In Phil. 1:27 Paul charges us to conduct ourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ, which is to stand firm in one spirit with one soul striving together along with the faith of the gospel. This is very significant.
We not only have a spirit, and we need to be one in spirit, but we also have a soul, and we need to be with one soul.
As believers in Christ, we need to participate in the Lord’s work and have fellowship unto the furtherance of the gospel; this includes our whole being including our time, our money, and our availability.
The saints in Philippi had fellowship unto the furtherance of the gospel and participated in the apostle Paul’s ministry.
Our whole being with our daily living needs to contribute to the gospel.
Whether we speak or remain silent, whether we work for the Lord or rest, and whether we go out or stay at home, we need to further the gospel and express Christ.
Our silence, our speaking, our life and living, our being and our person, everything must be the preaching of Christ.
This is why we are here today: we are here to enjoy Christ, experience Christ, and live Christ to magnify Christ.
In our daily life, we need to exercise our spirit to experience Christ.
We need to turn our heart to the Lord and allow Him to work Himself into our soul so that we may also enjoy Christ in our soul.
On one hand, we need to experience Christ in our spirit; on the other hand, we need to enjoy Christ in our soul.
Because our soul is so much involved with the things of the world, the relationships, the work, and the family matters, it is easy for our soul not to find its delight in the Lord.
So we need to learn to turn our heart to the Lord and even ask Him to cause our heart to turn to Him.
Whenever the heart is turned to the Lord, the veil is taken away, and we behold the Lord with an unveiled face.
As we behold the Lord, we are infused with Him, we enjoy Him, and we reflect Him.
Christ was magnified through Paul, for Paul put on Christ.
To put on the Lord Jesus Christ is to live by Christ and to live our Christ, thus magnifying Christ.
When we live by Christ, when we live out Christ, and when we magnify Christ, He will be the One shining out from within us, and that shining will be our expression.
Too many times we still express ourselves and we “magnify ourselves” to make ourselves known to others.
May we learn to magnify Christ by enjoying and experiencing Christ day by day.
We need to Stand Firm in one Spirit with one Soul to Conduct ourselves in a Manner Worthy of the Gospel of Christ
We need to not only stand firm in one spirit with the Lord and with the saints but also in one soul, striving together along with the faith of the gospel.
When we stand firm in one spirit, we experience Christ.
When we stand firm in one soul, we strive together with one soul along with the faith of the gospel (Phil. 1:27).
It is not that difficult to be one in spirit and be with one spirit, but it is very difficult to be in one soul and be one in soul, for this involves the transformation of our soul.
Paul charges us to conduct ourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ, which is to stand firm in one spirit, with one soul striving together along with the faith of the gospel.
To be with one soul and to be like-souled for the gospel work are more difficult than to be in one spirit for the experience of Christ.
Timothy was a brother who was like-souled with the apostle Paul (Phil. 2:19-21, 30).
He was a younger brother but he was one with Paul – he was not just one in spirit with Paul but also in soul, even like-souled with Paul.
He had the same mind as Paul, the same emotion and will as Paul, and he cared for the saints and the churches the same way that Paul did.
May we all learn to enjoy the Lord in our soul, experience Him in our spirit, and gain Christ so that we may progress and advance in our spiritual growth and be transformed in our soul.
The more we are transformed in our mind, emotion, and will, the more we can stand firm in one spirit with one soul.
May we have the aspiration to be one in soul with the saints that the Lord put us with.
To be one in soul requires that, after having been regenerated in our spirit, we go further to be transformed in our soul (2 Cor. 3:18; Rom. 12:2).
We need to be transformed in our soul and attuned with the saints in our soul.
We need to be one in our affections, thoughts, and decisions, so that we may stand firm in one spirit with one soul.
If we are not one in soul, we are not in the fellowship unto the furtherance of the gospel, and our conduct is not worthy of the gospel.
But when we stand in one spirit with one soul, when we’re attuned in the same mind, emotion, and will, and our spirit is exercised, we have a conduct worthy of the gospel, and the Lord has a free way to do in us and through us what He wants to do.
When all the members of the church are in one spirit with one soul, this oneness will be convincing, subduing, and attractive, and we will experience Christ and enjoy Him.
To have a conduct worthy of the gospel doesn’t primarily mean that our behaviour is perfect before those whom we preach the gospel.
It doesn’t primarily mean that we need to love our spouse, honor our parents, or behave in a kind and lovable manner.
