Experience and Enjoy Christ as our Physician to be Healed in our Spirit and Soul

Now when He heard this, He said, Those who are strong have no need of a physician, but those who are ill. Matt. 9:12

As believers in Christ, we need to experience, enjoy, and express Christ as our Physician so that we may be healed in our spirit and soul and be the citizens of His heavenly kingdom on the earth.

The Lord Jesus as the King of the heavenly kingdom came not as a Judge but as a Physician, for He came to heal the sick ones not only in their body but mainly in their spirit and in their soul; we can experience the crucified Christ and live a crucified life to experience Christ as our Healer.

Hallelujah, Christ is our Physician and our Healer!

When we read the Gospels we are simply amazed at this wonderful Person who came not to be with the self-righteous Pharisees or those in a high class but with the sinners, the poor, the sick, the tax collectors, and those who were despised by others.

What a Savior we have!

We can enjoy and experience Christ as such a One today. He came to us in our low condition and He shined on us.

He did not come to condemn us; rather, He came to shine on us and bring in the light of life.

When we saw the Lord Jesus by the hearing of the gospel, we were drawn to Him.

Just as the tax collectors and sinners in the Lord’s days, we are drawn to the Lord Jesus, for He is the most wonderful One, and He came to love us, care for us, and save us.

Yes, He is righteous, holy, and glorious, and He has no sin; but He didn’t come to judge or criticize us but to shine on us. His words were full of authority, for they convey God Himself as He remained in the organic union with the Father to speak the words He heard from the Father.

When we allow the Lord to shine on us, there’s healing in the rays of this wonderful sunshine; He heals us.

We need to be healed not just in our body from our physical sickness but even more, in our soul from our soulish sicknesses and in our spirit from our spiritual sicknesses.

As we walk through the world and take care of this and that, as we do this and that, we pick up germs, and we are hurt in many ways; furthermore, we hurt others, and we get sick in our spirit and in our soul.

The Lord does not condemn or reject the sick ones; He does not rebuke them or criticize them.

Rather, He receives them, He speaks to them, He even touches them, and He heals them.

What a Christ we have! This is our dear Savior.

Everyone can come to the Lord in a private and intimate way and open to Him concerning their problems, sicknesses, ailments, and illnesses, and the Lord as the Physician can heal us of our sick condition.

May we learn to enjoy and experience Christ as our Physician and our Healer in our daily life and in our church life.

The Lord Jesus Ministered as a Physician to Heal the Sick Ones according to Mercy and Grace

And when the Pharisees saw [it,] they said to His disciples, Why does your Teacher eat with the tax collectors and sinners? Now when He heard [this,] He said, Those who are strong have no need of a physician, but those who are ill. But go and learn what [this] means, "I desire mercy and not sacrifice," for I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners. Matt. 9:11-13Matt. 9:9-13 shows us that, in calling people to follow Him for the kingdom, the Lord Jesus as the King of the heavenly kingdom ministered as a Physician.

He was reclining at the table and many tax collectors and sinners were reclining with Him and His disciples to eat with them.

When the Pharisees saw this, they said to the Lord’s disciples, Why does your Teacher eat with the tax collectors and sinners?

When the Lord heard this, He said, Those who are strong have no need of a physician, but those who are ill. But go and learn what this means, I desire mercy and not sacrifice!

The Lord did not come to call the righteous but sinners.

The Lord came as the Sun of righteousness with healing in His wings, and He came not for the self-righteous ones but for those who need Him, the ones who are sick.

The Lord didn’t come as a judge; He came as a Physician.

A judge’s judgment is according to righteousness, but a physician’s healing is according to mercy and grace.

The Lord didn’t come to call the righteous but sinners.

The people who were made the people of the heavenly kingdom were lepers (8:2-4), paralytics (vv. 5-13; 9:2-8), the fever-ridden (8:14-15), the demon-possessed (vv. 16, 28-32), those ill with all kinds of diseases (v. 16), despised tax collectors, and sinners (9:9-11).

