We believers in Christ are people of faith who live by the linking faith, the faith that links us to the Triune God; simply by calling on His name and opening to Him, we are linked to God, and He becomes our ability to believe. Amen!
This is our experience as the household of faith.
All genuine Christians are members of the household of faith, the house of faith, composed of the many believers in Christ.
It is by means of this faith, the faith that links us to the Triune God, that we can be members of God’s household, the household of faith.
Real faith is what I am not and what I cannot it; faith is what Christ is and what Christ does and can do for us and in us. We just need to come to Him, open to Him and enjoy Him, and He does everything in us and for us.
Everything is possible to God, but not everything is possible to us.
However, if we have faith, if we are infused with God as our faith, everything is possible to faith. Wow!
Faith and God are one, for God is the source of faith and He even is our faith.
Faith is not of ourselves; faith is God in Christ infusing Himself into us to become our ability to believe.
Faith is God being subjectively applied to our being.
When we hear the gospel, when we open to the Lord as we hear the word of the truth, something happens in us: we receive faith, we are infused with faith, and we just believe!
Look at the story of Saul of Tarsus; he thought he was serving God by persecuting the believers in Christ, but he did not have any bit of faith until he met Christ.
When Christ appeared to him, he was infused with faith and he simply believed.
No one had to convince him that he was wrong, he was doing the wrong thing, and he was persecuting Christ; he simply realized all these things by seeing Christ.
It is the same with us; when we are under the hearing of faith, when the word is spoken to us and we open to receive, no one has to convince or convict us of this or that, we simply are convicted and believe.
Such ones, such believing ones, are members of the household of faith, the big family called faith.
We believe in God and even more, into God, through His word.
His word infuses us with faith, and we simply believe; by this linking faith we live, we walk, and we do everything, for faith links us to the Triune God.
Even more, by means of this faith, we are organically joined to the Lord and are made one with Him. Wow!
Now we as believers in Christ can live in the organic union with the Lord to live a life by faith and in faith.
Faith Links us to the Triune God – we are Organically Joined to the Lord and we can Abide in Him!
John 1:12-13 says that those who believe into Christ, that is, receive Him, are given the authority to be called children of God, who are begotten of God.
By believing into Christ we are joined to Him in an organic way to become children of God. To believe into Christ is to receive Him and to be united with Him as one (John 3:16).
To believe Christ or in Christ is to believe that He is, which all creatures do; however, to believe into Christ is to be joined to Him organically and be linked to Him in spirit.
When we believe into Christ, we receive His eternal life, and by this life, we are united with Christ.
Our faith in Christ brings us into an organic union with Him, a life union with Christ, who is the embodiment of the Triune God.
In this organic union with the Lord, we can realize Him as the all-inclusive, life-giving Spirit, and He is our faith.
Faith links us to the Triune God. Today we believers in Christ are one spirit with this Christ, and faith is in our spirit; our spirit is a spirit of faith.
The more we are filled with the Spirit, the more faith we have.
As the organism of the Triune God, Christ is the true vine and we are His branches (John 15:1, 5).
We have been grafted into Christ and organically joined to Him by believing into Him.
Now we simply need to abide in this organic union, that is, to remain in the linking faith by abiding in the Lord.
As believers in Christ, we have been joined to Christ; we are branches in Christ, the vine.
We simply need to remain in the organic union with the Lord by abiding in Christ.
When we abide in Christ, we have faith; when we don’t abide in Him, we do not have faith.
The more we abide in the Lord, the more our faith grows, and we are linked to the Triune God.
We need to grow in faith and allow our faith to increase until it abounds.
The more we grow in the divine life, the more our faith grows, and we abide in the Lord.
Faith is the linking of our salvation; it links God with us and it links us to God.
By this linking by faith, we become God-men, men who are born of God and who have God living in them. Wow!
If we check with our experience, this is so true; before we receive the Lord as our life, we may have been a good person, but we were not a God-man, but after being born of God, we became a God-man.
It is the most amazing miracle in the universe that a human being can be born of God.
When someone hears the gospel and believes, the divine life is being imparted into him, and he becomes a child of God.
This infusion of Christ into others causes them to have faith, and this faith links them to the Triune God to make them part of the household of faith and one with God. Hallelujah!
This happens not only initially, when we were saved, but also continually, in our daily living.
We need to daily contact the Lord and be under the hearing of faith so that we may remain in oneness with the Lord, being linked to the Triune God.
