By faith we can touch the Lord’s human virtue to be healed from leaking life. Amen!
When we touch Christ as the One with the heavenly-ruled deeds by prayer and in His word, we are healed of our disease; we are sick of leaking life, but when we touch the Lord in His humanity, we are healed by faith, for we touch Him by faith. Amen!
This week we come to some more gems concerning Christ in the Gospel of Matthew; our topic for this week is Christ as the One with the Heavenly-ruled Deeds, Our Shepherd, Our Rest, and the Sower.
Our Lord Jesus is the most wonderful Person, and we just want to experience Him, enjoy Him, and express Him.
He is the One with the heavenly-ruled deeds, He is our Shepherd, He is our Rest, and He is the Sower. He is so wonderful!
When we touch the Lord, we get healing, shepherding, resting, and growing. It is so good to come to the Lord Jesus again and again and touch Him, enjoy Him, and converse with Him.
When we come to Him in His word, He is so rich to us; this is not something general, like “He’s everything to us” but He is very specifically many things to us, even all things to us, in our daily life.
Whatever we need, he is. If we need food, Christ is our food. If we need a drink, Christ is our drink. if we need healing, Christ is our healer. If we need covering, He is our garment.
He is everything we need.
In Matt. 9:20-22 we see the case of a woman who had a haemorrhage, a flow of blood, for twelve years; she did everything she could to get well but no one could help her.
The same story we see in Mark 5, with more details.
She was in the crowd that was pressing against the Lord Jesus, but she thought in herself that, if she only touches the fringe of His garment, if she only touches Him, she will be healed. And so she did.
The others were pressing against the Lord, but she intentionally and purposefully touched Him, even the fringe of His garment, and she was healed.
Immediately, after touching Him, she felt the haemorrhage stop. In Mark 5 we are told that the Lord felt a power coming out of Him, and He asked, Who touched Me?
Peter, who was always ready to give his opinion, said, Well, Lord, the crowd is pressing on You and You ask, Who touched Me?
But the Lord said, No, but I felt that a power came out of Me; someone touched Me.
So the woman came forward and said that she touched the Lord, for she believed that, if she only touched Him, she would be healed.
According to the record in Matt. 9, the Lord said, Take courage, daughter; your faith has healed you.
She touched the Lord and she was healed; it was her faith that healed her. Hallelujah! This is a wonderful story that has so much to do with us, for we also are like this woman.
Touch Christ as the One with the Heavenly-Ruled Deeds to be Healed of our Disease
In Matt. 9:20-22 we see that Christ is revealed as the One who the heavenly-ruled deeds whom we can touch to be healed of our disease.
The woman with a haemorrhage just wanted to touch the Lord’s garment, believing that this touch would heal her.
What is the significance of the fringe of the Lord’s garment?
According to Num. 15:38-40 the Israelite men had to wear a blue fringe on their garments, a ribbon in the colour blue. Blue signifies heavenliness. The life and walk of the Israelite men had to be restricted by a heavenly limitation.
They were to be ruled, governed, and restricted by heavenly regulations. In particular, garments signify virtue in the human behaviour.
In the Lord’s case, His garments signify His perfect behaviour in His humanity, His human virtuous perfection.
Most likely the other Israelite men were not living under the rule of the heavens, but here was a Man, a real Israelite, who had heavenly-ruled deeds.
Others saw Him and knew that, if they only touched Him, they were healed. In the human virtue of the Lord Jesus there was healing power. Amen!
When we touch Christ as the One who the heavenly-ruled deeds, we are healed of our disease.
Out of Christ’s heavenly-ruled deeds comes the virtue that becomes the healing power (Matt. 14:36).
What does it mean to touch the Lord’s garment, even the fringe of His garment? It is to touch the Lord Himself in His humanity, in which God was embodied (Col. 2:9).
A cord signifies binding and blue signifies heavenly; a cord of blue signifies that, as children of God, our conduct and behaviour should be beautiful and should be under the ruling, governing, and binding of the heavenly government, limitation, and regulation.
The Lord Jesus was such a One whose conduct and behaviour were beautiful, for He was under the ruling, governing, and binding of the heavenly government, limitation, and regulation.
When we read the Gospels we see Jesus Christ, the first God-man and our Savior; His behaviour was perfect in His humanity, for He had a human virtuous perfection as He lived one with the Father and under the Father’s restriction and governing.
His humanity is perfect, balanced, fine, and sweet.
It is something that God acknowledged and enjoyed to see in a human being.
God dwells in unapproachable light (1 Tim. 6:16), but Christ came to make God contactable, touchable, and enjoyable.
Christ is the embodiment of God to express God, live out God, and manifest God.
He is a pleasant person with healing power in the beauty of His human virtues.
When we read the gospels and open to the Lord, we cannot but believe into Him, love Him, and be healed by His human virtue.
The more we contact the Lord in prayer, the more we’re healed.
