Enjoy Christ until We’re Filled and Saturated with Him to be Wine as a Drink Offering

And afterward I will pour out My Spirit upon all flesh, / And your sons and your daughters shall prophesy; / Your old men shall dream dreams; / Your young men shall see visions. Joel 2:28

We need to enjoy and experience Christ as the offerings day by day until the Christ we experience subjectively becomes new wine in us, causing us to be ecstatically happy and joyful; then, when Christ as the new wine saturates and fills us with Himself, we can be poured out as a drink offering for God’s satisfaction and on God’s building. Amen!

The good land is a land of vines; Christ is the vine and we’re the branches (John 15:4-5), and we abide in Him to be one with Him.

As the vine, Christ expands, grows, and increases in man and through man to reach everyone around the world.

Also, as the vine Christ bears fruit through the branches abiding in the vine.

When we as believers in Christ abide in Christ as the vine, He abides in us, and the flow of His life causes us to grow in life with the growth of God and bear fruit for the glorification of the Father.

Apart from the Lord Jesus, we can do nothing, for we’re just a branch in the vine.

Just as the branch cannot do anything apart from the vine, so we can do nothing apart from Christ, to whom we are joined organically in spirit (1 Cor. 6:17).

When we abide in the Lord and He abides in us, we receive the rich divine dispensing, and we are filled with Him to overflowing.

The Lord doesn’t want to give us just a little bit of Him; He wants to flow freely into us and out of us.

It all depends on our opening to Him. We all need to learn to open to the Lord a little more every day.

We need to let Him make His home in our hearts a little more each day.

When we open to Him and enjoy Him, when we experience Him as the reality of all the offerings, He fills us to the brim, and there’s an overflow of the divine life from the depths of our being.

We will not try to do this or that for the Lord; life will simply flow from us to others.

When we’re filled with the Lord Jesus as the new wine, we will simply overflow with Him to others.

Christ is the reality of the drink offering, for only He can satisfy God. He is the One filled with new wine, and He is the new wine itself.

And He has come into us to fill us. May we open to Him day by day and spend time with Him to be filled with Him.

May we open to Him without reservation in our time with Him so that He may fill us to the brim.

May we allow Him to fill us to overflowing, and may we not limit Him in our daily living.

When we experience Christ and are filled and saturated with Him, we become one with Him to be the wine that is poured out before God and upon the sacrifice and service of the saints.

God will be satisfied with this drink offering, for we are one with Christ as the drink offering for God’s satisfaction.

Advancing in our Experience and Enjoyment of Christ until We’re Filled and Saturated with Christ as the New Wine

And Jacob set up a pillar in the place where He had spoken with him, a pillar of stone; and he poured out a drink offering on it and poured oil on it. Gen. 35:14

The first mention of the drink offering is in Gen. 35:14, where we see Jacob coming to Bethel the second time and, after setting up a pillar in the place God spoke with him, he poured out a drink offering and poured oil on it.

In Gen. 28 Jacob came to Bethel the first time, on his way to his family as he was running from his brother Esau, and there God gave him a marvellous dream of the heavenly ladder.

After that dream, Jacob set up the pillow he slept on as a pillar and poured oil on it, for he saw that was the house of God.

But he did not have that much experience and transformation at that point, so he could not pour a drink offering on this pillar.

He was a young supplanter running from his brother whom he had wronged.

Neither do they put new wine into old wineskins; otherwise, the wineskins burst, and the wine pours out, and the wineskins are ruined; but they put new wine into fresh wineskins, and both are preserved. Matt. 9:17But when he returned twenty years later, he had some experience of transformation, and he could pour a drink offering to the Lord.

We need to advance in our experience and enjoyment of Christ as all the offerings in our daily living until we’re qualified to pour a drink offering to God.

As we experience Christ as the reality of the offerings, we will eventually become a person who is filled and saturated with Christ.

Day by day in our time with the Lord and throughout the day we need to enjoy and experience Christ.

We need to take Him as the reality of our sin offering for the sin in our being, and we need to apply Him as the trespass offering for all the sins we have committed.

We need to take Christ as the burnt offering, laying our hands on Him to be one with Him as the only One who is absolute for God.

We need to take Christ as our meal offering, partaking of His humanity and being anointed with the Spirit to become a corporate meal offering for God’s satisfaction and man’s supply.

As we enjoy and experience Christ day by day, we will be filled with Him.

The Christ we experience becomes in us the new wine that fills us and saturates us.