The linking faith operates in us from morning to evening.
Whether we are at home, at work, or on the street, we should not leave the organic union with the Lord; we should not get out of Christ but remain in Him.
The more we abide in the Lord, the more we have faith, and faith links us to the Triune God.
May we remain in this organic union with the Lord, having contact with the Lord all throughout the day, so that the linking faith would operate in us and cause us to receive all the riches of the Triune God!
As we abide in the Lord and are linked to the Triune God, we are continually saved; our daily salvation is in this linking faith, our organic union with the Lord.
Thank You, dear Lord, for coming into us to be our faith so that we may be linked to the Triune God and be God-men! Hallelujah, we believers in Christ are children of God, born of God, to be God-men who live in the organic union with the Lord! We want to abide in You today, dear Lord. May faith increase in us until it abounds so that we may be continually saved in the divine life and live by this wonderful faith. Save us from getting out of Christ. Save us from being disconnected from the Triune God. May we remain in the Lord so that the linking faith may operate in us and impart all that God is into our being for our organic salvation and for our conformation to the image of Christ!
Call on the Lord and Live and Walk by Faith, being Linked to our Wonderful God
How can we experience the linking faith? How can we abide in the Lord?
Many believers think that they need to be perfect in their living, deal with all their sins, and read the Bible very much, and then they are qualified to abide in Christ.
But we need to realize that we have already been joined to the Lord in spirit; we are organically joined to Him, and the linking faith is in our spirit.
We simply need to call on the name of the Lord and tell Him, O Lord Jesus, I love You. We don’t even have to say that much, for we’re already linked to Him in spirit.
Faith is not our faith – it is the faith of the Son of God who loved us and gave Himself up for us (Gal. 2:20).
We live Christ by this linking organ, and this linking organ is faith; by faith, we are linked to the Triune God, and we can contact the Lord and walk by faith, being linked to our wonderful God.
When we call on the name of the Lord first thing in the morning and simply speak to Him, we open our being to be infused with Him a little more.
Living faith operates through our love for the Lord (Gal. 5:6); when we tell the Lord that we love Him, the linking faith operates in us.
Christ as the faith becomes our faith, and this is the linking organ to link us to the unlimited, infinite Christ.
Just by speaking a simple word to the Lord in our conversation with Him out of love for Him, and just by a little calling on the Lord, we are infused with Him.
The infusing of Christ into us causes us to have Him as our faith, which is the linking organ that links us with Him; this is the way to live Christ (Phil. 4:6, 12).
Because we are already joined to the Lord, we are one spirit with Him (1 Cor. 6:17); therefore, all we have to do is just open to Him and tell Him that we love Him, and we’re infused with Him as faith.
Then, we can live and walk by faith, being linked to our wonderful God.
The Lord Jesus is right within us, one call away; He is “on speed dial” – whenever we call on His name, we are infused with Him as our faith.
We, believers, walk by faith, by our unseen God, not by sight (2 Cor. 5:7); our daily life is in the organic union with the unseen God to whom we are linked in spirit.
This faith links us all the time to our wonderful God (Heb. 11:27; 1 Pet. 1:8).
And it is so simple to be linked to the Triune God: we can simply call on His name and tell the Lord that we love Him, and we abide in Him and are linked to Him!
When we pray simple prayers, contacting the Lord and calling on His name, we are linked to the Triune God, and He operates in us.
Even during our busy schedule during the day, we can tell the Lord, Lord Jesus, You know I’m so busy; I have to do this and that. Amen, Lord, thank You.
Just by speaking to Him in such a way, we receive a little infusion of Christ, and we are linked to the Triune God.
It is by contacting the Lord again and again in our prayerful conversation with Him that we walk by faith and live by faith, and we are linked to our wonderful God.
To walk by faith means that our walking is linked with God; it is not just us walking and living, but we live and walk by faith, the faith of Christ, Christ who is our faith.
To live Christ is to grit your teeth and try your best to think about what would Jesus do right now.
To live Christ is to live by the linking faith, allowing the Lord to impart Himself into us and living by what He is to us and in us.
Our walk is not by appearance; our walk is by faith.
We love the unseen One, we contact the unseen One, and we are infused with this wonderful One, and we’re full of joy!
In Luke 18:8 the Lord indicated that we also suffer by faith; here He asked, when the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on the earth?