If He had come to them as a Judge, none of them would have been qualified to be His people; all would have been condemned and rejected.

But praise the Lord, Jesus came to minister as a Physician to heal the sick ones according to mercy and grace, and he recovered, healed, enlivened, and saved the sick ones so that they would be reconstituted and be His new and heavenly citizens!

With such ones, the healed, reconstituted, saved, and restored sick ones the Lord establishes His heavenly kingdom on this corrupted earth.

If the Lord had visited us pitiful people as a Judge, we all would have been condemned and rejected, and none of us would have been qualified, selected, and called to be the people of His heavenly kingdom (Matt. 8:2-16, 28-32; 9:2-11; Psa. 103:1-4; 107:17-22).

However, the Pharisees who thought they were righteous according to the law, which they did their best to keep and told others they kept it, were offended when they saw Jesus being with the sinners and tax collectors.

They thought they knew the law, they were versed in the word of God, and they needed a better Teacher, not a Healer.

But the Lord humbled them by telling them to learn more, especially to learn that God wants mercy, not sacrifice.

Bless Jehovah, O my soul; / And all that is within me, [bless] His holy name. Bless Jehovah, O my soul; / And do not forget all His benefits: He pardons all your iniquities; / He heals all your diseases; He redeems your life from the pit; / He crowns you with lovingkindness and compassions. Psa. 103:1-4The Lord came to call not the righteous but the sinners; there’s none righteous, not even one (Rom. 3:10), and those who think they are righteous are self-righteous (Luke 18:9).

May we be saved from thinking we are righteous; may we realize we are at best self-righteous, and at worst we are sinners, sick ones, in need of a Physician.

Blessed are those who don’t think they are righteous but who recognize that they are sinful.

Thank the Lord that He came to minister as a Physician, to heal, recover, enliven, and save us so that we might be reconstituted to be His new and heavenly citizens, with whom He could establish His heavenly kingdom on this corrupted earth.

“There is none righteous, not even one” (Rom. 3:10); all the “righteous” are self-righteous, as were the Pharisees (Luke 18:9); the kingly Savior did not come to call these but sinners.

We are the sinners. We are sinners, those in desperate need of a Savior and a Healer, a Physician; Christ came for us, the sinners, the sick ones.

In this world where self-righteousness prevails and where people think they are OK and in need of nothing, we need to realize that we all are sick and in need of a dear Savior, a lovely, intimate Physician.

The Lord came for us to heal our sick condition, and He doesn’t judge us but rather, He heals us and enlivens us.

Lord Jesus, thank You for coming as a Physician to heal us and enliven us. We admit, Lord, that we are not righteous nor strong; we are sick and we are sinners, and we need You! We need You as our lovely and intimate Physician. Thank You for not coming to us as a Judge to judge us according to righteousness. Thank You for coming to us as a Physician according to mercy and grace. Hallelujah, the Lord visited us, pitiful people, not as a Judge to condemn or reject us but as a Physician to heal our sick condition! Praise the Lord, we who are sick are qualified to come to the Lord as our Physician so that He may heal us and reconstitute us with Himself to make us the people of His heavenly kingdom! Amen, Lord, it is all of Your mercy and grace. We come to You as we are again and again. We need You as our lovely and intimate Physician. We need Your healing. We do not think we are righteous; we clearly know we are sinners in need of a Healer!

Experience and Enjoy Christ as our Physician to be Healed in our Spirit and Soul

Who Himself bore up our sins in His body on the tree, in order that we, having died to sins, might live to righteousness; by whose bruise you were healed. 1 Pet. 2:24

The Lord Jesus is not just a historical figure who once lived and worked and died, and then He resurrected more than two thousand years ago.

Rather, He is a living and real person who today is the Spirit ready for us to enjoy and experience in a subjective way.

Just as He came two thousand years ago to heal the sick ones and not the self-righteous ones, He still comes today as a Physician for us to enjoy and experience today.

