Enjoy and Express Christ as Grace in the Midst of Sufferings to have Grace with God

For this is grace, if anyone, because of a consciousness of God, bears sorrows by suffering unjustly. 1 Pet. 2:19

If we believers in Christ, while doing good and suffering, we endure, this is grace with God; grace with God refers to the motivation of the divine life within us and its expression in our living, which becomes in our behaviour gracious and acceptable in the eyes of both man and God, for we become a reproduction of Christ. Amen!

Praise the Lord for God in Christ as the Spirit coming to us as grace to be everything to us, do everything in us and supply us with all we need so we can fulfill God’s purpose!

When Christ came, grace came. Grace is not something apart from Christ; grace is not merely something God gives to us or does for us.

Rather, grace is Christ Himself who today is the life-giving Spirit coming into us to mingle Himself with us and supply us with everything we need for us to express Christ and have a gracious living before God and man.

As we enjoy the Lord day by day as grace, we live by grace, we stand in grace, and we labour by the grace of God who is within us.

Hallelujah, the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ is with our spirit, for Christ Himself is with our spirit!

Grace is not something done or given but Christ Himself, our person and our portion glorious!

As we live our Christian life today, especially as we live a life under the government of God, we need to come to the Lord to enjoy Him as our daily portion of grace.

Without His grace, we cannot stand. Without His grace being our portion daily, we cannot live the Christian life.

May we daily be open vessels toward the Lord so that we may be continual receivers of grace and set our hope wholly and perfectly on this grace.

Today we can and should enjoy grace as our portion.

As we partake of grace, are filled with grace, and do all things in and by the grace of God, grace will reign in us, grace will flow through us, and grace will be manifested in us.

Daily may we enjoy grace and also set our hope perfectly on the grace to be brought to us at the revelation of Jesus Christ.

Grace is not only for today but also for the future, for when the Lord Jesus is unveiled, at His second coming, we will receive an extra portion of grace!

Oh, what a grace it is to receive the salvation of our soul when the Lord Jesus returns!

This is what we set our hope on: the grace being brought to us at the revelation of Jesus Christ.

Today we enjoy Christ as grace and keep our being open to Him to be continual receivers of grace.

This is hiddenly, secretly, and not outwardly, for those around us cannot see how much we enjoy Christ.

However, one day this will become openly manifested, and we will see the Lord face to face to become His manifestation, and all will see the manifestation of the grace!

Grace with God is the Motivation of the Divine Life within us and its Expression in our Living

For this is grace, if anyone, because of a consciousness of God, bears sorrows by suffering unjustly. For what glory is it if, while sinning and being buffeted, you endure? But if, while doing good and suffering, you endure, this is grace with God. 1 Pet. 2:19-20In 1 Pet. 2:19-20 we see a particular aspect of grace – grace with God.

Grace with God in this portion refers to the motivation of the divine life within us and its expression in our living.

The Greek word for grace here is charis, referring to the wonderful inner motivation and outward expression of the divine life, as we live by this life even in the midst of sufferings, which becomes in our behaviour gracious and acceptable in the eyes of both man and God.

For this is grace, if anyone, because of a consciousness of God, bears sorrows by suffering unjustly.

For what glory is it if, while sinning and being buffeted, we endure? But if, while doing good and suffering, this is grace with God. Wow!

There is a particular kind of grace that we enjoy and partake of when we suffer because of a consciousness of God.

If while doing good, we endure, we have grace with God.

What is this consciousness of God? It can also be rendered as, For conscience with God, and it is the consciousness in our relation with God.

It indicates that we as believers in Christ are living in an intimate fellowship with God, and we have a conscience toward God that is both good and pure, and we also maintain such a conscience.

Others may mistreat us because we are Christians, and we may get much persecution and suffering because we do good, but we have grace with God.

In this particular context, Peter is speaking of unjust suffering, which refers to the mistreatment inflicted by the unbelieving masters.

In those days, the unbelieving masters would oppose and persecute their servants because of their Christian testimony (see 1 Pet. 3:14-18; 4:12-16).

