The Goal of the Lord’s Recovery is to Bring Forth the One New Man to End this Age

Eph. 4:23 And that you be renewed in the spirit of your mind.God desires to gain the church as the Body of Christ to be the one new man, and the goal of the Lord’s recovery is to bring forth the one new man.

But if we look at ourselves, at the local church where we meet, and at the country we are in, can we say that we have the reality of the one new man?

Can we say that all over the earth, in all the local churches, the saints have the consciousness of the one new man, that we all rise up above any racial, national, and ethnically consciousness to realize that we are part of the one new man?

The Lord will return only when the church as the Body of Christ is built up, the church as the one new man is brought forth, and the church as the bride of Christ is prepared.

The one new man is the highest aspect of the church, and it has the highest requirement from the believers. For us to bring forth the one new man, we all need to take Christ as our life and person, and we need to live Christ; when Christ is expressed as the person from within us, the one new man is brought into existence.

The Body of Christ is for Christ to move and accomplish God’s will; the new man is for Christ to live and express God, to fulfill God’s purpose in creating man (Gen. 1:26).

What the Lord requires for His return is not to have a million people who are saved and thousands of churches to be raised; He wants to gain a person, His counterpart, His bride.

The building up of the Body of Christ is the development of the new man, and the development of the new man is the preparation of the bride; when the bride is ready, the Lord will return.

How can we be the one new man? Simply putting all nations and races together doesn’t equal the one new man; when we all are reconstituted with the Christ who is the new man, and every one of us takes Christ as life and person, then Christ as our person can live in us the reality of the new man.

We may not be the one new man in reality today yet, but day after day, meeting after meeting, conference after conference, and training after training, the reality of the vision of the church as the one new man is penetrating the Lord’s recovery.

The goal of the Lord’s recovery is to bring forth the one new man, and for this we all need to open to the Lord as never before to have Him wrought into our being and become our life and person for the one new man.

Taking Christ as Life and Person to Live Christ and have the Ultimate Church Life, the One New Man

What is here in the Lord’s recovery is nothing but Christ, and this Christ is all and in all. You cannot be an individual believer, and you cannot keep your local church separate from all the others. Today is the day to have a new man constituted with all the local churches, including all the saints as one in Christ, who is all and in all. This vision will rescue us from all things other than Christ. Witness Lee, The One New Man, ch. 6When we all take Christ as life and person to live Christ, we will have the one new man into full existence, and we don’t have to claim that we are one – we will simply be one.

When the one new man is brought into full existence, we will not talk about such things as differences between churches, who is the leader in the church, what is the jurisdiction of the church, and whether a local church can be autonomous or not.

When we live Christ, taking Him as our life and person, only Christ will be manifested and expressed among us. When we all live Christ, and in all the local churches we take Christ as life and person, we will have the ultimate church life; then, wherever we would go, we will see Christ.

If we go to Brazil, the UK, the USA, France, Japan, China, Korea, Slovakia, Philippines, Argentina, Bolivia, Australia, or New Zealand – wherever we would go, we will see Christ.

When we all take Christ as our life and person, we will live Christ, and the church as the one new man will be manifested; when we all live Christ, there will be a universal new man living out Christ in all the churches, and such a living will end this age, usher in the kingdom, and bring Christ back.

When the new man is manifested, the bride of Christ will come into being, and the Lord will be ready to return. When we all take Christ as our person and life, we all will speak the same thing, wherever we are in the world; we will simply speak the one thing, which is Christ Himself (1 Cor. 1:10).

We will speak Christ, live Christ, eat Christ, manifest Christ, and express Christ, for He is our life and person, and He’s the life-giving Spirit within our spirit.

This is what the Lord desires to gain today, the universal man living out Christ, the corporate living of Christ as the ultimate church life which will bring forth the one new man. Such a living is not outward as a show, but it comes from within, from our taking Christ as life and person so that Christ would live in us to be expressed through us.

When we live the ultimate church life, the church as the one new man, we will take care of the responsibilities and activities in the church life and family life, but we will express Christ, grow in Christ, and have Christ manifested in us.

When we all take Christ as life and person, Christ will be all and in all; we cannot be individual believers, and we can’t keep our local church independent or separate from other churches. We all need to take Christ as life and person to live Christ so that we may live the ultimate church life, the one new man.

Lord Jesus, we take You as our life and person, and we want to live Christ and not ourselves, so that the church as the one new man may be brought forth. Keep us turning to our spirit and growing in Christ, speaking Christ, living Christ, and expressing Christ. May all the saints in all the local churches all over the earth take Christ as their life and person to live Christ and manifest Him, so that You may gain the one new man composed of all the local churches. Amen, Lord, gain the ultimate church life, which will bring You back!

The Goal of the Lord’s Recovery is to Bring Forth the One New Man to End this Age

The goal of the Lord’s recovery is to bring forth the one new man - Eph. 2:15; 4:22-24; Col. 3:10-11. What the Lord has been doing and is now doing in His recovery is bringing forth the one new man with Himself as the life and the person for God’s expression - Eph. 3:17-19; Col. 3:4, 10-11. The requirement that everyone be only one man is exceedingly high; for the practical existence of the one new man, we need to rise up together to take Christ as our person - Gal. 2:20; Eph. 2:15; 3:17a. The one new man will conclude this age, usher in the kingdom of God, and bring Christ, the King, back to this earth - Rev. 11:15. The Recovery of the Church (2017 fall ITERO), outline 8The goal of the Lord’s recovery is nothing else but to bring forth the one new man (see Eph. 2:15; 4:22-24; Col. 3:10-11).

