Enjoy the Riches of the Divine Life to become a Reproduction of Christ as our Model

For to this you were called, because Christ also suffered on your behalf, leaving you a model so that you may follow in His steps. 1 Pet. 2:21

As believers in Christ, we may become a reproduction of Christ as our model; He is our model, the underwriting, which we can trace and copy in our daily living not by outwardly imitating Him but by inwardly enjoying Him, partaking of His riches, and letting Him be revealed in us, make His home in us, live in us, and be formed in us. Amen!

This week we come to a new topic in our morning revival called, Becoming a Reproduction of Christ and Experiencing Christ as the Shepherd of Our Souls.

We see this mainly in 1 Peter chapter 2; this is one of the important points in the Epistles of Peter.

When we read Peter’s Epistles we may be quite impressed with the fact that our Christian life is under the government of God, and we may be quite touched by the Lord judging all things and all persons until He gains a universe in which righteousness dwells.

However, we need to realize that there’s a central focus and basic structure of these epistles and of the whole Bible in general, which is not mainly the government of God but is related to God’s economy.

The basic structure and central focus of the Epistles of Peter and of the entire Bible is the Triune God who has been processed to become our all-inclusive portion.

May we exercise our spirit to cooperate with the Lord and respond to the divine Spirit as He operates in us to infuse all that God is into our being.

It is good to diligently study all the verses and know the details in the Epistles of Peter, but as we do this, we should not lose sight of the fact that the Triune God went through a process to dispense Himself into us as our enjoyment and everything so that we may live Christ and become the reproduction of Christ

It is easy for us to read the Bible and be impressed with things written in it, yet miss the central line of the Bible, the main street of the Bible, and the basic structure and central focus of the Bible.

We may appreciate many practices revealed in the Bible and we may be touched by many words of wisdom, and we may pick up many points related to our living, our speaking, and our attitude.

But we need to see a vision of God’s economy to realize that the entire Bible speaks of God’s eternal economy according to which the Triune God became a man and went through a process to become a life-giving Spirit to dispense Himself into us and live in us to obtain a corporate dwelling place.

May the Lord save us from our natural way of reading the Bible.

May we be enlightened to see God’s economy and live a Christian life under the vision of the eternal economy of God so that we may be one with the Lord and become a reproduction of Christ as our model.

We Believers in Christ may Become a Reproduction of Christ as our Model

For to this you were called, because Christ also suffered on your behalf, leaving you a model so that you may follow in His steps; Who committed no sin, nor was guile found in His mouth; Who being reviled did not revile in return; suffering, He did not threaten but kept committing [all] to Him who judges righteously. 1 Pet. 2:21-231 Pet. 2:21 is a wonderful verse, for here Peter tells us that were called to this, because Christ also suffered on our behalf, leaving us a model so that we may follow in His steps.

We believers in Christ were called to this, to become a reproduction of Christ as our model. He is our model and we are His reproduction.

This word “model” has been spoiled today, and we don’t have a proper appreciation of this.

In Greek, this word refers to a writing copy, an underwriting for those who study to trace letters as they learn to draw them.

In the old days, the teachers would write letters on a writing material, and those letters became a master copy.

Then, the students would put another piece of writing material upon the master copy and practice writing by tracing the letters from the master copy onto their own copy.

The Lord Jesus has set His life with His living, especially His suffering on our behalf, as an underwriting before us for us to copy by tracing and following His steps.

He is the model and we need to copy Him.

How do we copy Christ? It is not by trying to imitate Him outwardly by thinking, What would Jesus do in this moment?

Nor is it by exercising our effort to imitate Christ so that we speak what He speaks and do what He does. This does not work.

Trying our best to imitate Christ doesn’t work; we’re not able to imitate Him. He is the master copy, and He has set His life before us for us to live the same way that He lived.

Even as He was in this world, so we are today (1 John 4:17; John 15:19).

We read the Gospels and admire the Lord’s living, His words, and His pattern.

He didn’t come just to accomplish redemption for us; He lived in a certain way, spoke certain words, and had a particular kind of living and attitude when He was on earth.

As we read the Gospels with the exercise of our spirit, touching the Lord in our mingled spirit, we realize that the Lord has set His life with His living before us as a model for us to copy today.

We believers in Christ may be a reproduction of Christ as our model.

What kind of living did the Lord have while He was on the earth? What should we copy and imitate, by becoming a reproduction of Christ as our model?

1 Pet. 2:21-23 tells us that the Lord committed no sin, nor was guile found in His mouth.

He was being reviled, but He did not revile in return. He suffered, but He did not threaten but kept committing all to Him who judges righteously. Amen!

