We enter God’s Kingdom Through Regeneration: now our Spirit knows the Kingdom of God

That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. John 3:6. Article on the topic of, We enter God's Kingdom Through Regeneration: now our Spirit knows the Kingdom of God

The unique way for us to enter into the kingdom of God is to be regenerated so that we may receive God as life; as regenerated ones, the divine life within us knows the life of God and the mind of God. Amen!

We need to come back to the divine revelation in God’s word to know and experience the kingdom of God so that we may live in the reality of the kingdom of God today.

What is the kingdom of God? This week we are enjoying that the kingdom of God is the realm of the divine life and of the divine species.

Just as the human kingdom is the realm of the human life, so the kingdom of God is the realm of the divine life.

The New Testament tells us that the life of God is THE LIFE, that is, the life that is really life.

There are many kinds of life, but only the life of God is real life.

Human life is life, it is actually the highest created life, but it ends and it is not self-existing; only the life of God is truly life.

Only the life of God is the life that can be rightly considered as life. Amen!

And God did not want to keep the divine life just for Himself; He wanted to dispense this life into man.

Therefore, God as life became man, and the Lord Jesus had life in Him and He came for us to have life and have it abundantly.

Hallelujah, we human beings can receive God as life.

Christ came to bring in the kingdom of God; He came as the Sower to sow Himself as the kingdom seed into those who believe into Him so that He may grow in them and develop within them.

As the divine life is sown in us, grows in us, and develops in us, it expands and spreads in our being until God obtains a realm in which He can rule and reign.

From the viewpoint of life, the kingdom of God is an organism constituted with the life of God as the realm for God to rule and reign in by His life.

The kingdom of God is not a thing, a portion of land, or even just something spiritual in the air; the kingdom of God is an organic entity, an organism in which God as life is everything to His people.

We believers in Christ become part of the kingdom of God through regeneration, and we need to live by the divine life so that we may be in the reality of the kingdom of God.

Because Christ as life in us is the kingdom of God, the kingdom of God is the totality of Christ as life with all His activities in us.

As Christ spreads in us, renews us, transforms us, conforms us to His image, and glorifies us, the kingdom of God increases in us.

We Enter into the Kingdom of God through Regeneration to Receive God as Life and Gain God Himself

Jesus answered, Truly, truly, I say to you, Unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. John 3:5

Many good, moral, and ethical people today think they are part of the kingdom of God because they think in the right way, do the right thing, and try to obey God’s law to the best of their ability.

However, there is only one way for man to enter into the kingdom of God: regeneration.

In John 3:3-6 we are told that the only way we can know the kingdom of God is by being born of God.

We are born of the flesh, so we know the realm of the flesh and we can naturally live in the flesh.

Similarly, only when we are born of the Spirit can we know the spiritual realm and live in the kingdom of God.

In order for man to enter into the kingdom of God, he needs to be born of God.

No amount of good deeds can qualify us to be part of God’s kingdom.

No amount of knowledge of the Bible and obeying God’s law can cause us to know the kingdom of God.

To know the kingdom of God we need to be part of this kingdom, and the only way we can be part of God’s kingdom is through being born again.

Only the divine life can realize the divine things; for us to see or enter into the kingdom of God, we need to be regenerated with the divine life.

The kingdom of God is the realm of the life of God and the realm of the reign of God; we cannot obey God’s reign and be under His rule unless we have the life of God, for only by the life of God can we submit ourselves to God.

Only men can participate in the human kingdom, for only people have the human life.

Without human life, no one can enter the kingdom of man.

We may be able to be “naturalized” to be part of a particular human kingdom or country, but there’s no way to be “naturalized” into the kingdom of God.

No matter how much people try to “naturalize” a monkey to be like a man and do things like a man, when man lets the monkey go, the money will still be like a monkey and do monkey things.

Similarly, when a dog is born, you don’t need to teach him to be a dog; the life within the dog will teach that dog how to live, how to walk, how to bark, and many other things. It is the same with the kingdom of God.

