Thank the Lord for the sense of life in our spirit making us know whether we are living in the natural life or in the divine life, in the flesh or in the spirit!
As we follow the sense of life, we live in a calm, steady, unhurried way, living an ordinary life in the divine dispensing. Praise the Lord!
We believers in Christ are unlike any other human being; we do not and should not live according to any outward rule or ordinance but simply live one spirit with the Lord, doing all things according to the inner sense of life in our spirit. Amen!
We are believers in Christ, which means that we’re regenerated with the life of God; we have God’s life in our spirit and this life has a keen sense of life.
Just as the human life has a sense of life, warning us about things and giving us a clear indication and leading concerning things, even shaping us according to the law of the human life, so is with the sense of the divine life.
The source of the sense of life is not merely our intuition or “sixth sense” as some call it; the source of the sense of life is the divine life, the law of life, the Holy Spirit, Christ abiding in us, and God operating in us.
Even though such a phrase as, the sense of life, is not in the Bible, the principle is there.
There’s a sense in the divine life, the feeling of the divine life, the consciousness of the life of God in our spirit.
Since we have the divine life in our spirit, this life has a sense.
The law of the Spirit of life frees us in Christ Jesus from the law of sin and of death (Rom. 8:2).
Christ is in us, and the Holy Spirit is in us. We abide in Christ and Christ abides in us; in this abiding, we have a clear sense, a keen sense, of what the Lord wants to do and especially of what He does not want us to do.
This sense is of life and peace, on the positive side, and of death on the negative side.
Just as humanly speaking we have a sense of peace when we grow and develop properly, so in the divine life in us, there’s a sense that we are in peace and life when we grow in life and contact the Lord.
But when we touch things that the Lord disagrees with, when we speak certain things that the Lord does not like, and when we respond to something in an improper way, there’s an inner sense of death.
The sense of death in our spirit, which involves us being weak, empty, restless, depressed, darkened, and dried up, is an indication that we don’t live in spirit but in the flesh, setting our mind on the flesh, so we need to turn to our spirit. Amen!
The Sense of Life Makes us Know whether we live in the Flesh or in the Spirit
Thank the Lord for giving us not only the Bible outside of us but even more, His own life within us, in our mingled spirit!
We believers in Christ do not live merely by a code of conduct or outward regulation but even more, by the sense of life in our spirit!
The unbelievers, no matter how moral they may be, only have the human conscience at best, and even this conscience has been greatly damaged by the fall of man.
Their conscience doesn’t work very well, for it has many holes, unconfessed sins, and it is unclear in many ways.
But we believers in Christ have not just a created conscience but also a renewed conscience, for our spirit was made alive at the time of our regeneration.
Our conscience is part of our spirit (Rom. 9:1; 8:16) and has been renewed through the regeneration of our spirit.
When we live our Christian life according to the sense of life in our spirit, we will be clear not only concerning sinful things and our need to do the right thing but even more, about whether we are living in the natural life or in the divine life.
The sense of life makes us know whether we’re living in the flesh or in the spirit (Rom. 8:6).
We have not only our renewed conscience: we also have the divine life, the law of the divine life, the Holy Spirit, Christ, and God; all these are one, they are in our spirit, and they give us a clear sense.
Our renewed conscience, as part of our regenerated spirit, is much higher and keener than that of the unbelievers.
When we exercise our spirit and contact the Lord, we have a keen sense of life.
The divine life in us is the highest life with the highest and strongest sense of life. As long as we exercise our spirit by setting our mind on our spirit, we can live according to the sense of life.
This sense has the richest, strongest, and keenest feeling (see Eph. 4:18-19).
We believers in Christ have been saved from being past feeling like those around us and now are full of feeling, for the divine life in us is full of feeling.
As we live the grafted life today, we live according to the principle of life, not according to the principle of right and wrong (Gen. 2:9, 16-17; 2 Cor. 11:2-3).
We have been grafted into Christ and we live not according to the principle of right and wrong but even more, according to the principle of the tree of life by depending on the Lord.
Many times, however, we believers live by trying to do the right thing versus doing the wrong thing, and we want to do the good and not the evil.
It is easy as believers to know the right thing and do things according to our conscience; however, the Lord wants us to live according to the sense of life in our spirit.