So Peter encouraged the Christians who were slaves under unbelieving masters to enjoy grace with God by having a consciousness of God and enduring under persecution when doing good.

Grace with God. What a wonderful matter!

Grace as the processed Triune God for our enjoyment becomes our inward motivation and outward expression in our intimate fellowship with God and our consciousness of God.

As we fellowship with God, as we maintain a pure conscience before Him and a good conscience in all things, we have an inward motivation of the divine life and an outward expression of this life in our daily living, which is gracious and acceptable before man and God.

We all need to learn how to have grace, which is to take grace, possess grace, use grace, and apply grace (Heb. 12:28).

May we have grace with God in our daily living.

Others may give us a hard time, we may suffer because of doing good, and even in our family life we may have many hardships because of differences in opinions, backgrounds, and ways of living.

In all these things, we need to remain in fellowship with the Lord and maintain a good conscience before Him.

Who, when he arrived and saw the grace of God, rejoiced and encouraged them all to remain with the Lord with purpose of heart. Acts 11:23 Therefore receiving an unshakable kingdom, let us have grace, through which we may serve God well-pleasingly with piety and fear. Heb. 12:28We need to enjoy Him as grace, partaking of the riches of the Triune God as our enjoyment so that we may have the inward motivation and outward expression of the divine life, having a gracious and acceptable living before man and God.

Grace is being offered to us all the time. We just need to take grace.

As we enjoy God in Christ as the Spirit as grace, we express Him, and He is manifested in our daily living.

As we enjoy, receive, and express the processed Triune God as grace, He is visibly expressed for others to see both in our holy living and in the church meetings (1 Pet. 1:15; 2 Pet. 3:11; Acts 11:23).

When Barnabas went to visit a particular church, he saw the grace of God.

We can have grace with God as we suffer unjustly, and when others see us, they see a holy living and the grace of God in our church meetings.

May we daily enjoy Christ as grace until He is expressed through us in our daily living and in the church meetings!

Lord Jesus, we want to enjoy You as grace day by day. Grant us today’s portion of grace. May there be the inner motivation of the divine life within us and its expression in our daily living so that we may have a behavior that is gracious and acceptable in the eyes of both God and man. Amen, Lord Jesus, we want to enjoy You today and remain in an intimate fellowship with You in all things. We exercise our spirit and want to have a pure conscience and a good conscience in all things. Amen, Lord Jesus, may we enjoy You as grace and may we express You as grace in our daily living! Hallelujah, the processed Triune God as grace received and enjoyed by us becomes visibly expressed for others to see in our holy living and church meetings! Amen, Lord, be expressed through us as grace! May we have grace with God as we suffer unjustly for doing good and for having a consciousness of God. We come to You, dear Lord, to have grace by taking grace, possessing grace, using grace, and applying grace in our daily living!

Enjoy Christ and Express Christ as Grace in the Midst of Sufferings to become His Reproduction

...But if, while doing good and suffering, you endure, this is grace with God. For to this you were called, because Christ also suffered on your behalf, leaving you a model so that you may follow in His steps. 1 Pet. 2:20-21

Our Christian life is not a matter of us improving our behaviour or trying to be better; however, when others see us, they observe our behaviour. They expect a certain kind of living in us, the living of Christ as grace.

We believers in Christ should not try to improve our behaviour or perfect ourselves to be better in this or that respect; rather, we should have grace with God by enjoying and expressing Christ as grace in the midst of suffering to become His reproduction.

Right after Peter speaks of having grace with God as we endure while doing good and suffering, he says, Because Christ also suffered on your behalf, leaving you a model so that you may follow in His steps (1 Pet. 1:21).

Not rendering evil for evil or reviling for reviling, but on the contrary blessing [one another,] because you were called to this, that you might inherit blessing...Yet with meekness and fear, having a good conscience, so that in the matter in which you are spoken against, those who revile your good manner of life in Christ may be put to shame. 1 Pet. 3:9, 16The Lord Jesus lived this way; when He came, grace came, and He was full of grace and reality in His living.

