Acts 26:18 To open their eyes, to turn them from darkness to light and from the authority of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among those who have been sanctified by faith in Me.
God ordained that His people would inherit the birthright; He wants them to enjoy their allotted portion of the good land and to be priests and kings for God to be His kingdom on earth.
But unfortunately many of God’s people have lost their land and even themselves due to poverty, and they had to sell themselves into slavery. Many lost their birthright.
However, God made a provision for all those who lost their birthright: in the fiftieth year, the year of jubilee, the ram’s horn is sounded and a proclamation is made for everyone to be released from captivity and restored to his lost possession (Lev. 25). In the year of jubilee all those who have lost their birthright were released from any bondage and restored back to their lost possession.
This is such a good picture of what happens with mankind in general: all men were created by God in His image and with His likeness to have the birthright of enjoying God, expressing God, and representing God.
However, all mankind is fallen due to sin, unbelief, and independence from God, so the Lord Jesus came to fulfill all the righteous, holy, and glorious requirements of God and proclaim the jubilee for everyone who repents and believes into Him!
Now God is our rightful possession, and by being redeemed through faith into Christ we are restored back to the enjoyment of God! We are the prodigal sons returning to our Father and being restored to our rightful possession, God Himself (Luke 15).
The whole New Testament age is the year of jubilee, the year of glorious emancipation, deliverance from any bondage, release from any slavery, and return to the lost possession! When a man believes into Christ, Satan has to release him from under the slavery of sin, and he is restored to the enjoyment of God!
However, among the millions of believers on the earth, not many exercise and enjoy their birthright. This is why there is the need that today, in the year of jubilee, we would be recovered to our birthright, we proclaim the jubilee, and we spread the jubilee!
In the Year of Jubilee Our Lost Birthright has been Redeemed, Recovered, and Restored
Due to Adam’s fall, all men are fallen, born in sin, slaves to sin. We lost our birthright and our status, and we sold ourselves into captivity to be slaves under sin. Paul says in Rom. 7:14, I am fleshy, sold under sin. All the fallen unregenerated human beings have lost their birthright and are slaves under sin.
All mankind has lost the right to enjoy God, express God, and represent God. Even more, all mankind is born under the slavery of sin, and Satan is the slave-master.
But when the Lord Jesus came, He proclaimed the year of jubilee. He said in Luke 4:18-19,
The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because He has anointed Me to announce the gospel to the poor; He has sent Me to proclaim release to the captives, and recovery of sight to the blind, to send away in release those who are oppressed, to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord, the year of jubilee.
Since the Lord Jesus came, the whole New Testament age has been part of the year of jubilee, the acceptable year of the Lord! Now everyone who repents and believes into the Lord Jesus is redeemed, recovered, and restored to his birthright, and he has the right to enjoy God, express God, and represent God!
Based on Christ’s redemption, God has the righteous standing upon which to justify, save, and bring to full salvation all those who believe into the Lord Jesus.
Because the righteous requirement of God’s law has been fulfilled, because the ruler of this world has been cast out and the world has been judged, because the devil who had the power of death has been destroyed, the Lord has the standing to proclaim release from the bondage of sin, deliverance from the slavery of sin and death, recovery of the birthright, and restoration to the enjoyment of God to whomever opens, repents, and believes into Him!
Today all man has to do is repent and believe into the Lord Jesus, and he is restored to his birthright of enjoying God!
Our lost birthright has been redeemed through Christ’s redemption, and it has been recovered and restored to us. Now we are in the jubilee, there are shouts of joy and exultation, we are being delivered from any bondage, and we are returned to our rightful possession, God Himself!
Thank You Lord Jesus for coming to proclaim the year of jubilee! By believing into You we are redeemed, restored, and recovered to our lost possession, God Himself! There is now no more condemnation to us who are in Christ Jesus. Hallelujah, we are being daily released from any bondage and slavery under sin, the world, the self, the flesh, and Satan! Praise the Lord, God in Christ is our allotted portion to enjoy with the saints in the light!
Proclaiming and Spreading the Jubilee – the Gospel of the New Testament

Luke 24:47 And that repentance for forgiveness of sins would be proclaimed in His name to all the nations, beginning from Jerusalem. Source: Christian Pics
The Lord Jesus came and proclaimed the jubilee, and all those who believe His word and receive Him as their Savior enjoy the birthright in the age of jubilee.
But unfortunately so many believers on earth today still do not enjoy their birthright; they are still in some bondage, still not enjoying God as their possession, and still only in the realm of their mind or emotions.