What tree do we live by? Do we live by the tree of life or by the tree of knowledge of good and evil?
If we live by the tree of knowledge, we will react by doing the right thing and staying away from the wrong thing, but if we live by the tree of life, we will follow the sense of life and have an accurate spiritual understanding.
If we live in the natural life, the divine life in our spirit will give us a sense of death on the negative side; however, if we live in the divine life, the sense of life will give us a positive sense of life and peace.
May we daily seek to know the Lord and live by the sense of life in our spirit so that we may know when we live in the natural life and when we live in the divine life.
There’s a difference between living in the natural life and living in the flesh; when we live in the flesh, the flesh many times tries to be good, but it is still flesh, while the natural life is against God.
There are two aspects of the function of the sense of life: first, it lets us know whether we are living in the divine life, and second, whether we are living in our spirit.
Many times we have a clear sense that we are living, walking, and acting in the flesh; we may do things for the Lord and we may even read the Bible, but the sense of life lets us know we’re in the flesh.
At other times, however, we sense that we are walking in our natural life, in our natural man, not in the divine life.
We can testify of this from our daily life with our pursuing the Lord and doing things for Him or just taking care of things related to our human existence.
We may not sin or do something bad, but we simply have a sense that we live in the flesh, not in the spirit; there’s a sense of death in our spirit.
At other times we may sense that we don’t live in the flesh, for we’re not base or mean but simply live ourselves, in our natural man, just being natural.
Whenever we sense this, we need to turn to our spirit and contact the Lord.
We need to switch on the law of the Spirit of life so that we may be saved from the law of sin and of death, and as we activate the Spirit in us, the Lord has a way to live in us.
May we bring this matter to the Lord again and again so that we may have a keen sense of life according to which we can live today.
Lord Jesus, thank You for giving us a renewed conscience in our regenerated spirit. Hallelujah, our conscience is enlightened by God and renewed by the washing of the Holy Spirit! Praise the Lord, we have the divine life, the law of the divine life, the Holy Spirit, Christ, and God in our spirit! Amen, Lord, we want to be spiritual men who exercise their spirit and live according to the sense of life in their spirit. We do not want to merely do the right thing versus the wrong thing, nor do we just want to choose the good and reject the evil. We exercise our spirit to be one spirit with You. We set our mind on our spirit so that we may have a sense of life and peace. Amen, Lord, may we have a keen sense of life so that we may know when we’re living in the natural life or in the divine life in our daily life. May the sense of life within us be so keen so that we may know whether we are living in the flesh or in the spirit. Amen, Lord, keep us in our spirit today! Keep us turning to You in our mingled spirit!
To Follow the Sense of Life we live a Daily life in Peace in the Divine Dispensing
Our Christian life is not a spectacular life filled with miracles or amazing events; we live a normal human life, even an ordinary life, but we live such a life in the divine dispensing.
As believers in Christ, we need to learn to follow the sense of life in our spirit.
For this, we need to live in a calm, steady, and unhurried way, living an ordinary life in the divine dispensing (John 14:27; 16:33; 1 Thes. 5:23; 2 Thes. 3:16; Isa. 30:15; 32:17).
The Lord Jesus left us His peace; He gives us His peace not as the world gives to us, but He Himself becomes our peace for us to live in a peaceful way.
May we not let our heart be troubled nor should we be afraid, for the Lord is our peace. In Him we have peace; in the world we have affliction, but in the Lord we have peace, so we should take courage, for the Lord has overcome the world.
Our God is the God of peace; when we touch Him, we touch peace, and He sanctifies our entire tripartite being to preserve it complete, without blame, at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
The Lord of peace gives us peace continually in every way, for He is with us, and He Himself is our peace.
As we live our daily life and learn to follow the sense of life, we need to live in peace under the divine dispensing.
It is in returning and rest that we are saved, and it is in quietness and in trust that we find strength.
When we wake up in the morning, we may not be the kind of person who jumps out of bed and spends time with the Lord; rather, we may still be half asleep, but we can turn our heart to the Lord.
We can ask the Lord early in the morning, Lord, I want to follow the sense of life; please train me to live in this way.
Then, as we do this and that, we need to keep opening to the Lord to get a sense of what He wants to do in us, what He wants us to speak, and what He desires.