The new man was created on the cross, but it needs to be brought forth into practical existence. What was divided and scattered in the old man, is now being recovered in the new man. For us to put off the old man is for us to put off the divided and scattered man, and for us to put on the new man is to put on the gathered and one new man (Gen. 11:5-9; Acts 2:5-12).

When the church was brought forth in Acts 2 there were at least fifteen dialects being spoken in Jerusalem, for many of the Jews scattered throughout the nations returned home for the feast.

The Lord brought them back together, and when the church came into being, all of them – even though they were previously scattered and divided – were one. We need to realize that the old man is scattered and divided, while the new man is gathered and one.

The Lord is working on earth today in His recovery to gain the one new man; the goal of the Lord’s recovery is to bring forth the one new man.

For this, we need to love the Lord, pursue Him, and follow Him today, and we need to be renewed in the spirit of our mind to become the one new man, taking Christ as our person and living by Him.

In every locality over all the earth the Lord is working to bring forth the one new man, for this new man will end this age. The requirement that everyone be the only one man is exceedingly high; for the practical existence of the one new man, we need to rise up together to take Christ as our person (Gal. 2:20; Eph. 2:15; 3:17).

In Matt. 5-7 we have the high requirements of the constitution of the kingdom of the heavens, which are impossible requirements from us; however, all these are fulfilled not by us with our effort but by the Lord’s life within us.

We can’t be the one new man, for in ourselves we are scattered, divided, and divisive; but we need to let the Lord do it. What is impossible to us is possible to God.

God needs to bring forth the one new man, for this one new man will conclude this age, will usher in the kingdom of God, and will bring Christ – the King – back to this earth (Rev. 11:15).

We need to be unveiled to see that today in the Lord’s recovery we need to become the universal new man, and that we all need to rise up together to take Christ as our person.

In our dealing with sins, in our consecration to the Lord, and in our seeking the will of God, in all the aspects of our Christian life, we need to take Christ as our life and person, and let Him live in us.

This is what the Lord wants to gain in His recovery, the bringing forth of the one new man, so that this man would end this age and bring the Lord back.

Lord Jesus, we want to put off the old man who is scattered and divided, and put on the new man who is gathered and one! We take You as our life and person, and we want to be one with You to bring forth the one new man in Your recovery in all the local churches on the earth. Amen, Lord, we take You as our person, for only You in us can live out the expression of God for the bringing forth of the new man on earth. May You gain the reality of the new man to conclude this age, usher in the kingdom of God, and bring Christ back to this earth!

References and Hymns on this Topic
  • Inspiration: the Word of God, my enjoyment in the ministry, the message by Ron Kangas for this week, and portions from, Collected Works of Witness Lee, 1977, vol. 3, “One Body, One Spirit, and One New Man,” ch. 6, as quoted in the Holy Word for Morning Revival on, The Recovery of the Church (2017 fall ITERO), week 8, The Status of the Church – the New Man.
  • Hymns on this topic:
    # For this cause Your Person, Lord, / We take and stand in one accord; / All the members self forsake, / And of the Body-Christ partake. / We in Christ as one new man / Now come forth to take this land. / For this cause Your Person, Lord, / We take and stand in one accord. (Hymns #1230)
    # Now here we are, called on to build. / As members of Christ, we are richly filled. / As He increases, we decrease; / The one new man wondrously comes to be. / Our inward being we open wide, / Let the Spirit transform and occupy; / Soak, saturate, with Christ inwrought, / Till from glory to glory we are brought. (Song on, the house of God)
    # When all Thy members self forsake, / Thy glorious Body, Lord, is known; / When of Thy Person we partake, / The one new man is shown. / The church life is the one new man / In every local church expressed; / Thy Body is a corporate man, / One Person manifest. (Hymns #1220)
About aGodMan

A God-man is a normal believer in Christ; the author of this article is one who is learning to be a normal Christian, a daily enjoyer of Christ, a living and functioning member in the Body of Christ. Amen, Lord, make us such ones for the building up of the Body of Christ!

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brother L.
brother L.
7 years ago

The Lord today is doing this work on the earth, and this is the goal of the Lord’s recovery today. All those who love Him, pursue Him, and follow Him on the entire earth today must be renewed in the spirit of their mind to become the one new man, taking Him as their person and living by Him. This is what the Lord wants today.

The requirement that is high enough is that we would be for the universal new man. We need to take the Lord Jesus as our person; this includes everything, such as dealing with our sins, consecration, and seeking the will of God.

We truly need message after message to unveil every one of us so that we can see that today in the Lord’s recovery we need to become the universal new man, and that we all need to rise up together to take Christ as our person. (Collected Works of Witness Lee, 1977, vol. 3, “One Body, One Spirit, and One New Man,” pp. 350, 324)