Follow the Lord’s Pattern Living a Hidden Life with God, Praying Privately to Him

And after He sent the crowds away, He went up to the mountain privately to pray. And when night fell, He was there alone. Matt. 14:23

We need to follow the Lord’s pattern living a hidden life with God, praying privately to Him. As believers in Christ, we need to learn from the pattern of the Lord Jesus living a hidden life in His going up to the mountain privately to pray; we need to often spend time with the Lord in prayer privately, leaving everything and everyone else aside, just to be with Him and have His fresh speaking. Amen!

This week we come to the topic of, Living the Kingdom Life by Living a Hidden Life.

If we were to consider what does it mean for us to live in the reality of the kingdom of God, we may think that a lot of things need to be done, many works for God need to be accomplished, and we need to be under God’s rule; however, we may not think that living the kingdom life is living a hidden life.

In our experience as believers in Christ, we need to live a hidden life with the Lord.

There have to be some outward manifestations of the inner life, but most of our life and living needs to be before the Lord in private, in our personal time with Him.

What we have as Christians today is not just a work for God outwardly or words that we speak as the gospel; we have a living, and when it comes to our living, it has to be spontaneous.

Our daily living comes from what we are inwardly.

What we are dictates the way we live. What we like, dislike, pursue, prefer, and what we are by our disposition comes out in our daily living.

If we are an active person, always on the go, we will behave in such a way in our daily living.

But if we by disposition are more relaxed and chill, this is the way we live.

As believers in Christ, we first need to realize that we are part of the kingdom of God through regeneration to have God’s life and live in the realm of the divine life, even in the realm of the species of God. This is the basis.

We don’t live out our natural life or put on our best behavior to please God; we live by the divine life, seeking to be one spirit with the Lord in all things.

Secondly, after seeing that we are born of God and we should live by the divine life, we need to live a hidden life with the Lord.

Our daily living needs to be in the Lord, with the Lord, and before the Lord.

This is how the Lord Jesus lived His life when He was on earth; He didn’t live merely in an open way for all to see what He does and how great God is, but He lived a private life before the Father.

He did not bask in the glory of the success that He had when healing others or feeding multitudes of people with very little food; rather, He sent the crowds away and went up on the mountain to pray in private to the Father.

He is our pattern. We need to follow the Lord to live a hidden life.

We need to Follow the Lord’s Pattern Living a Hidden Life before God by Praying Privately to God

And in these days He went out to the mountain to pray, and He spent the whole night in prayer to God. Luke 6:12

The Lord Jesus is the King of the kingdom of God, and the kind of life He lived on earth is being repeated in us today.

What kind of life did He live while on the earth?

One of the outstanding features of His life was that He lived a hidden life with the Father and before the Father.

We need to learn from the pattern of the Lord living a hidden life in His going up to the mountain privately to pray (Matt. 14:23; Luke 6:12).

In Matt. 14:14-23 we see how the Lord had just multiplied the fish and the bread to feed thousands of men and women who came to hear Him.

However, even though He performed this miracle, He did not remain in the issue of the miracle with the crowds but rather, He went away from them privately to be with the Father on the mountain in prayer.

Very interesting.

The Lord Jesus did not remain in the aftermath of the miracle of feeding five thousand men, apart from women and children; rather, He sent the crowds away, He sent even His disciples away, and He went up on the mountain privately to pray to the Father.

If it were us and such a miracle happened through us, we would have stayed a bit more, we may have enjoyed the success, and we may even have led others to praise God for such a success.

But not the Lord Jesus; He went up to the mountain privately to pray, and when night fell, He was there alone with the Father.

We need to follow the Lord’s pattern.

We need to learn Christ as the reality is in Jesus; the reality and actuality of the life of Jesus as seen in the Gospels needs to be learned subjectively and lived out by us today.

If we read the Gospels, especially Matthew, Mark, and Luke, we notice that the Lord would often disappear, for He would go privately to be with the Father.

In Mark 1 we are even told that they had to hunt for Him, for they could not find Him.

The Lord Jesus was not after merely doing a work or speaking many things; what He treasured and sought after was to be with the Father secretly to pray.

We need to follow His pattern living a hidden life before the Lord and with the Lord.

We need to exercise to be with Him on the mountain to pray.

We may not go to a physical mountain where we would hide from others far away from anything else, but we may find a private place where we can spend time with the Lord in secret.

We need to be those living a hidden life with God in prayer.

May we learn from the Lord’s pattern by exercising to be with Him privately, personally, in prayer.

And rising very early in the morning, [while it was still] night, He went out and went away to a deserted place, and there He prayed. And Simon and those with him hunted for Him, And they found Him and said to Him, All are seeking You. Mark 1:35-37We may have a success outwardly in our work for the Lord, for someone may get saved or a church may be raised up through our labor in a particular place, but we should not remain in the success of our work but rather, spend time privately before the Lord to pray.