We Christians should be persons full of feeling all the time; we need to learn to follow the sense of life all the time.
We shouldn’t be dull or numb, following some rules or keeping some ordinances.
Because we learn to live by the divine life in the human life, we are very sensitive, and full of sensations, for the divine life is rich and living.
This doesn’t mean that we’re very sensitive and touchy, being easily offended by others because we’re so full of feelings; rather, it means that we learn to contact the Lord and are full of feeling when it comes to Him working in us and speaking to us.
As we drive to work and the cars in front of us at the traffic light are too slow, we have to wait two or three more minutes.
We can take this time and learn to remain in peace and enjoy the divine dispensing.
We may be doing our shopping and the persons in front of us at the checkout line are slower than normal; instead of reacting in our flesh or in our natural man in these situations, we should simply live in a calm, steady, and unhurried way, remaining in the Lord’s peace in our spirit, and enjoying the divine dispensing.
Many times, however, this is not our case; we are exposed again and again in many situations that we react in our natural man or our flesh is manifested. Oh, Lord!
May we allow the sense of life to guide us, govern us, control us, and direct us in our daily life (Luke 1:79; Rom. 3:17; Prov. 21:1).
May we allow the Lord to shine on us and guide our feet into the way of peace.
May we live and walk on the way of peace, knowing the way of peace.
May we open our heart to the Lord again and again so that He would turn our heart where He wishes, guiding us and governing us by the sense of life in our spirit.
Lord Jesus, we want to follow the sense of life in our spirit today. May we live in a calm, steady, and unhurried way, living an ordinary life in the divine dispensing. Amen, Lord Jesus, we take You as our peace as we live our daily life today. May our heart not be troubled; may we have peace in You, walk on the way of peace, and allow Your peace to govern in us. Amen, Lord, keep us contacting You today. Save us from rushing things or doing things in a hurried way; may we remain in Your peace no matter what happens, and may we enjoy Your divine dispensing. We turn our heart to You. May we be full of feeling within, full of the feelings of the sense of life in our spirit. Amen, Lord, teach us to follow the sense of life. Train us to live in a way that follows the sense of life in all things. Become more real to us little by little, day by day. Be real to us in our daily living as we contact You and follow the inner sense of life and peace!
References and Hymns on this Topic
- Inspiration for this article/sharing comes from the Word of God, the enjoyment in the ministry, a sharing by brother Ron Kangas in the message for this week, and portions from, Collected Works of Witness Lee, 1979, vol. 1, “Basic Lessons on Life,” pp. 546-549, as quoted in the Holy Word for Morning Revival on, Living in the Reality of the Kingdom of God (2024 October ITERO), week 1, The Kingdom of God – the Realm of the Divine Life and of the Divine Species.
- Similar articles on this topic:
– The experience of life: regeneration and clearance of the past, article via, Affirmation and Critique.
– The function of the sense of life, a portion from, Basic Lessons on Life, Chapter 11.
– Obsession and Subjectivity, via, Shepherding Words.
– Experiencing different aspects of the dispensing of the Divine Trinity, a portion from, Messages to the Trainees in Fall 1990, Chapter 10, by Witness Lee.
– My Coming into the Church Life, studying at the FTTA, and Serving with the Students, via, Living to Him.
– Following the sense of life, a portion from, The Path of Our Growth in Life, Chapter 1, by Witness Lee.
– How to Pray According to the Sense of the Spirit, via, Holding to Truth in Love.
– Life-study of Ephesians, Message 19: The Triune God Dispensed into Us and Wrought into Our Being, life-study of Luke message via, LSM Youtube.
– Bountifully Supplied to Exist, Live, & Magnify Christ, via, New Jerusalem blog.
– Message 4: “The Spirit Himself with Our Spirit” (1), a message via, LSM Youtube.