Rather, for our conduct to be worthy of the gospel, we need to stand firm in one spirit with one soul.
When the Lord gains this among us, our preaching of the gospel will be prevailing.
We will not focus mainly on gaining souls or saving people; we will simply enjoy the Lord together with the saints.
When we are in one spirit with one soul, our gospel preaching will be a feasting on Christ.
But if we don’t sense that we are feasting on Christ as we preach the gospel, this means that something is lacking; we lack the oneness in spirit and in soul.
When we allow the Lord to renew our mind, subdue our will, and deal with our emotions to make them balanced, we are being transformed into the image of Christ, the firstborn Son of God.
As we are being transformed personally and stand in one spirit with one soul with all the dear saints the Lord put us with, the Lord will have a prevailing way among us.
Our going out to speak to the unbelievers will be a feasting on Christ, and we will enjoy and experience Christ.
May we advance in this matter and may the Lord grant us to stand firm in one spirit with one soul, striving together along with the faith of the gospel.
Lord Jesus, we want to conduct ourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ. Amen, Lord, we stand firm in one spirit with one soul striving together along with the faith of the gospel! We stand one with You in spirit and one with the saints in our soul. We open to You, Lord; transform us in our soul and attune us with the saints in our mind, emotion, and will. We want to not only experience Christ in our spirit but also enjoy Him in our soul so that we may be in one spirit with one soul for the Lord’s testimony. Amen, Lord, may our preaching of the gospel be a feasting on Christ. May our going out to speak the Lord into others be a time of feasting, for we are in one spirit with one soul striving together for the faith of the gospel! Yes, Lord, gain this among us today!
If we do not have much Enjoyment of Christ, we are Not One in Soul, Joined in Soul
One of the main reasons that we do not have much enjoyment of Christ is because we are not one in soul, joined in soul (Phil. 2:2).
It is possible for us as believers in Christ to have the experience of Christ without the enjoyment of Christ.
We may be able to experience Christ in our spirit but not enjoy Christ in our soul.
Like children who are made to eat their vegetables without enjoying them, many times we experience Christ without enjoying Him.
The problem is with our soul – our mind, emotion, and will.
Parents know that the children do not want to eat their vegetables or the healthy food they are being served; they would rather eat the tasty things, which many times turn out to be unhealthy food.
Because the parents insist and the children obey without agreeing with it, the children may eat their broccoli, but they do not enjoy it.
This is similar to what we see in Mal. 3:14, where the people of Israel said that in vain they served God, for they walked mournfully before Jehovah.
They did not do what Psa. 100:2 says, serve the Lord with rejoicing; rather, they served God mournfully.
The children of Israel worshipped God and served God but they did not do it in a happy way; rather, they were mournful, for they were required to do these things but not happy to do them. Oh Lord Jesus!
Sometimes this may seem to be the case with us in the church life.
We may read the Bible and have a time of morning revival with the Lord because we have to, and we may go to the meetings because we feel that we have to, but we don’t do it joyfully but rather mournfully.
Sometimes we may be assigned to do something in the church life, to serve in a particular area, but we may do it not with joy but without any heart. Oh, Lord Jesus!
The problem is with our soul. Our soul is not happy in the Lord, and our heart is not turned to Him.
We need to learn to make our soul happy in the Lord and be transformed in our soul.
We need to give ourselves to enjoy the Lord every day.
Every morning we need to tell the Lord, Lord Jesus, I give myself to just enjoy You today. I consecrate myself to simply enjoy You.
Our goal is not to do a great work for God or not to do something for God; our goal is the fullest enjoyment of Christ.
We just need to enjoy Him, and we want to enjoy Him.
May we learn the habit of enjoying the Lord and turning our heart to Him so that we not only experience Christ in our spirit but also enjoy Him in our soul.
It is concerning when the saints are in the meetings regularly but they do not have much of the enjoyment of Christ.
The reason many lose the enjoyment of Christ is the problem they have in the soul.
If we don’t have much enjoyment of Christ, this indicates that we are not in one soul, we are not joined in soul.
In order for us to stand in one spirit with one soul, striving together along with the faith of the gospel, we need to deal with our soul and learn to not only experience Christ in our spirit but also enjoy Him in our soul.
Day by day we contact the Lord, we turn our heart to Him, and we ask Him to make our heart happy in Him.