We cannot be naturalized to be part of the kingdom of God, no matter how much we try to imitate what the Lord Jesus said and did.

However, once we are born again through repentance and faith in Christ, we don’t even need to try to obey God but rather, live by the divine life, and we will live in the reality of the kingdom of God.

And this is the testimony, that God gave to us eternal life and this life is in His Son. He who has the Son has the life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have the life. 1 John 5:11-12Only God’s life meets the requirements of the kingdom of God, just as only human life can meet the requirements of the human kingdom. When we have God’s life, we can live in the kingdom of God and be part of the kingdom of God.

The unique way to enter into the kingdom of God is to receive God as life and gain God Himself; this is regeneration (John 3:5, 16; 1 John 5:11-12).

We need to not just know about God and memorize the word of God but even more, receive God as life through regeneration so that we may enter into the kingdom of God.

The kingdom of God is a divine realm to be entered into, a realm that requires the divine life.

For a human being to be part of the realm of the divine life, the kingdom of God, he needs to be regenerated, that is, gain God as life.

All those who receive the life of God through repentance and faith in Christ have become children of God and are part of the kingdom of God.

This doesn’t mean that the believers in Christ have a pure, clean, and sinless life; being part of the kingdom of God doesn’t mean that we are not fallen or sinful but rather, that we have the life of God in our spirit and we are children of God, born of God with His life (John 1:12-13).

Hallelujah, through regeneration we are born of God!

We can boldly tell the Lord,

Thank You, Lord Jesus, for regenerating us with Your life to make us part of the kingdom of God! Hallelujah, we believers in Christ are citizens of God’s kingdom, for we have been born of God! We love You, Lord, and we open to You. We take You as our Lord and King. We submit to You because Your life in us enables us to do it. Hallelujah, we human beings have been born of God to be children of God, those who are born of God to be part of the kingdom of God! Amen, Lord, we love to be here in the kingdom of God, enjoying Your life and nature and learning to live by Your life and nature. We love to be here enjoying You and flowing You as life out to others so that they may also be part of God’s kingdom. Hallelujah, we are born not only of the flesh to be flesh but even more, born of the Spirit to be spirit! Praise the Lord, when we’re in our spirit, we know God, we enjoy God, we receive God, and we are one with God to live in the reality of the kingdom of God!

We are Born of God and now the Divine Life in our Spirit knows the Kingdom of God!

Who delivered us out of the authority of darkness and transferred [us] into the kingdom of the Son of His love. Col. 1:13

How can a human being be part of the kingdom of God?

Nicodemus asked the Lord Jesus this question, and it was quite perplexing to him that he had to be born again: could he enter into his mother’s womb to be born again?

What is this being born again? The Lord Jesus explained in John 3 that being born again means to be born of the Spirit.

It is to be born of the Spirit in our human spirit to receive the divine life.

As human beings, we are born in the human kingdom to be men, and we know what it means to be a man.

Our human life teaches us what it means to be a man, and we become a man and behave like a man because we have the human life; the human life in our being causes us to know the kingdom of man.

Similarly in the spiritual realm, we can be part of the kingdom of God when we are born of God, and the divine life in our spirit knows the kingdom of God.

On the negative side, God delivered us out of the authority of darkness and transferred us into the kingdom of the Son of God’s love (Col. 1:13).

We were brought out of a kingdom, the kingdom of darkness, and we were transferred into another kingdom, the kingdom of light, which is the kingdom of God – the kingdom of the Son of God’s love.

When we repented and called on the name of the Lord, we were regenerated with God’s life and became children of God, thus being born in the kingdom of God.

Even though we may know very little about the kingdom of God, the divine life in our spirit knows about the kingdom.

When we exercise our spirit in our daily living, we know the kingdom of God and we live in the kingdom of God.

