The Father Strengthens us through the Spirit and Christ makes His Home in our Heart

That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the full knowledge of Him. Eph. 1:17

In Ephesians 3 we see a beautiful picture of the Divine Trinity when Paul prays that the Father would grant the believers to be strengthened with power through the Spirit into their inner man so that Christ would make His home in their hearts that they may be filled unto all the fullness of the Triune God. Wow!

The Divine Trinity is not merely for our understanding or apprehension mentally but for our enjoyment and experience in our daily life.

The Triune God is a mystery, and if we were to understand the Triune God, we need to be God; the only way we can understand God is by becoming the same as He is through our experience and enjoyment of Him.

God is Triune for the purpose of dispensing Himself into us in His Divine Trinity so that we may receive, enjoy, partake of, and experience Him as our life, our life supply, and our everything.

Sometimes we may read the Bible and may reach portions like Num. 6, Psa. 36:9, 2 Cor. 13:14, Eph. 2:18, and Eph. 3:14-17 and we may wonder why God seems to be so complicated.

Isn’t it much simpler to say, May God bless you, May God be with you, or, May God strengthen you and make His home in your heart?

We need to realize that we are complicated human beings, and God is a complicated Triune God.

On His side, He went through a process so that the Father who is the source is expressed and manifested in the Son who is the course and flows out as a river reaching us as the Spirit, the flowing out of God.

What reaches us is the Spirit, but the Spirit comes with the Son and with the Father, and when we drink the Spirit, we receive the entire Triune God.

In Eph. 2:18, for example, we have access unto the Father through Christ in one Spirit. How about that!

Our access is unto God the Father through God the Son in God the Spirit.

The entire Divine Trinity is involved in an active way to grant us access to the Father so that we may enjoy and experience not just the Father or just the Son or just the Spirit but the entire Divine Trinity.

God wants to be intimately related to us, even to be one with us and become us. He became a man and then He became a life-giving Spirit; as such a Spirit, He flows into our being and is dispensed into every part of our tripartite being.

As He flows in us, we receive the entire Triune God. In one Spirit we have access through Christ unto the Father.

So mysterious yet so wonderful!

May the Lord grant us a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the full knowledge of Him (Eph. 1:17) so that we may remain and keep ourselves under the divine dispensing of the Divine Trinity all the days of our life!

When we remain under the divine dispensing, we can fulfil the eternal purpose of God.

Eph. 3:14-19 shows a Beautiful Picture of the Divine Trinity in His Deeper Work in us

For this cause I bow my knees unto the Father, Of whom every family in the heavens and on earth is named, That He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with power through His Spirit into the inner man, That Christ may make His home in your hearts through faith, that you, being rooted and grounded in love. Eph. 3:14-17Every chapter of Ephesians is structured with the Divine Trinity, for the Divine Trinity dispenses Himself into us to fulfil God’s purpose and make us the same as Christ in life and nature but not in the Godhead.

In Ephesians 3 we have Paul’s wonderful prayer for our experience of the divine dispensing of the Divine Trinity.

In Eph. 3:14-19 we see a beautiful picture of the Divine Trinity in His deeper work in us.

God doesn’t just work around us, selecting us, predestinating us, redeeming us, and arranging all things for our salvation. He works within us, in the innermost part of our being.

Paul prayed to the Father as the source to strengthen the believers through the Spirit as the means, the channel so that Christ would move and make His home in the believers’ heart.

Paul bowed his knees to the Father, of whom all the families on earth and in heaven are named, that He would grant us, the believers in Christ, to be strengthened with power into the inner man according to the riches of His glory and through His Spirit.

The Father strengthens us into our inner man through the Spirit so that Christ may make His home in our heart through faith.

The issue of us being strengthened through the Spirit with power into the inner man so that Christ may make His home in our heart is that we become the fullness of the Triune God.

Wow, Hallelujah!

God the Father is the source, God the Spirit is the means, and God the son is the object, with the issue being the fullness of the Triune God.

This portion in Eph. 3:14-19 presents us with a very beautiful, fine, and deep coordination of the Triune God.

It would be much simpler for Paul to say, May God strengthen you into the inner man so that He may make His home in your heart.

But it’s much richer and deeper than that. The entire Triune God is involved in this.

We pray, and the Father strengthens us through the Spirit into the inner man.

The Father doesn’t do things in and by Himself; He does the strengthening through the Spirit.

And the Spirit doesn’t strengthen us into our inner man for Himself but for Christ to make His home in our heart through faith.