Come to Me all who toil and are burdened, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am meek and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light. Matt. 11:28-30If we try to imitate this by our own effort, it doesn’t work.

When we try to imitate the Lord’s human living by our own efforts is like a monkey trying to imitate a man.

The monkey may stand on two feet, try to walk like a man, maybe even be clothed as a man and pretend to do this or that, but at the end of the day, it returns back to being a monkey, not a man.

Many times we discover that we try our hardest to imitate Christ by our own efforts, and it seems to work for a while, but then we return to what we used to do before and we behave the same way as before. Oh, Lord!

The living of the Lord Jesus under the government of God is a model so that we may follow in His steps by becoming His reproduction (Eph. 4:20-21).

We are learning Christ as the reality is in Jesus.

The Lord Jesus has set His life before us as an underwriting for us to copy by tracing and following His steps (Matt. 11:28-30).

It is good to come to the Lord concerning this matter and have many conversations with Him, opening to Him from within, so that He may live in us and be expressed through us.

May we come to the end of our human resources and end our efforts to please Him and imitate Him, and may we just open to Him so that He in us may live the same kind of life as He was on the earth.

Lord Jesus, we love You! We open to You. We admire Your human living, for You lived the life of a God-man. Amen, Lord, we want to live the same way that You lived. Thank You for calling us to this, leaving us a model so that we may follow in Your steps. Amen, Lord, we want to follow in Your steps today. We want to copy You in our daily living not by outwardly imitating You but by inwardly enjoying You and allowing You to live in us. Oh Lord, live in us today. May we be in this world even as You were in this world. May we become a reproduction of Christ as our model. We take Your life with Your living as an underwriting for us to copy by tracing and following Your steps. Amen, Lord, even as You lived in this world, so we want to live today. Make us Your reproduction, Your duplication, and Your continuation. May we be saved from our efforts to try to imitate You outwardly and simply turn to You, enjoy Your riches, and allow You to live in us today!

We Become Christ’s Reproduction by Enjoying the Riches of the Divine Life

Because those whom He foreknew, He also predestinated [to be] conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the Firstborn among many brothers. Rom. 8:29

When the people in the world hear that we are Christians, they expect that we live in the same way that Jesus lived, and most times they are disappointed, for they do not see Jesus living in us.

Throughout the centuries millions of Christians lived according to the best of their ability trying to imitate Christ and express Christ, but their living was mainly outward imitation and not a reproduction of Christ as our model.

We are guilty of the same thing today; so many times today we live in the natural man, and then we may remember that we need to express Christ, so we try our best to be better, to do good, to not be angry, and to abstain from evil. Oh, Lord!

That everyone who believes into Him may have eternal life. John 3:15 To me, less than the least of all saints, was this grace given to announce to the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ as the gospel. Eph. 3:8It is not God’s intention that we try to imitate Christ by our own effort; on the contrary, what we need is not imitation but reproduction.

Rom. 8:29 tells us that we were predestined by God to be a reproduction of Christ as our model, for He is the Firstborn among many brothers and we are conformed to His image to be the same as He is.

How does this happen? It is not by outward imitation or our striving to copy His living and speak His words, but by beholding Him day by day so that we may reflect Him, thus being transformed into the same image from glory to glory (2 Cor. 3:18).

We are predestinated by God to become a copy of Christ, a reproduction of Christ as our model.

We are predestinated to be conformed to the image of Christ; this was God’s plan from the very beginning.

He wanted many copies of Christ, a corporate reproduction of Christ; therefore, Christ came to be incarnated, lived a perfect human life and laid His life as an underwriting for us to copy, and now we follow in His steps.

We can become Christ’s reproduction, even copies of Christ, by experiencing a process that involves the riches of the divine life.

We enjoy the riches of Christ, are richly supplied with all that He is, and spontaneously follow in His steps to become a reproduction of Christ as our model.

We need to become Christ’s reproduction, copies of Christ, by a process that involves the riches of the divine life; when this process is completed, we will become a reproduction of Christ (John 3:15; Eph. 3:8).

The making of Xerox copies may be used to illustrate what Peter means by Christ being a model to us.

When you put a particular page on the copier, you don’t think that the copy will somehow look similar to that page; rather, you know it will be exactly the same.

It’s not an unclear imitation but a full copy, word by word and detail by detail, of the original.

Christ is the original and we are the copies; His living is set before us for us to copy, and as we enjoy the riches of His divine life, He lives in us and reproduces Himself in us.

