As believers in Christ, we need to be those who not only are in the realm of the kingdom of God but even more, live in the reality of the kingdom of God.
The topic of the 2024 October ITERO (2024 Fall International Training for Elders and Responsible Ones) was, Living in the Reality of the Kingdom of God.
In message after message, we see how we are part of the kingdom of God, how we can live in the kingdom of God, and how we can today in the church life be and live in the reality of the kingdom of God.
Enjoy below some overflow of enjoyment from the Holy Word for Morning Revival on this topic, together with the sharing from the brothers in different portions and places.
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Living in the Reality of the Kingdom of God – 2024 fall ITERO – Enjoyment from the Holy Word for Morning Revival
Week 1 – The Kingdom of God – the Realm of the Divine Life and of the Divine Species
- The Kingdom of God is the Totality of Christ as Life with All His Activities in us
- We enter God’s Kingdom Through Regeneration: now our Spirit knows the Kingdom of God
- Not being Past Feeling but Living by the Sense of Life and Death in our Spirit
- To Follow the Sense of Life we live a Daily life in Peace in the Divine Dispensing
- The Growing of Christ within us for the Body is the Coming of the Kingdom of God
- As God-men, we are Living in the Kingdom of God as the Realm of the Divine Species
Opening Word of the Prophesying Meeting – reference via, Prophesying Reference
Week 2 – Living in the Kingdom of God by Living a Hidden Life
- Follow the Lord’s Pattern Living a Hidden Life with God, Praying Privately to Him
- Kingdom People have Secret Growth in Life before God and do Righteous Deeds in Secret
- Spend Private Time with the Lord in Prayer and Live by the Hidden Life of our Father
- Know God as a God who Hides Himself: He likes to work Secretly rather than Openly
- Deep Calls Unto Deep: take Time to Absorb Christ and have a Hidden Life with Him
- Live a Life in the Depths and have Deep Experiences of Christ, Not Exposing our Roots
Opening Word of the Prophesying Meeting – reference via, Prophesying Reference
Week 3 – The Kingdom and the Church
- The Gospel Brings in the Life of God, the Kingdom of God, which Produces the Church
- The Reality of the Kingdom of the Heavens is the Content of the Church Life today
- The Kingdom Produces the Church and the Church Brings in the Kingdom of God
- We Believers Live the Kingdom Life in the Church by Living in the Mingled Spirit
- Stand in Christ’s Victory and Submit to God’s Rule: the Church Brings in the Kingdom
- The Church should Pray to Bring in the Kingdom and Subdue Satan’s Power of Darkness
Opening Word of the Prophesying Meeting – reference via, Prophesying Reference
Relationship between the Kingdom of God and the Church
Week 4 – The Exercise of the Kingdom for the Building Up of the Church
- We need to See the Enemy of the Building and what’s the Way to Build up the Church
- Satan’s Thought was Injected in our Soul to make it the Self: we need to Deny the Self
- Deny the Self by the Cross to be Dependent on the Lord and on the Body of Christ
- Exercise the Key of Self-Denial to Lock up the Self and Build up the Church Today
- Partake of the Lord’s Willingness to Take up the Cross and Bear it for the Church
- Losing the Soul-Life for the Lord’s Sake and for the Church to be Built up Today
Opening Word of the Prophesying Meeting – reference via, Prophesying Reference
The Exercise of the Kingdom for the Building Up of the Church
Week 5 – Living under the Sovereignty of God and according to the Mercy of God
- See a Vision of God’s Sovereignty and Worship Him for His Sovereignty and Mercy
- God Sovereignly Created us to be Vessels of Mercy and Honor Prepared unto Glory
- It’s all of God’s Mercy: we Hope in His Mercy and come to Receive Mercy & Find Grace
- If we See God’s Sovereign Mercy we will Worship Him and Fulfill our Responsibility
- Serve the Lord by Trusting in His Mercy in the Selection of Grace: God is Sovereign!
- As God Deals with us and we Cooperate with Him, Everything Depends on God’s Mercy
Opening Word of the Prophesying Meeting – reference via, Prophesying Reference
Living under the Sovereignty of God and according to the Mercy of God
Week 6 – Being Watchful in Life and Faithful in Service
- Being Prudent Virgins seeking to be Filled with the Spirit in our Souls, our Vessels
- Live a Life of Paying the Price to have the Filling of the Holy Spirit in our Soul
- Twelve Ways to Pay the Price to Buy the Spirit as the Golden Oil in our Experience
- We Believers are Slaves Serving the Lord with the Spiritual Gifts He has Given us
- Serve God out of Love and Serve Others with Christ by Ministering Christ to them
- Serve the Lord Faithfully as a Faithful and Prudent Slave by His Resurrection Life
Opening Word of the Prophesying Meeting – reference via, Prophesying Reference
Week 7 – Spiritual Warfare to Bring in the Kingdom of God and Living in the Kingdom of the Son of God’s Love
- Spiritual Warfare is Necessary to Subdue the Satanic Will and Bring in God’s Kingdom
- Having an Absolute Consecration to the Lord and Fighting the Spiritual Warfare
- Live by the Son as our Life to Live in the Kingdom of the Son of God’s Love today
- God’s Will is to Build up the Church, which is the Kingdom of the Son of God’s Love
- Experience Christ and the Cross – the One Person and One way given to us by God
- Enjoy Christ in His All-inclusiveness and give Christ the First Place in all Things
Opening Word of the Prophesying Meeting – reference via, Prophesying Reference
Spiritual Warfare to Bring In the Kingdom of God and Living in the Kingdom of the Son of God‟s Love
Week 8 – Preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom and Discipling the Nations
- Preach the Gospel of the Kingdom to Propagate the Gene of the Kingdom into People
- The Story of the Kingdom Gene: its Sowing, Growing, and Developing into a Harvest
- Kingdom People Enjoy Christ as our Physician, Shepherd, and the Lord of the Harvest
- We Follow the Pattern of the Divine Trinity to do all things in, by and for the Body
- Preach the Gospel of the Kingdom Victoriously to be the Riders of the White Horse
- Disciple the Nations by Baptizing and Teaching them the Truth to be Kingdom People
Opening Word of the Prophesying Meeting – reference via, Prophesying Reference