The Lord Jesus even compelled the disciples to leave Him in order that He might have more time to pray privately to the Father.

Why did He have to spend time with the Father?

He needed to pray privately to His Father who was in the heavens so that He might be one with the Father and have the Father with Him in whatever He did on the earth for the establishing of the kingdom of the heavens.

In all things He did on earth, the Lord sought to be one with the Father; for this, He was living a hidden life with God so that He may be one with the Father and do all things in this oneness with God.

Christ was already one with the Father, but He still would go to be with the Father privately to pray.

This is our pattern. This is what we need today.

For us to live the kingdom life, we need to be those living a hidden life with God, spending much time with God in prayer privately.

This is a matter of our daily living and our practice as believers in Christ.

May we bring this matter to the Lord in prayer, telling Him,

Lord Jesus, we want to learn from You and live a hidden life with God daily by spending much time with You privately in prayer. Oh Lord, may we all learn from Your pattern living a hidden life with the Father in Your going up to the mountain privately to pray. Save us from merely doing a work for You outwardly. Save us from merely doing things for You and from performing outward things for You. May we be those who often go into our private room to pray to the Father who sees in secret. Amen, Lord Jesus, may we seek to be with You privately many times during the day so that we may be one with You. We want to be one with You in everything we do and say throughout the day. May we leave other people and put aside all things just to be with the Lord privately, living a hidden life with God! May we live the kingdom life today by living a hidden life with the Lord! Amen, Lord Jesus, make us the same as You are in this matter. Even as You spent much time privately with the Father, so we want to forsake anything else and just be with You in prayer!

Pray to the Father Privately in Secret to have Intimate Fellowship with Him and have His Speaking

But you, when you pray, enter into your private room, and shut your door and pray to your Father who is in secret; and your Father who sees in secret will repay you. Matt. 6:6

As believers in Christ who love the Lord and seek to be with Him, even to be one with Him in all things, we need to be those living a hidden life with God and before God.

Like the Lord Jesus, we need to treasure being with our heavenly Father in secret, in our private room, and in prayer.

We love being with our Lord, spending time with Him in secret to receive His speaking and to open to Him concerning all things.

To be with others and pray with them is good, but often we need to pray by ourselves; we cannot replace our personal, private, intimate time with the Lord with the time of prayer with others.

Work not for the food which perishes, but for the food which abides unto eternal life, which the Son of Man will give you; for Him has the Father, [even] God, sealed. John 6:27 For He whom God has sent speaks the words of God, for He gives the Spirit not by measure. John 3:34We enjoy the Lord when we pray with others, but we enjoy Him even more deeply when we pray to Him privately.

The Lord Jesus told us in Matt. 6:6 that, when we pray, we should enter into our private room and shut our door and pray to the Father who sees in secret.

When we spend time in secret with our Father, we will have the sensation of how intimate He is to us and how close we are to Him.

He has a way to shine on us and expose anything in us that He disagrees with, and we can confess any sins before Him.

May we learn to leave the crowds, our family, our friends, and the saints in the church to go on a higher level on a “high mountain” with the Lord in prayer.

We need to be separated from the crowd and from any earthly things to be with our heavenly Father privately and secretly so that we may have intimate fellowship with Him.

Many times we may be quite busy with the Lord’s work and our service in the church, which is so good and positive; however, the basis of our service should be our private time with the Lord.

We should not be merely serving the Lord outwardly and doing things for Him in the church but even more, we need to be those living a hidden life with the Lord in prayer.

Many times we have to put aside even the work in order to spend time with the Lord.

This is a struggle that we daily have. Each and every day we need to set time aside to be with the Lord privately to pray.

Things come our way, things demand our attention, and persons contact us to ask for help or to be with us; we need to learn above all to be with the Lord privately to pray.

Why do we need to be with the Lord privately to pray? Why should we be those living a hidden life with God, always seeking to spend private time with Him in prayer?

It is because we work not for the food that perishes but for the food which abides unto eternal life, which Christ gives to us in our personal time with Him (John 6:27).

We need to come to the Lord personally in our time with Him and be nourished by Him; we need to touch Him in spirit in a personal and private way so that we may receive the food which abides unto eternal life.

He is the bread out of heaven, the bread of life, and the words He speaks to us are spirit and are life (John 6:63).