We can experience and enjoy Christ as the Physician to be healed in our spirit and soul.

And when they came to Marah, they could not drink of the waters of Marah, for they were bitter; therefore its name was called Marah. And the people murmured against Moses, saying, What shall we drink? And he cried out to Jehovah, and Jehovah showed him a tree; and he cast it into the waters, and the waters became sweet. There He made for them a statute and an ordinance, and there He tested them. And He said, If you will listen carefully to the voice of Jehovah your God and do what is right in His eyes and give ear to His commandments and keep all His statutes, I will put none of the diseases on you which I have put on the Egyptians; for I am Jehovah who heals you. Exo. 15:23-26We believers in Christ are those who at least initially enjoy and experienced Christ as the Physician, for we opened to Him, He healed our spirit, and now He is in us.

But we need to continue to enjoy and experience Him as such a One.

In the church life love should prevail, for the church is not a police station to arrest people based on what they have done or a law court to judge people according to their deeds and actions, but a hospital, a home, and a school.

The church life today is a hospital where the Lord as the Physician cares for all the patients; we all are sick ones, sick not just in our body but even more in our soul and spirit, and the Lord is in the process of healing us.

The church is a home where the Lord cares for us in love and imparts His love into our hearts so that we can also care for one another.

The church is also a school where the Lord as the Teacher imparts the laws of God into our heart and instructs us in righteousness.

In the church life, we all can experience, enjoy, and express Christ as the Physician to others.

First, we need to come to the Lord as we are, realizing that, even though He may not heal our body for our physical ailments, He is always ready to heal the sicknesses in our soul and spirit.

He came to heal us inwardly, not just outwardly.

Our real sickness is not of the body but of the soul and spirit.

We are like the tax collector in Luke 18 who prays and asks for the Lord’s mercy, for we are so weak, so sick, and so low.

We should not be like the Pharisee in this story, who prayed to himself and praised himself for what he has done for God; rather, we need to realize that our real condition is one of psychological and spiritual sickness, and we need to experience and enjoy Christ as our Physician.

As our Physician, the Lord heals us mainly in our spirit and our soul, healing us of our spiritual sicknesses; the tax collectors and sinners were not physically sick but spiritually sick (Matt. 9:10, 13; Prov. 4:20-23).

First, we need to see that we are sick; then, we need to come to the Lord and experience and enjoy Him as our Physician.

The Lord is not judging us; He is not condemning or criticizing us because of our sickness – He simply wants to heal us.

As we experience the crucified Christ and live a crucified life, the resurrected Christ becomes our healing power, and the Lord becomes our healer (Exo. 15:22-27).

After the children of Israel crossed the Red Sea, they journeyed for three days, and they became thirsty.

My son, be attentive to my words; / Incline your ear to my sayings. Do not let them depart from your sight; / Keep them in the midst of your heart. For they are life to those who find them, / And healing to all their flesh. Keep your heart with all vigilance, / For from it are the issues of life. Prov. 4:20-23 Then they came to some waters that were bitter, so they called that place, Marah, meaning, bitter, and they complained to Moses.

Moses, in his turn, came to the Lord, crying out to Jehovah, and He showed him a tree.

Moses cast it into the waters, and the waters became sweet; the bitter waters became the sweet waters of the Lord’s presence.

The Lord then revealed Himself to the children of Israel as the One who heals them, for He is Jehovah their Healer. Amen!

1 Pet. 2:24 says that the Lord carried up our sins on His body onto the tree; this tree is the cross, the crucified Christ.

We need to enjoy and experience the crucified Christ in our daily life, and we need to live a crucified life one with Christ; when we do this, we will experience the resurrected Christ as our healing power, and the Lord becomes our Healer.

Hallelujah, the Lord is our Healer! We can experience and enjoy Christ as our Physician to heal our sick condition in our soul and in our spirit!

We don’t know what is our sickness and how many ailments we have, but when we come to the Lord, He shines on us, and there’s healing in His wings.