How mysterious yet how wonderful this is!

And the Son’s making His home in our heart is not merely for Himself but for us to be filled unto all the fullness of God and be the church as His fullness.

May be full of strength to apprehend with all the saints what the breadth and length and height and depth are and to know the knowledge-surpassing love of Christ, that you may be filled unto all the fullness of God. Eph. 3:18-19Each of the three in the Godhead doesn’t do things in and by and for Himself but for the other, and the result is that God gains a fullness, a corporate expression, for Him to be expressed in a glorious way through the church as the Body of Christ.

The Father is the source, the Spirit is the means, the Son is the object, and the fullness of the Triune God is the issue.

Just as we see in Matt. 12:28, each of the three doesn’t act for Himself but for the fullness of the Triune God; this is a beautiful picture of the Divine Trinity in His deeper work within us.

There’s no jealousy or competition between the Father, the Son, and the Spirit; they work together with no argument or fighting but in complete oneness.

None of them is for themselves but for each other. What a beautiful picture of the coordination and blending and building up that we should experience with the Lord and in Him!

May we be unveiled to see how the Triune God operates in us as we just pray and open to Him!

May we learn to open to His inner deeper work so that the Father would strengthen us into our inner man through the Spirit so that Christ may make His home in our heart through faith, with the result that we become the fullness of God!

Father, grant us a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the full knowledge of Christ. Enlighten the eyes of our heart to see the Divine Trinity in His deeper work within us as revealed in Ephesians 3. Amen, Father, strengthen us into our inner man through the Spirit so that Christ may make His home in our heart! We open to You, Lord Jesus: make Your home in our heart. Grant us to be strengthened into our inner man through the Spirit by the Father so that Christ would make His home in our heart. Oh Lord, this is our prayer daily. We want to experience the divine dispensing of the Divine Trinity in a deeper way every day so that we may become the fullness of God to express Him corporately today and for eternity!

How the Father Strengthens us into our Inner Man through the Spirit so that Christ may make His Home in our Heart in Experience

That He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with power through His Spirit into the inner man that Christ may make His home in your hearts through faith, that you, being rooted and grounded in love. Eph. 3:16-17

We may read the wonderful prayer of the apostle Paul in Eph. 3:14-19 and we may wonder how can we experience this in our daily life.

Yes, in this prayer we see a beautiful picture of the Divine Trinity in His deeper work in us, but how can we actually and practically experience this in our daily living?

This portion is a good prayer to utter to the Lord again and again and day by day so that it becomes our experience and enjoyment in our daily living.

For example, on a Friday evening, we may come from work, tired after a long day, and we may be quite disappointed and depressed.

Work at the office was so busy, nothing went well, and it’s been a poor day overall.

But to Him who is able to do superabundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power which operates in us, To Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus unto all the generations forever and ever. Amen. Eph. 3:20-21So when we come home, we may be unhappy with our spouse and children, and nothing seems to be right.

And the more we consider our situation, the worse it seems.

At such times we need to remember Paul’s prayer and just ask the Father to strengthen us into our inner man through His Spirit so that Christ may make His home in our heart.

We may even tell the Lord, Lord, grant me to be strengthened with power by the Father through the Spirit into the inner man! Lord Jesus, make Your home deep down in my heart.

As we pray in this way and open to the Lord, He strengthens us within and our inner man becomes strong.

Then, we can boldly declare, Satan, get away from me! I will enter into my inner man!

This will cause us to turn to our inner man and be stirred up and strengthened.

As we go on to pray for a few minutes, we will further be strengthened into our inner man, and all our disappointment, depression, and even our weakness and tiredness will be swallowed up.

We have to testify that we have experienced this to a certain degree.

We may be down and low, but when we turn to the Triune God and contact Him, we experience the divine dispensing of the Divine Trinity.

Our inner man is strengthened with the dynamic power that raised Christ from the dead, seated Him above all things, and gave Him to be Head over all things to the church.

The Lord then has a way to make His home in our heart through faith, and He occupies and saturates our inner being with Himself.

When we say we’re tired, we’re in our old man, our outer man, our mentality; we need to be strengthened into our inner man.

May we not remain in our outer man but come to the Lord, the One who is vital and living in our spirit, and just enjoy His divine dispensing.

The Lord is never tired, and He is ready to strengthen us into our inner man.

As He strengthens us into our inner man, Christ can make His home in our heart (Eph. 3:16-17).

For Christ to make His home in our heart is for Him to settle fully in our inner being.