We all can testify to this. No matter how young we are in the Lord, as long as we exercise our spirit and contact the Lord, we know the kingdom of God and we know what God desires.

Some young people may go to the older brothers and ask them what their opinion is about things such as smoking, attending the movies, eating, the things they get dressed with, and getting married.

It is easy for an older brother or sister to give their opinion on these matters, but the best way is to ask the young ones how do they feel about these matters.

Jesus answered, Truly, truly, I say to you, Unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. John 3:5-6 How does their spirit feel about them? For example, in relation to smoking or attending certain worldly events, how does their spirit feel about it?

If they are honest with themselves and they really contact the Lord, they will have a clear sense from the Lord regarding this matter.

The Lord Jesus who lives in me also lives in you, and the kingdom of God in me is also in you; as long as both I and you turn to our spirit and contact the Lord, we have the same feeling from the Lord.

How do we know the Lord? How do we know the Lord’s feelings?

How do we know what God thinks about certain things that are not mentioned in the Bible?

It is by means of the divine life in our spirit.

Because we are born of God, the divine life in our spirit knows the kingdom of God. How wonderful!

We need to learn to live in our spirit and cultivate a keen sense of life in our spirit so that we may know God and the kingdom of God.

Something within us knows God, knows the will of God, and knows what God desires us to do.

This is because we have been born in God’s kingdom, and the divine life in us knows the kingdom of God.

Thank You, Lord, for delivering us out of the authority of darkness and transferring us into the kingdom of light, the kingdom of God! Hallelujah, we believers in Christ have been born of God to be part of the kingdom of God in our spirit! Praise the Lord, we have been regenerated and have been born of God to be in the kingdom of God today. Amen, Lord, today we want to exercise our spirit and remain in our spirit. We want to do all things in our spirit and according to our spirit. Hallelujah, the divine life in our spirit knows the kingdom of God! Praise the Lord, we have the divine life in our spirit, and as long as we turn to our spirit, we know the will of God and we live in the kingdom of God! Amen, Lord, we want to live according to the sense of life in our spirit today. Thank You for our mingled spirit. Thank You for being our life in our spirit. We want to pay attention to our spirit and do all things in our spirit!

References and Hymns on this Topic
  • Inspiration for this article/sharing comes from the Word of God, the enjoyment in the ministry, a sharing by brother Ron Kangas in the message for this week, and portions from, Life-study of John, pp. 105-107, by Witness Lee, as quoted in the Holy Word for Morning Revival on, Living in the Reality of the Kingdom of God (2024 October ITERO), week 1, The Kingdom of God – the Realm of the Divine Life and of the Divine Species.
  • Similar articles on this topic:
    Life’s regenerating – the need of the moral, pdf via, Nuggets and Gems from the Bible.
    Entering into the kingdom of God, not through teaching but through regeneration, a portion from, The Economy of God and the Mystery of the Transmission of the Divine Trinity, Chapter 3, by Witness Lee.
    By regeneration all Christians have become priests and kings, but nearly all of them have been spoiled by the wine of earthly enjoyment. This is a very serious matter. More via, 21st century nazarites.
    Blood for Redemption; Water for Regeneration, article via, New Jerusalem blog.
    Did You Know You’re a Vessel God Wants to Fill? More via, Bibles for America blog.
    The issue of regeneration, a portion from, God’s Salvation in Life, Chapter 1, by Witness Lee.
    What is the Kingdom of God and How Can You Be in It? More via, Holding to Truth in Love.
    The kingdom of the heavens, a portion in, Affirmation and Critique.
  • Hymns on this topic:
    – Life is God the Father in Christ Jesus / As the Spirit flowing into us. / How enjoyable, this Person wonderful! / He’s our life so rich and bountiful. / We experienced regeneration / When we opened to this living One. / We were born again; another life came in. / Now it floods us till we’re full of Him. (Hymns #1193 stanzas 1-2)
    – In those regenerated by the Lord / There is an inner knowledge bountiful; / Thus we the outward teachings do not need, / But God we inwardly may know in full. (Hymns #738 stanza 1)
    – ’Tis by this Spirit that we walk and act, / We have our being, think, and see all things; / We’re now within this Spirit! What a fact! / This Spirit to us all God’s fullness brings! / So now we have to set our mind on Him; / Each day, each hour, our mind on Him must be; / That by this Spirit we’d be saved within / By life and reign in life eternally. (Hymns #1195 stanzas 8-9)
About aGodMan

