The Flow of Water of Life Heals, Waters, and brings in Increase in Life and Number

And he showed me a river of water of life, bright as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb in the middle of its street. Rev. 22:1

The flow of water of life causes everything to live, for the flow of the river produces trees, fish, and cattle, indicating that there’s an increase in life and in numbers; this river heals and waters, brings in life and nourishes, and produces the increase!

Hallelujah for the river of water of life flowing out of the house of God! The secret to having the flow of life out of and for the magnificent house of God is being measured by the Lord.

The Lord Jesus is a man of bronze – He has been judged by God in every way and is now fully qualified to measure us by examining us, testing us, and judging us so that He may possess us.

Throughout the day the Lord is measuring us; He is measuring the way we live, the way we talk, and the way we behave ourselves.

The Lord loves us so much, and He wants us to have a sweet flow of life, even to have a deeper flow of life.

There’s a flow of life coming out of the house of God, and we need to have an increase in the flow of life in our daily experience.

If we open to the Lord concerning the way we speak and the clothes we wear, and the Lord measures us in our speaking and in our clothing, there will be water of life dripping from us as we speak and as others see us.

We want to be water-of-life-dripping-men, those who have a deeper flow of life by being measured by the Lord so that, wherever we go, we minister life and the Lord has a way to heal others and increase in them.

Sometimes when we spend time with the Lord, our mind wanders; we may be there before our Bible with our eyes open to read it, but our mind is somewhere else.

The Lord wants to measure our thinking, our wandering mind, our thoughts, our concepts, and everything about us.

When we open to the Lord and allow Him to shine on us, we will confess that we are not up to His standard, and He will have a way to flow in us.

He doesn’t want to just expose us and show us how short we are of His life and His expression; He wants to flow in every aspect of our being and our living so that living water may fill us.

Yes, we have shortcomings, and yes, we have defects and we’re so short in so many ways, but when we open to the Lord and let Him measure us, the living water will flow to fill all the valleys.

When the Lord measures us in our emotion, in our ind, and in our will, He will have a way to flow in our inner being, and He will also overflow toward others with a river of water of life.

The River of Water of Life Heals and Waters, bringing Life wherever it Goes!

Then said He to me, This water flows out toward the eastern region and goes down into the Arabah and goes to the sea; when it flows into the sea, the water [of the sea] is healed. And every living creature which swarms in every place where the river goes shall live, and there will be very many fish when this water comes there. And [the water of the sea] shall be healed, and everything shall live wherever the river comes. Ezek. 47:8-9In Ezek. 47:1-10 we see that there’s a river flowing from the house of God, and this river brings life wherever it goes.

As the Lord measures us and we allow Him to examine, test, and judge us so that He can possess us, the level of the water of life increases in us.

As the river of water of life flows in us and is deepened in our being, we are healed, we are watered, and life is brought in! Praise the Lord!

The river from the house of God flows out toward the eastern region, going down to the Arabah, and goes to the sea; every living creature which swarms in every place where the river goes shall live, and there will be very many fish when this water comes there (vv. 8-9). Hallelujah!

Arabah means the wilderness, the dry land, the parched land that grows nothing; it is the desert.

The river of water of life flows to a deserted place and brings life and healing wherever it goes.

The Arabah is close to the Dead Sea; because the flow of this river ends in the sea, it heals the sea and makes it sweet, fresh water, swallowing up all the salt and causing many fish to be there.

First, the river comes to water the dry land that grows nothing; then, it heals the death waters of the sea.

This healing and watering are for the purpose of producing life, even much life with much fruit.

Wherever the river of water of life flows, everything shall live and be full of life. Praise the Lord!

The river of water of life is not teachings and doctrines; such things don’t impart life, only knowledge.

We need to allow the Lord to measure us again and again so that the flow of life in us may be deepened, we will be healed and watered, and we will grow in life and increase in numbers.

In the flow of the river of water from the house of God there are many trees bearing sweet, delicious fruit every month (v. 12) and this water brings forth an abundance of fish (v. 9).

Furthermore, as this water flows by En-Gedi and En-Eglaim, much fish will be there.

En-gedi means “the fountain of kid”; En-eglaim means “the fountain of the two calves.”

This implies that the flow of the water from God’s house produces not just trees and fish but also cattle. Amen!

The flowing of the river of God brings forth trees, fish, and cattle (vv. 7, 9-10, 12). The trees bear fruit for food (Gen. 2:9; Rev. 22:2), the fish with the fishermen are for the increase (Matt. 4:19), and the springs of the kids and calves (see notes 2 and 3 on Ezek. 47:10) are for feeding (John 21:15-17). In the church all the matters signified here depend on the flow of life. Ezek. 47:9, footnote 2 on "fish," Recovery Version BibleEverything lives where the river flows.