But you did not so learn Christ, If indeed you have heard Him and have been taught in Him as the reality is in Jesus. Eph. 4:20-21 But we all with unveiled face, beholding and reflecting like a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, even as from the Lord Spirit. 2 Cor. 3:18From experience, we know that, as we enjoy Christ day by day, we are undergoing the process of spiritual reproduction so that we may become living copies of Christ.

Wow, we are becoming living and breathing copies of Christ!

May we be encouraged and may we encourage one another to enjoy Christ! May we not look to our efforts or pay attention to our dispositions but focus our attention on Christ to enjoy His riches!

He lives in us. It pleased God to reveal His Son in us – we need to have a fresh revelation of Christ day by day.

He is making His home in our hearts – we need to let Him make His home deep in our heart daily (Eph. 3:16).

He lives in us – we have been crucified with Christ, and now He lives in us as we live one spirit with Him (1 Cor. 6:17; Gal. 2:20).

He is being formed in us – there’s a process that we go through in order for Him to take shape in us, be formed in us (Gal. 4:19). Hallelujah!

May we daily come to the Lord to enjoy Him, be filled with Him, and partake of His riches in spirit so that we may have Him revealed in us, making His home in our hearts, living in us, and being formed in us until we become a reproduction of Christ as our model!

As we practice enjoying Christ as grace, as the model, and as the wonderful Savior, Shepherd, and Overseer of our souls, we are infused with Him and spontaneously we live Christ, becoming a reproduction of this wonderful model who set His life before us as our pattern.

Lord Jesus, make us Your reproduction on the earth today! We come to You to enjoy the riches of Your divine life in our spirit. We exercise our spirit to contact You and enjoy You in Your holy word. We give up our efforts, our struggling, and our striving to please You or imitate You outwardly; we just come to You to enjoy You today! Amen, Lord, may we enjoy You with Your riches day by day so that we may undergo the process of spiritual reproduction so that we can become living copies of Christ! Hallelujah, Christ has set His life before us for us to copy and become a reproduction of Christ as our model! Amen, Lord, we want to follow in Your steps today. Even as You lived on the earth, so we want to live today. May You be revealed in us. May You live in us today. May You make Your home in us. May You be formed in us. Keep us enjoying Your riches today until we are filled with You and spontaneously live You out for Your expression!

References and Hymns on this Topic
About aGodMan

A God-man is a normal believer in Christ; the author of this article is one who is learning to be a normal Christian, a daily enjoyer of Christ, a living and functioning member in the Body of Christ. Amen, Lord, make us such ones for the building up of the Body of Christ!

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brother L.
brother L.
20 hours ago

To become the reproduction of Christ is very different from trying to imitate Him. To illustrate, a man may set an example for a monkey to stand upright, and the monkey stands up, imitating the man. Then the man walks, and the monkey imitates him by walking on two feet. But after the imitation is finished, the man leaves, and the monkey goes back to walking on all fours. At least to a certain extent, those teachers who instruct believers to imitate Christ are like a man training a monkey to imitate a human being. Trying to imitate Christ in such a way simply does not work. Therefore, I do not encourage you to imitate Christ. Instead, I would point you to His riches. I would point you to Him as the One living in us, being formed in us, and making His home in us so that we may undergo the process of becoming the reproduction of Christ as our model.

The Conclusion of the New Testament, pp. 601-602, by Witness Lee

Stefan M.
Stefan M.
20 hours ago

We believers in Christ need to become a reproduction of Christ as our model.

He is the underwriting – He laid His life and living before us so that we can become His reproduction not by imitating Him outwardly but by having Christ revealed in us, Christ living in us, Christ making His home in us, and Christ being formed in us.

This process involves the riches of the divine life.

Lord, keep us enjoying You today! Reproduce Yourself in us. May we become the same as You are by You making Your home in our hearts and by You being formed in us! Live in us today, dear Lord!

Live Thyself, Lord Jesus, through me!
Live Thyself, Lord Jesus, through me!
20 hours ago

A wonderful Hymn on this topic is #403

1. Live Thyself, Lord Jesus, through me,

 For my very life art Thou;

Thee I take to all my problems

 As the full solution now.

Live Thyself, Lord Jesus, through me,

 In all things Thy will be done;

I but a transparent vessel

 To make visible the Son.

2. Consecrated is Thy temple,

 Purged from every stain and sin;

May Thy flame of glory now be

 Manifested from within.

Let the earth in solemn wonder

 See my body willingly

Offered as Thy slave obedient,

 Energized alone by Thee.

3. Every moment, every member,

 Girded, waiting Thy command;

Underneath the yoke to labor

 Or be laid aside as planned.

