, Collected Works of Witness Lee, 1993, vol. 2, “The Crucial Points of the Major Items of the Lord’s Recovery Today,” pp. 51-60, as quoted in the Holy Word for Morning Revival on, The Divine Dispensing of the Divine Trinity for the Divine Economy (2022 Thanksgiving Weekend Conference), week 1, entitled, The Eternal Blessing of the Triune God through the Divine Dispensing of the Divine Trinity into Us for the Accomplishing of His Divine Economy.
  • Further reading:
    – The economy of God to produce the church as the Body of Christ in Ephesians, article by Ed Marks via, Affirmation and Critique.
    – The Divine Dispensing for the Divine Economy, article by Ed Marks via, Affirmation and Critique.
    – The divine dispensing of the Divine Trinity, Excerpt from, The Economy of God and the Mystery of the Transmission of the Divine Trinity, by Witness Lee.
    – The consummation of the Divine Dispensing of the Divine Trinity, article from, The Vision of the Divine Dispensing and Guidelines for the Practice of the New Way, by W. Lee.
    – The Intention of God’s economy, portion from, The Central Line of the Divine Revelation, by W. Lee.
    – God’s dispensing being for God’s economy, portion from, The Economy and Dispensing of God, by Witness Lee.
  • Hymns on this topic:
    – O God, Thou art the source of life, / Divine, and rich and free! / As living water flowing out / Unto eternity! / In love Thou in the Son didst flow / Among the human race; / Thou dost as Spirit also flow / Within us thru Thy grace. (Hymns #12 stanzas 1-2)
    – God’s intention in this universe is with humanity, / So the Lord became the Spirit just with man to mingled be. / We rejoice that we can all partake of His economy. / Yes, mingling is the way. (Hymns #1199 stanza 1)
    – God would have a group of people / Built together in His plan, / Blended, knit, coordinated / As His vessel—one new man. / God would come into this vessel / With His nature, life and ways, / Mingling Spirit with our spirits / For His joy and to His praise. (Hymns #1325 stanza 2)
About aGodMan

A God-man is a normal believer in Christ; the author of this article is one who is learning to be a normal Christian, a daily enjoyer of Christ, a living and functioning member in the Body of Christ. Amen, Lord, make us such ones for the building up of the Body of Christ!

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brother L.
2 years ago

According to the entire revelation of the sixty-six books of the Bible, the Divine Trinity—the Father, the Son, and the Spirit—is for God’s dispensing, that is, for the distribution of God into His chosen people. God’s desire with His strong intention is to dispense Himself into His chosen people as their life, as their life supply, and as their everything. To carry out this dispensing, He needs to be triune. The Father as the origin is the fountain, the Son as the expression is the spring, and the Spirit as the transmission is the flow. The Spirit as the flow is the reaching, the application, of the Triune God for the distribution of Himself into His chosen people… In Jeremiah 2:13 God refers to Himself as the fountain of living waters; in John 4:14 Christ is the spring of water that gushes up in the believers into eternal life; and in Revelation 22:1 the Spirit is the flow, the river of water of life…This course, this spring, issues in a flow, which is the Spirit as the reaching, the application, of the Triune God. This shows that God is triune to dispense, or distribute, Himself into His chosen people. Collected Works of Witness Lee, 1993, vol. 2, “The Crucial Points of the Major Items of the Lord’s Recovery Today,” p. 53

Stefan M.
2 years ago

The unique blessing in the universe is the Triune God, and we can enjoy this blessing by being open to His divine dispensing.

He man-ized Himself through incarnation so that He would God-ize us as He dispenses all that He is into us.

Lord, keep us open to Your divine dispensing today. Mingle Yourself a little more with us for the accomplishment of Your economy.

Phil H.
Phil H.
2 years ago

Yes Lord, we agree, keep us open to receive your divine dispensing.

Moh S.
Moh S.
2 years ago

Aaaaameeen! Praise the Lord for His strong determination to dispense Himself into us! Lord we open to be mote mingled with You today!

Christian A.
Christian A.
2 years ago

Amen brother.

For this purpose, God uses time to mingle Himself into us.

God’s only goal in time is to is to dispense His element into us day by day.

God Himself is our blessing and the New Jerusalem will be just the very God in His Divine Trinity.

Anything besides God is only vanity of vanities.

Claude Y.
Claude Y.
2 years ago

Amen Lord! Keep us enjoying You as the unique blessing in the universe! May we continue to receive grace to drink You as the living water and be holding You constantly for the fulfillment of God economy!

Jon H.
Jon H.
2 years ago

Oh brother TIME is for one thing 

we must see that God’s only goal in time is to dispense His element into us day by day.

[Although] we have too much of our self-element within us,…God is using time to mingle Himself into us.

M. M.
M. M.
2 years ago

Yes, His main purpose is to dispense Himself into us so that we can enjoy Him day by day. 

The Divine Dispensing of the Divine Triune God for the Divine Economy is the beginning of Creation from Genesis and passes through time until it comes to the consummation of the new Jerusalem.

Fortunately, we are coworkers of this grace age to move with Him.

Praise the Lord for this wonderful opportunity. O Lord! help us to be what we are supposed to be according to your will. Amen

K. P.
K. P.
2 years ago

Amen brother!