We need to enjoy and experience Christ daily until we’re filled and saturated with Christ as the new wine.

For us to offer the drink offering, we need to become the drink offering; only one who is filled and saturated with Christ as the new wine can pour out the drink offering for God’s satisfaction, for he has become one with Christ as the drink offering.

We cannot be a drink offering according to our natural constitution; rather, we must enjoy Christ to such an extent that Christ fills us, saturates us, and permeates us.

May we drink Christ daily until He as the heavenly wine fills us to the brim.

May we enjoy Him by taking Him into us so that we may be filled with Him and thoroughly saturated with Him.

Then, we will become the wine to be poured out as a drink offering upon the offerings we present to God.

Day by day, may we come to the Lord in prayer and ask the Father to strengthen us into our inner man through His Spirit according to the riches of His glory so that Christ may make His home in our hearts through faith (Eph. 3:16-17).

As we do this, Christ fills us to the brim and is even formed in us (Gal. 4:19).

The more we enjoy and experience Christ day by day, the more we are filled and saturated with Christ as the new wine, and we will be qualified to be one with Christ as the drink offering.

The Christ whom we experience subjectively as the offerings become wine in us, causing us to be ecstatically happy and joyful (Matt. 9:17; 2 Cor. 5:13).

In our personal time with the Lord, as we enjoy Him in our intimate time with Him, we will be filled with Him and we will even be beside ourselves with joy.

For whether we were beside ourselves, [it was] to God; or whether we are sober-minded, [it is] for you. 2 Cor. 5:13 And walk in love, even as Christ also loved us and gave Himself up for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet-smelling savor. Eph. 5:2 But even if I am being poured out as a drink offering upon the sacrifice and service of your faith, I rejoice, and I rejoice together with you all. Phil. 2:17We will be “crazy” for the Lord, for He fills us and saturates us with Himself as the new wine.

The Christ we enjoy and experience becomes the new wine in us causing us to be happy and joyful, even to be beside ourselves with joy!

Our experience of Christ becomes the element within us stirring us up to be ecstatically happy!

As we continue to enjoy the Lord in this way day by day, we will become one with the wine!

Just as a drunkard is one with the wine he drinks, for is saturated with wine and even smells like wine, so we need to drink Christ as the new wine until we’re filled and saturated with Christ as the new wine and are “drunk with Christ” to become wine to satisfy God. Amen!

In this way we become one with Christ to be a drink offering to God, pouring ourselves out before Him and on the church as the building of God for God’s satisfaction.

This being “drunk with Christ” is not something outward that causes us to do things in a crazy way besides ourselves, things that make no sense, but it is inward, filled with Christ inwardly and crazy loving the Lord to waste ourselves on Him and on the church for the Father to be satisfied.

When we are filled and saturated with Christ as the new wine, we will become wine to satisfy God, and we’re qualified and ready to be a drink offering.

May we bring this matter to the Lord and tell Him,

Lord Jesus, we want to advance in our enjoyment and experience of Christ in our daily life. Keep us in our spirit contacting You, enjoying You, and experiencing You. We take You as the reality of all the offerings. Teach us how to take You as the offerings in our daily experience. Amen, Lord, make Your home in our hearts through faith. Fill us and saturate us with Yourself as the new wine. May the Christ we experience and enjoy become wine in us to fill us to the brim. Amen, Lord, fill us with Yourself as the new wine! May we be those who spend much time with the Lord and are beside ourselves with joy before Him, for we’re filled with Christ as the heavenly wine! Hallelujah, our Christ is the wine that fills us and saturates us to make us beside ourselves with the Lord! Oh Lord, we want to be filled and saturated with Christ as the new wine so that we may be wine to satisfy God and be qualified and ready to be a drink offering!

Being Filled with Christ as the New Wine to be a Drink Offering for God’s Satisfaction and upon God’s Building

But I, I will most gladly spend and be utterly spent on behalf of your souls. If I love you more abundantly, am I loved less? 2 Cor. 12:15 For I am already being poured out, and the time of my departure is at hand. 2 Tim. 4:6On one hand, Christ is the drink offering, for only Christ can satisfy God, and He poured out His life before God for His satisfaction and delight.

On the other hand, He came as the new wine for us to drink (Matt. 9:17).

As we drink Christ as the new wine, we are filled and saturated with Christ as the new wine, and we become one with Him to be poured out as a drink offering.

We need to come to a point in our experience where we have been constituted as a drink offering, as Paul was in 2 Tim. 4:6.