This indicates that there will be suffering and persecution, but when He returns, He wants to find faith on the earth.
This faith is the faith of the overcomers, the linking faith.
In a sense, we all are suffering some kind of persecution because of our faith in Christ, because of our following Jesus, and because we take the way of the church and the Lord’s recovery.
These persecutions and trials are becoming worse and worse, but we are linked to the Triune God, and faith is something that He appreciates and wants to find in His seeking ones when He returns.
May we have such faith, the linking faith, when the Lord returns!
Lord Jesus, we love You. We open to You. Impart Yourself as faith into us. Keep us abiding in You so that we may live by the linking faith in our spirit. We want to live by faith and walk by faith, remaining in the organic union with Christ. Amen, Lord Jesus, keep us living in spirit one with You today. Keep us conversing with You about all things, opening our being to You to allow You to infuse us with Yourself. You are our faith, Lord, and we live by the faith of Jesus Christ who loved us and gave Himself up for us. We open our whole being completely and without reservation: dispense Yourself into our being. Amen, Lord, we want to walk by faith in You, not by sight. Hallelujah, we are linked to the Triune God: we are one spirit with the Lord!
References and Hymns on this Topic
- Sources of inspiration: the Word of God, my enjoyment in the ministry, a sharing by the brothers, and portions from, Collected Works of Witness Lee, 1994-1997, vol. 1, “Crystallization-study of the Epistle to the Romans,” ch. 9, as quoted in the Holy Word for Morning Revival on, God’s Economy in Faith (2022 spring ITERO), week 6, entitled, The Linking Faith – the Faith of the Overcomers.
- Hymns on this topic:
– All things are possible to God; / To Christ, the power of God in me; / Now shed Thy mighty Self abroad, / Let me no longer live, but Thee; / Give me this hour in Thee to prove / The sweet omnipotence of love. (Hymns #535)
– I have learned the wondrous secret / Of abiding in the Lord; / I have tasted life’s pure fountain, / I am drinking of His word; / I have found the strength and sweetness / Of abiding ’neath the blood; / I have lost myself in Jesus, / I am sinking into God. / I’m abiding in the Lord / And confiding in His word; / I am hiding in the bosom of His love. / Yes, abiding in the Lord / And confiding in His word, / I am hiding in the bosom of His love. (Hymns #564)
– Christ within, as the pow’r, in our spirit lives; / Christ without is the Word—all God’s promises. / Now the key is that we daily contact both, / Calling, praying, reading to produce the growth. / Faith and pow’r, promises—these our full supply. / Diligence, diligence, let us now apply; / For if we, to these three, full attention show / From the seed of faith the fruit of love will grow. (Hymns #1211)
When I tell people to call on the name of the Lord, they think that they need to call on Him loudly and repeatedly. There is nothing wrong with this. Whatever way we call upon the Lord is right… We can just say a simple word: “Lord Jesus, You know I am too busy. I have to rush to go to the office. Thank You, Lord.” With just this little bit of calling, you are infused. The infusing of Christ in you causes you to have Him in you as your faith, which is the linking organ that links you with Him. This is the way to live Christ. To walk by faith means that our walking is linked with God, and He is altogether rich. We walk by faith, and faith links us to Him. The Lord indicated that we also suffer persecution by this faith… In Luke 18:8 the Lord said, “When the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on the earth?” This means that we have to suffer all the persecutions by faith…, not being threatened by any kind of opposition. (Collected Works of Witness Lee, 1994-1997, vol. 1, “Crystallization-study of the Epistle to the Romans,” p. 301)
John 3:16, footnote 1, Recovery Version Bible
1. We’ve found the secret of living,
We’ve seen the vision divine:
We are of God in Christ Jesus,
We’re abiding, abiding in the vine. Abiding in the vine,
Abiding in the vine,
All the riches of God’s life are mine!
Praise God, He put us here,
Never to leave; oh, we’re—
Abiding, abiding in the vine
2. No more in vain need we struggle,
Trying the way in to find.
Praise God—we’re in Him already,
Hallelujah, abiding in the vine.
3. In us, the ointment is moving,
’Tis the anointing divine;
God’s precious essence bestowing,
While abiding, abiding in the vine.
4. Now in the life-flow we’re living,
O how the light in us shines!
Both God and man are at home now
By the mutual abiding in the vine.
Hymns #1162 on hymnal.net, https://www.hymnal.net/en/hymn/h/1162