There may have been a dry land before, but when the river of life out of the house of God comes, everything lives, and life sprouts forth, bears fruit, and increases.

We can testify that this is our experience as we came into the church life.

When we touched the church life and enjoyed the ministry of the apostles in the Lord’s recovery, we were watered, life increased, and much fruit was brought forth.

The more we remain in the sweet flow of life and allow the Lord to measure us so that He can possess us, the deeper the flow of life is, and the more we enjoy life wherever we go and whatever we do!

The flow of life out of the house of God is for the Lord to bring life wherever this river flows and to whomever it meets.

When we meet others, we bring life to them, for we are in the flow of life.

Wherever we go as people filled with the water of life, life is produced, life increases, and life abounds.

May we be such ones today.

May we be those who not only enjoy the Lord but have a rich and deep flow of life so that we may allow the Lord to flow out as life through us for the healing of others and for life to be ministered to them.

Any sickness is healed, any death is healed, and any disease is eliminated where the flow of living water of life comes.

Hallelujah, everything grows and life increases wherever the river of life flows! Amen, Lord, we open to the living flow of life out of the house of God! We open to Your measuring in our daily life. Measure us, Lord, so that You may deepen the flow of life. Measure us so that You may test, judge, and possess us. We give ourselves to You. We want to remain in the flow of life and allow this flow to heal us. May much life and healing be brought into our being as we drink the living water and allow this water to flow out of us! Amen, Lord Jesus! May all the dry land be healed and may life come forth as the river of water of life flows in! Flow in us, Lord, and flow out of us. Flow through us into so many others. May we be filled with life and may we remain in the river of water of life. Yes, Lord, may our speaking and our living be the flowing of the water of life toward others so that they may be watered and healed for the purpose of producing life! Amen, may life flow and may life grow wherever the river of water of life flows!

The River of Water of Life brings in Increase in Life and Numbers in the Church Life

And he showed me a river of water of life, bright as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb in the middle of its street. And on this side and on that side of the river was the tree of life, producing twelve fruits, yielding its fruit each month; and the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations. Rev. 22:1-2The type of the river of water of life flowing out of the house of God in Ezek. 47 is rich in meaning and application in our spiritual experience today.

When we in the church life allow the Lord to measure us both personally and corporately, when the Lord has a way to test, examine, judge, and possess us, there will be a deeper flow of life, and we will have much fruit.

There will be trees bearing fruit – signifying the increase in life, for food is for growth and an increase in life, and there will be many fish and cattle – signifying the increase in numbers.

When there’s the flow of water of life in the church life, when the flow of life is unhindered among us, any death is healed, any parched land is watered, life grows, life multiplies, and much fruit is brought in. Hallelujah!

We may be like the little boy in John 6:1-14 who had five small loaves and two fish, but we bring it to the Lord and He blesses it and feeds so many, for there’s the flow of life among us.

How can the two fish and five loaves feed thousands of people?

How can the little portion of life that we have be enough for thousands of others who are hungry and thirsty?

It is only by the Lord measuring us.

When the Lord measures us, when we allow Him to shine on us, expose us, and possess us, there will be a multiplication and increase of the flow of life, and everything and everyone around us will receive and enjoy life.

In every situation we are in, we need to let the Lord measure us so that the flow of life in us may be deepened, and He will have a way to flow in us and through us to benefit others, water them, heal them, and produce life in them.

A proper church life that has the flow of life will have fruit-bearing trees, an abundance of fish and many cattle; this means there is an increase in life and in numbers.

In life, we are growing and increasing, so that the Lord may bear fruit in us for the feeding of others.

In numbers, we are increasing, for this flow of life produces life in so many others (Rev. 22:1).

The flow of the river of water of life produces trees, fish, and cattle; the fishermen spread their nets on the land from En-gedi to En-eglaim.

They spread their nets between these two fountains.

And fishermen will stand beside the sea from En-gedi even to En-eglaim; it will be a place for the spreading of nets. Their fish shall be according to their kinds, like the fish of the Great Sea, very many...And on the banks on both sides of the river will grow all [kinds] of trees for food. Their leaves will not wither, nor will their fruit fail; but they will bring forth new fruit every month, because the water for them flows out of the sanctuary. And their fruit shall be for food, and their leaves for healing. Ezek. 47:10, 12These two places, En-gedi and En-eglaim are fountains of the kids and the calves.

