![Giving God our Full Cooperation for Him to Move in the Principle of Incarnation [In the picture: In order for God to regain the earth from the usurping hand of the enemy, we need to be in full cooperation and coordination with Him in the principle of incarnation] Giving God our Full Cooperation for Him to Move in the Principle of Incarnation [In the picture: In order for God to regain the earth from the usurping hand of the enemy, we need to be in full cooperation and coordination with Him in the principle of incarnation]](https://i0.wp.com/agodman.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/god-regain-earth-full-cooperation-coordination.jpg?resize=553%2C349&ssl=1)
In order for God to regain the earth from the usurping hand of the enemy, we need to be in full cooperation and coordination with Him in the principle of incarnation.
We need to see that without prayer we cannot be one with the Lord and God cannot have a move on the earth. Through prayer, we are ushered into oneness with the Triune God, which oneness will bring in the great wheel of God’s economy on earth.
God doesn’t want us to pray so that we may be better Christians, and neither does He desire merely “men who pray at all time”; God desires to have a group of people on earth who are fully one with Him so that His move may be brought forth and so that the wheel of His economy may advance on earth.
When we see God’s move, when we see that we can be one with God in His move on earth, prayer will no longer be a formality, a routine, or an obligation, but a wonderful way for us to be one with the Triune God so that we may bring in God’s move.
When we pray, we enter into oneness with the Lord, and we see and pray for God’s move on the earth! We need to ask the Lord,
Lord, pour out the spirit of prayer and supplications upon Your people today! We want to pray as those who have seen the great wheel of Your move! Lord, we want to be one with You. Make us those who cannot stop praying because we are so one with the Triune God within us who doesn’t stop praying!
Being in Full Cooperation with God Through Prayer
Looking at the history of the people of Israel we see how God needs a group of people on the earth that would be one with Him for the carrying out of His move.
The God who created the heavens and the earth could have just cleared the land of Canaan before the people of Israel and help them just settle in, but instead He wanted to gain His people to cooperate and coordinate with Him to destroy God’s enemies and take the good land as their possession.
God depends on man’s cooperation and coordination in the principle of incarnation – He would not do something (even though He really wants to do it) unless man cooperates with Him through prayer.
The history of God’s people on earth is the history of the energizing God working among His people – God operating to energize His people to cooperate with Him for the accomplishment of His eternal economy.
We need to be one with God in His divine history, moving and living in His energizing within us to be the overcomers who cooperate with Him today. It is God who operates in us both the willing and the working (Phil. 2:13) – we just need to cooperate with Him!
We need to be one with God, in living, and in everything we do, so that we may write God’s history today!
We need to be the living, vital, active, Joshua and Caleb’s of today, defeating God’s enemies and taking possession of the good land through our prayer of cooperating with God’s move on earth today!
One with the Lord in the Principle of Incarnation
Everything that God does today is not by Himself but in the principle of incarnation. He can do so much in and by Himself, but He chooses to be limited to His mingling with man.
In incarnation we have the divine nature being brought into the human nature: no longer God alone or man alone, but God in man and man in God working as one. God would not do the regaining of the corrupted world by Himself – He needs His people to cooperate with Him!
If we look at ourselves, at our situation and condition, we will realize that this is impossible with man. But it is possible with God – God is our unique possibility! Now Christ is the life-giving Spirit mingled with our spirit, and we are one spirit with the Lord (1 Cor. 6:17).
God wants to recover the earth and to establish His kingdom on the earth, but for Him to do this, He needs us His people to be one with Him according to the principle of incarnation (Rev. 11:15; 12:10; 1 Cor. 6:17; 7:10, 25, 40b).
Satan has deceived and corrupted man, and today Satan is usurping everyone on the earth, taking over people and nations illegally and unrighteously. For God to regain the earth from under Satan’s usurpation, He needs that His people would be in full cooperation and coordination with Him through prayer.
This is what we pray for, that God may regain the earth and bring in His kingdom! We today need to be one with God in His move – one with God in life, in living, and in our entire doing on the earth (1 Cor. 6:17; John 15:1, 4-5, 7, 16).
Seeing the Great Wheel of God’s Move on Earth

We need to be one with the Triune God in the move of the great wheel of His economy for His will to be done on earth
We will get into this matter much more these days, but in Ezekiel 1:15-21 we see a big wheel moving all the time on the earth – this is the great wheel of God’s move.
God is continually moving on the earth, and His move in this universe is with Christ and the church. The center and the hub of the great wheel is Christ, and the church is the circumference, the rim.
When we see God’s move on the earth, the great wheel of God’s economy, we will spontaneously be one with Him and we cannot but pray for Him to move and operate and accomplish what He desires.
We will then practice the church life in the light of God’s move, and we will know Christ as the center of God’s move, and the church as the enlargement and expansion of Christ on earth.
We need to ask the Lord to open our eyes to see what Ezekiel saw, the great wheel of God’s economy, and when we see it, we will one with Him and pray in coordination and cooperation with Him for His will to be done on the earth (Matt. 6:9-10; Rev. 4:11; Col. 4:12). We may then pray,
Lord may Your kingdom come! May Your name be sanctified. May Your will be done on earth. Move on earth according to Your heart’s desire. Lord, save men! Lord, gain many of Your believers to be one with You in the principle of incarnation and pray for Your move on the earth! Operate in us both the willing and the working for Your good pleasure, and energize us to be one with You and cooperate with You in Your move on earth today!
References and Further Reading
- Sharing inspired by brother James Lee’s sharing in this message, and portions in, Life-study of Joshua (pp. 8-9), as quoted in the Holy Word for Morning Revival on Prayer and the Lord’s Move, week 5 (entitled, Being One with the Triune God in the Move of the Great Wheel of His Economy).
