Fight against the Evil Forces who are Veiling the All-inclusiveness of Christ from us

Who delivered us out of the authority of darkness and transferred us into the kingdom of the Son of His love. Col. 1:13

We need to realize that Satan and his evil powers work to frustrate the people on earth from contacting God and receiving Christ, and the evil forces are veiling the all-inclusiveness of Christ from God’s people; we need to fight the spiritual warfare one with the Lord and in the Body to enjoy the all-inclusive Christ. Amen!

On one hand, the good land of Canaan has a positive aspect, for it typifies the all-inclusive Christ with His unsearchable riches for us to enjoy.

On the other hand, there’s the negative side, which is that the evil forces are fighting to hinder us from the enjoyment of Christ and from possessing the all-inclusive Christ as our portion.

There is the need, therefore, for spiritual warfare.

As we enjoy Christ with His unsearchable riches, we are formed into an army, the army of God, to fight the spiritual warfare against the enemy in the heavenlies.

When the people of Israel were delivered out of Egypt, they came out as the armies of God; they were formed to be God’s army to fight for His interest on the earth.

They were ready to fight not individualistically but corporately, as a nation.

Similarly, we today as believers in Christ have been allotted a portion of the all-inclusive Christ, but we need to enter into the possession of our portion.

However, there’s a layer of spiritual forces that are evil, who hinder us, attack us, harass us, and try to usurp us from enjoying Christ. Oh, Lord!

In the history of the children of Israel we see that, even when they reached the good land and twelve spies were sent to see the land and bring back a report, ten out of the twelve had an evil report.

They saw the giants and the fortified cities but did not believe in the Lord, who would give them the land.

Caleb and Joshua, however, had a different spirit.

They were the Lord’s overcomers in that age, and they knew that, if the Lord wants to give them the land, He will give it to them, and their enemies were nothing in comparison to the Lord and what He can do.

Caleb in particular quieted the people before Moses and said, Let us go up at once and possess the land, for we are well able to overcome it. Wow.

We need to have the same attitude today.

We need to have the attitude of believing into the Lord and not looking at the enemies, at our failures, or at our weaknesses.

We look to the Lord, for He is well-pleased to give us the good land for us to enjoy, partake of, and possess.

Yes, the enemies seem much greater and stronger than us, and there are fortified cities in the land, but we have the Lord on our side, and with Him, we have the victory.

Actually, we are in victory and we fight from victory, and we stand in the Lord’s victory to proclaim His victory wherever we go!

Satan and his evil forces are Veiling the All-inclusiveness of Christ from God’s People

For our wrestling is not against blood and flesh but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the world-rulers of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenlies. Eph. 6:12

On the negative side, the land of Canaan signifies the aerial part, the heavenly part, of the dark kingdom of Satan, the heavenlies that are full of Satan’s forces (Eph. 2:2; 6:12).

Ephesians chapter 2 indicates that in the heavenlies there are different layers; in the highest layer, the third heaven, Christ is our everything as our good land.

However, there’s a lower layer in the heavenlies, the air, where Satan as the ruler of the authority of the air is frustrating the people on earth from contacting God and from receiving Christ.

God in Christ as the Spirit comes to reach man, but there’s this layer, the air, where the enemy fights to blind the eyes of the unbelievers, keep them in darkness, and not allow the illumination of the gospel of the glory of Christ to shine on them.

To open their eyes, to turn them from darkness to light and from the authority of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among those who have been sanctified by faith in Me. Acts 26:18 In which you once walked according to the age of this world, according to the ruler of the authority of the air, of the spirit which is now operating in the sons of disobedience. Eph. 2:2Satan has his authority and his angels, who are his subordinates as the principalities, powers, and rulers of the darkness of this world (Acts 26:18; Matt. 12:26; 25:41; Eph. 6:12; Col. 1:13).

Satan has his kingdom, the authority of darkness.

And to this day, Satan and his evil forces are veiling the all-inclusiveness of Christ from God’s people (2:8, 18; 2 Cor. 4:4).

When we see this, when we realize that the evil forces are actively working right now to veil the all-inclusiveness of Christ from us, the people of God, we will come to the Lord and look away from anything unto Him so that we may be joined to Him in spirit and reject any attack of the enemy.