He wants to remain not only in a corner of the living room of our heart but to move, spread, and saturate every part of our heart, our inner being.

In our experience many times we feel we are not strong in our spiritual life; the reason for this is that Christ is in us but only in a general way.

We received Him only into a corner of our living room, but we didn’t allow Him to settle down in our being.

We need to ask the Father to strengthen us into our inner man so that we may cooperate with the Lord and give him the liberty to occupy our heart, settle down in our heart, and dispense His riches into every part of our inner being.

Because we’re not saturated with Christ, we feel weak.

Because we are short of the life dispensing into our mind, emotion, and will, we feel we are not strong spiritually.

If Christ has made His home in our heart, if He has occupied every room of our heart, we will not be weak. On the contrary, we will be those with a holy and even spiritual living. Too many times, however, we do not feel that we are strong in our spiritual life. The reason is that we have Christ in us in a very general way. Perhaps we have received Christ only into a corner of our “living room.” We have not given Him the liberty to move into another part. The result is that we are weak… because we are not saturated with Christ. We are short of the life dispensing into our mind, emotion, will, and conscience to saturate our entire being. But if we have been thoroughly saturated by Christ through the life dispensing in every part of our inward being,…we will be strong. Collected Works of Witness Lee, 1983, vol. 2, “The Divine Dispensing of the Divine Trinity,” pp. 310-313But when we’re thoroughly saturated by Christ through the life dispensing in every part of our inner being, we will be strong to apprehend with all the saints what the universally vast dimensions of Christ are, and we will be filled unto all the fullness of God.

We need to experience God the Father strengthening us into our inner man with power through the Spirit so that Christ may make His home in our heart so that we may be filled unto all the fullness of the Triune God.

This is the climax of our experience and participation in God in His Divine Trinity.

We will be filled with the fullness of the Triune God to manifest God to the whole universe.

The riches of the Triune God will be wrought into us, the church as the Body of Christ, to be displayed to the whole universe.

All angels, including the evil and rebellious ones, will see that God has finished His work, for He will gain His fullness that expresses His riches. Hallelujah!

And it all hinges on our enjoyment and experience of the divine dispensing of the Divine Trinity in a deeper way through our prayer and experience as portrayed in Eph. 3.

May we pray this prayer every day and have it before our eyes, asking the Father,

Father, strengthen us into our inner man with power through Your Spirit so that Christ may make His home in our heart through faith. Amen, Father, strengthen us and strengthen all the saints into the inner man according to the riches of Your glory through Your Spirit! Make our inner man strong by strengthening us with the power that raised Christ from the dead, seated Him above all things, and gave Him to be Head over all things to the church! Amen, may our inner men be strengthened so that Christ may make His home in our heart through faith! Yes, Lord Jesus, make Your home in our heart a little more today. Occupy every room of our heart. Settle down in our being in a full way. Saturate every part of our heart with Yourself. Amen, Lord, may we be filled unto the fullness of God to display the riches of Christ to the whole universe! May the Triune God be wrought into us and manifested through us to the whole universe for His glory!

References and Hymns on this Topic
  • Sources of inspiration: the Word of God, my enjoyment in the ministry, a sharing by brother Minoru Chen in the message, and portions from, Collected Works of Witness Lee, 1983, vol. 2, “The Divine Dispensing of the Divine Trinity,” ch. 17, as quoted in the Holy Word for Morning Revival on, The Divine Dispensing of the Divine Trinity for the Divine Economy (2022 Thanksgiving Weekend Conference), week 5, entitled, The Divine Dispensing of the Divine Trinity Revealed in the Book of Ephesians, and Eating the Bread of God.
  • Further reading on this topic:
    – Having Christ make His home in our hearts, portion from, Living In and With the Divine Trinity, Chapter 11, by Witness Lee.
    – The hope of our calling – Experiencing the Economy of God in Ephesians, article by John Pester in, Affirmation and Critique.
    – 8 Verses that Show Jesus Christ Lives in You, article via, Bibles for America blog.
    – God’s eternal purpose concerning the church and the apostle’s prayer for the church regarding the experience of the Triune God, article by Ron Kangas in, Affirmation and Critique.
    – Why is God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit? Read more at, Holding to Truth.
    – What happens when you say “Lord Jesus, I love You?” – read at, Truth and Experience blog.
  • Hymns on this topic:
    – By Thy Spirit daily strengthened / In the inner man with might, / I would know Thy love surpassing, / Know Thy breadth and length and height; / Ever of Thy riches taking, / Unto all Thy fulness filled, / Ever growing into manhood, / That Thy Body Thou may build. (Hymns #840 stanza 4)
    – I bow my knees unto the Father / That He would grant you / To be strengthened with pow’r through His Spirit / Into the inner man. / I bow my knees unto the Father / That He would grant you / To be strengthened with pow’r through His Spirit / Into the inner man. / To be strengthened with pow’r through His Spirit / Into the inner man. / Into the inner man. / According to the riches of His glory / That Christ may make His home in your hearts through faith. (Scripture song)
    – Oh, strengthen my spirit, Lord Jesus, / Oh, strengthen my spirit, I pray; / Oh, strengthen my spirit with power / And spread to my heart today. / Into my heart, into my heart, / Spread into my heart, Lord Jesus; / Make home today and have Your way / In all of my heart, Lord Jesus. (Hymns #1134 stanza 1 and chorus)
About aGodMan