Day by day we learn to just turn our whole being to the Lord, set our mind on our spirit, and enjoy Him.
The matter of enjoying the Lord in our soul is very important.
If our soul is not enjoying the Lord, we cannot stand firm in one spirit with one soul, and our experience of Christ is hindered.
But when we enjoy the Lord in our soul every day, we can stand firm in one spirit with one soul, and the gospel is simply being preached through us for others to see the Lord living in us and being magnified in us.
May we open to the Lord throughout the day so that He may become the delight and enjoyment of our soul, and may we learn how to deal with our mind, emotion, and will so that we can enjoy Christ and even have the fullest enjoyment of Christ.
Lord Jesus, save us from not enjoying Christ in our soul. We come to You, dear Lord, with all the problems in our soul. We open our mind, emotion, and will to You. Work Yourself into our soul a little more today. We want to be one in soul with the saints, joined in soul with fellow believers. Oh Lord, save us from not having much enjoyment of Christ in our soul. Transform us in our mind, emotion, and will. May our mind be renewed, may our emotions be balanced, and may our will be subdued by the divine life that operates within us. Oh Lord, we just want to enjoy You. We want to have the fullest enjoyment of Christ and the fullest gaining of Christ. Amen, Lord, teach us to enjoy You day by day! Make our hearts happy in You! Become our delight and satisfaction!
References and Hymns on this Topic
- Inspiration for this article/sharing comes from the Word of God, the enjoyment in the ministry, a sharing by brother Ed Marks in the message for this week, and portions from, Collected Works of Witness Lee, 1978, vol. 1, “The Experience of Christ,” ch. 9, as quoted in the Holy Word for Morning Revival on, Knowing, Experiencing, and Enjoying Christ as Revealed in Philippians (2023 Memorial Day Weekend Conference), week 3, entitled, Being One in Soul to Enjoy Christ by Thinking the One Thing, by Being One with Christ in His Inward Parts, and by Allowing God to Operate in Us the Willing and the Working for His Good Pleasure.
- Similar articles on this topic:
– Standing firm in one spirit, striving together with one soul, a portion from, Life-Study of Philippians, Chapter 8.
– What is transformation in the Bible – article via, Bibles for America blog.
– Standing firm in one spirit by striving together with one soul, article via, Lamb Follower.
– The knowledge of being joined unto the Lord as one spirit, a portion from, Collected Works of Watchman Nee, The (Set 1) Vol. 13: The Spiritual Man (2), Chapter 2, by Watchman Nee.
– The Application of the Universal Oneness of the Spirit, Through the Exercise of the Mingled Spirit, to Bring in the One Accord, Issuing in a Harmonious Symphony, for the Building up of the Body of Christ, the Preparation of the Bride of Christ, and the Rich All-Excelling Mutual Enjoyment of the Father and His Many Sons in the Father’s House, the Church, via, Living to Him.
– The transforming Spirit, a portion from, The Spirit in the Epistles, Chapter 4, by Witness Lee. - Hymns on this topic:
– Lord, transform us to Thine image / In emotion, mind, and will; / Saturate us with Thy Spirit, / All our being wholly fill. (Hymns #750 chorus)
– May all our lives be worthy the gospel / Whatever may betide, / All standing fast in oneness of spirit, / All striving side by side. / Let us proclaim the gospel in fullness / To satisfy the Lord: / Christ is the life, the church His expression, / Sound everywhere abroad. (Hymns #1295 stanza 4)
– Life is full of opportunities / Ordered by our Father’s hand: we see / Everything’s the best that it could be, / So let’s gain Christ! / Christ our content and reality / To shine out from us unceasingly: / He must have a way in you and me, / He must have a way. / Hallelujah! In the body we / Bear the death of Christ continually: / Thus His life comes forth for all to see as / The outer man is broken down, / The inner man is shining so that— / In these earthen vessels men can see / There’s the treasure of reality! / Thus the gospel’s glorious light will be / Shining out from us. (Hymns #1178 stanza 2)
Phil. 1:27, footnote 1, Recovery Version Bible
Collected Works of Witness Lee, 1978, vol. 1, “The Experience of Christ,” pp. 342-343
We need to not only be one in spirit to experience Christ but also one in soul to enjoy Christ.
We need to learn to enjoy the Lord in our soul and deal with the soul and be transformed in soul.
For us to have a conduct worthy of the gospel, we need to strive along with the faith of the gospel in One spirit with one soul.
