enjoying the rich Lord flowing as the Spirit in us by calling on the Lord’s name

enjoying the rich Lord flowing as the Spirit in us by calling on the Lord's nameAs believers in the Lord, we are part of the organic universal Body of Christ – we are members of the Body!

In many ways, we can understand the way the Body works by looking at our physical body – and the most striking thing about our human body is that our blood – the circulation of our blood – keeps our body alive. If our blood would stop flowing / circulating, our body will become a corpse / we will die.

In the same way, in the Body of Christ there is the “circulation of blood”, which is the fellowship of the Spirit, that keeps the Body of Christ alive! The fellowship in Christ’s Body is the circulation of the Spirit – the Spirit today is “the blood” in Christ’s Body.

The circulation of blood continually nourishes and cherishes every member of the body, and – if it is proper and normal – it keeps us healthy! Of course, we need to exercise every day so that our blood may be properly circulating – in the same way, in the spiritual realm, we need to exercise our spirit every day to make sure there is a continual flow within us!

The Spirit who is the circulation in the Body of Christ is the compound all-inclusive Spirit – not just the Spirit of God, but it is compounded with all the wonderful processes Christ went through on the earth: incarnation, perfect human living, crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension.

The Spirit that circulates in the Body of Christ and which we enjoy by the exercise of our spirit is so rich – it is the consummated Spirit, the Spirit who has been compounded and mingled, and who is now dispensing! There is divinity here, humanity, Christ’s person, His all-inclusive wonderful death, and His empowering resurrection!

This is why Paul says in Rom. 10:12 that the Lord is rich to all those who call on His name. Whenever we call on the name of the Lord, He is so rich to us – He flows in us with all that He is and supplies us, strengthens us, and nourishes us!

Actually, we are daily experiencing the fact that the more we call on the name of the Lord with a loud voice, the more our spirit is released and the more we are healed and strengthened!

This is a very good way to “exercise our spirit” – to call on the name of the Lord and enjoy His riches! Such a calling on the Lord will make us very healthy, because to call in this way is to exercise!

We can’t really enjoy the Lord too much if we’re always quiet, shut within ourselves, and quietly pray. Many times we need to break through and just get away from anyone and anything else – and then call on the name of the Lord! When we call on Him,

O, Lord Jesus! O Lord! Lord Jesus! O Lord, Amen, Hallelujah!

even for five or ten minutes, the Lord will be so rich to us! He as the consummated Spirit will flow into all our being and we will definitely have a proper circulation of the Spirit in us!

Our calling on the name of the Lord causes the Spirit to circulate within us, and as the Spirit flows into us, into every part of our being, He also flows out of us to the ones around us! This compound Spirit with the Lord’s divinity, humanity, death, and resurrection, flows into every part of our being, bringing our whole being into the fellowship of the Body, the fellowship of the Spirit!

When this Spirit circulates within us, we enjoy all of Christ’s riches… – and this circulation actually is the fellowship of the Body of Christ!

[enjoyment from the Morning Revival for today, topic: The Fellowship and Blending of the Body of Christ unto Glory to the Only Wise God; read this article in Spanish via, disfrutando al Señor, que es rico, fluyendo como el Espíritu en nosotros al invocar el nombre del Señor]

Lord, keep us calling on Your name! Save us from just quietly calling or thinking about You! Keep us calling until You flow within us! We want to properly exercise our spirit to be in this flow of the Spirit within the Body of Christ! Lord, how much we need the nourishment and the supply of the flowing Spirit! Save us from being apart from the circulation of the Spirit in the Body! May we exercise our spirit to call on Your name and enjoy all Your riches!

About aGodMan

A God-man is a normal believer in Christ; the author of this article is one who is learning to be a normal Christian, a daily enjoyer of Christ, a living and functioning member in the Body of Christ. Amen, Lord, make us such ones for the building up of the Body of Christ!

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Lally C.
Lally C.
8 years ago

Amen, the name of Jesus is a saving name so let’s call of the name of the Lord is so available, rich & wonderful. “O Lord Jesus”.