Christ is all-inclusive and vast; He has unsearchable riches for us to enjoy, but the enemy is actively working to veil us from seeing the all-inclusiveness of Christ.

Think about it: this rich, wonderful, all-inclusive Christ is our portion, but how many believers in Christ throughout the world enjoy the Lord in His all-inclusiveness?

How many Christians who love the Lord today spend time with Him daily to simply enjoy His unsearchable riches?

This is why we need to fight the battle in the Lord and in the Body.

Seeing that Satan and his forces are veiling the all-inclusiveness of Christ from God’s people, we need to be like Caleb and Joshua, being strong in the Lord to fight the battle against the evil forces.

We should not fear them but rather, stand in the Lord and be empowered in Him to fight the battle in the Lord and in the Body.

We do not fight against flesh and blood; we fight against the evil powers in the heavenlies. On one hand, we enjoy the all-inclusive Christ with all His unsearchable riches; on the other hand, we’re aware of the enemy’s attacks and tactics to hinder us from seeing Christ.

As we enjoy Christ with His riches, we realize that the enemy and his evil forces in the heavenlies are still usurping and occupying the land.

So we fight the battle in the Lord, being strengthened by the Christ we enjoy and partake of.

May the Lord unveil us to see that there’s an exceedingly real spiritual warfare in which we must engage.

The all-inclusive Christ is in the third heaven – which is connected to our spirit, and He is our everything as our good land (Deut. 8:7-10).

Beware that no one carries you off as spoil through his philosophy and empty deceit, according to the tradition of men, according to the elements of the world, and not according to Christ...Let no one defraud you by judging you unworthy of your prize, in self-chosen lowliness and the worship of the angels, dwelling on the things which he has seen, vainly puffed up by his mind set on the flesh. Col. 2:8, 18The enemy, however, is in between us and the Lord, actively working to hinder us from enjoying Christ and to veil us to not realize the all-inclusiveness of Christ.

The Canaanites typify the fallen angels, the rebellious angels who followed Satan, who have become the powers, rulers, and authorities in Satan’s kingdom, the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenlies (Rev. 12:4, 7; Eph. 6:12).

In particular, the way the enemy operates in his schemes is by attacking us in our mind, in our thoughts.

He injects his thoughts into us and disguises them as our own, so we allow such thoughts to remain.

The issue is that, when we allow the enemy any ground in our thoughts, we are defeated.

It is very helpful to open to the Lord in the beginning of the day and throughout the day and take the helmet of salvation to cover our mind from the attacks of the enemy.

We put on the helmet of the hope of salvation and stand against the accusations and evil thoughts of the enemy.

We stand one with the Lord in spirit and we stand in the Body, taking the armor as the Body, and we want to enjoy the all-inclusive Christ.

We bind any thought that rises up against the knowledge of God, and we stand against the enemy’s schemes and strategies to veil the all-inclusiveness of Christ.

Lord Jesus, unveil us to see the spiritual warfare going on for our enjoyment of Christ as the good land. May we realize that there are the evil powers in the heavenlies fighting to veil the all-inclusiveness of Christ from us, the people of God. Amen, Lord Jesus, we stand in the Lord, one with You and one with the Body, and we want to just enjoy You! We open our heart to You. We turn our heart to You. We exercise our spirit to receive Your divine dispensing. We exercise to take the helmet of salvation to cover our thoughts. We stand against any thought that rises up against the knowledge of God. Oh Lord, we exercise our spirit to enjoy You as the all-inclusive One, and we stand one with You to fight against the enemy and his strategies. We pray for ourselves and for all the saints that we would enter into the full enjoyment and experience of the all-inclusive Christ and that the enemy would be defeated and put to shame!

Fight the Spiritual Warfare and Enjoy the All-inclusive Christ One with the Lord

In whom the god of this age has blinded the thoughts of the unbelievers that the illumination of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God, might not shine on them. 2 Cor. 4:4May the Lord unveil us to see that, just as the children of Israel encountered many enemies when they were about to enter the good land, so we today have to fight the spiritual warfare in order to enjoy the all-inclusive Christ.

Israel had to defeat the Canaanites, the enemies that were occupying the land; today we need to fight the spiritual warfare against the evil forces that are veiling the all-inclusiveness of Christ.