He heals us. He enlivens us. He restores us.

We can experience, enjoy, and even express Christ as the Physician, for He in us will speak a comforting word, a healing word, and even an enlivening word to others as we live one spirit with Him today.

Lord Jesus, we want to experience and enjoy You as our Physician. We open to You. We come to You as we are, with all our soulish and spiritual sicknesses. We need You. We believe that You are our Healer. We are not righteous, Lord, and we are not alright; we come to You as sick ones to be healed by You. We open our soul to You with all its sicknesses. We exercise our spirit and open our inner being to You. Heal us in our spirit and soul. Heal us of all our spiritual sicknesses. We want to experience the crucified Christ and live a crucified life so that the resurrected Christ may become our healing power and the Lord may become our Healer! Amen, Lord, we take You as our Healer. We want to be one with You in our daily living. Keep us in our spirit, living a crucified life so that the resurrected Christ may become our healing power. Oh Lord, may we be those who experience, enjoy, and express Christ as the Physician today!

References and Hymns on this Topic
About aGodMan

A God-man is a normal believer in Christ; the author of this article is one who is learning to be a normal Christian, a daily enjoyer of Christ, a living and functioning member in the Body of Christ. Amen, Lord, make us such ones for the building up of the Body of Christ!

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brother L.
brother L.
1 day ago

The self-righteous Pharisees criticized the Lord Jesus and condemned all those unclean people. But the Lord seemed to say, “These people are not unclean; they are sick. I have not come as a Judge to condemn them but as a Physician, as their dear, lovely, intimate Healer.”…He was surely indicating that the Pharisees, who thought that they were righteous, were actually just as sick as the others were.

The self-righteous Pharisees were confident that they knew all things concerning God. In order to humble them, the Lord told them [in Matthew 9:13] to learn more. Mercy is a part of the grace that man receives from God. But self-righteous men do not like to receive mercy or grace from God; they prefer to give something to God. This is contrary to God’s way in His economy.

The Lord said here that He did not come to call the righteous, but sinners. Actually, there is none righteous, not even one (Rom. 3:10). All the “righteous” are self-righteous, as were the Pharisees (Luke 18:9)…The Pharisees were proud of their knowledge of the Scriptures, and they thought that they knew the Bible very well. But here the Lord Jesus told them to go and learn something, to learn the meaning of the word “I desire mercy and not sacrifice.”

Blessed are those who do not think that they are righteous but who recognize that they are sinful. The reason for this is that the Lord did not come to call the righteous; He came to call the sinners.

Life-study of Matthew, 2nd ed., pp. 312-313, by Witness Lee

Stefan M.
Stefan M.
1 day ago

Dear brother, the Lord Jesus didn’t come to call the righteous but the sinners, for He came as a Physician to heal those who are ill.

May we realize how sick we are in our soul and even in our spirit, and may we come to the Lord to be healed by Him. How much we need the Lord as our dear, lovely, intimate Healer!

He may not heal us in our body, but He’s always ready to heal us in every part of our spirit and soul.

Lord Jesus, we need You! We acknowledge that we are full of illnesses of the spirit and of the soul. We need You as our dear, lovely, intimate Healer, our Physician! We open to You today!

K. P.
K. P.
1 day ago

Matt. 9:11-13 And when the Pharisees saw it, they said to His disciples, Why does your Teacher eat with the tax collectors and sinners? Now when He heard this, He said, Those who are strong have no need of a physician, but those who are ill. But go and learn what this means, “I desire mercy and not sacrifice,” for I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners.

Praise the Lord! 🙌🙋🏼

Moh S.
Moh S.
1 day ago

Aaaaameeen! Yes Lord, we need You!

Oh brother, what a sweet revelation of the Lord Jesus as our Physician, the Lord did not come for the righteous but for sinners, sick ones, not to judge but to heal according to His mercy and grace.