Those around Him persecuted Him, misunderstood Him, reviled Him, and eventually killed Him, but He never retaliated, took revenge, or spoke evil things back at them.

Rather, He suffered on our behalf, living a life under the government of God by the grace of God, and He left us a model for us to follow in His steps.

The Lord Jesus was reviled, but He did not revile in return. He helped people and miraculously healed them, yet He was evil spoken of and persecuted by others.

Today we live a a Christian life under the government of God, and we may want to defend ourselves as we do good and suffer, for we have a good conscience.

However, we do not need to defend ourselves or vindicate ourselves.

Others look down on us, though we do good. Suffering and unjust treatment are our portion.

However, this should not trouble us nor should it surprise us. Rather, we should enjoy Christ as grace and express Him as grace even in the midst of suffering; this is grace with God.

For example, in the married life, the husband and wife have differences between them regarding their temper, disposition, habit, background, and understanding.

The husband views things in his way while the wife views things differently.

The husband has a particular disposition and certain habits, and the wife has her own disposition and habits.

It is easy for them to quarrel and argue when they do not live by the divine life.

When they quarrel and argue in this way because of these differences, they do not have grace with God, and their living is not gracious and acceptable to man and God.

If someone visits at this time or sees them on the street quarrelling, this is not the living of grace nor is it grace with God. Oh, Lord Jesus!

But if both husband and wife have the divine life and enjoy Christ as grace, living according to the divine life and not according to their disposition, habits, views, and understanding or background, Christ as grace will be made visible through them.

They become a reproduction of Christ, even though they may suffer because of doing good (1 Pet. 3:9, 16). Oh, Lord Jesus!

May we take Christ as our model and may we enjoy Him as grace in our daily living.

May we partake of grace, enjoy grace, and be filled with grace so that we may have grace with God, becoming a reproduction of Christ in our daily living.

If we enjoy and express Christ as grace even in the midst of unjust suffering, we have grace with God and we become a reproduction of Christ. This is grace with God; this is a reproduction of Christ.

But according to the Holy One who called you, you yourselves also be holy in all [your] manner of life. 1 Pet. 1:15 Since all these things are to be thus dissolved, what kind of persons ought you to be in holy manner of life and godliness. 2 Pet. 3:11To this we were called, to become a reproduction of Christ by enjoying Christ as grace and expressing Him in our daily living, even while we suffer.

The manner of life that we have expresses the Triune God as grace, and we become a reproduction of Christ.

May we open to the Lord about this matter and ask Him to give us our daily portion of grace so that we may live out Christ.

May we turn to our spirit and enjoy the motivation of the divine life inwardly and become an expression of Christ outwardly.

We Christians have been called to enjoy and express Christ as grace in the midst of suffering so that we may become a reproduction, a xerox copy, of Christ as our model, according to His God-man living (1 Pet. 2:20-21).

We have been called to this. We are given the supply for this. Grace is with our spirit.

In the midst of suffering and unjust treatment, we can have grace with God by enjoying and expressing Christ as grace so that we may become a reproduction of Christ.

Lord Jesus, thank You for calling us to enjoy and express Christ as grace in the midst of sufferings so that we may become Your reproduction today! Amen, Lord, we want to follow Your model today. We want to live the same way that You lived. We open to You. We exercise our spirit to take You as grace. We do not want to live in our natural man or in the flesh; we exercise to deny the self and live one spirit with You! Amen, Lord, live in us today! May we enjoy and express Christ as grace today. We give You our daily living and our behaviour in all things. May we not defend ourselves when we’re unjustly treated but rather, have grace with God. Oh Lord, may we be those who endure when we’re persecuted or unjustly treated because of a consciousness of God so that we may have grace with God. Even as You suffered, may we also have a mind to suffer today. Even as You lived, so we also want to live today, not in and by ourselves but by having grace with God in our daily living!

References and Hymns on this Topic
About aGodMan

A God-man is a normal believer in Christ; the author of this article is one who is learning to be a normal Christian, a daily enjoyer of Christ, a living and functioning member in the Body of Christ. Amen, Lord, make us such ones for the building up of the Body of Christ!

