Experiencing, Enjoying, and Expressing Christ (1) – 2024 Summer Training

Experiencing, Enjoying, and Expressing Christ - part 1 (2024 July Semiannual Training) - buy the Holy Word for Morning RevivalPraise the Lord for the 2024 Summer Training, the July 2024 Semiannual Training, which will be on the topic of, Experiencing, Enjoying, and Expressing Christ (1)!

We are all looking forward to the Lord’s speaking on this topic, and we want to present our open vessels to Him so that He may impress us with what is on His heart on this matter.

The topic of the July 2024 Semiannual Training is “Experiencing, Enjoying, and Expressing Christ (1).” As believers in Christ, we need to be those who experience, enjoy, and express Christ! This HWMR is based on a few hundred messages in the Conclusion of the New Testament where brother Lee goes through Matthew to Revelation to emphasize certain aspects of Christ for us to experience, enjoy, and express.

You can purchase the morning revival book via Living Stream, Amazon, Google Play store, iTunes, etc or in your local Christian bookstore.

Experiencing, Enjoying, and Expressing Christ (1) – 2024 Summer Training – Key Statements

Experiencing, Enjoying, and Expressing Christ (1) - 2024 Summer TrainingChrist came to minister as a Physician to heal, recover, enliven, and save us that we might be reconstituted to be His new and heavenly citizens, with whom He could establish His heavenly kingdom on this corrupted earth.

We need to know, experience, and testify that the kingdom of God is the power to subdue rebellion and is the transfiguration of the Lord Jesus.

Christ as the Word of God speaks for God through His becoming the ladder that brings heaven (God) to earth (man) and joins earth (man) to heaven (God) as one for God’s building.

Even as the Divine Trinity is the framework of the entire New Testament, so the Divine Trinity is the structure of the book of Acts; chapter after chapter of Acts unveils the operation of the Divine Trinity for the carrying out of God’s New Testament economy.

Experiencing, Enjoying, and Expressing Christ (1) – 2024 Summer Training

Week 1 – Christ as the Great Light, the One Who Has Authority, the Physician, the Bridegroom, the Unfulled Cloth, and the New Wine

  1. We can Experience and Enjoy Christ as the Great Light until we Shine like the Sun
  2. The Lord Jesus was a Man Under Authority: He had Authority and Spoke with Authority
  3. Experience and Enjoy Christ as our Physician to be Healed in our Spirit and Soul
  4. Christ is our Bridegroom and we’re the Sons of the Bridechamber Becoming His Bride
  5. Christ as the Unfulled Cloth becomes our New Garment by Believing into Him Today
  6. We Drink Christ as our New Wine in the Church Life as the Fresh Wineskins Today

Week 2 – Christ as the One with the Heavenly-ruled Deeds, Our Shepherd, Our Rest, and the Sower

  1. By Faith we can Touch the Lord’s Human Virtue to be Healed from Leaking Life Today
  2. Christ Shepherds us to Enjoy Him, Drink the Spirit, and Walk on Paths of Righteousness
  3. The Lord Jesus Shepherds us into the Full Enjoyment of Himself in the House of God
  4. The Lord Jesus is our Rest: come to Him, Take His Yoke and Find Rest for your Souls
  5. Christ as the Sower Sowing Himself into our Heart to Grow with us for God’s Building
  6. The Parable of the Sower: Christ makes His Home in our Heart for God’s Building

Week 3 – Discipling All the Nations by Baptizing Them into the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit

  1. All Authority in Heaven and on Earth has been Given to Jesus Christ in Resurrection
  2. We Go to Disciple all the Nations having the Lord’s Authority to Bind and Loose
  3. Repentant People are Baptized in Water and in Spirit to become the Kingdom People
  4. We Repent for the Kingdom and are being Baptized to be Immersed into the Triune God
  5. The Reality of the Divine Trinity for the Constituting of the Kingdom in Matthew
  6. Disciple the Nations by Teaching New Believers God’s Economy: the Lord is with us!

Week 4 – The Kingdom as the Subduing of Rebellion and as the Transfiguration of the Lord Jesus

  1. The Church must Allow God’s Authority have a Free Way and Defeat Satan’s Rebellion
  2. Being one with Christ to Establish the Kingdom of God and Fulfill God’s Purpose
  3. The Kingdom of God is the Power to Subdue Rebellion and the Growth of Christ in Us
  4. The Kingdom of God is Christ Growing in us until He is Transfigured Within us
  5. Experience Transfiguration in the Church Life by Losing our Soul-Life for the Lord
  6. Being Glorified until the Lord is Transfigured in us at His Coming in His Kingdom