In the air, there are the enemies, the principalities and powers who seek to keep us from enjoying the all-inclusive Christ.

And they have some helpers in us – our self and our flesh; Satan dwells in our flesh and he is embodied in the self.

So the enemy in the air and the enemy in us is one to frustrate us from enjoying Christ.

When we bury the self and circumcise the flesh, the powers of darkness in the air will be exposed.

Our self and our flesh help the evil powers and act as their representatives in our being.

But when we deal with the self and the flesh, the powers of darkness will come forth to war against us. Oh, Lord!

We need to learn to fight the spiritual warfare.

On the positive side, we enjoy the all-inclusive Christ with His unsearchable riches.

On the negative side, we fight the spiritual warfare against the enemy who is not only outside of us but worse, within us, even one with our self and our flesh.

The enjoyment of the rich produce of Christ is strengthening us and empowering us to fight the spiritual warfare.

Praise the Lord, the Triune God went through the processes of incarnation, human living, crucifixion, and resurrection to become the life-giving Spirit to indwell us, His chosen people.

Now the Triune God in Christ as the Spirit is bountifully supplying us with all the unsearchable riches of Christ to be everything to us; the good land is this bountiful Spirit in our spirit.

The Spirit witnesses with our spirit that we are children of God (Rom. 8:16), and we are joined to the Lord as one spirit (1 Cor. 6:17).

We need to turn to our spirit, exercise our spirit, and live in spirit. We need to walk in spirit (Gal. 6:16, 25; Rom. 8:4), and be in spirit.

This wonderful Spirit is now in our spirit (Rom. 8:16)…He who is joined to the Lord is one spirit [1 Cor. 6:17]. Therefore, in the New Testament we are commanded to walk in spirit (Gal. 5:16, 25; Rom. 8:4)…If you do not walk in Christ, you are rebellious, even though you may be very virtuous. We all have confessed our sins, failures, and shortcomings to the Lord. But have you ever asked the Lord to forgive you for not living by Christ? Not many Christians have prayed in this way: “Lord, forgive me for not taking You as my life today. My behavior was very good, but I did not live by You or take You as my person. Lord, forgive me for being in rebellion against You. You wanted to be lived out of me, but instead I lived according to something other than Yourself. I lived by my opinion, not by Your revelation. According to this revelation, I should walk in You. But during the whole day, Lord, I didn’t walk in You at all.” I can testify that, especially recently, I have made this kind of confession to the Lord almost every day. Life-study of Exodus, pp. 142-143, by Witness LeeIf we do not walk in spirit, however, we are rebellious against the Lord.

We may think we are ok, we may think we didn’t sin or argue with anyone today, but if we don’t live Christ and by Christ, we are rebellious against the Lord.

We need to repent before the Lord not only for our sins and trespasses but even more for our lack of living Christ.

We need to open to the Lord and confess our not taking Him as our life.

We may have a good behaviour, we may not commit sins or offend anyone, but we live in rebellion against the Lord, for instead of living Christ, we live in ourselves and according to ourselves.

We live in our opinion, not by the Lord’s revelation.

We do not walk in Christ but rather, we walk according to our concepts and our spiritual opinions.

When we do this, the enemy has a way of veiling us from seeing and enjoying the all-inclusiveness of Christ.

May we confess our lack of living Christ, repent of our rebellion against the Lord, and go on enjoying the Lord in spirit.

We fight the spiritual warfare in the Lord and in the Body, and we enjoy the riches of the all-inclusive Christ to be inwardly supplied as we fight the battle.

Lord Jesus, thank You for coming into us as the life-giving Spirit in our spirit. Hallelujah, we are joined to the Lord as one spirit, and today we can walk in the mingled spirit! Amen, Lord, we come to You today and we want to live in You, with You, by You, and in oneness with You. We do not want to live according to our concepts and opinions. We take You as our life. We repent for our rebellion against You. Oh Lord, forgive us for not taking You as our life today. Forgive us for being in rebellion against You. Forgive us for not allowing You to live in us and through us. We do not want to live according to our opinions and concepts but according to Your revelation. Amen, Lord, today we want to fight the spiritual warfare by standing in the Lord and by enjoying the all-inclusive Christ with His unsearchable riches! Keep us enjoying You today!

