The 2020 Memorial Day Conference is held online – the first of such an event held by Living Stream Ministry, and the may topic is, A Timely Word Concerning the World Situation and the Lord’s Recovery.
Introductory Word | Key Statements | Enjoyment from the HWMR
As an “appetiser” for this conference, brother Ron Kangas shared a short speaking to give us a preview of this Memorial day Conference. This sharing can be downloaded via the Church in Anaheim here and as mp3 here.
The world situation is an indicator of the Lord’s move, where He will move, how will He move, what He wants to accomplish. For instance, some brothers prayed for many years for the Russian speaking world and the Lord opening up that world to the Lord’s recovery. In 1991, a great change happened in the world situation – the Soviet Union collapsed. In light of that, the Lord burdened brother Lee to go to that part of the earth, which he did.

We need to see the world situation as the indicator of God’s move on earth and the vision of world history from Christ’s ascension to the end of this age; we also need to work together with the Lord to spread the truths of the Lord’s recovery as a preparation for His coming back and to persevere in prayer, while discerning “the signs of the times.” 2020 Memorial Day Conference, Key Statement 1
We need to see the world situation as an indicator of the Lord’s move on earth. It is an indicator that the Lord wants to move in a particular way.
Along with this we need to see events taking place in the world today, and we need to have a vision of the world history from Christ’s ascension to the end of this age.. We need to be enlightened concerning the divine history within the human history.
From the time of the Reformation until now, world history has taken a certain direction, and within that human history, God’s history has been lived out on this earth.
We need to be aware of the present world history that is developing before our eyes. What we see in the physical things needs to be governed by the view of the divine history within this human history.
We need to work together with the Lord. There are actions He wants His Body to take.
He wants to live and move and act through His Body, and one aspect of this is to propagate the truths throughout the earth, especially to the open seeking saints.
The truths are necessary for the preparation among us for the Lord’s coming back.
As the weeks of prayer emphasised, we need the prayer ministry of the church to be uplifted more and more, so we persevere in prayer, and we begin to discern the signs, the significance of the times.

We need to see a spiritual vision of the throne of God as the center of God’s administration throughout the universe and realize that the sovereign God has the full capacity to carry out what He wants according to the desire of His heart and according to His eternal economy, as He is ruling over everyone and everything. 2020 Memorial Day Conference, Key Statement 2
It is understandable that the unbelievers or believers would governed just by the outward situation, led and driven by fear and panic, by dreadful anxiety – that’s all they see, and even genuine believers may do the same!
But we need to see the spiritual vision of the throne of God!
There’s a throne over this universe, and the God-man Jesus who has all authority on heaven and on earth – and He is on the throne!
This throne is the center of God’s administration throughout the universe.
We need to be deeply impressed and assured of the unlimited sovereignty of God to carry out what He wants.
He wants to do something during this present time; we need to seek Him, enquire of Him, and pray concerning this, Lord we are here to cooperate with You in whatever You want to do! What is Your heart? What is Your desire that You want to obtain and attain now?
We need to realize that He’s ruling over everyone and everything.
We need to receive mercy and grace not to view the upcoming presidential election in the USA and such events as the common people do, with their souls and feelings.
Rather, we need to consider the throne, the sovereign God, who is over everyone and everything! We need to pray for Him to rule over everything and every person!

Today the way to become vitalized is to answer God’s call to be His overcomers, His dispensational instrument, to turn the age; an overcomer is a vital person, and a vital person (one who is living and active) is a praying person. 2020 Memorial Day Conference, Key Statement 3
A dispensational instrument is needed by the Lord to turn the age, consummate the age, and bring in the age of the kingdom.
In Rev. 3, 5, we see that the real overcomer is Christ Himself, He overcame and sat down on the throne, and He is desiring to produce overcomers by reproducing Himself and vitalizing us, making us living and active in our spirit, those who are praying according to His will and purpose!
It’s one thing to sincerely pray for the kingdom to come, to pray for His will to be done, to pray for Him to come for His bride; it is another thing, however, that we would recognize that there must be an instrument on earth to enable this age-turn to take place!
There must be a corporate God-man on earth the dispensational instrument through which the Lord can move unhindered.