He testified that he is already poured out as a drink offering.

He drank Christ as the new wine and was filled with Christ as the new wine to the extent that he could be poured out as a drink offering.

We need to drink Christ as the new wine day by day. We need to enjoy the Lord day by day, even moment by moment.

We should not have as our aim anything else besides enjoying Christ and being filled with Him.

We should not worry about our failures or mistakes but simply confess them, apply the Lord’s precious blood, and come forward to the Lord to enjoy Him again and again.

As believers in Christ, we believe into the Lord, we do not look at our condition, and we come to Him to be filled and saturated with Christ as the new wine!

We turn our hearts to Him again and again, and we pray short prayers to open to Him and experience Him.

We simply tell the Lord,

Lord Jesus, we want to become a drink offering. Saturate us with Yourself as the new wine. Fill us with the heavenly wine. Empty us of ourselves and fill us with Your new wine. Oh Lord, we want to be filled with You to the brim! You are so enjoyable! No matter what happens, Lord, we open to You for You to fill us with the new wine! Whatever is going on around us, keep our being open to Your filling! Fill us, Lord Jesus! Fill us to the extent that we are one with You as wine to be poured out for God’s satisfaction! Amen!

As we open to the Lord and pray short prayers to keep our contact with Him fresh and living, we are inwardly filled with Him, and we will be beside ourselves for the Lord and with the Lord.

And this filling is for God’s building. Jacob poured out a drink offering on the pillar at Bethel, indicating that the drink offering is not only for God’s satisfaction but also for God’s building (Gen. 35:14).

The wine poured out at Bethel is not the direct wine from the winepress; it is the indirect wine from those who enjoy Christ as wine and who are saturated with Christ as wine.

And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in different tongues, even as the Spirit gave to them to speak forth...But others jeered and said, They are full of new wine!...For these men are not drunk, as you suppose, for it is the third hour of the day; But this is what is spoken through the prophet Joel: "And it shall be in the last days, says God, [that] I will pour out of My Spirit upon all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream [things] in dreams; And indeed upon My slaves, both men and women, I will pour out of My Spirit in those days, and they shall prophesy." Acts 2:4, 13, 15-18If we were to be pressed and crushed, not much wine may come out, for we need more of Christ.

But when we drink Christ as the new wine and are filled and saturated with Christ as the new wine, we will be able to pour out some wine for God’s building.

In Bethel, the house of God, the church as the Body of Christ, we eventually need to be poured out as a drink offering (2 Cor. 12:15).

After the Lord Jesus died, the disciples were not scattered; rather, they remained in Jerusalem and gathered themselves together, even to pray for ten days, until they were filled with the Holy Spirit as the new wine.

On the day of Pentecost, they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, filled with the new wine of Christ, and they overflowed with Christ to those around them (Acts 2:13-14).

The Lord prophesied in Joel 2:28 that in the last days, He will pour out His Spirit and young men will see visions and old men will dream dreams.

The more we enjoy and experience Christ, the more we’re filled and saturated with Him as new wine, and we are beside ourselves with this One, for He fills us with joy that is unspeakable and full of glory.

We will then be one with Christ to be a drink offering poured out for God’s satisfaction and for God’s building, the church.

How wonderful! May the Lord gain this in us and among us today.

Lord Jesus, we give ourselves to You to be filled with You as the new wine today! We forget about our situation, our failures, and our condition, and we just want to be filled with You! Hallelujah, the Christ we enjoy and experience is the new wine filling us and saturating us to make us wine to be poured out as a drink offering for God’s satisfaction and for God’s building! Amen, Lord, fill us with Yourself as the heavenly wine. Saturate our being with Yourself as the new wine. May our whole being be saturated and filled with the heavenly wine of Christ until we become a drink offering poured out upon the church as the building of God and for God’s satisfaction. Gain this among us, dear Lord. Gain many saints who are filled and saturated with Christ as the new wine to such an extent that their being is filled with wine and even becomes wine for the satisfaction of God and for the building of God!