We can testify that, when we come to Him in the word of God and with much prayer, we see and touch Christ in His heavenly-ruled deeds and activities, and we are healed, and transformed.
Nothing can change us but Christ. Nothing and no one can heal us of our sickness but Christ.
The healing power and transforming element that changes our character is in the humanity of Jesus.
We just need to touch the fringe of His garments by enjoying the Lord in His word, and the totality of His human virtues issues in healing power.
When we touch Him by faith in this way, we are healed.
When we behold the Lord Jesus and just enjoy Him, we are infused with Him as our faith, and we touch Him by faith to be healed and cured of our diseases.
Thank the Lord that today we can come to Him to just touch Him by faith.
We can touch the fringe of His garment by prayer and by coming to Him in the Word both personally and by being in the meetings with the saints.
He wants to heal us. He is available for us to touch Him.
Lord Jesus, we want to touch You by faith and be healed! Hallelujah, Christ is the One with the heavenly-ruled deeds, and we can touch Him by exercising our spirit. We praise You, dear Lord, for coming as the embodiment of God and living under the rule of God to have a proper and uplifted humanity with a perfect human living. We admire Your conduct and behaviour, for they are so beautiful as You lived under the ruling, governing, and binding of the heavenly government, limitation, and regulation. Amen, Lord, Your behaviour and living on earth was perfect in your humanity, Your human virtuous perfection. We believe into You and we come to You as we are. We just want to touch You by faith. Amen, Lord, we believe that, if we just touch You by faith, we are healed. We want to enjoy You as the One who does the heavenly-ruled deeds so that we may be healed of our disease. Only You can heal us. We come to You and we want to touch You by faith!
Out of the Lord’s Human Virtue comes Power to Heal us from Leaking Life by our Touching Him by Faith
When we read the Gospels we are amazed to see how the Lord Jesus, God incarnated to be a man, lived and behaved; people were drawn to Him, and He healed them and spoke to them concerning the kingdom of God.
In particular in Matt. 9:20-22 we see this woman who did all she could to get herself well, but her haemorrhage did not stop; however, she believed that, if she touched the fringe of the Lord’s garment, she would be healed.
The fringe of the garment signifies the human virtue of the Lord Jesus; in His human virtues, there is healing power.
When the sick woman touched the fringe of His garment, the power of His virtue went out to her, and she was healed.
We all are sick like this woman; her disease was a flow of blood, a haemorrhage, which shows the leaking out of life.
Since Adam’s fall, every descendant of Adam has been sick in this way.
We all are afflicted with the leaking out of our life essence. We leak life to the extent that one day we die physically.
In the same way spiritually, though we have the divine life, so many times we leak out life, and there’s nothing we can do to improve ourselves to stop this leaking out of life. Oh, Lord!
From the time we were born, we start to haemorrhage; our whole life is a life of bleeding.
We cannot control the ebbing of this life; we are born to die terminally, with no hope. No physician or doctor can control that.
This is the condition of all the human beings on the earth today, and it is also our condition as well.
But praise the Lord, in the human virtue of Jesus there is healing power. It’s not in His divinity, in a sense, but in the humanity of Jesus, His perfect humanity, that healing is found.
When we touch the Lord’s humanity, when humanity is restored and recovered, healing is there.
Our humanity needs to be saved. We need to be saved from leaking life. We need to touch the Lord day by day.
When we were saved, we touched the fringe of the Lord’s garment and we received His divine life.
But today as we live the Christian life, we still leak out life.
As we live in the flesh, in our natural life, in the soul life, and in the self, life leaks.
We need healing not just physically but even more in our soul and in our spirit.
As we touch the Lord’s humanity and His human virtue, healing power comes out to heal us from our disease of leaking life.
When we touch the Lord by faith, He as the source of every good cleanses us with His blood from any sin, and we receive the riches of His life into our being.
Our Lord Jesus is always with us, even within us; we can contact Him and we can read His word with much prayerful consideration, and as we touch His human virtue by faith, we receive healing.
But if we only crowd around Him like the rest of the people, we will not be healed; the crowd pushes and presses against the Lord but they are not healed, yet the one who is desperate and touches the Lord by faith is.
Out of Christ’s heavenly-ruled deeds issues the virtue that becomes the healing power.
To touch the Lord’s garments is for us to touch Him in His humanity; when we touch Him, His divine power is transfused, through the perfection of His humanity, into us who touch Him, and it becomes our healing (Luke 8:45-48; Heb. 12:2).
How do we get healed? By experiencing and enjoying Christ. This is the real healing.
Day by day we need to be healed by the Lord. We should not think we are so strong.
If we think we’re well, strong, and healthy, having no need of healing, we are like the self-righteous Pharisees who did not receive the Lord’s healing by touching Him.
Many times during the day we’re about to have a breakdown or even go crazy; we all need the Lord’s healing.
May we intentionally come to the Lord to touch Him in a personal and intimate way in our time with Him so that He may heal us.