References and Hymns on this Topic
  • Inspiration for this article/sharing comes from the Word of God, the enjoyment in the ministry, a sharing by brother Ron Kangas in the message for this week, and portions from, Life-study of Joshua (msg. 6), by Witness Lee, as quoted in the Holy Word for Morning Revival on, Laboring on the All-inclusive Christ Typified by the Good land for the Building up of the Church as the Body of Christ, for the Reality and the Manifestation of the Kingdom, and for the Bride to make Herself Ready for the Lord’s Coming (2023 Winter Training), week 1, entitled, Fighting for the Good Land.
  • Similar articles on this topic:
    Entering the good land, a portion from, The All-inclusive Christ, Chapter 14.
    Possessing the Land of Canaan by Defeating the Satanic Forces, via, Church in San Jose.
    The all-inclusive Christ in Revelation, article by John Campbell in, Affirmation and Critique.
    Possessing the Land of Canaan by Defeating the Satanic Forces, via, The Church in Regina.
    What is the all-inclusive Christ, article via, hearing of faith.
    Christ Typified by the Dry Land in God’s Restoration and Re-creation, outline via, Church in Miami.
    Christ being all-inclusive and unlimited, a portion from, The All-Inclusiveness and Unlimitedness of Christ, Chapter 1, by Witness Lee.
    The Good Land – The Destruction of Jericho, article via, Living to Him.
  • Hymns on this topic:
    – Charge, soldiers, charge in battle! / And gaze upon thy Lord; / If thou wilt fight His battle, / The throne is thy reward. / This war is of the spirit, / Not fought on earthly ground; / The Lord well knows the foe is near, / Encircling us around. (Hymns #873 stanza 2)
    – In the Body, by the Headship, / Sitting in the heavenlies, / Struggle with the wicked spirits / And the principalities. / As a member of the Body, / With the brethren stand for God; / Praying always in the Spirit, / Claim the vict’ry through the Blood. (Hymns #885 stanzas 4-5)
    – How all-inclusive, Lord, Thou art; / Of God we are in Thee— / The portion God prepared for us, / Our all in all to be… / Thou art to us our righteousness, / All God requires to meet; / In Thee we all are justified, / In Thee we are complete. / Thou art to us our holiness / That we may be transformed; / In Thee we all are sanctified, / To Thee we’ll be conformed. (Hymns #197 stanzas 1, 3, 4)
About aGodMan

A God-man is a normal believer in Christ; the author of this article is one who is learning to be a normal Christian, a daily enjoyer of Christ, a living and functioning member in the Body of Christ. Amen, Lord, make us such ones for the building up of the Body of Christ!

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brother L.
brother L.
11 months ago

After the children of Israel entered into the good land, they had to defeat the Canaanites, the enemies that were occupying the land. These enemies typify the principalities and powers in the air that seek to keep us from enjoying the all-inclusive Christ. Within us we are troubled by the self and the flesh, and above us, in the air, there are the evil powers of darkness. When we bury the self and circumcise the flesh, the powers of darkness in the air will be exposed. The self and the flesh help the evil powers…As soon as we deal with the self and the flesh, the powers of darkness will come forth to war against us. Then we must learn how to fight the spiritual warfare. The spiritual warfare is fought in the good land with the support of the rich produce of Christ. The good land for us today is the Triune God processed to become the all-inclusive Spirit…Through incarnation, human living, crucifixion, and resurrection, Christ, the embodiment of the Triune God, has been processed to become the life-giving Spirit to indwell His chosen people. Thus, the Triune God reaches us today as the life-giving Spirit.

Life-study of Exodus, pp. 142-143, by Witness Lee

Stefan M.
Stefan M.
11 months ago

On one hand, Christ is all-inclusive and He is our portion for our enjoyment.

On the other hand, the enemy with his evil forces are veiling the all-inclusiveness of Christ from the Lord’s children.

Therefore, there’s the need for spiritual warfare; we need to be formed into an army by our enjoying the rich, all-inclusive Christ.

May we come to the Lord and repent for our not living Christ and not enjoying Him daily, and may we go on with Him to fight against the enemy and enter into the enjoyment of Christ!