To pray with others is good, but often we need to pray by ourselves. When we pray with others, we cannot enjoy the Lord as deeply as when we pray to the Lord privately. Even the Lord Jesus told us that when we pray we should enter into our private room and shut our door and pray to the Father who sees in secret (Matt. 6:6). Then we have the sensation of how intimate He is to us and how close we are to Him. We have to learn to leave the crowds, our family, our friends, and the saints in the church to go to a higher level on a “high mountain.” We have to go higher, far away from the earthly things on a lower level. We need to get to a higher level, separated from the crowd, to be with the Father privately and secretly to have intimate fellowship with Him. This is the significance of being on the mountain in prayer. Collected Works of Witness Lee, 1994-1997, vol. 3, “The God-man Living,” pp. 565-566The Lord is the One who speaks the word and gives the Spirit not by measure (John 3:34).

On our side, we need to spend time with the Lord personally and privately, even treasure our time in prayer privately with the Lord so that we may receive His speaking.

For us to know the Lord requires revelation, and the only way we can have a subjective knowledge of the Lord is by spending time with Him in prayer.

When we look at the Lord’s life and the many times He spent time with the Father secretly on the mountain in prayer, we do not know what He prayed for, what He asked the Father, or what the Father told Him, but we can see that He was one with the Father, He spoke the words He heard from the Father, and He did the works that the Father gave Him to do.

When we are living a hidden life with God by spending time in prayer with Him, we will have words from Him, He will give us certain works to do, and we will be one with Him in doing what He gives us to do.

We will have the revelation of His person, we will know what He desires to do, and we will be one with Him in doing this.

When we shut our door privately and pray to the Father who is in secret, the Father who sees in secret will reward us and we will have His speaking.

We will have the sensation of how intimate He is to us and how close we are to Him.

May we be before the Lord concerning this matter and honestly tell Him,

Dear Lord Jesus, draw us day by day to spend time with You personally and intimately. We treasure our time with You. We want to take time to behold You. We treasure our time with the Lord in secret and in prayer. We want to be those living a hidden life with the Lord in prayer day by day. May this be our habit, Lord, that we would often take time to pray privately before the Lord. May we learn to leave the crowds, our family, our friends, and even the saints in the church to go to a higher level on a high mountain to be with the Lord privately in prayer. Amen, Lord, may we get to a higher level, separated from the crowd and the earthly things to be with the Father privately and secretly to have intimate fellowship with Him! Oh Lord Jesus, we love You! We want to see You face to face in our personal and private time with You! We shut the door to all other things and other people and just want to spend time with You. We want to remain in the sensation of being intimate with You, close to You, to receive Your revelation and the daily supply. Speak to us. Infuse us. We just want to abide here, in fellowship with You!

References and Hymns on this Topic
About aGodMan

A God-man is a normal believer in Christ; the author of this article is one who is learning to be a normal Christian, a daily enjoyer of Christ, a living and functioning member in the Body of Christ. Amen, Lord, make us such ones for the building up of the Body of Christ!

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brother L.
brother L.
2 months ago

After performing the miracle [of feeding five thousand], the Lord went up to the mountain privately to pray. The Lord did not remain in the issue of the miracle with the crowds but went away from them to be with the Father privately on the mountain in prayer. If we go to a certain place and have a great success, would we leave right away, or would we remain in this big success to enjoy it? We need to see and follow the pattern of the Lord Jesus. He did not remain in the issue of the great miracle that He performed. Instead, He went up to the mountain privately to pray. The word privately is very meaningful. This means He did not let the people know that He was going to pray. Otherwise, they would have followed Him. He went away from them to be with the Father privately in prayer. I like these three phrases: to be with the Father, on the mountain, and in prayer. We should learn from the Lord’s pattern here by exercising to be with Him on the mountain in prayer. His looking up to heaven means that He had no trust in Himself. His going up to the mountain means that He wanted to be with the Father in prayer.

Collected Works of Witness Lee, 1994-1997, vol. 3, “The God-man Living,” pp. 564-565

brother N.
brother N.
2 months ago

The shutting of the door in Matthew is a kind of root life. What did the Lord say in verse 6:6? He said that when we pray, we should enter into a private room, shut the door, and pray to the Father who is in secret, and the Father who sees in secret will repay us. The Lord is very particular; He said that the Father will see us in secret. Prayer is something that can be seen. We have always thought that prayer is something that is heard; however, the Lord did not say that prayers are heard, but that prayers are seen. Many times when we have no words before the Lord, our attitude alone is precious enough, because God is seeing and not just hearing us. Brothers and sisters, how much of what we are can be seen before God? How much of our living can be seen by God? How many times are we only seen by the Lord and no one else? Or are we doing everything in front of men? Now I have to say a few words particularly to the brothers who are co-workers. No one is as susceptible as the Lord’s workers. We suffer more temptations than others, because it is easier for us to put everything before men; we can even display what we have in secret. Brothers, let me ask again, how much of our lives are seen by God alone and not known by men? How much of our lives are spiritual before God and have never been told to men? How many of us have the experience of Paul, who hid his experience for fourteen years? How many of our things are kept exclusively for God’s enjoyment? If we do not have anything like this, I can honestly say that we do not have any roots. If we do not have a hidden spiritual life and have not been dealt with by God or smitten by Him in a hidden way, everything will be superficial and of no account.