1 John 4:14 But whoever drinks of the water that I will give him shall by no means thirst forever; but the water that I will give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into eternal life.

O Lord may we be ever drinking this living water only for our enjoyment unto internal life.

R. B.
R. B.
2 years ago


* The Son’s Redemption, Speaking Forth the Accomplishment of God’s Eternal Purpose…

* We were chosen and predestinated. But after being created, we became fallen. Hence, we need redemption, which God accomplished for us in Christ through His blood. This is another item of God’s blessings that He has bestowed on us.

* The forgiveness of our offenses is the redemption through the blood of Christ. Apart from the shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness of sins (Heb. 9:22). Redemption is what Christ accomplished for our offenses; forgiveness is the application of Christ’s accomplishment to our offenses.
(Fn.”redemption”, cf. Col. 1:14; Rom. 3:24, Luke 24:47; Acts 2:38; 10:43)

V. O.
V. O.
2 years ago

Eph. 1:10
10 Unto the economy of the fullness of the times, to head up all things in Christ, the things in the heavens and the things on the earth, in Him;

John 4:14
14 But whoever drinks of the water that I will give him shall by no means thirst forever; but the water that I will give him will become in him a fountain of water gushing up into eternal life.

Rom. 12:5
5 So we who are many are one Body in Christ, and individually members one of another.

Eph. 2:10
10 For we are His masterpiece, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand in order that we would walk in them.

Eph. 3:8-9
8 To me, less than the least of all saints, was this grace given to announce to the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ as the gospel
9 And to enlighten all that they may see what the economy of the mystery is, which throughout the ages has been hidden in God, who created all things,

1 Tim. 1:3-4
3 Even as I exhorted you, when I was going into Macedonia, to remain in Ephesus in order that you might charge certain ones not to teach different things
4 Nor to give heed to myths and unending genealogies, which produce questionings rather than God’s economy, which is in faith.

1 Tim. 3:15
15 But if I delay, I write that you may know how one ought to conduct himself in the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and base of the truth.

This is the Word of God. Amen!

“According to the entire revelation of the sixty-six books of the Bible, the Divine Trinity—the Father, the Son, and the Spirit—is for God’s dispensing, that is, for the distribution of God into His chosen people. God’s desire with His strong intention is to dispense Himself into His chosen people as their life, as their life supply, and as their everything. To carry out this dispensing, He needs to be triune.”

[a] “The Father as the origin is the fountain, 
[b] the Son as the expression is the spring, 
[c] and the Spirit as the transmission is the flow.
The Spirit as the flow is the reaching, the application, of the Triune God for the distribution of Himself into His chosen people…In Jeremiah 2:13 God refers to Himself as the fountain of living waters; in John 4:14 Christ is the spring of water that gushes up in the believers into eternal life; and in Revelation 22:1 the Spirit is the flow, the river of water of life. This course, this spring, issues in a flow, which is the Spirit as the reaching, the application, of the Triune God. This shows that God is triune to dispense, or distribute, Himself into His chosen people.”

CWWL, 1993, vol. 2, “The Crucial Points of the Major Items of the Lord’s Recovery Today,” p. 53)

“THE UNIQUE BLESSING IN THE WHOLE UNIVERSE IS GOD HIMSELF. ANYTHING BESIDES GOD IS VANITY…” [Are we able, willing to understand and completely apprehend this?]…Apart from God, everything is “vanity of vanities” (Eccl. 1:2). Only God Himself is real…If we gained the entire universe yet missed God, we would be the most pitiful persons…God Himself is our blessing, and this blessing comes to us through the dispensing of the Divine Being into us in His Divine Trinity—in the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.”

“Ephesians 1 gives us a record of how the Triune God blesses His chosen, redeemed, and transformed people in His Divine Trinity. This chapter is mainly on the three steps of God’s blessing us in His Divine Trinity, that is, on how He blesses us in the Father (vv. 3-6), in the Son (vv. 7-12), and in the Spirit (vv. 13-14). Eventually, because of such a flow of the Divine Trinity as the blessing to God’s chosen people, there is an issue, and the issue of this blessed flow is the church as the Body of Christ, the fullness of the One who fills all in all (vv. 22-23). The church as the Body of Christ is the total issue of the Divine Trinity as a flow to dispense all that God is into His chosen people.”

Thank you Lord for revealing Your Economy to us. The consummation of the New Jerusalem is the ultimate goal of God’s Economy. Christ is the center of His Economy and we have been chosen to be partakers of this eternal blessing.

We need to apprehend once and for all that we are here to cooperate with His Economy. “…The Spirit as the flow is the reaching, the application, of the Triune God for the distribution of Himself into His chosen people…”

By keeping His Word and loving each other with that Divine Love He has dispensed within us, day by day we will grow into Him, “[Although] we have too much of our self-element within us,…God is using time to mingle Himself into us. (CWWN, vol. 37, p. 182)”. 

Lord, keep my focus into You, don’t let the enemy to distract me with other teachings, as Paul advises us, “…Nor to give heed to myths and unending genealogies, which produce questionings rather than God’s economy, which is in faith.” 1Tim 1:4. FAITH in God’s Economy for the consummation of the New Jerusalem. Amen!