Lord Jesus, we repent for not taking You as our life today. Forgive us for being in rebellion against You. We want to live one spirit with You today, enjoying all Your riches, and standing against Your enemy!

Pak L.
Pak L.
11 months ago

Amen. We must remember that there is a spiritual warfare going on.

There are evil forces in the heavenlies.

We have to learn how to fight the spiritual warfare.

We need to be one with the Lord in our spirit!

Lord forgive us! We want to be living in You moment by moment. We turn back to You today. We want to walk in You.

Alex S.
Alex S.
11 months ago

I lived according to my opinion, not according to Your revelation. According to this revelation, I must walk in You. But all day long, Lord, I did not walk in You at all.” I can testify that, especially recently, I have made this type of confession to the Lord almost every day.

Forgive me my Lord because I really don’t live for you even half a second, have mercy on me!

S. A.
S. A.
11 months ago

Amen, God’s work is to recover the land and the enemy’s work is to spoil it, to put chaos in the land.

The good land is a figure of Christ, the source of all kinds of life.

We too came from the land.

Lord, you are our source, our everything. Amen, Lord we just want to enjoy you as the all-inclusive Christ

Claude Y.
Claude Y.
11 months ago

Amen! Lord keep us enjoying the all-inclusive Christ and be able to fight against the enemy within and resist the enemy without!

Moh S.
Moh S.
11 months ago

Aaaaameeen! Yes Lord!

Thank You for the forgiveness of sins and an inheritance!

Thank You the good land today is the Triune God processed to become the all-inclusive Spirit, thank You for reaching us today as the life-giving Spirit.

Lord we open to learn to fight the spiritual warfare in the good land to gain the rich produce of Christ!

Forgive us for living by our opinion, rather than the revelation of the all-inclusive Christ!

K. P.
K. P.
11 months ago

Acts 26:18 To open their eyes, to turn them from darkness to light and from the authority of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance…

2 Cor. 4:4 In whom the god of this age has blinded the thoughts of the unbeliev- ers that the illumination of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God, might not shine on them.

Praise the Lord! 🙌🙋🏽🧍😃

Amen, brother!

O Lord we see satan frustrates us from contacting and receiving you. 

Praise the Lord we are joined with you as one spirit and you rule in the higher heaven’s sovereignty.

May we bury our self and circumcise the flesh so we can fight the enemy in the body with our mingled spirit. 

Praise the Lord as our all inclusive life giving spirit we enjoy the abundant riches as the good land.

Christian A.
Christian A.
11 months ago

Brother, the self & the flesh in us are in league with the evil powers who are continually troubling us and distracting us from the enjoyment of the Triune God.

We must bury the self and circumcise the flesh. We have no choice but to fight the spiritual warfare against the evil forces & authorities in the heavenlies.

The Spirit of Jesus Christ is in our spirit, and if we walk in spirit, we can defeat the enemy. This warfare will not cease until we are fully conformed & glorified.

Each day, we need to confess that, even though our behaviour has been good & proper, we have often failed to live by Christ.

We live instead by our opinions and preferences.

May the Lord have mercy on us and save us from living by anything other than Christ Himself…Amen.

The Christian life is a life of sins, failures & shortcomings that lead to repentance & renewal!

We must be thankful to the ministry, which enlightens us and makes us aware of our failure to walk in spirit.

Richard C.
Richard C.
11 months ago

We need to see the blinding work of Satan and his aerial forces in the heavenlies, as typified by the negative aspect of the land of Canaan.

Just as the Canaanites frustrated the children of Israel from entering the good land, so the spiritual forces of evil do their best to hinder the illumination of the gospel of the glory of Christ, even though people may not receive Christ and contact God.

Lord Jesus!

May we realise this and see that we do not wrestle against blood and flesh but against the spiritual forces of evil.

May we pray binding prayers that You might shine on and turn those sitting in darkness to the light of this gospel!

Mario V.
Mario V.
11 months ago

Amen. 🙏🙏🙏
Oh Lord Jesus….

Within us we are troubled by the flesh, the self and above us, the evil forces of darkness. As doon as we enjoy the Lord in our spirit we then sense we are involved in a warfare.