Regarding praying, gospel preaching, shepherding, teaching, spreading the truth, establishing churches, etc this instrument is unique in that the Lord is unlimited, unhindered, for this instrument is absolutely one with Him and open to Him for His final move in this age!
The age before the present age was the age of the law, then there was a turn to the age of grace, which is called the age of the church, but there’s another designation – the age of mystery.
We are living in the age of mystery, the great mysteries, Christ as the mystery of God and the church as the mystery of Christ, the mystery of the gospel.
If we’re only fixed only on outward, physical things, we will not have the proper sense of the intrinsic work God is carrying out in with through us. All He is doing to consummate His economy is invisible to us. Christ is making His home in our heart through faith and we need to be living out this mystery.
The preparation of the bride and all the aspects are part of this mystery, Christ and the church.
We are not here just surviving or overcoming the environment, but that inwardly we would be one with the Lord so that Rev. 10:7 would be fulfilled: The mystery of God is completed, and this is when the bride is prepared!

The marriage of the Lamb is the issue of the completion of God’s New Testament economy, which is to obtain for Christ a bride, the church, through His judicial redemption and by His organic salvation in His divine life; the Lord’s recovery is for the preparation of the bride, who is composed of all His overcomers. 2020 Memorial Day Conference, Key Statement 4
The Lord’s recovery is for the preparation of the bride.
Consider this: we are at the stage nearing the final stage of the preparation of the bride, and this is the issue of the completion of God’s New Testament economy, God’s dispensing, His building in Christ into us, His producing the corporate Christ, the Body of Christ, our experience of His complete salvation – with its judicial redemption and organic salvation in all its details.
All this needs to be going on, this is part of the mystery! The bride needs to be mature, fully-grown, built up to a corporate person!
She needs to have a wedding garment of righteousnesses, showing that she lives Christ as her subjective righteousness; she must be beautiful, beautified with Christ Himself, an experienced warrior, for when the Lord will come back to the earth He will come with His bridal army.
We need to see the throne, the vision and connection between the world situation and the Lord’s recovery, realize that God is sovereign, be part of the dispensational instrument, give ourselves to the Lord fully day by day so that the preparation of the bride would be unhindered, that the mysteries we cannot see would be worked out as inward reality and manifested in glory when the Lord comes!
May we all open your being to the Lord, to the word He speaks through human vessels, and let the timely word enter us, so that the spirit would work unhindered as we near the consummation of the age!
Amen, Lord Jesus, we love Your word, we open to You, and we give You the full ground to operate in us and gain in us what You desire to gain for Your final move in this age!
A Timely Word Concerning the World Situation and the Lord’s Recovery – 2020 Memorial Day Conference – Key Statements
We need to see the world situation as the indicator of God’s move on earth and the vision of world history from Christ’s ascension to the end of this age; we also need to work together with the Lord to spread the truths of the Lord’s recovery as a preparation for His coming back and to persevere in prayer, while discerning “the signs of the times.”
We need to see a spiritual vision of the throne of God as the center of God’s administration throughout the universe and realize that the sovereign God has the full capacity to carry out what He wants according to the desire of His heart and according to His eternal economy, as He is ruling over everyone and everything.
Today the way to become vitalized is to answer God’s call to be His overcomers, His dispensational instrument, to turn the age; an overcomer is a vital person, and a vital person (one who is living and active) is a praying person.
The marriage of the Lamb is the issue of the completion of God’s New Testament economy, which is to obtain for Christ a bride, the church, through His judicial redemption and by His organic salvation in His divine life; the Lord’s recovery is for the preparation of the bride, who is composed of all His overcomers.