This shows us the great potential of the young people, the young ones in the church life.

A healthy and normal church life has an abundance of young people who love the Lord, and the older saints care for the “kids” and “calves” to minister life to them.

We love and appreciate all the saints, no matter the age, but we especially treasure the young ones, we invest our time and energy into them, for they are the future of the church life, and they need to be persons full of life.

The Lord can use the young ones for His move, to end this age, and to form an army to fight for His interests.

If we have a proper church life with the river of water of life flowing among us, we will have an increase in life and in numbers, and there will be many young people among us full of life.

The young people among us who are full of life are evidence that the local church is the fountain of kids and the fountain of calves; all this is the result of the flow of life out of the house of God.

If the number of people in a local church does not increase year after year, this means there’s no “fishing,” that is, there’s no flow of life.

To have the fishing, we must have the flow of life, for the flow of life issues in increase in life and in numbers.

May we have a proper church life today with a rich flow of life in the saints and among the saints issuing in the increase in life and in numbers.

Lord Jesus, gain the proper church life today with a rich and deep flow of life where there’s the increase in life and in numbers! Amen, Lord, may all the saints open to Your measuring so that You may examine, shine on, test, judge, and possess them for the deepening of the flow of life. May the river of water of life flow freely in the saints and among the saints. Have a way to measure us, Lord, and gain our cooperation in this matter. May there be the flowing of the river of water of life resulting in the increase in life and in numbers in the church life. Grow in all the saints. May there be an increase in life in the saints. May the church increase in number. Amen, Lord, may there be much food and much increase in the church life today as we drink the living water, are willing to be measured by the Lord, and have a deeper flow of life! Oh Lord, may the river of God flow in the saints and among the saints, even flow richly in the church life for You to gain an increase in life in all the saints and an increase in numbers among all the churches!

References and Hymns on this Topic
  • Inspiration for this article/sharing comes from the Word of God, the enjoyment in the ministry, a sharing by brother Ricky Acosta in the message for this week, Life-study of Ezekiel, pp. 309-310 (by Witness Lee), as quoted in the Holy Word for Morning Revival on, The Christian Life (2024 Memorial Day Blending Conference), week 5, Living the Christian Life by Enjoying the Flow of Life with the Ministry of Life out of and for the Magnificent House of God.
  • Similar articles on this topic:
    The river of water of life – the flow of life, a portion from, The Divine Economy, Chapter 5, by Witness Lee.
    Authority and Fellowship, via, Shepherding Words.
    The only true God – the God of life, article by Ron Kangas in, Affirmation and Critique.
    There is Nothing more Wonderful on the Earth than the Church Life, via, Living to Him.
    The river of life flowing out of the throne of God and of the Lamb, a portion from, The Experience of Christ as Life for the Building Up of the Church, Chapter 1, by Witness Lee.
    How the New Testament Practice of Singing Hymns Can Revolutionize Your Christian Life, via, Holding to Truth in Love.
    God – living water, God the Spirit is a river, a gospel tract via LSM.
    The River of Water of Life in New Jerusalem, via, New Jerusalem blog.
    A Life Full of Meaning, via, The Church in Anaheim.
  • Hymns on this topic:
    – Thy oil anoints me here in every way, / Anointing Thee within unceasingly; / I more decrease, Thou more increase each day, / Thus full expression Thou shalt have through me. / Myself I open that Thou may flow in; / Op’ning myself to others, Lord, flow out; / By such a stream, the fellowship within, / Thou, Lord, expressed will be my life throughout. (Hymns #764 stanzas 6-7)
    – Growing, growing, in us He is growing, / More and more each day. / Into all our living He is flowing— / This is now His way. / For growth, O Lord, we pray; / Increase in us each day. / It’s not enough to know; / Now Thy life in us must grow… / Churches, churches, in the local churches / We all find the flow: / Deeper, higher, Christ as all our living, / For the church we grow. / The churches are today / Just Christ in every way. / For this, from self we cease, / For Thy Body, Thine increase. (Hymns #1240 stanzas 3 and 6)
    – Take us through, take us through, take us through the flow; / Take us through, through and through, everywhere we go. / Flow increase, never cease, till we swim in Thee, / Till we are immersed in God eternally. / All shall live, all shall live where the river comes; / All shall live, really live, everywhere it runs. / Let the fount from this mount life abundant bring, / Till the deserts of the earth with churches spring! (Hymns #1115 stanzas 4-5)
About aGodMan

A God-man is a normal believer in Christ; the author of this article is one who is learning to be a normal Christian, a daily enjoyer of Christ, a living and functioning member in the Body of Christ. Amen, Lord, make us such ones for the building up of the Body of Christ!

