Enjoy Christ as the Reality of the Jubilee with its Freedom and Blessings

For thus says the Lord Jehovah, the Holy One of Israel, / In returning and rest you will be saved; / In quietness and in trust will be your strength... Isa. 30:15

As believers in Christ, we need to enjoy Christ as the reality of the freedom and blessings of the New Testament jubilee; we need to learn to daily enjoy Christ as the reality of the jubilee.

The jubilee is not just something that was ordained by God in the Old Testament; it is an age, the age of grace, for when Christ, He came as the jubilee, and He brought in the age of jubilee. Hallelujah!

A very practical and endearing illustration of the jubilee is the parable of the prodigal son, who is a type of each one of us today.

We were like the prodigal son: we squandered what God gave us, and we lost everything.

But then one day we woke up; we came to our senses, and we realized that we have plenty of food in the Father’s house, so why should we lack and be miserable away from our Father.

Human beings are created in the image of God and according to His likeness, but we were deceived by the enemy and we lost God as our possession.

We think that today we are free to enjoy everything we want, but in reality apart from Christ as our freedom, we have no freedom.

Man is born in sin, a slave of sin, and usurped by Satan; furthermore, all the things in the world are designed by Satan to entrap man, ensnare man, and keep man busy and occupied with things apart from God. Oh, Lord Jesus!

Even after we received the Lord, we still find ourselves as the prodigal son, laboring and toiling in the world, having no food to eat, and yearning to be in the Father’s house. Oh, Lord!

We need to return to the Lord and enjoy Him in the Father’s house.

Whenever we come to God, when we repent and return to God, He lays a feast before us, He covers us with Christ as our righteousness, and He welcomes us back into His house.

He welcomes back to the Father’s house not as His hired servants but as His enjoying sons.

We are not God’s servants to serve Him and toil for Him; rather, we’re His sons, and as sons, we enjoy all the riches in His house.

Thank the Lord for welcoming us again and again. Sometimes we may think that we have gone too far away from God and there’s no way that He would receive us back, but when we hear the gospel and the Lord calls us again, we realize that He is welcoming us again and again.

How sweet it is to hear His welcoming voice, welcoming us to the enjoyment of Christ!

May we learn to enjoy Christ daily as the reality of the jubilee so that we may enjoy the reality of the freedom and blessings in the New Testament jubilee!

Enjoy Christ as the Reality of the Jubilee by Spending Time with Him to be Infused with Him

And she had a sister called Mary, who also sat at the Lord's feet and was listening to His word...But there is need of one thing, for Mary has chosen the good part, which shall not be taken away from her. Luke 10:39, 42

How can we enjoy Christ as the reality of the jubilee today?

A very simple way to do this is by spending time with the Lord day by day to listen to His word and to be infused with Him.

We need to follow the pattern of Mary, who was not busy doing many things for the Lord Jesus but rather, sat at the Lord’s feet and listened to His word (Luke 10:39).

Today in the church life we can be either like Mary or like Martha; in a sense we all need to be labouring saints, taking care of the needs of others and above all, of the Lord’s need, but in another sense, we need to be like Mary, listening to the Lord’s word.

Mary had a proper attitude. 1. She was at the feet of the Lord Jesus and not at the feet of anyone else; she was drawing near to the Lord; no method is better than coming to Him moment by moment, loving Him, worshiping Him, unceasingly fellowshipping with Him, and remaining in His presence. 2. She sat at the feet of the Lord, meaning that she put herself in a humble position in order to receive the Lord as grace (1 Pet. 5:5); humility is not belittling ourselves; humility is ignoring ourselves, negating ourselves , and considering ourselves as nothing. Collected Works of Watchman Nee, vol. 38, pp. 271-272Martha was busy, being drawn about with much serving, and she came to the Lord and asked Him to tell Mary to not let her do all this alone but to do her part with her.

The Lord’s answer, however, was that Mary chose the good part, which shall not be taken away from her.

Even as we serve the Lord, as we are busy labouring for Him, we still need to enjoy Christ as the reality of the jubilee by spending time with Him to listen to His word and be infused with Him.

We need to take time to spend with the Lord.