In the Old Testament, when a slave was released in the year of jubilee and he returned to his lost possession, there was much joy, rejoicing, and spreading of the jubilee! Similarly, if we are brought back to the enjoyment of God and we learn to bring man to God and God to man, we should be those who also proclaim the jubilee and spread the jubilee!
We need to be one with the Lord to proclaim the gospel in the New Testament, the gospel of the jubilee! We have been and constantly are being released from any bondage, and we are increasingly enjoying the all-inclusive Christ as our good land; now it is time for us to proclaim the jubilee to our fellow men and spread the jubilee to our fellow believers!
We need to spread the jubilee, the gospel of the New Testament, the proclamation of the release of the captives and of the recovery of the lost birthright (Luke 9:1-6; 24:47). The Lord Jesus did it, and He is calling us – as He called Paul – to do the same thing,
To open their eyes, to turn them from darkness to light and from the authority of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among those who have been sanctified by faith in Me. Acts 26:18
The Lord Jesus as God mingled with man took the lead to do this, and, as those enjoying the mingling of the divine nature with its attributes with our human nature with its virtues to produce the highest standard of morality, we need to spread the jubilee and proclaim the jubilee!
There are many people around us who do not know what freedom from the bondage of sin is. We need to spread the jubilee by preaching the gospel of the kingdom to release people from bondage and bring them to enjoy their lost birthright!
We need to pray for countries like India, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Pakistan, China, Bangladesh, etc and especially pray and speak in the dead countries of Western Europe!
We shouldn’t merely just revel in having the birthright restored to us but go and preach the gospel to all the nations – starting to the place where the Lord put us. We need to rescue the perishing, care for the dying, snatch them out of the bondage and death.
We need to proclaim that God is love, God is joy, God is life, God is light, and there is a family ready to receive them no matter who and what they are!
We need to be one with Christ to proclaim the jubilee for others to be freed from the bondage of sin, Satan, the world, and the self, and for them to enjoy their lost birthright – the right to enjoy the Triune God in Christ (2 Cor. 13:14; Eph. 3:16-17).
May the Lord infuse us with faith to claim our right to enjoy the Triune God, and may we stand with the Lord to proclaim the year of jubilee!
Lord Jesus, make us one with You to spread the jubilee, the gospel of the New Testament! Lord, we want to stand with You and proclaim the release of the captives and the recovery of the lost birthright to those who are open to receive You! Infuse us with faith that we may claim our right to enjoy the Triune God, and strengthen us to speak the gospel to so many lost sinners around us! May the gospel of the New Testament be preached to the whole inhabited earth for many to be released from bondage and be brought back to their birthright of enjoying the Triune God!
References and Hymns on this Topic
- Inspiration: the Word of God, my Christian experience, bro. Ron Kangas’ sharing in the message for this week, and portions from, Life-Study of Luke (msg. 27), as quoted in, the Holy Word for Morning Revival on, Crystallization-Study of Genesis (3), week 5 / msg 5, The Birthright.
- Picture source (the last picture) with some more ministry portions – Christian Pictures blog.
- Hymns on this topic:
# Jesus, Jesus our Redeemer / Has secured our liberty, / He has freed us from our bondage / Now in His life we are free. / From the darkness to the light— / Now in Him reality. / We proclaim the year of our Lord, / Hallelujah Jubilee. (Song on, The Jubilee)
# Jesus Christ You are the Man-Savior / Expressing God; / Beautifully, sweetly, and pleasantly. / Jesus Christ, the genuine, complete, / Moral, perfect Man revealing God; / In His saving grace to fallen man, / In the Jubilee of grace. (Song on Jesus, the Jubilee)
# Down in the human heart, / Crushed by the tempter, / Feelings lie buried that grace can restore; / Touched by a loving heart, / Wakened by kindness, / Chords that are broken will vibrate once more. / Rescue the perishing, / Care for the dying; / Jesus is merciful, / Jesus will save. (Hymns #921)
Hope you might enjoy this new song, based on the note posted above: the tune used is familiar to us, and is linked here:
tune: Far Above All/128 https://www.hymnal.net/en/hymn/h/128
What happened to us in our fallen life?
We lost our birthright, sold ourselves into–
Captivity, and became slaves. We–
Lost everything, including our birthright …
And our status. A person who–
Has not lost anything would not —
Look forward to the year of jubilee.
In fact, to such a one, the jubilee…
Might be a suffering. But the one who–
Has lost everything, including his–
Land and himself, he would surely look–
Forward to the year of jubilee.
When the year of jubilee came,
He would rejoice at being released,
And recovering the right to his–
Portion of the land. O, Hallelujah!
source: based on excerpt from: Life-Study of Luke, p. 98; posted 10/2/14; song from 10/2/14.