When restricted in pursuing,

 No disquiet will beset;

Underneath Thy faithful dealing

 Not a murmur or regret.

4. Ever tender, quiet, restful,

 Inclinations put away,

That Thou may for me choose freely

 As Thy finger points the way.

Live Thyself, Lord Jesus, through me,

 For my very life art Thou;

Thee I take to all my problems

 As the full solution now.

God desires that Christ be expressed through human life. We see this in [Colossians] 3:18—4:1, a sister passage to Ephesians 5:22—6:9, regarding the believers’ ethical relationships. In Ephesians the emphasis is on the need of spirit-filled ethical relationships for the expression of the Body in the normal church life. In Colossians the emphasis is that we should hold Christ as our Head and take Him as our life by having His rich word dwelling in us, that the highest ethical relationships, issuing not from our natural life but from Christ as our life, may be realized for His expression.

If we live in union with Christ, Christ will be expressed through our humanity. Christ is to he expressed in the human life, not in the angelic life. Angels cannot express Christ. The Father has ordained that we, His chosen ones, be the expression of His Son. “Live Thyself, Lord Jesus, through me,” should be our prayer (see Hymns #403).

Life-study of Colossians, chapter 30 (LSM)

This hymn tells us that Christ is concealed within us, waiting to be manifested.

Even though Christ is concealed within us, this hidden glory cannot always remain covered and sometimes becomes manifest openly. I know that some parents are against their children’s becoming Christians, especially in the Chinese families that accept the ideologies of Confucius and Mencius. Such parents always think that when their children believe in Jesus, they are believing in a foreign religion, which is not a glory but a shame to their ancestors for three generations. This is why parents oppose their children’s believing in the Lord Jesus. Among the brothers and sisters here today, there is one who believed in the Lord and was saved under such a circumstance. This brother was saved in junior high school. Before he was saved, he was a naughty teenager, but after getting saved, his living changed completely. When people scolded him, he remained pleasant. His parents would beat him for believing in the Lord, but he would go meekly into his bedroom to kneel by his bed and pray to the Lord. Time after time, day after day the Lord Jesus would manifest His glory in this previously naughty teenager. His parents were so touched that eventually they also believed in the Lord. Many parents oppose when their children first believe in the Lord, but eventually they end up believing in the Lord also. Hallelujah! It is hard to find a family in which the parents do not follow their children to believe in the Lord. Everyone who is genuinely saved has the glory of the Lord Jesus manifested in him; this means that the invisible God is expressed through him.

Christ in His Excellency, chapter 3 (LSM)



Moh S.
Moh S.
19 hours ago


As the life-giving Spirit, Christ lives within us not only as our life but also as our person! Christ lives in us causing us to live with Him!

Lord may we live You today!

Alan B.
Alan B.
19 hours ago

Amen. Lord make Your home in our hearts.

The Lord has set before us an underwriting, of the life we should follow after. However many believe they should imitate Christ to be a good Christian, but this is not possible.

We need to become a reproduction of Christ as our model, and this is possible as Christ has dispensed Himself into us as a living person.

Day by day we need to experience and enjoy Christ as our life, this will cause the reproduction to make us living copies of Christ.

Amen, Lord thank you for all the processes you went through. Lord may we experience You in all our situations today. O lord may we gain You more as our life.

Richard C.
Richard C.
19 hours ago

For Christ to be a model for us is to trace and follow the steps of Him who died for us, who was without sin, guile and who did not revile or threaten when He suffered.

For this, we need to live by Christ as our inward life to experience the process of spiritual xeroxing to become His reproduction.

Lord, reproduce Yourself in us as we enjoy You as our Saviour, the shepherd and overseer of our souls! Amen. Lord reproduce Yourself in us through our enjoyment of You to live in us, be formed in and to make Your home in us!

A. D.
A. D.
18 hours ago

Amen, not an imitation but a reproduction produced by the ink of the Spirit!

RcV Bible
RcV Bible
18 hours ago

Lit., a writing copy, an underwriting (used by students to trace letters and thereby learn to draw them). The Lord has set His suffering life before us so that we can copy it by tracing and following His steps. This does not refer to a mere imitation of Him and His life but to a reproduction of Him that comes from enjoying Him as grace in our sufferings (see note 1 Pet. 2:191) so that He Himself as the indwelling Spirit, with all the riches of His life, reproduces Himself in us. We become the reproduction of the original writing copy, not a mere imitation of Him produced by taking Him as our outward model.

1 Pet. 2:21 footnote 2 on, model, Recovery Version Bible

Alex S.
Alex S.
17 hours ago

As believers in Christ, we may become a reproduction of Christ as our model.