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brother L.
brother L.
2 days ago

In the proper church life there are many trees producing fruit, and thus there is no lack of fruit…Trees producing fruit are an indication that there is a flow in your church. The trees grow by the living water. If there is a flow in your local church, there surely will be the trees bearing an abundance of fruit. With the flowing of the river, there is also fishing (v. 10). Fishing signifies the increase in numbers.

If the number of people in your local church does not increase year after year, this means that there is no fishing, and no fishing means that there is no flow. If we would have fishing, we must have the flow… We need fishing in order to have an increase in numbers. In the church life we also need some fountains of kids and fountains of calves for feeding.

Thus, we need food, we need the increase in numbers, and we need the feeding. This will bring in the mending, the building up…All these matters depend on one thing—the flow of the river…of God.

Life-study of Ezekiel, pp. 309-310, by Witness Lee

Stefan M.
Stefan M.
2 days ago

Wherever the river of water of life flows, it causes life to come in! Everything lives where the river flows, and the flow of the river produces trees (for food), fish (very many fish) and cattle.

May we remain in the flow of life today by allowing the Lord to measure us so that we may have much spiritual food, much increase in number, and many young ones who enjoy the Lord and are filled with life!

Lord Jesus, keep us in the flow of life today. We open to Your measuring so that You may possess us and flow in and out of us. May life be brought in wherever this river of water of life flows!

Jon H.
Jon H.
2 days ago

Amen!!! Lord flow deep in our being today!

Christian A.
Christian A.
2 days ago

The river is the Spirit, and wherever the Spirit flows, there is life, there is mending and there is building up.

Only the Spirit can bring life, and this life waters us & heals us, bringing us food, the increase in numbers and the feeding.

A local church that is in the flow will spontaneously produce “kids & calves.”

May we remain in the flow by praying unceasingly, giving thanks for all things, rejoicing always, and speaking for & forth Christ in season and out of season…

Moh S.
Moh S.
2 days ago

Amen Lord! Lord make us trees producing fruit for the church life!! Pray for such a flow in the church in London!!

A. D.
A. D.
2 days ago

Amen, may the river flow today and water all our dry land.

Richard C.
Richard C.
2 days ago

Dear brother, if there is the flow of the river of water of life in our local church there will be trees, cattle and fish.

There should be the increase in numbers, and there should be the young people (kids and calves) – cared for by the older saints – as the future generation in the recovery.

Wherever such a river of life flows there will be the watering and healing of the dry, parched land and the bringing forth of much fruit (trees), the increase of life issuing in the increase in number (fishing).

If our local church does not increase year after year then we can say there is no flow in that church.

O Lord, do flow in us for the proper church life to increase in life and in number!

RcV Bible
RcV Bible
2 days ago

The flowing of the river of God brings forth trees, fish, and cattle (vv. 7, 9-10, 12). The trees bear fruit for food (Gen. 2:9; Rev. 22:2), the fish with the fishermen are for the increase (Matt. 4:19), and the springs of the kids and calves (see notes 2 and 3 on Ezek. 47:10) are for feeding (John 21:15-17). In the church all the matters signified here depend on the flow of life.

Ezek. 47:9, footnote 2 on “fish,” Recovery Version Bible

D. S.
D. S.
2 days ago

Amen. May life be brought in wherever this river of water of life flows!

Waters to Swim in
Waters to Swim in
2 days ago

Enjoy a new song on the topic of flowing out the living water:

1. Waters to swim in will meet our every need,

Water is flowing and never to recede;

Limited, restricted by living, flowing grace,

Losing all our freedom, our soul-life is replaced.


Drink the living water, (Sisters)

Rivers flowing free! (Brothers)

Water! Living waters! (Sisters)

Have Your way in me! (Brothers)

Daily increasing the growth of life in me,

For His glorious building and His recovery!

2. Waters to swim in is flowing toward the east,

Water is flowing to glory that we seek;

Having the preeminence in life, work and home,

The church life is a life-flow from which we never roam.

3. Waters to swim in, increasing stage by stage,

Flowing and rising to consummate the age;

Judging and testing that we, more life, possess,

Until the living Jesus, His name, all men confess.


Drink the living water (Sisters)

Rivers flowing free! (Brothers)

Water! Living waters! (Sisters)

Have Your way in me! (Brothers)

Daily increasing the growth of life in me,

For His glorious building and His recovery!

Listen to it via,

R. C.
R. C.
2 days ago

Amen, rivers of life in our innermost being!