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brother L.
brother L.
19 hours ago

A consciousness of God [1 Pet. 2:19] can also be rendered “for conscience toward God” and is the consciousness of our relation to God. It indicates that a believer is living in an intimate fellowship with God, that he has and keeps a conscience toward God that is both good and pure. According to the context, the unjust suffering spoken of in 1 Peter 2:19 must be the mistreatment inflicted by the unbelieving masters. These masters opposed and persecuted their believing servants because of their Christian testimony (3:14-18; 4:12-16)…The point here is that if we are those without the divine life, we will face problems in our married life, no matter how much we may love one another… No matter how much alike a husband and a wife may be, there will be differences between them regarding temper, disposition, habit, background, and understanding. The husband will have his way of viewing things, and the wife will have hers. Likewise, the wife will have her habits and disposition, and the husband will have his. Therefore, they will have difficulties with the five troubling factors of temper, disposition, habit, background, and way of understanding. This will be the situation even if the husband and wife love each other very much and are refined, educated people. Sometimes at least they will find the situation intolerable and will quarrel with one another. If a mother-in-law is visiting at such a time, she will find the situation altogether unpleasant and unacceptable. She would not even want to observe such an ungracious situation.

Life-study of 1 Peter, pp. 173-174, by Witness Lee

RcV Bible
RcV Bible
19 hours ago

Grace here refers to the motivation of the divine life within us and its expression in our living, which becomes in our behavior gracious and acceptable in the eyes of both man and God (v. 20). The same Greek word is used in Luke 6:33-34 and Rom. 7:25 for thanks. So in the next verse. 1 Pet. 2:19 footnote 1 on, grace.

Or, for conscience toward God. The consciousness of God is the consciousness of one’s relation to God, indicating that one is living in an intimate fellowship with God, having and keeping a good and pure conscience toward God (1 Pet. 3:16; 1 Tim. 1:5, 19; 3:9; 2 Tim. 1:3). 1 Pet. 2:19 footnote 2 on, because.

Footnotes from, Holy Bible, Recovery Version

Stefan M.
Stefan M.
19 hours ago

May we have grace with God today. We have been called to enjoy and express Christ as grace in our daily living so that we may become a reproduction of Christ.

May we take grace today, considering it is grace when we are unjustly treated or persecuted when we do good and have a consciousness of God.

Lord Jesus, give us today’s portion of grace. We want to enjoy and express You as grace today so that we may become Your reproduction!

brother N.
brother N.
19 hours ago

Many people talk much about God’s grace. They think that making a fortune, having good children, and being free from calamities is God’s grace. But the Gospel of John tells us that grace comes from Jesus. What did Jesus give to us? Did He give us money, houses, or palaces? The apostle Paul counted these things as dung. If you give dung to me, I will consider this an insult to me. God has given us Christ. Grace and truth are simply God Himself. If one day your son has died, or you have gone bankrupt in your business, yet you have an unspeakable power within you to allow you to say “hallelujah,” that is God’s grace. A man experiences grace in sufferings. It is not while we possess riches and houses that the Lord’s grace is sufficient for us. It is while we suffer losses and are sick that the Lord’s grace is sufficient for us. Health and children are not grace. Grace is when we experience and gain the Lord in adverse circumstances. Messages Given During the Resumption of Watchman Nee’s Ministry (2 volume set), Chapter 22, by Watchman Nee/Witness Lee

The full portion is here.

K. P.
K. P.
19 hours ago

Amen brother!

To express the Triune God as grace in the midst of unjust suffering is to become a reproduction of Christ.

Therefore, instead of saying, “This is grace,” it is possible to say, “This is a reproduction of Christ.”


Seni A.
Seni A.
19 hours ago

Amen Lord may Your grace inwardly motivate us to have the right behaviour in our Christian life even when unjustly treated or persecuted due to our consciousness of God.

We want to enjoy You today as our grace, as a reproduction of You

Christian A.
Christian A.
19 hours ago

This morning in 1 Peter we see that the Christian life is a matter of behaviour.