Message 1: The World Situation as the Indicator of God’s Move on Earth, the Vision of World History from Christ’s Ascension to the End of This Age, the Spreading of the Truths of the Lord’s Recovery as a Preparation for His Coming Back, and Persevering in Prayer, While Discerning “the Signs of the Times”
- In our Spirit we see that the World Situation is the Indicator of God’s Move on Earth
- Seeing Satan’s Wearing out Tactics and Praying to be the Lord’s Overcomers Today
- Christ with His Overcomers will Destroy Antichrist and Bring in the Kingdom of God
- World History in the Church Age is a Four-horse Race: the Gospel, War, Death, and Famine
- Preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom and Spreading the Truths of the Lord’s Recovery
- Seeing the Signs of the Times and Devoting ourselves to Prayer for God’s Interests
Message 2: Seeing a Vision of the Throne of God, the Spiritual Scene behind the World Situation, and Christ as the Center of God’s Administration
- A Vision of the Throne of God: God is on the Throne Ruling over all Things for His Economy
- Cooperating with God for Christ to be Preeminent through the Ruling of the Heavens
- Seeing a Vision of the Excellent Christ as the Preeminent One for our Encouragement
- Seeing the Spiritual Scene behind the World Situation and Persevering in Prayer
- Seeing the Enthroned Christ as the Worthy Lion-Lamb Executing God’s Administration
- Christ as the Ruler of the Kings of the Earth Administrates by the Seven Spirits
Message 3: The Universal History according to God’s Economy— the Divine History within the Human History
- The Divine History within the Human History is the Mystery of the Triune God in Humanity
- The History of God in Man continues today in us: We’re Part of Christ’s Goings Forth
- Being Renewed in our Mind and Living in the Church to live in the Divine History
- We write God’s Today’s history by being one with God in our Life, Living, and Doing
- Having a Clear View of God’s Economy, being Directed by it and Knowing where we Are
- Being Faithful to Cooperate with God’s Ultimate Move by Standing for the Recovery
Message 4: Praying Persistently with God as Our Faith
- We need to Learn to Pray by Faith for Executing God’s Will according to His Economy
- As the Church we can utter a Prayer with Authority by being one with God’s Will
- We Pray Persistently and Not Lose Heart to be Mingled with God and be One with Him
- Praying Persistently and Trusting our Sovereign Lord who is a God who Hides Himself
- God needs our Cooperation in Persistent Prayer to Execute His Economy and Judgement
- Live by the Linking Faith to be Overcomers who Meet Christ in His Triumphant Return
Message 5: Answering God’s Call to Be His Dispensational Instrument, His Overcomers, to Turn the Age
- Being those who have a Dispensational Value to God doing a Special Work to End this age
- May we Answer the Lord’s Call for Overcomers and be like Daniel and his Companions!
- Joined to God’s Desire through His Word and Praying to Lay the Tracks for God’s Move
- Redeeming the Opportunity to be God’s Dispensational Instrument with a Spirit of Martyrdom
- Sensing and Seizing the Opportunities to Serve God, do His Will, and Prepare the Bride
- Understanding the Times and being Vitalized to be persons Praying Age-Turning Prayers
Message 6: The Preparation of the Bride
- The Lord’s Recovery is for the Producing of the Overcomers, the Bride of Christ
- Grow unto Maturity in life and be Built up to be Prepared as the Bride of Christ
- Christ Lived out of us as our Subjective Righteousnesses becomes our Wedding Garment
- The Beauty of the Bride comes from the Christ Wrought into and Expressed in the Church
- The Church is both the Bride presented to Christ and the Corporate Warrior of God
- Cooperate with the Lord to become the Bride as His Army to Fight against His Enemy
The Holy Word for Morning Revival – A Timely Word concerning the World Situation and the Lord’s Recovery by Witness Lee
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
It’s one thing to sincerely pray for the kingdom to come, to pray for His will to be done, to pray for Him to come for His bride; it is another thing, however, that we would recognize that there must be an instrument on earth to enable this age-turn to take place!
There must be a corporate God-man on earth the dispensational instrument through which the Lord can move unhindered.
Regarding praying, gospel preaching, shepherding, teaching, spreading the truth, establishing churches, etc this instrument is unique in that the Lord is unlimited, unhindered, for this instrument is absolutely one with Him and open to Him for His final move in this age!
The age before the present age was the age of the law, then there was a turn to the age of grace, which is called the age of the church, but there’s another designation – the age of mystery.
We are living in the age of mystery, the great mysteries, Christ as the mystery of God and the church as the mystery of Christ, the mystery of the gospel.
Read more of my enjoyment in this book here