Amen Lord!
May we be one spirit with You with one soul by enjoying You to be our constitution for the effectiveness of the Body being one spirit with one soul to strive along with the faith of the gospel!
Lord strengthen us as Your saints in the way of life!
Praise the Lord

Ameeeen dear brother!
Transformation is the inward, metabolic process in which God works to spread His divine life and nature throughout every part of our being, particularly our soul, bringing Christ and His riches into our being as our new element and causing our old, natural element to be gradually discharged.
As a result, we will be transformed into His image that is, conformed to the image of the firstborn Son.
To conduct ourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel is to enjoy Christ and feast on Christ by standing firm in one spirit, with one soul.
If we are in one spirit with one soul the number of people saved through our preaching will be secondary, the primary thing is in the course of our preaching we are feasting on Christ and enjoying Him!!
Amen brother. To be “in one soul” means to be one in our affection, love, thought & decisions.
If we’re not in one spirit with one soul, our conduct is not worthy of the gospel.
For example, are we all preaching the gospel of the kingdom?
Do we care more for how many are saved than for the enjoyment of the Lord?
Being one in soul is essential not only for the experience of Christ but also for the enjoyment of Christ.
Amen Lord flow and saturate our soul until we are one with one another and expressing you in a cooperate way that all man may know that we are your disciples that we love one another as you have loved us.
If we are to live and work in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ we must stand firm in one spirit, joined in one soul, striving together.
This requires that we not only experience Christ (in our spirit) but we also enjoy Christ (in our soul).
For this we need to be transformed to be renewed in our mind.
O Lord Jesus! Otherwise we may be like children eating our food without enjoying it!
Aaaaameeeen! O Lord transform us, in emotion, mind and will!
I enjoyed a matter in Philippians, the special point regarding on the experience of Christ is this matter of being one soul.
Being one in soul is not only for the experience of Christ but even the more FOR the enjoyment OF Christ.
Our experience of Christ should also BE an enjoyment OF Christ.

I was really impressed that when we preach the gospel, we should not care mainly for how many souls saved, but our enjoyment of the Lord.
Listen to the audio version of this article via,
Lord Jesus, we give ourselves to You to just enjoy You today!
We need not only to stand firm in one spirit in order to experience Christ but also to strive together with one soul along with the faith of the gospel.
To be of one soul for the gospel work is more difficult than to be in one spirit for the experience of Christ.
To be of one soul requires that, after having been regenerated in our spirit, we go further and be transformed in our soul, especially in our mind, which is the main and leading part of our soul.
Amen. Lord transform us to Your Image, in a motion, mind and will, saturates us with thine Spirit that we may be wholly thine. Amen.
Without that experience, we cannot have enjoyment for the church life. It will become a burden more than an enjoyment.
Our mind and emotions are so exposed to the external worldly realm that the offenses and murmuring can easily hit us or get us a part on it. This is easy to happen to anyone of us if we fail to constantly develop EVERYDAY our intimitate relationship with Christ. He is the thing, the antidote to overcome those offenses, gossiping, and murmuring.
When the enemy attack us through our mind and emotions, BUT we have been talking and listening and ENJOY the presence of our Lord in our soul, in our heart, we can, (even if we screw up for a bit) easily return to Him and be again in the Spirit and fix whatever was tempting us. How?
If a sister murmur or gossip about anything, the Spirit will help you to help that sister by praying and not to be guided astray. You want to be use as a vessel of honor and not of dishonor.
Or the brothers might be facing individualism or personal agendas in their services from other brothers, that’s tough, especially if the brother or brothers are older. This is when we have to BELIEVE IN THE POWER OF GOD through a humble, sincere, and genuine prayer for the brother or brothers. And be still and BELIEVE that the hand of God will control all decisions.
We all have to keep constantly in mind that we are part of a living organism, we are not a dead religious organization that has a plan, and goals according to the human leadership. Nobody should shine in his/her own. We must shine as the Church of God, as the Body of Christ, and as the Bride for who Christ will return, thus we ALTOGETHER must love His appearance. Amen.
We only have one thing, and if we focus in our daily life in that one thing, when we get together, the Body won’t have an indigestion because one member ate the wrong food.
“…The Lord Jesus Christ is our food, and the dining table is in our spirit.” Let’s consistently eat His Word, drink the Living water, and rest in His bosom.