Everything that man has must first be properly tested on the cross and able to stand the test before it can be considered reliable. If a man is deeply rooted in the death of Christ, he may go through trials, but he will still stand. Let me ask you this question: would you still say that you believe, if you are being persecuted for the Lord’s sake to the point of death, with someone saying, “I will kill you if you continue to believe in Jesus”? How do you know that you would not fall back in an attempt to spare your own life? The only protection you have when you go through trials, tribulations, and persecution is to have deep roots. If the roots are not deep, you will surely fail. If the roots are not deep, you will not be able to be an overcomer. If you want to remain standing in that day, you must have deep roots in ordinary times. This means that you must have a hidden life before the Lord and must continually have hidden experiences. Therefore, the only way that we can know that we will not fall in that day is by having an adequate amount of hidden life today.

(Collected Works of Watchman Nee, The (Set 1) Vol. 11: The Present Testimony (4), Chapter 14, by Watchman Nee)

Stefan M.
Stefan M.
2 months ago

We live the kingdom life by living a hidden life, that is, by living a life in secret with the Lord.

It’s good to pray with others and fellowship with the saints, but we need to often spend time with the Lord in secret, even as the Lord Jesus often went up to the mountain to pray privately to the Father.

We need to treasure being with the Father, on the mountain, and in prayer.

Lord Jesus, may we have many private times of prayer with You throughout the day. May we live a hidden life in coming to You again and again to pray, spending time in secret with our heavenly Father!

Moh S.
Moh S.
2 months ago

Yes Lord, aaaaameeen!

Brother may we be those looking up to heaven, like the Lord, not trusting in ourselves, and going up to the mountain, to be with the Father in prayer, to be one with the Father!

Oh Lord, looking up, going up, make us such ones!!

Phil H.
Phil H.
2 months ago

Amen. Yes, we agree may we spend time to pray in secret with the Father.

Claude Y.
Claude Y.
2 months ago

Amen Lord! Grant us such private secret time with You day by day! May our prayer be mountain prayer in our spirit with the Father to live the kingdom!

Richard C.
Richard C.
2 months ago

The Lord set a pattern as a God-man – one who would not remain in the issue of a success – but sent away both His disciples and the crowds so He might be with the Father, on the mountain in prayer.

We also need to be those who go to our private room, shutting the door to all other things so that we might have intimate fellowship with the Father in prayer. Amen!

Yes, Lord, we need to spend much time in secret in these days with Jesus alone!

K. P.
K. P.
2 months ago

1 In the secret of His presence
 How my soul delights to hide!
Oh, how precious are the lessons
 Which I learn at Jesus’ side!
Earthly cares can never vex me,
 Neither trials lay me low;
For when Satan comes to tempt me,
 To the secret place I go.

2 When my soul is faint and thirsty,
 ’Neath the shadow of His wing
There is cool and pleasant shelter,
 And a fresh and crystal spring;
And my Savior rests beside me,
 As we hold communion sweet;
If I tried, I could not utter
 What He says when thus we meet.

M. M.
M. M.
2 months ago

Yes, it is good to have a private time with the Father so that we can grow spiritually for the benefit of the body too. 

Without having a private experience with our Lord, we may not have a good fellowship with other members of His family.

Therefore, intimacy with the Father can help us to leave the crowd of earthly things so that our whole being can be heavenly.

O Lord help us to spend more time with you privately so that we can receive instructions on how to participate in the move of your kingdom.

Praise the Lord for His help to understand and participate in His New Testament economy marching toward the new Jerusalem.

Jon H.
Jon H.
2 months ago

Amen Lord make us such ones!

Christian A.
Christian A.
2 months ago

Jesus prayed privately for us to receive a revelation that He is the “bread” out of heaven, and that this bread is embodied in His word (John 6:63).

We should follow the Lord’s pattern and take time to be alone with the Father; to go to a higher level (into the heavenlies).

Only the Father Himself can give us the food that leads to eternal life, and the utterance to convey this bread of life to others.

Amen. Take time to be with Him…

Mario V.
Mario V.
2 months ago


Privately, alone on the mountain to have a personal, intimate, and affectionate fellowship with the Father.

Seni A.
Seni A.
2 months ago

Amen. The Lord did not spend time in issue of crowds and miracles but instead went to the mountain to pray privately.

To have an intimate relationship with the Father is the higher level away from the crowds.

Yes Lord, may we continue to speak to You privately in prayer throughout the day to grow or intimate relationship with You