First of all, we need to sit at the Lord’s feet; we don’t sit at the feet of any other person but at the feet of the Lord.

We need to draw near to the Lord Himself.

There’s no other method that is better than coming to the Lord moment by moment to love Him, worship Him, fellowship with Him unceasingly, and remain in His presence.

This is the shortest way. Actually, our service to God results from our drawing near to God, and without drawing near to God, we cannot know Him nor can we know what is in His heart.

We need to pray unceasingly (1 THes. 5:17), taking time to remain in the fellowship with the Lord with an unveiled face so that we may be changed, transformed, into His image (2 Cor. 3:18).

Secondly, we need to sit at the feet of the Lord, putting ourselves in a humble position in order to receive the Lord as grace (1 Pet. 5:5).

Without humbling ourselves before the Lord to listen to His word, we cannot receive His blessing.

If we think we know the Bible and we know what the Lord wants to speak to us, God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble.

To be humble is not to belittle ourselves; rather, it is to ignore ourselves, negate ourselves, and consider ourselves as nothing, drawing to God to give us grace.

To be humble is to forget the things which are behind and stretch forward to the Lord to receive His new speaking and infusing.

We need to come to Him to speak to us and infuse us with all that He is so that we may receive His riches for us today. Having an attitude of humility invites God’s grace.

Third, we need to sit down and be quiet; quietness before the Lord is often the source of spiritual strength (Isa. 30:15).

Many times our eyes and thoughts are distracted to the outside world, and our soul is troubled within, for we have a wandering mind and vacillating thoughts. Oh, Lord!

When our mind wanders and our thoughts are vacillating, we cannot receive the Lord’s speaking and revelation easily.

We can say that the greatest challenge a man faces is being quiet before the Lord. As we draw near to God, we need to quiet down our being.

Our mind is easily distracted and set on many things, but we need to bring it back to the Lord.

We may think about our education, our day ahead, our family, our needs, or a particular person; again and again, we need to calm down our inner being so that we may see the Lord and enjoy Him.

May we have the simplicity and the purity that are in Christ.

Psa. 27:8 says that we ask one thing of Jehovah – one thing! – to dwell in the house of Jehovah all the days of our life to behold the beauty of Jehovah and to inquire in His temple.

Mary had a proper attitude. 3. She was sitting down; quietness before the Lord is often the source of spiritual strength (Isa. 30:15a); mans eyes and thoughts often are distracted to the outside world; those who are busy with a wandering mind and vacillating thoughts cannot receive revelation easily. 4. She was listening to the Lords word; the words that the Lord speaks are spirit and life (John 6:63) in order to dispense Himself into men; her listening to the Lords word afforded the Lord the opportunity to communicate Himself to her so that she would continually receive the Lord and gain Him. Collected Works of Watchman Nee, vol. 38, pp. 271-272We want one thing: to see the Lord, enjoy Him, behold Him, and be infused with Him. If we quiet down our being and focus on the Lord in this way, we will enjoy Christ as the reality of the jubilee.

We don’t need to pray for this or that; we need to focus on the Lord in our time with Him. We need to seek His face.

His face is available to us, and as we behold Him, we will also reflect Him.

If we want to have the Lord’s image imprinted in us and be transformed into the Lord’s image, we need to quiet down our being before Him as we spend time with Him.

May the Lord make us willing to be quiet in our inner being so that we may behold the Lord and be infused with Him through His word.

Fourth, we need to listen to the Lord’s word. He speaks to us words that are spirit and life (John 6:63) so that He may dispense Himself into us.

As we listen to the Lord’s word, we afford Him the opportunity to communicate Himself to us so that we would continually receive the Lord and gain Him.

We should not just receive man’s words but God’s.

It would be such a pity for someone to receive, understand, and enjoy man’s words but miss God’s word in the meetings of the church.

May we listen to the Lord and afford Him the opportunity to communicate Himself to us, infuse Himself into us, and transform us into His image as we spend time with Him in His word (2 Cor. 3:18).

