Being a Vessel unto Honor, a Fully Equipped Man of God, by Being Empowered in the Grace… – 2024 spring ITERO

Being a Vessel unto Honor, a Fully Equipped Man of God, by Being Empowered in the Grace which is in Christ Jesus to Fully Accomplish our Ministry in the Unique Ministry of God’s Economy – 2024 spring ITEROPraise the Lord for His speaking to us in His Body on the topic of, Being a Vessel unto Honor, a Fully Equipped Man of God, by Being Empowered in the Grace which is in Christ Jesus to Fully Accomplish our Ministry in the Unique Ministry of God’s Economy, in the 2023 spring ITERO!

This was the topic for the 2023 April International Training for Elders and Responsible Ones. We all want to be vessels unto honor and glory to be useful in the Lord’s hands and be filled with Him as our treasure.

We want to be the men of God who are fully equipped, ready to minister Christ and cut straight the word of the truth.

May we be empowered in the grace which is in Christ Jesus so that we may fully accomplish our ministry in the unique ministry of God’s economy. Amen, Lord Jesus, work this out in us and in all Your saints throughout the earth!

You can purchase the HWMR based on this topic via LSM books, your local bookstore/Christian bookshop, Amazon (for Kindle), Google Play (for Android devices), Apple iTunes (for iPad and iPhone), etc.

Enjoy a collection of sharing of enjoyment based on the brothers’ sharing in these messages, the HWMR book, further reading portions, the Word of God, our Christian experience, and much prayerful consideration of God’s word and the ministry.

Being a Vessel unto Honor, a Fully Equipped Man of God, by Being Empowered in the Grace which is in Christ Jesus to Fully Accomplish our Ministry in the Unique Ministry of God’s Economy – 2024 spring ITERO

Week 1: Living in the Reality of God’s Eternal Economy for Its Fulfillment by Building Up a Habit of Exercising Our Spirit, Fanning Our God-given Spirit into Flame

  1. Cooperate with God’s Economy by Exercising our Spirit to Receive God’s Dispensing
  2. God is Spirit and we have a spirit to Contact God, Enjoy God, and be One with God
  3. Live in Spirit by Praying Continually to have our Spirit as our Central Government
  4. Fan our God-given Spirit into Flame and Build up a Habit of Exercising our Spirit
  5. Exercise our Spirit to have a Spirit of Power and of Love and of Sobermindedness
  6. We Discern our Spirit from our Soul, Pursue the Lord, and Pray for God’s Interests

Suggested reading and PSRP suggestions:

Week 2: God Calling Us According to His Own Purpose

  1. God Called and Separated us for His Purpose for us to Live a Life for God’s Purpose
  2. God’s Eternal Purpose is to Mingle Himself with Man to gain the Body of Christ
  3. The Church is the Means used by God to Fulfill His Purpose and Settle His Problems
  4. Enjoy, Apply and Live Christ, being Filled with the Full Knowledge of God’s Will
  5. We Do the Will of our Heavenly Father to Enter into the Kingdom of the Heavens
  6. Learn from Jesus to Walk according to the Father’s Nature to do the Father’s Will

Suggested reading and PSRP suggestions:

Week 3: Being Empowered in the Grace Which Is in Christ Jesus to Be Teachers, Soldiers, Contenders, Farmers, and Workmen

  1. Receive the Lord’s mercy to be a Pattern to the Believers by Living in the Spirit
  2. Have a Rich Deposit of the Lord’s Healthy Words to Shepherd and Teach the Saints
  3. Serve the Lord as Soldiers in the Lord’s Army: our Ministry is a Warfare for Christ
  4. Run the Christian Race as Contenders to Finish our Course and Receive the Prize
  5. As God’s Fellow Workers we work as Farmers together with Him in God’s Cultivated Land
  6. God’s Workmen cut Straight the Word of the Truth by Properly Unfolding God’s Economy

Suggested reading and PSRP suggestions:

Week 4: Christ Nullifying Death and Bringing Life and Incorruption to Light, and Our Remembering Jesus Christ, the Seed of David, Raised from the Dead

  1. Our Savior Christ Nullified Death and His Resurrection Life Swallows up Death in us
  2. On the Cross Christ Destroyed the Devil, Judged the World, and Condemned Sin in the Flesh
  3. The Lord Jesus Christ Brought Life and Incorruption to Light through the Gospel
  4. The Lord Jesus was Raised from the Dead in Victory and as Firstfruits of Resurrection
  5. Christ Rose from the Dead on the First day of the Week to Germinate the New Creation
  6. The Seed of David became the Son of God: how we can Cooperate with God’s Intention

Suggested reading and PSRP suggestions:

Week 5: Being a Fully Equipped Man of God by Inhaling and Exhaling the Word of God as the Breath of God

  1. In Resurrection Christ became the Spirit for us to Receive Him as the Holy Breath!
  2. Inhale God as we Read the Bible and Exhale Him as we Speak to others to Minister Life
  3. The Bible is Profitable for Teaching, Conviction, Correction, Instruction in Righteousness
  4. Being a Man of God with the Breath of God who is Fully Equipped for Every Good Work
  5. The Living Word of God is the Sword of the Spirit to Kill the Adversary Within us
  6. Being Preserved by Receiving the Word of God as the Spirit to be the Killing Sword

Suggested reading and PSRP suggestions:

Week 6: Being a Vessel unto Honor, and Pursuing Righteousness, Faith, Love, Peace with Those Who Call on the Lord out of a Pure Heart

  1. Cleanse Ourselves from Unrighteousness and being Living Vessels Open to the Lord
  2. Since God Wants an Open Vessel, we Love Him and Always Keep our Vessel Open to Him
  3. Pursue Christ as Righteousness and Faith by Exercising our Believing Ability Today
  4. Pursue Christ as Love and Peace to be Constituted with Him as Love and Live in Peace
  5. Genuine Seekers of God Call on the Name of the Lord to be Saved and Enjoy His Riches
  6. Call on the Lord out of a Pure Heart, having No Impurity but being Focused on Christ

Suggested reading and PSRP suggestions:

Week 7: The Lord Being with Our Spirit to Be Our Empowering Grace, Enabling Us to Minister the Healthy Teaching of God’s Eternal Economy, Speaking with Healthy Words of the Grace of Life for the Organic Building Up of the Church as the Body of Christ

  1. The Lord is with our Spirit for us to Enjoy Christ as our Empowering Grace today
  2. The Spirit Mingled with our spirit is the Key to our Fellowship with God in Spirit
  3. Grace is the Circulating Triune God Dispensing Himself into us for our Enjoyment
  4. Grace is the Wonderful Christ in what He is, gives, and Does for us for our Enjoyment
  5. Guard the Good Deposit of the Lord’s Healthy Words and Speak the Words of Grace
  6. Carry out the Stewardship of the Grace of God in Singleness and Sincerity of God

Suggested reading and PSRP suggestions:

Week 8: Fully Accomplish Your Ministry

  1. Many Ministers have a Part of the Unique New Covenant Ministry for the Body of Christ
  2. Our Personal Ministry is Part of the Unique Corporate Ministry of the New Testament
  3. God made us Sufficient as Ministers of a New Covenant, Appointing us to the Ministry
  4. Fully Accomplish our Personal Ministry: Minister the Christ Wrought into us for the Body
  5. We’re Speaking the Same Thing from Different Angles for the Building up of the Body
  6. Being Perfected to do the Work of the Ministry unto the Building up of the Body of Christ

Suggested reading and PSRP suggestions: