Enjoying the Benefits of Daily Persevering in Prayer with the Lord

Through prayer we set our mind on the things which are above, where Christ is (Col. 3:2). The best way to wet our mind on the things in the heavens is through prayer. [In the picture: For a normal Christian walk we need to set our mind on the things above, have the renewing of the new man, have the peace of Christ arbitrating in us, and allow the word of Christ to inhabit us; prayer ushers us into the reality of these four things and keeps us in this reality]

Persevering in prayer has many benefits, enriching both our spiritual life and our relationship with the Lord and with the Body of Christ.

If we mean business with the Lord and make a vow before Him concerning our prayer life, and then we daily practice to have set times of prayer in which prayer is our main preoccupation, we will slowly become a duplication of Christ as the Man of prayer, standing on the earth for God.

There are many benefits of prayer, and the ones below are the top three I recently enjoyed in my study of the Word.

Setting our mind on the things above

Through prayer we set our mind on the things which are above, where Christ is (Col. 3:2). The best way to set our mind on the things in the heavens is through prayer.

When we pray, we focus not on our needs but rather on Christ’s heavenly ministry, and we enter into His intercession for all the churches (Heb. 7:25; 8:2). We care for God’s need, for His kingdom, and He will take care of our need (Matt. 6:33).

By focusing on the things above, we become a reflection of the Head of the Body, Christ, and we will utter in the earth the prayers He utters in the heavens for the fulfilling of His will – this is the way He carries out His economy and fulfills His administration.

We become God’s ambassadors, His representatives on the earth, being the extension of God’s kingdom on the earth (2 Cor. 5:20).

We will be those filled with the divine life, those determined of gaining the honor of being well pleasing to him, those constrained by the love of Christ, and those who know everyone according to the spirit and not according to the flesh. Only when we pray can we be such ones as God’s ambassadors.

Recharging our spiritual batteries

Through prayer we enter into the Holy of Holies to touch the throne of grace, and here we receive the Triune God as mercy and grace for timely help (Heb. 4:16).

Through prayer we recharge our spiritual batteries, receiving the heavenly electricity into our being. Whether our prayers are answered or not is secondary – what matters is that we receive the flow of grace to supply us!

Through prayer we set our mind on the things which are above, where Christ is (Col. 3:2). The best way to wet our mind on the things in the heavens is through prayer. [In the picture: Whether or not our prayer is answered is secondary. The primary thing is that grace flows like a river from the throne and into our being.]

When we touch the throne of grace, grace as a river shall flow – Hallelujah! When we pray and touch the throne of grace, we receive the supply and the flowing river of grace – the enjoyment is so rewarding, so supplying, and so satisfying!

The reason many believers are not so living and fresh with the Lord in their Christian life is because they don’t constantly recharge their spiritual battery.

Many times during the day we need to come forward with boldness to the throne of grace through persevering in prayer, so that our spiritual battery may be recharged with the divine heavenly electricity!

Don’t be short of prayer but continually seek to be recharged by persevering in prayer!

Praying to fellowship with the Lord

When we pray, we enter into a deeper fellowship with the Lord and we have the sense that we are one spirit with Him.

How can we fellowship with the Lord in spirit (John 4:24)? The best way is to pray. The way to have the Lord’s presence and His anointing, the way to have sweet fellowship with the Lord, is to pray.

The more we pray, the more we have that sweet feeling that we are one spirit with the Lord, and we have His presence with us. His precious smile, His smiling face, is our reward. What a blessing, to have the Lord's presence when we pray! [In the picture: When we pray, we enter into fellowship with the Lord and become conscious of the fact that we are truly one spirit with Him and that He is actually one spirit with us (1 Cor. 6:17).]

The more we pray, the more we have that sweet feeling that we are one spirit with the Lord, and we have His presence with us. His precious smile, His smiling face, is our reward. What a blessing, to have the Lord’s presence when we pray!