Week 5 – Enjoying Christ as the Reality of the New Testament Jubilee

  1. Christ brought in the Year of Jubilee: Release from Slavery of Sin and Return to God
  2. Have Sufficient Enjoyment of God to Live in the Jubilee enjoying Freedom and Rest
  3. Illustrations of the Jubilee: the Parables of the Good Samaritan and the Prodigal Son
  4. Enjoy Christ as the Reality of the Jubilee with its Freedom and Blessings
  5. Enjoy Christ Sufficiently to be Freed from Bondage and have God as our Possession
  6. Have the Living of the Jubilee and Proclaim Christ as the Jubilee

Week 6 – Christ as the Word of God

  1. Christ is the Word of God, the Journeying Triune God on the Bridge of Time – John 1
  2. Christ Speaks for God through His Creation to Express His Divine Characteristics
  3. Christ Speaks for God in Incarnation as the Tabernacle of God, Full of Grace and Reality
  4. Christ Speaks for God in Becoming the Lamb of God to Accomplish God’s Redemption
  5. Christ Speaks for God by Becoming the Anointing Spirit to Transform us for God’s Building
  6. Christ Speaks for God by being the Ladder joining God and Man for God’s Building

Week 7 – The Bread of Life

  1. The Lord is the Bread of Life for us to Eat and Digest to be Constituted with Him
  2. We need to Continually Eat Christ as the Bread of Life to Live Because of Him Daily
  3. We need to Eat the Lord’s Flesh and Drink His Blood to have Life within Ourselves
  4. We Eat Christ as the Living Bread in His Word, Digest Him and Live because of Him
  5. Christ became the Life-giving Spirit and the Word to give us Life: we can Eat Him!
  6. Daily Enjoy the Life-giving Spirit in the Word to Eat Christ as the Bread of Life

Week 8 – Christ as the Feast of Tabernacles and as the Spirit Flowing out of the Believers as Rivers of Living Water

  1. Christian Life is a Life of Feasting: from the Passover to the Feast of Tabernacles
  2. Live in the Reality of the Feast of Tabernacles until we enter the Rest of New Jerusalem
  3. Pilgrims on Earth Live the Life of the Altar and the Tent waiting for New Jerusalem
  4. Christ became a Life-giving Spirit to be Rivers of Living Water flowing into us
  5. It is as the Consummated Spirit that Christ can Live in us and we can Abide in Him
  6. The Compound Anointing Spirit and the Lord Spirit for our Transformation for the Body

Week 9 – Christ as the Resurrection and the Grain of Wheat

  1. Live in Spirit to Enjoy the Spirit as the Reality of God, Resurrection, and the Body
  2. Being Absolutely in the Resurrection Life having the Resurrected Christ as our Life
  3. Live by the Divine Life and Gain the God of Resurrection to Live in Resurrection
  4. We are being Renewed by being Nourished with the Fresh Supply of Resurrection Life
  5. How Christ as a Grain of Wheat was Glorified in His Resurrection to be Enlarged
  6. Divine-Human Incorporation: the Father’s House, the Son’s Vine, and the Spirit’s Child

Week 10 – Glory and Glorification as Revealed in the Gospel of John

  1. We’re Created in God’s Image and Called by His Glory to Express God in His Glory
  2. We’re being Transformed and Glorified to be New Jerusalem to Shine forth God’s Glory
  3. The Glory of God is Involved with Christ from His Incarnation to the New Jerusalem
  4. The Glory and Glorification of the Lord Jesus: He was Glorified in His Resurrection
  5. Deny the Self for the Oneness in the Divine Glory for the Corporate Expression of God
  6. Christ is Glorified by the Church so that the Father is Glorified Through the Son

Week 11 – In the Father’s House—Living in the Place Prepared for Us through the Death and Resurrection of Christ

  1. Believe into God to Enter into God and be Part of the Church as the Father’s House
  2. We have a Standing for us to Enter into God: we’re the Abodes in the Father’s House
  3. We have a Standing in God and in the Body of Christ by Living in our Spirit today
  4. Triune God is Making an Abode with the Believers for the Building of His Habitation
  5. The Church is in God the Father: He’s the unique Source, Originator, and Initiator
  6. Seeing the Intrinsic Significance of Living in the Church as the Father’s House

Week 12 – The Divine Trinity, the Spirit of Jesus, and the Kingdom of God

  1. The Triune God was Involved with Christ’s Ascension and the Pouring of the Spirit
  2. God Obtained the Church Through His Own Blood – the Blood of the Incarnate God-man
  3. We can Enjoy the Supply of the Spirit of Jesus in our Sufferings and Persecution
  4. What Kind of Spirit are we Guided by? The Spirit of Jesus is the Reality of Jesus!
  5. Churches Produced by the Propagation of Christ are the Kingdom of God on the Earth
  6. Fight the Battle for the Kingdom of God, the Spreading of Christ as Life in Believers