Lord Jesus, we want to enjoy Christ as the reality of the jubilee today by spending time with Him to be infused with Him. Amen, Lord, open our ears to hear Your word. We want to listen to Your word and be infused with You today. We draw near to You today. We come to You to love You, worship You, fellowship with You, and remain in Your presence. Amen, Lord, we sit at Your feet, humbling ourselves to receive Your grace. Save us from being proud before You. We put ourselves aside, we negate ourselves, and we consider ourselves as nothing; we only want You! Grant us to quiet our being before You. May our eyes and thoughts not be distracted to the outside world but be focused on You. Oh Lord, we want to see You, know You, and enjoy You! We draw near to You and seek Your face! Speak to us in Your word so that we may be infused with all that You are. We want to listen to Your word to be infused with spirit and life. Dispense Yourself into us. We want to afford You the opportunity to communicate Yourself into us so that we may continually receive You and gain You!

Enjoy Christ as the Reality of the Freedom and Blessings in the New Testament Jubilee

And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free...If therefore the Son sets you free, you shall be free indeed. John 8:32, 36

The jubilee today includes the freedom and the blessings; the reality of the freedom and blessings is Christ Himself.

Freedom is something that everyone desires; no one wants to be in bondage or slavery. However, freedom apart from Christ is not real freedom. Only when the Son sets us free are we free indeed.

When we come to the Lord and exercise our spirit to touch Him in His word, we are made free, for we know the truth and Christ as the truth sets us free. But without Christ, we have no freedom.

Today many people want to have freedom and they fight for their rights.

But freedom without God is not real freedom.

God’s salvation causes us to have real freedom (Luke 8:32, 36; Gal. 5:1; 2 Cor. 3:17).

Outward freedom is not real freedom; inward freedom is given by the Lord as the reality of the jubilee is the real freedom.

We need to enjoy Christ as the reality of the freedom and blessings in the New Testament jubilee.

Our freedom comes from enjoying God. When we enjoy God in Christ, we are truly free.

The world no longer usurps us, sin has no hold on us, and Satan has no ground in our being when we enjoy Christ as the reality of the jubilee. The more we enjoy God, the more we have freedom.

Freedom is to be without oppression or deficiency.

It is not just people who can oppress us; situations, things and matters can also oppress us, and this is something inward.

May we come to the Lord to enjoy Him as the reality of the freedom and blessings of the New Testament jubilee!

We may be freed by the Lord and not be oppressed, but we may be poor, for we don’t have God as our possession.

Poverty is a tremendous bondage.

May we keep enjoying the Lord to be released from any bondage and slavery, and may we partake of His riches in spirit through pray-reading His word daily so that we may not be poor but be enriched by Him!

Hallelujah, today God is our possession, and when we enjoy Him, we have freedom!

As we go through the day and take care of the things we need to do, we need to keep coming back to the Lord to enjoy Him.

It is for freedom that Christ has set us free; stand fast therefore, and do not be entangled with a yoke of slavery again. Gal. 5:1 And the Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. 2 Cor. 3:17We may start in a positive way in the morning by contacting the Lord, but by lunchtime, we may be in bondage to our work or our thoughts; we need to come to enjoy the Lord by spending time with Him to be infused with Him and enjoy Christ as the reality of the jubilee.

When we enter into the reality of the jubilee, the enjoyment of Christ, we not only are returned to God as our possession, but we also obtain freedom and are released from the bondage of slavery.

Real freedom is within, and real freedom comes from the enjoyment of Christ.

When people seek freedom apart from returning to God, more problems are produced and more evil things are brought in.

People today talk about freedom, civil rights, human rights, and all kinds of rights, but if man doesn’t enjoy God, he cannot have real freedom. Oh, Lord Jesus!

The Bible tells us that we first must be returned to God before we can have freedom.

If we want to enjoy real freedom, we need to come to the Lord, repent and receive Him, and by enjoying Him we have freedom!

But if we just want freedom without being returned to God, the result is that we don’t have real freedom.

God’s salvation causes us to have real freedom, and through being saved, we return to God to enjoy Him as our possession. Hallelujah!