Thank the Lord who was processed to become the all inclusive life giving Spirit in our spirit. We must exercise ourselves to be one with Him and learn how to walk in our spirit, to live Christ and living by Christ for His manifestation. But we admit of our shortcomings and failures on these areas.

Oh Lord we need Your mercy and grace. Lord live through us. Lord be our replacement.

Ramona Bibit
Ramona Bibit
11 months ago


* This was to carry out the fulfillment of God’s jubilee, the acceptable year of the Lord, proclaimed by the Lord Jesus in Luke 4:18-21 (see note 191 in Luke 4) according to God’s New Testament economy. The first item of the spiritual and divine blessings of the New Testament jubilee, which are the blessings of the gospel of God, is to open the eyes of those who are fallen and turn them from darkness to light, that they may see the divine things in the spiritual realm. To see these things requires spiritual sight and divine light.

…This inheritance is the Triune God Himself with all He has, all He has done, and all He will do for His redeemed people. The Triune God is embodied in the all-inclusive Christ (Col. 2:9), who is the portion allotted to the saints as their inheritance (Col. 1:12). The Holy Spirit, who has been given to the saints, is the foretaste, the pledge, and the guarantee of this divine inheritance (Rom. 8:23; Eph. 1:14), which we are sharing and enjoying today as a foretaste in God’s New Testament jubilee, and which we will enjoy in full in the coming age and for eternity (1 Pet. 1:4). In the type of the jubilee in Lev. 25:8-13, the main blessings are the liberty proclaimed and the returning of every man to his own possession. In the fulfillment of the jubilee here, liberation from the authority of darkness and the receiving of the divine inheritance are the primary blessings.

brother N.
brother N.
11 months ago

In spiritual warfare, a believer does not always attack the enemy because he forgets the principle of the cooperation of the spirit and the mind. Therefore, he waits for “God’s burden.” He thinks that he does not have the “sense” to fight and should wait until he has such a sense before attacking the enemy with prayers. If he would merely pray according to his mind for a while, the sense in the spirit will immediately respond. We already know how wicked the evil spirit is and how he damages both the Lord’s children and worldly people. We also clearly know that we should oppose him by prayer to speed him to the abyss. Since this is our realization, we should not wait for a sense in the spirit to pray. Even though we have no feelings, we have to pray. We should first use our mind to initiate the prayer, using words which we know curse the evil spirit; then our spirit will move, and the words with which we have cursed him will be backed up by the power of the spirit. In the morning, for example, the Holy Spirit may grant us a considerable anointing in the spirit to curse the evil spirit, but by noontime we may have lost this anointing. What should we do then? We must apply our mind to act in the same way that our spirit acted in the morning. This is a spiritual principle. What has been obtained in the spirit must be guarded and applied by the mind.

Collected Works of Watchman Nee, The (Set 1) Vol. 13: The Spiritual Man (2), Chapter 10, by Watchman Nee

agodman audio
agodman audio
11 months ago
Mila L.
Mila L.
11 months ago

Lord, keep us every day come to You, exercise our spirit by enjoying Your Word.

You will make home in our hearts and we learn to live and walk with You. Praise the Lord! Amen.

Liz B.
Liz B.
11 months ago

Thank you, Lord. Amen

M. J. B.
M. J. B.
11 months ago

The text talks about the battle between good and evil in the spiritual realm. It mentions that there are different layers in heaven, with Christ being in the highest layer to be our everything. 

However, there is a lower layer where Satan rules and frustrates people on earth from contacting God and receiving Christ. This is like how the Canaanites frustrated Israel from entering into their promised land.

The reading emphasizes that we must remember that there are evil powers in the heavenlies and we must fight against them. Even though we enjoy a portion of all-inclusive Christ, these evil forces still occupy land and veil us from experiencing His fullness.

It explains that by enjoying something of all-inclusive Christ, we will be burdened for this fighting; we will be burdened for this battle because there is an exceedingly real spiritual warfare which requires us to engage as an army.

In summary, the text highlights that Christians face a spiritual war between good and evil forces even though they have access to some of what Jesus offers believers through his sacrifice on earth. The conflict demands engagement as an army if one wants to experience more than just partial enjoyment of what Christ has made available to those who believe in Him.

(HWMRW1D3) Enjoyment 😊