A God-man is a normal believer in Christ; the author of this article is one who is learning to be a normal Christian, a daily enjoyer of Christ, a living and functioning member in the Body of Christ. Amen, Lord, make us such ones for the building up of the Body of Christ!

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brother L.
brother L.
2 months ago

The divine life brings us into the kingdom of God. We were all born into the human kingdom. No one has ever been naturalized into the kingdom of man. For example, when a dog is born, he immediately finds himself in the dog kingdom. He knows everything about being a dog. There is no need for anyone to teach him to be a dog, saying, “Little dog, you must know that you are a dog, that you are in the dog kingdom, and that from now on you must bark every day.” A dog is in the dog kingdom and knows all about being a dog by birth. This is why the Lord Jesus told Nicodemus that he had to be born into the kingdom of God. We cannot enter into the kingdom of God by learning or by being naturalized. Although you may be naturalized to be a citizen of a particular nation, you can never be naturalized into a kingdom. When we were regenerated, we were transferred into the kingdom of God. Colossians 1:13 says that God “delivered us out of the authority of darkness and transferred us into the kingdom of the Son of His love.”…When we called on the name of the Lord, the divine Spirit came into us, regenerating us and causing us to be born into the kingdom of God. Although you may know very little about the kingdom of God, your spirit within you knows about the kingdom. The divine life in your spirit knows the kingdom of God.

Life-study of John, pp. 106-107, by Witness Lee

Stefan M.
Stefan M.
2 months ago

For us to know the kingdom of God, we need to be born of God.

Hallelujah, at the time of our regeneration, we have been born of God to have His life and nature.

Now we can know God and live in the kingdom of God because we have His divine life!

Thank You, Lord Jesus, for Your life in us. Keep us turning to You and checking with You concerning all things. Flow in us and flow out of us today!

Phil H.
Phil H.
2 months ago

Amen, brother. Yes Lord we agree.

Alex S.
Alex S.
2 months ago

Lord thank you for increasing you more this year, in the new earthly year make Your whole church rekindled in a God way that all your vessels shine and express the wonderful person we possess and possess us that the Kingdom of God is admirable and desirable by all nations as we see your churches at the ultimate culmination of this age. …hallelujah amen!

Christian A.
Christian A.
2 months ago

Our human life can never realise the things of the divine realm, and it is not qualified to enter into the divine kingdom.

Regeneration is the unique entrance into the kingdom of God.

May we follow the pattern of Jesus and proclaim the requirement of regeneration truly truly.

A regeneration that requires both belief & baptism is the introduction to the gospel of the Kingdom.

Keven B.
Keven B.
2 months ago

In order to enter into the kingdom of God, we need to be born again.

There is no other way by which we can enter into the kingdom of God.

Only the divine life can realize the divine things. Hence, for one to see, or enter into, the kingdom of God requires that he be regenerated with the divine life.

Thank You, Lord, for coming into us with the divine life that we may see and enter into the Kingdom of God! 

Remember those around us today. We bind the strong man that we may plunder his house. So that others could receive You through our preaching the gospel of Your Kingdom.

A. D.
A. D.
2 months ago

Amen, thank You Lord for the unique entrance of regeneration. We now have the Life which matches the Kingdom..

Seni A.
Seni A.
2 months ago

Amen, keep us turning to you, Lord. We may not know but our spirit already knows. The divine life in our spirit knows the kingdom of God. Grow in us Lord Jesus