Lord Jesus, we want to enjoy Christ as the reality of the freedom and blessings in the New Testament jubilee! Hallelujah, the jubilee has come, and we can enjoy Christ as the reality of the jubilee! Amen, Lord, we come to You to enjoy You day by day. Only by enjoying You can we have real freedom. Lord, You are our freedom, for when the Son sets us free, we are free indeed! Keep us enjoying You today. Only by enjoying You can we be freed from all bondage, all heavy burden, all oppression, and all enslavement. We return to You again and again. How much we need You as our real jubilee. We don’t want to seek any freedom apart from You. Lord, You are our riches, our possession, and our true freedom. We love enjoying You today and enjoying real freedom. We love enjoying the riches of Christ to be rich in Christ, filled with Christ, and overflowing with Christ. Hallelujah, in the jubilee we are returned to God as our possession and we enjoy Christ as our real freedom!

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References and Hymns on this Topic
About aGodMan

A God-man is a normal believer in Christ; the author of this article is one who is learning to be a normal Christian, a daily enjoyer of Christ, a living and functioning member in the Body of Christ. Amen, Lord, make us such ones for the building up of the Body of Christ!

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brother N.
brother N.
4 months ago

Mary had a proper attitude.

(1) She was at the feet of the Lord Jesus, and not at the feet of anyone else. She was drawing near to the Lord. This is the shortest and quickest way to grow in life. No method is better than coming to Him moment by moment, loving Him, worshipping Him, and unceasingly fellowshipping with Him and remaining in His presence. Many who know God in a deep way have found this way. Madam Guyon said, “Our drawing near to God constitutes all service.” Paul also charged us to pray unceasingly (1 Thes. 5:17). If a man unceasingly fellowships with the indwelling Christ with an unveiled face, he will be changed into the Lord’s likeness (2 Cor. 3:18).

(2) She sat at the feet of the Lord. This means that she put herself in a humble position. Humility is a crucial condition for receiving God’s blessing. God resists the proud and gives grace to the humble (1 Pet. 5:5). Humility is not belittling ourselves; humility is ignoring ourselves, negating ourselves, and considering ourselves as nothing. If we draw near to God with deep humility, He will give grace to us.

(3) She was sitting down,…not busy like her sister. Quietness is often the source of spiritual strength. The greatest challenge man faces is being quiet before the Lord…Of all the members in the body, the eyes are the busiest, and of all the faculties in the soul, the mind is the busiest. Those who are busy cannot receive revelation easily. A wandering mind and vacillating thoughts are like restless waves on a lake; the lake will never be able to clearly reflect the flowers and trees on the shore. If a man wants to have the Lord’s image imprinted in him and to be transformed into the Lord’s image, quietness is a necessity.

(4) She was listening to the Lord’s word. The words that the Lord speaks are spirit and life. Through this word, the Lord dispenses Himself to men. Her listening to the Lord’s word afforded the Lord the opportunity to communicate Himself to her so that she would gain the Lord and become like Him. She was continually receiving the Lord Himself. She did not just hear words; she was meeting the Lord. Brothers and sisters, it is a pity for anyone to just hear man’s voice in a sermon and not meet the Christ behind the voice.

Collected Works of Watchman Nee, vol. 38, pp. 271-272

brother L.
brother L.
4 months ago

Because we were poor, we not only lost God as our possession but also sold ourselves as slaves…However, when the year of jubilee comes, we not only are returned to God as our possession, but we also obtain freedom and are released from the bondage of slavery.

Today many people talk about freedom, civil rights, and human rights, but if man does not enjoy God, he cannot have real freedom… When people only speak about freedom without being returned to God, the result is that many problems are produced, and many evil things are brought in…

The biblical principle is that we must first be returned to God before we can have freedom. If we want to obtain freedom without being returned to God, the result is that we do not have true freedom.

Collected Works of Witness Lee, 1984, vol. 4, “The Jubilee,” pp. 23-25

Stefan M.
Stefan M.
4 months ago

Dear brother, for us to enjoy Christ as the reality of the jubilee we need to spend time with Him to listen to Him and be infused with Him.

We need to sit at the Lord’s feet, quiet our being, humble ourselves, and fellowship with Him in His word and throughout the day.

As we enjoy the Lord, we have real freedom. Lord Jesus, we want to enjoy You as the reality of the jubilee by spending time with You in Your word.

Amen, Lord, we return to You as our possession and we enjoy You as our freedom in the jubilee today!

Pak L.
Pak L.
4 months ago

Amen! Lord, give us a proper attitude like Mary!