A God-man is a normal believer in Christ; the author of this article is one who is learning to be a normal Christian, a daily enjoyer of Christ, a living and functioning member in the Body of Christ. Amen, Lord, make us such ones for the building up of the Body of Christ!

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brother L.
2 years ago

What does it mean to be strengthened through the Spirit with power according to the riches of God’s glory into our inner man?…Suppose, when you come home from work on Friday evening, you are depressed and disappointed. It has been a poor day; nothing has gone well. When you come home, you are unhappy with your wife and children…The more you consider your situation, the worse it seems. At such a time you need to remember Paul’s word: “I bow my knees unto the Father…that He would grant you… to be strengthened with power through His Spirit into the inner man.” Then you should declare, “Satan, get away from me! I will enter into my inner man.” If you turn to your inner man, you will be stirred up and strengthened. If you go on to pray for a few minutes, you will be strengthened even more. This strengthening even swallows up your physical weakness and tiredness. Collected Works of Witness Lee, 1983, vol. 2, “The Divine Dispensing of the Divine Trinity,” pp. 310-313

Stefan M.
2 years ago

We need to pray the prayer in Eph. 3:14-19 and experience it day by day.

We need to ask the Father to strengthen us through His Spirit with power into our inner man so that Christ may make His home in our heart through faith, so that we may be filled unto all the fullness of the Triune God.

May this be our experience today.

Father, strengthen us into our inner man through Your Spirit according to the riches of Your glory! Lord Jesus, make Your home in our heart today. Occupy and saturate our inner being with Yourself. Fill us unto all the fullness of God!

Christian A.
Christian A.
2 years ago

We see this morning why the apostle Paul was inspired to pray that we would be strengthened into our inner man.

We need to see that, even whilst we were still in our mother’s womb, we were in our outer man. We desperately need to be saved from our old outer man and his mentality.

We should thank the Lord every day that the Father, Son and Spirit are working & operating as One to make home in our hearts.

May we turn again and again to our spirit and give the Triune God the ground to strengthen us with power into our inner man.

The more Christ makes His home in our hearts, the more we will be those with a holy & spiritual living.

O Lord! Dispense Yourself into every chamber of our inner being. Come in and dine with us this day…

A. O.
A. O.
2 years ago

Eph. 3:16-17 That He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with power through His Spirit into the inner man, that Christ may make His home in your hearts through faith, that you, being rooted and grounded in love.

Moh S.
Moh S.
2 years ago

Aaaaameeen! Fill us Loorrdd!

Daniel A.
Daniel A.
2 years ago

amen brother may Ephesians 3 become our experience

when we are dowm and about to be introspective, may we open to the Lord that the father would strengthen us into our Spirit so that Christ may make home in our hearts

O Lord make home in my heart today

Jon H.
Jon H.
2 years ago

Amen Father strengthen us today in the inner man moment by moment

K. P.
K. P.
2 years ago

Amen brother!

Eph. 3:16-17 That He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with power through His Spirit into the inner man, that Christ may make His home in your hearts through faith, that you, being rooted and grounded in love.

O Lord we need to call on your name in our deadness! O we then experience your life flowing in us and are revived!


Keven B.
Keven B.
2 years ago

Amen brother, this is to daily experience the divine dispensing of the divine Trinity! Amen Lord

Richard C.
Richard C.
2 years ago

Amen! O Father strengthen us so we can be filled unto the fullness of God!

Mario V.
Mario V.
2 years ago


Grant us Father for us to ge strengthened.

Oh Spirit execute it.

Oh Christ make home deep down in our heart. Fully occupy and saturate us.

Fill us unto the fullness of God!