– Worshiping the Father in the Dispensing of the Triune God, via, The Church in Seattle. - Hymns on this topic:
– It is the inner sense in us, / The inmost consciousness, / Discerning matters inwardly, / God’s will to thus express. / ’Tis by this sense that God we know, / The sense of inner life; / ’Tis pow’rful and spontaneous, / And not of any strife. (Hymns #738 stanzas 4-5)
– This living law is moving now / In all of our experience, / To regulate us from within / And check us by our inner sense. / How deep its regulation is / Within the inmost part of us, / A living consciousness to give, / And God Himself impart to us. / ’Tis by this living law of life / We need no teaching outwardly, / For all God’s living knowledge now / This law will teach us inwardly. (Hymns #736 stanzas 5-7)
– The more we live in Christ, the life divine, / And by the inner consciousness behave, / The more we’ll have the inward knowledge true, / And on our heart God will His Son engrave. / ’Tis by this living inward knowledge gained / That fellowship with God in life we hold; / ’Tis by this hidden knowledge thus obtained / God unto us His fulness doth unfold. (Hymns #739 stanzas 7-8)
Collected Works of Witness Lee, 1979, vol. 1, “Basic Lessons on Life,” pp. 546-549
The sense of life makes us know whether we are living in the natural life or in the divine life and whether we are living in the flesh or in the spirit.
Since we are seeking after Christ as life, we should follow the sense of life and pray much to have a keen sense.
Amen! We have a renewed conscience.
As a result we can receive; the divine life, the law of the divine life, the Holy Spirit, Christ and God.
As we have received this divine life our sense of life is strong and keen.
Amen brother. The difficulty arises with the natural life, which can sometimes be good.
The natural life is versus the divine life, and the flesh is versus the spirit.
This is why it’s so important to take care of the sense of life we have received as a result of having a renewed conscience.
What a precious gift is the sense of the divine life within.
First, it lets us know whether we’re living in the divine life, and second, it lets us know if we’re living in our mingled spirit.
We must zealously treasure the sense of life in our conscience and pray much in order to pray ourselves into the sense of life which is high, rich, strong & keen within us.
Amen brother, I recently heard in a fellowship that children and young people in the school system today do not know they have a conscience!! Oh Lord!
We believers have not only a created conscience but also a renewed conscience, but we also have the divine life with its law, the Holy Spirit, Christ and God so we can live by the sense of this life!
yes, the matter of conscience is so crucial, but those in the world have at best a damaged conscience, and they are not taught or encouraged to take care of their conscience…Oh Lord Jesus, thank You for our renewed conscience and for the keen sense of life in our spirit!
As believers who have the Triune God as life in us we have a renewed conscience and the sense of life functioning in us to know whether we are living according to our natural, fleshly life or according to our spirit.
Even in our speaking we must pray ourselves into the sense of life so that the word we give is practically in fellowship according to what we have experienced and not merely teaching.
Amen, thank you Lord for the sense of life, Your very person in our spirit guiding us and leading us. Amen
*This prophecy was fulfilled in Matt. 4:12-16, when Christ came to Galilee as the great light — the true light, the light of life (John 1:9, 4; 8:12) — to shine on the people who walked in darkness (John 1:5; Acts 26:18; 1 Pet. 2:9b) and who dwelt in the shadow of death (Luke 1:78-79). Christ’s shining as the great light on God’s people saves them from the darkness of death, releases them from bondage in darkness (v. 3; Col. 1:13), breaks the yoke that has been upon them (v. 4; 10:26-27), and destroys their enemies with their armor (v. 5).
Is 9:2
*The people who walked in the darkness. Have seen a great light. Upon those who dwell in the land of the shadow of death; Light ✨ has shined.
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We, people of God, are different from the unbelievers by the renewed conscience. Unbelievers, like Nicodemus, may have a good life with the right morals, but they still have the created conscience, not the renewed ones.
Our conscience is part of our spirit which is regenerated by the life-giving Spirit and became the dwelling template of the all-inclusive Triune God.
We are human with human life. Fortunately, the divine seed is sown into us so that we can share the divine life. We are therefore God-men with the mingling of divinity with humanity.
So, we have human life added into divine life with the strong feeling and highest life.
Praise the Lord for this highest life to live according to His will.
Praise the Lord for the sense of life in our spirit. Weather we are living in the natural life or in the divine life and weather we are living in the flesh or in the spirit.
The sense of life guides us, governs us, controls us and direct us .when we believe in Christ, He as the divine Spirit of life came into our spirit and mingled Himself with it.
“Lord we want to be in the line of life, keeping us eating the tree of life all the time for us to gain Christ in our daily life. Thank you Lord for giving your life into us. We love you Lord Jesus. “