However, not our behaviour but Christ’s.

Our Lord left us a model so that we may follow in His steps.

This model is really grace with God. When we express this manner of life it becomes a reproduction of Christ.

Reading Romans 12 with someone yesterday impressed upon me that even the gifts that edify the church are really a reproduction of Christ.

The more we attempt to live the Christian life, the more we will find that we need Christ Himself to live this life in us.

We need Him as our inward motivating grace.

Amen, brother. Let us exhibit Christ.

A. D.
A. D.
18 hours ago

Amen, may we endure all these things in the consciousness, presence, of God.

Richard C.
Richard C.
18 hours ago

What a revelation to see what grace is!

It is the processed Triune God received and enjoyed by us and visibly expressed through us to bear sorrows while suffering unjust treatment, even when doing good.

Grace is the inward motivation and outward expression in our daily Christian life for us to be a reproduction of Christ as we maintain a good conscience through an intimate fellowship with God!

O Lord! May we receive, take and have grace today in our living, even in our married life that others would observe the expression of the Triune God in us!

God Hath Not Promised
God Hath Not Promised
18 hours ago

A wonderful hymn on this topic, showing us the grace the Lord provides for us as we go through sufferings, is, God Hath Not Promised (Hymns #720). 

1. God hath not promised skies always blue,

Flower-strewn pathways all our lives through;

God hath not promised sun without rain,

Joy without sorrow, peace without pain.


But God hath promised strength for the day,

Rest for the labor, light for the way,

Grace for the trials, help from above,

 Unfailing sympathy, undying love.

2. God hath not promised we shall not know

Toil and temptation, trouble and woe;

He hath not told us we shall not bear

Many a burden, many a care.

3. God hath not promised smooth roads and wide,

Swift, easy travel, needing no guide;

Never a mountain, rocky and steep,

Never a river, turbid and deep.

Listen to this hymn and sing along here: https://www.hymnal.net/en/hymn/h/720

Some quotes from the ministry on this topic: 

As an elderly person, I have passed through a great many different experiences in human life. Many unpleasant things have happened to me. There is no such thing as a life without difficulties. As the line from a hymn says, “God hath not promised skies always blue” (Hymns, #720). But although I have passed through many situations of unhappiness and unpleasantness, I have been a happy person because I have the Lord Jesus. Even the demons can testify that I am happy in the Lord. I do not have the Lord Jesus merely in an objective way as the One in the heavens. My Christ is both in the heavens and also in me. Hallelujah, Christ lives in me, and I can breathe Him, drink of Him, and feast upon Him! Daily I enjoy the best breathing, drinking, and eating.

 Life-study of 1 Corinthians, chapter 29 (LSM)

As fallen ones, we may have the fallen natural concept that if we fear God, serve Him, love Him, and follow Him, we will prosper in everything; the unhealthy will become healthy and the foolish will become wise. However, God has not promised this. Hymns, #720 was written by an experienced Christian. Verse 1 and the chorus say,

God hath not promised skies always blue,

Flower-strewn pathways all our lives through;

God hath not promised sun without rain,

Joy without sorrow, peace without pain.


But God hath promised strength for the day,

Rest for the labor, light for the way,

Grace for the trials, help from above,

 Unfailing sympathy, undying love.

Many times, God has placed those who love Him into trials and sufferings that they may experience more of Him. When everything is calm and peaceful, we seldom think of enjoying God and know very little about experiencing the Lord. Only when we fall into sufferings can we be humbled to trust the Lord wholeheartedly, call on Him, and enjoy Him.

 The Jubilee, chapter 4 (LSM)

Mario V.
Mario V.
10 hours ago


Grace as God’s provision in life is the motivation of the divine life within us and the expression in our living that becomes in our behavior acceptable and gracious to the eyes of God and man.

It is a living in an intimate relationship with God, keeping a good and pure conscience toward God, the expression of the triune God from within a believer. This is not only grace but the reproduction of Christ.

May we know this grace and by this grace lives. May we have the consciousness of God. Himself increasingly as grace to sense. Make us Your reproduction.🙏🙏🙏