- Further reading: Life-study of 1 Corinthians (msg. 43); The Experience and Growth in Life (ch. 29, by Witness Lee).
- Hymns on this topic:
# Pray to labor with the Lord / Till the wheel begins to move; / Pray together with the Lord / Till the Church His pow’r shall prove.
# Now He must have our cooperation. / We must set our mind upon the Son. / We must turn away from all that leads astray, / Till our mind is set on Him each day.
# The principle of incarnation / Is but the blend of God and man, / Both acting in cooperation / To thus fulfill th’ eternal plan. - Pictures source: with permission via, Inspiration Unlimited (Prayer and the Lord’s Move set).
According to the record in the Old Testament, God’s move, which began in Genesis 1, continued through Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. In chapter one of Joshua, God’s move had reached a certain situation. At that time the entire earth was full of idols and demons. In a sense, God had been chased away from the earth, which He had created for Himself, and did not have a way to be the Lord of the earth as well as of the heavens. However, among all the nations and peoples, God had separated Israel, His elect, for the carrying out of His economy. They had nothing to do with any idols or demons. On the contrary, they were occupied with the God of the heavens and the earth. After being formed, constituted, disciplined, trained, and qualified, God’s people had come to the plains of Moab where they were waiting to enter into the good land, to take it, and to possess it. (Life-study of Joshua, p. 8)
1 Cor 6:17 But he who is joined to the Lord is one spirit.
Phil 2:13 For it is God who operates in you both the willing & the working for His good pleasure.
‘Christ & the church are the great mystery of the universe (Eph 5:32). Where the church is, there is Christ, & where Christ is, there is the church. You can never separate Christ from the church…There is a big wheel moving all the time on the earth (Eze 1:15-21)…We need to be one with God in His heart’s desire & in His move on earth.’
Oh Lord, like the children of Israel before they took the promised land, make us ready for Your instruction, make us fully coordinated with You for Your move. Let us be willing & working for Your good pleasure!
"Lord, open my eyes to see the great wheel of Your economy so that I can be one with You and pray in coordination and cooperation with You for Your will to be done on earth!"
The principle of incarnation
Is but the blend of God and man,
Both acting in cooperation
To thus fulfill th’ eternal plan.
It is not God Himself to labor,
Nor man to try to serve alone,
But God and man to work together
Each moment that His plan be shown.
God only requires our cooperation! We cannot do anything outside of God. Do not look at ourselves, simply offer ourselves to Him and cooperate with Him. I enjoyed that it is God that operates (energizes) in us the willing and working for His good pleasure. (Phil 2:13) The only thing we need to do is to obey the inner operating God (v.12 footnote 1). In Ezekiel 1, we also see Christ as our centre. The vision of a big wheel moving all the time on the earth signifies the move of God in the universe. Christ is the centre, the hub of this wheel, and we as the church are the circumference, the rim. Where the church is, there Christ is, and where Christ is, there the church is. We cannot separate Christ and the church.
Christ is our hub and we are the rim. Where the church is where Christ is. Where Christ is, the church also is. This is so enjoyable knowing that the church cannot be separated from the Lord. Praise the Lord that we can never be separated from our Lord.
Really enjoyed the whole matter of rendering the Lord our full cooperation and coordination in the principle of incarnation, in order for Him to regain the earth from the usurping hand of the enemy. We all have to have the realisation that the earth which belonged to the Lord is usurped by the enemy and that He wants to regain it for Himself. Unless we see this, we will not render the Lord our full cooperation. We need to see in Ephesians 1:11 that we have been predestinated according to the purpose of the One who works all things according to the counsel of His will. Then we can be one with Him in His move — one with Him in life, in living and in our entire doing today on earth.
In order to take the 'good land' today, we must enter into full coordination with God in His move! Cause us to be in full cooperation and coordination with You in the principle of incarnation! Thank You we can be a part of Your move as the moving and acting wheel on earth!
We do not have to look at ourselves. If the children of Israel had looked at theselves, they would have said that there was no possibility to take the good land. But their possibility was the unique God, who needed His elect (us) to cooperate with Him in His move to carry out His economy, in His desire to move in His economy as the great wheel.
the many believers as the members of Christ are the spokes of the hub spreading to the rim, to the Body of Christ consummating in the New Jerusalem.this great wheel is not just the economy of God but also the moving of the economy of God.{Eph.5:30, 32. because we are members of His Body this mystery is great, but i speak with regard to Christ and the Church. Amen , O Lord Jesus cause us more to be cooperative of Your moving..
Ezekiel 1 shows us that there is a big wheel moving all the time on the earth and this wheel is the move of God in the universe. We/the church are today’s Israel, who are being formed, constituted, disciplined, trained, and qualified to enter into a full coordination with God in His move. In ourselves there is no possibility, but our possibility is the unique God. We just need to cooperate with Him and be one with Him. He is motivating the wheel to run. This is the principle of incarnation. God’s desire is to regain the earth and establish His kingdom on earth. Hallelujah that we had been join to the Lord who is the hub of the great wheel and we are the rim of the wheel. When Christ moves, the church moves with Him. Praise Him that our God is operating in us both the willing and the working for His good pleasure, so that we may move with Him.
When we see God’s move on the earth, the great wheel of God’s economy, we will spontaneously be one with Him and we cannot but pray for Him to move and operate and accomplish what He desires. Amen! Oh Lord Jesus! We want to see God's move on the earth, the great wheel of God's economy! We want to be one with the Lord and Your move on the earth. Amen!
Oh Lord Jesus! We want to see God’s move on the earth, the great wheel of God’s economy, and we want to be one with God’s move on the earth! Amen!
My Brother in Christ! I' m enjoying your articles very much.