Just as Moses in Exo. 33:11-14, we want to spend face-to-face time with God, so that we may see what’s in His heart and be infused with His desire.

By praying with perseverance we become close to God, and His face will shine upon us to give us peace, joy, and seasons of refreshing (Psa. 16:11).

This is what makes us distinct among all the nations, the fact that we have God’s presence with us all the time.

Lord, keep us persisting in prayer. Strengthen our set times with You all throughout the day. May we not lose heart as we pray. Rather, Lord, we want to recharge our spiritual battery by having times of prayer to touch the throne of grace and enjoy the flowing river of life! O Lord, Your precious smile is our reward. We love to spend time with You, fellowship with You in prayer, and enjoy Your presence in prayer!

References and Further Reading
  • Sharing inspired from portions in, Life-study of Colossians, msg. 65, as quoted in the Holy Word for Morning Revival on Prayer and the Lord’s Move, week 4 (entitled, Persevering in Prayer).
  • Hymns on this topic:
    #  O Jesus, Lord, with me abide; / I rest in Thee, whate’er betide; / Thy gracious smile is my reward; / I love, I love Thee, Lord!
    In the holiest place, touch the throne of grace, / Grace as a river shall flow.
  • Pictures source: with permission via, Inspiration Unlimited (Prayer and the Lord’s Move set).
About aGodMan

A God-man is a normal believer in Christ; the author of this article is one who is learning to be a normal Christian, a daily enjoyer of Christ, a living and functioning member in the Body of Christ. Amen, Lord, make us such ones for the building up of the Body of Christ!

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agodman.com blog - E
12 years ago

Persevering in prayer has many benefits. By prayer we set our mind on the things above. In fact, prayer is the only way to have our mind set on the things in heaven. When we set our mind on things above by praying, we shall not pray for trivial matters. Instead, our prayer will be occupied with Christ’s heavenly intercession, ministry, and administration. Because Christ is interceding for the churches around the world, we also pray for the churches. Let the Lord take care of all the small matters in our living. Our responsibility is to seek first the kingdom of God and God’s righteousness. Since the Father knows our need, He will take care of us and meet our need. (Life-study of Colossians, p. 581)

Tom Smith
12 years ago

Believers in Christ need to be impressed that a life of persevering prayer has tremendous benefits not only for them personally, but for the Lord's Body corporately. How much richer will all the gatherings of the believers be if each has some daily practice of persevering prayer? We will have a corporate clear sky because the saints are setting their minds on the things above. With their spiritual batteries charged the saints will become much more vital in practicing a gospel preaching and lamb-feeding life in a dynamic way. And by such prayer the saints' fellowship with the Lord will become rich such that they can usher others into a deep touch with the Lord so these ones are quickly caught by the Lord and consecrate their entire life to Him for His purpose. Oh how we need much more experience of such persevering prayer–both personally and corporately!

12 years ago

What I enjoyed most this morning is that we get His presence through prayer, by prayer, during prayer. This is the greatest reward!! His presence is all we need! Whether or not our prayers are answers are secondary, the primary matter is that grace flows like a river out from the throne and into our being. We just want to sense the flow, the divine current of electricity in our spirit. The supply and enjoyment this brings is unspeakable. The way to learn to pray is by praying! Just like exercising, it is not easy in the beginning, but we need to be consistent, to persevere, and we will enjoy the benefits of prayer – fellowship with Him, being one spirit with Him, having His presence, grace as a river full, joy unspeakable, the peace of God, all the riches of God….. Such a marvellous reward!

Eyob solomon
Eyob solomon
12 years ago

How awesome and magnificent the prayer messages we have been enjoying. May the Lord lead us into a higher and deeper experience of intercessory prayer life, for His move, His interest, His economy, the consummation of the age and the establishment of His kingdom.

11 years ago

persevering prayer mas more benifits on pur spiritual life .The best way is to pray have the Lord precence,wherever we are,call Him as pray and satisfied Him.