We want to be those who give ourselves fully to enjoy You.

Thank You, Lord, we can touch and enjoy You as freedom today!

K. P.
K. P.
4 months ago

Luke 10:39 And she had a sister called Mary, who also sat at the Lord’s feet and was listening to His word.

Isa. 30:15 For thus says the Lord Jehovah, the Holy One of Israel, In returning and rest you will be saved; in quietness and in trust will be your strength; but you were not willing.

Praise the Lord! 🙌🙋🏼

Richard C.
Richard C.
4 months ago

To experience the New Testament jubilee we must be like Mary to be one

  1. At the Lord’s feet, not that of anyone else;
  2. At His feet, taking a humble position to receive Him as grace;
  3. Sitting down in His presence, being quiet before – not busy with much serving or distracted by outside matters and
  4. to receive more dispensing through His words that are spirit and life.

O Lord! May we be in such a position today to enjoy real freedom in God today!

Amen! Lord we return to You as our possession and enjoy as our real freedom in the jubilee!

Jon H.
Jon H.
4 months ago

Amen dear Lord, may we be the best enjoyers of you! Bring us back to spending time

Christian A.
Christian A.
4 months ago

As Madame Guyon said: “Our drawing near to God constitutes all service.

We should ignore ourselves, negate ourselves and consider ourselves as nothing.

Those who are busy cannot easily receive revelation. Our hearing of God’s word should be a meeting with the Lord.

If we don’t enjoy the Lord, we have no real freedom because without the Lord we are under bondage.

Even as believers, if we neglect sitting quietly at the Lord’s feet, we will find ourselves in darkness and spirituality poor.

Phil H.
Phil H.
4 months ago

Amen, brother. Hallelujah.

Oh Lord we want to be like Mary and humble ourselves sitting down at your feet and listening to your words to be infused with you and receive you as grace for the words that you speak are Spirit and life. May we be those who draw near to you so that we may grow in life.

Moh S.
Moh S.
4 months ago


Brother, it’s so good to see the practical application of the Jubilee in our experience and enjoyment of Christ!

We need to be saved from being so busy in our soul, from being distracted and drawn about by many things, from any methods, we desire the quickest and shortest route to grow in life, by coming to the Lord Jesus moment by moment, by loving Him, by worshipping Him, unceasingly fellowshipping with Him and remaining in His presence!!

Lord Jesus we love You, thank You we can draw near to You, grant us the reality of the jubilee in our daily experience!!

J. C.
J. C.
4 months ago

Amen, this is the year of jubilee

Seni A.
Seni A.
4 months ago

Amen, when we are busy we cannot reflect easily or receive revelation.

We need a quiet mind and a humble attitude to be transformed into the Lord’s image.

We will receive grace if we are humble, remove ourselves and spend time in the Lords presence.

As we enjoy Him we have real freedom.

RcV Bible
RcV Bible
4 months ago

The New Testament age, typified by the year of jubilee (Lev. 25:8-17). The New Testament age would be the time when God would accept the returned captives of sin (Isa. 49:8; 2 Cor. 6:2) and when those oppressed under the bondage of sin would enjoy the release of God’s salvation and keep the New Testament jubilee.

Luke 4:19, footnote 1 on, “acceptable,” Recovery Version Bible

This Is the Year of Jubilee!
This Is the Year of Jubilee!
4 months ago

An excellent son on this topic can be this one, This Is the Year of Jubilee!

Find it via hymnal.net here https://www.hymnal.net/en/hymn/ns/720 and via songbase here https://songbase.life/2322

1. The Lord has given freedom

To all who just believe Him.

Be no longer enslaved.

Come now! Return to Jesus.

Receive the Life that frees us!

Call on Him and be saved.


Chorus: This is the year of jubilee!

Proclaim our liberty in Him!

Throughout the land we sound out:

The slaves have been returned to Him,

Released from toil, anxiety, and sin!

This is the year of jubilee!

2. Reclaim the land, our portion,

God as our rich possession.

Feast on Him ev’ry day!

Enjoy Him with God’s fam’ly;

Find satisfaction and peace.

Here forever to stay!

Listen to this hymn via, 



and see how it was written here