Lord Jesus thank You for such a ministry to heal, recover, enliven and save to reconstitute us to be Your heavenly citizens so You can establish Your heavenly Kingdom on this corrupted earth! Amen!

Alex S.
Alex S.
1 day ago

Amen, we really need you!

Christian A.
Christian A.
1 day ago

Jesus came to call the sinners.

He desires mercy, not sacrifice. Mercy is a part of the grace that we receive from God — but the self-righteous don’t like to receive mercy or grace from God.

They prefer to give something to God, which is contrary to God’s economy. Jesus is always ready to heal us in every part of our spirit & soul.

He came to heal our spiritual sicknesses, and we need to learn the meaning of “I desire mercy and not sacrifice.”

Yes, Lord, we are always just one step away from being sinners but You are always ready to heal us. May we remain in Your presence continually.

Richard C.
Richard C.
1 day ago

What a revelation to see that our Lord as the Physician did not come primarily to heal us in our body but to heal us of our spiritual sicknesses!

While we were sinners, He did not come as a Judge to condemn or reject us but ministered to us pitiful ones to heal, recover, enliven and save us to make us heavenly citizens in His Kingdom.

Thank You, Lord! You are our dear, lovely, and intimate Healer!

RcV Bible
RcV Bible
1 day ago

This question indicates that the self-righteous Pharisees did not know the grace of God. They thought that God deals with man only according to righteousness. By asking this, they were exposed as dissenting from the heavenly King, and thus as those who had rejected Him. This was a continuation of the rejection of the heavenly King, begun in v. 3, by the leaders of the Jewish religion. Matt. 9:11, footnote 2 on “why,” Recovery Version Bible

In calling people to follow Him for the kingdom, the King of the heavenly kingdom ministered as a Physician, not as a Judge. A judge’s judgment is according to righteousness, whereas a physician’s healing is according to mercy and grace. Those whom He made people of His heavenly kingdom were lepers (Matt. 8:2-4), paralytics (Matt. 8:5-13; 9:2-8), the fever-ridden (Matt. 8:14-15), the demon possessed (Matt. 8:16, 28-32), those ill with all kinds of diseases (Matt. 8:16), despised tax collectors, and sinners (vv. 9-11). If He had visited these pitiful people as a Judge, all would have been condemned and rejected, and none would have been qualified, selected, and called to be the people of His heavenly kingdom. However, He came to minister as a Physician, to heal, recover, enliven, and save them that they might be reconstituted to be His new and heavenly citizens, with whom He could establish His heavenly kingdom on this corrupted earth. Matt. 9:12, footnote 1 on “Physician,” Recovery Version Bible

The Lord’s word here implies that the self-righteous Pharisees did not realize that they needed Him as a Physician. They considered themselves strong; hence, blinded by their self-righteousness, they did not know that they were ill. Matt. 9:12, footnote 2 on “ill,” Recovery Version Bible

S. A.
S. A.
1 day ago

Amen, the Lord came to us as a physician to heal the sick, not a judge according to righteousness.

None qualify as righteous, all are self righteous.

We need to realise that we are sick and sinful for the mercy of Christ to be upon us and our spirits to be healed.

Lord Jesus, we pray for your mercy and healing today

Mario V.
Mario V.
1 day ago


The Lord desires to establish His heavenly kingdom on this corrupted earth.

And for His kingdom, the Lord needs new and heavenly citizens.

On this corrupted earth are lepers, paralytics, fever-ridden, demon-possessed, and those ill with all kinds of diseases, tax collectors, and sinners.

The Lord came to minister to these ones not as a Judge but as a Physician to heal, recover, enliven, and save them that they might be reconstituted to be His new and heavenly citizens.

Thank the Lord for His mercy. We were once part of the world. But He came.

Thank the Lord for healing us and qualifying us to be His heavenly people on this corrupted earth!

Praise Him that we can mercy and find grace for timely help.

Claude Y.
Claude Y.
20 hours ago

Aaaamen Lord Jesus! We need Your healing each day and each moment! May we treasure and love You as our physician!