May we spend time with Him and, by faith, take Him in His riches full and free. May we open all we have to Him so that He may give us all that He is.
If we open to Him, if we just touch the Lord in His humanity, we will receive new life, we will be cleansed, purged, and filled with the Spirit.
May we not just know this but experience this.
May we not just press against the Lord as the crowd did in His days but come to Him to enjoy Him, experience Him, and touch Him in a personal way so that the healing power from His human virtue would reach us and heal us from our disease of leaking life.
Lord Jesus, we want to touch You in Your humanity so that You may heal us of our disease. We open to You, Lord, and we come to You as we are. We believe that, if we just touch You, we will be healed of our sickness of leaking life. Oh Lord, we are so sick! We leak life day by day. We try our best to stop leaking life, but we cannot stop it, for our humanity is not right. We come to You, dear Lord, and we want to touch Your humanity. May Your divine power be transfused into us to become our healing today. We don’t want to just press against You but touch You in a personal and intimate way. Hallelujah, there is healing power in the Lord’s humanity and His human virtue! Amen, Lord, we come to You in Your word to enjoy You and touch You in a personal and intimate way. We don’t want to just to press against You and know things about You: we want to touch You personally and intimately by faith, for You can heal us! Savior, we by faith are touching You, the source of every good! We are claiming now virtue by faith through the cleansing of Your blood!
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References and Hymns on this Topic
- Inspiration for this article/sharing comes from the Word of God, the enjoyment in the ministry, a sharing by brother Minoru Chen in the message for this week, and portions from, The Conclusion of the New Testament, msgs. 269-270, by Witness Lee, as quoted in the Holy Word for Morning Revival on, Experiencing, Enjoying, and Expressing Christ (2024 July Semiannual Training), week 2, Christ as the One with the Heavenly-ruled Deeds, Our Shepherd, Our Rest, and the Sower.
- Hymns on this topic:
– Savior, I by faith am touching / Thee, the source of every good; / Virtue now, by faith am claiming, / Through the cleansing of Thy blood. / Touching Thee, new life is glowing / By Thy Spirit’s burning flame; / Cleansing, purging, Spirit filling, / Glory to Thy Holy Name! (Hymns #559 stanza 1 and chorus)
– She only touched the hem of His garment / As to His side she stole, / Amid the crowd that gathered around Him; / And straightway she was whole. / Oh, touch the hem of His garment, / And thou, too, shalt be free! / His healing pow’r this very hour / Shall give new life to thee! (Hymns #760 stanza 1 and chorus)
– He healeth me! my simple faith / Believes the word that Jesus saith, / And takes the place of ardent hope, / Believes the Lord will raise me up. / He healeth me! I touch for cure / The border of His garment pure, / And virtue through my being flows, / A healing balm for nature’s woes. (Hymns #755 stanzas 2-3)
Life-study of Mark, 2nd ed., pp. 152-153, by Witness Lee
Footnotes from the Recovery Version Bible
We today are those who leak life; we are sick in this way ever since man’s fall, and we leak life.
But we can come to the Lord and touch Him by faith. He is the most pleasant One.
When we touch the Lord and contact Him in prayer, enjoying Him in His word, we touch this One who had deeds and activities ruled by the heavens, and we are healed.
Oh, if we just touch the Lord in His word with much prayer, we are healed of our sickness!
Amen! You are the perfect one..
“O Lord “may we exercise the faith that You have given to us, and touch Your perfect humanity to be healed of our sickness, by means of prayer and Your living word.
Wow, in the human virtue of the Lord Jesus there is healing power! Amen!
Our natural human life is leaking away day by day.
What to do? If we touch the Lord’s heavenly-ruled deeds, we can be healed from the leakage of life.
Our mortal old man can be replaced by the eternal new man.
Like Jesus, our walk can be ruled, governed & restricted by heavenly regulations & restrictions.
We are healed of all our spiritual sickness through the faith that is infused into us by Christ’s attractiveness as we behold Him.
May we behold & touch the Lord each day, knowing that only His human virtuous perfection can be our transforming element and our salvation. Amen!
If we could just touch a little bit of his elevated humanity we would be healed.
ohhh hallelujah Lord we allow you to touch us today and impart your healing in our humanity amen!
The Lord’s healing power in His human virtues is for those who touch Him.
As those who love Him, believe in Him and read His word, we have been healed.
The more we contact Him, behold Him and pray to Him the more we are healed.
Amen, garments signify virtue in human behaviour and the Lord garments signify His perfection and embodiment of God.
God became touchable through Christs humanity, amen.
We just need to contact the Lord through prayer, the more we contact him the more we are healed.
Amen. We love you Lord. We want to touch you by faith. Open our hearts to enjoy your word today Lord
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Amen Lord Jesus! Keep us coming to You to touch You through Your word and prayer to experience and enjoy Your healing!
Amen! Just one touch with You dear Lord!
Amen, yes, Lord. we want to touch you by faith.