References and Hymns on this Topic
  • Inspiration for this article/sharing comes from the Word of God, the enjoyment in the ministry, a sharing by brother Ray Mulligan in the message for this week, and portions from, Life-study of Genesis, msg. 89 (by Witness Lee), as quoted in the Holy Word for Morning Revival on, Laboring on the All-inclusive Christ Typified by the Good land for the Building up of the Church as the Body of Christ, for the Reality and the Manifestation of the Kingdom, and for the Bride to make Herself Ready for the Lord’s Coming (2023 Winter Training), week 5, entitled, A Land of Vines.
  • Similar articles on this topic:
    Christ, the new wineskin, a portion from, Christ versus Religion, Chapter 2, by Witness Lee.
    Let us contemplate the grape vine, an excellent hymn by Watchman Nee.
    Have you been drunk with wine? Read more via, Living to Him.
    The new wine, a portion from, Christ versus Religion, Chapter 2, by Witness Lee.
    Singing with Our Hearts to the Lord, via, Bibles for America blog.
    The Kind of Person the Lord Can Use to Turn the Age, via, Shepherding Words.
    Do not put some artificial coloring on your face, but simply drink the heavenly wine and you will have a colorful complexion. Do not pretend to be joyful when inwardly you are filled with sorrow. If you realize that the Triune God has been dispensed into you, you will be happy and your joy will be full. This is life. Read more via, Life-study of John msg. 1.
    The new wineskin and the old wineskin, a portion from, Collected Works of Watchman Nee, The (Set 2) Vol. 21: The Christian (1934-1940), Chapter 11, by Watchman Nee.
    Christ Our Physician, Bridegroom, New Wine, and Shepherd, via, Holding to Truth in Love.
    The Street of New Jerusalem for Eternal Fellowship, via New Jerusalem.
  • Hymns on this topic:
    – Jesus, Bread and Wine art Thou, / Wine and Bread forever. / Never canst Thou cease to feed / Or refresh us, never. / Feed us still on bread divine, / Drink we still of heavenly wine. (Hymns #512 stanza 2)
    – Fill me with Thy gracious Spirit, / Fill my longing spirit now; / Fill me with Thy hallowed presence, / Come, dear Lord, and fill me now! / Fill me now! Fill me now! / Fill me with Thy Spirit now! / Strip me wholly, empty throughly, / Fill me with Thy Spirit now! (Hymns #267 stanza 1 and chorus)
    – Into His disciples the risen Lord breathed, / The Spirit of life thus to them He bequeathed; / Th’ ascended Lord poured at the Pentecost hour / Upon His disciples the Spirit of pow’r. / The Spirit of life is within as the life, / The Spirit of power is giv’n for this life; / As blowing of wind brings the fresh air to breathe, / The Spirit of power to life doth bequeath. (Hymns #278 stanzas 4-5)
About aGodMan

A God-man is a normal believer in Christ; the author of this article is one who is learning to be a normal Christian, a daily enjoyer of Christ, a living and functioning member in the Body of Christ. Amen, Lord, make us such ones for the building up of the Body of Christ!

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brother L.
brother L.
10 months ago

Jacob twice set up a pillar in Bethel [Gen. 28:18; 35:14]. The first time he did not pour a drink offering upon the pillar; he simply poured oil upon it. The reason Jacob poured oil but not wine upon the pillar the first time was that in the Bible oil does not require very much experience on our part, but wine depends upon our experience.

At the time of Jacob’s first visit to Bethel,…he was a young supplanter and had no wine to pour out to the Lord. Thus, in chapter 28 he could not pour out the drink offering. But twenty years later, after he had been touched by the Lord and had been somewhat transformed, he returned to Bethel.

Because he had had some experience, he had wine to pour out upon the pillar as a drink offering to the Lord. By experiencing Christ [as the reality of the offerings someone]…will eventually become a person filled and saturated with Christ.

The very Christ who saturates him will be his wine, and…[he] will be saturated with this wine and actually become one with the wine.

Life-study of Genesis, pp. 1141-1143, by Witness Lee

brother N.
brother N.
10 months ago

What is the meaning of a wineskin? Why can new wine not be put in the old wineskin? Some have said that we are the old wineskin. This is wrong. If we are not the old garment, can we be the old wineskin? We should consider the context. It is impossible for the previous verses to refer to one thing and the following verses to refer to something else. Since the old garment refers to human righteousness in the previous verses, the old wineskin in the subsequent verse must refer to our natural conduct. In other words, the old wineskin is related to the fasting mentioned above. To fast means to boast; it is saying that one is not like the publicans, that one fasts twice a week, and that one tithes. In other words, one can boast before God. This is the old wineskin. The old wineskin is the goodness we had before we believed in the Lord. It is the aspects of our temper and good behavior which excelled above the temper and behavior of others. The old wineskin is not sin, and it is not something torn. (The torn garment is the only thing that is torn.) The old wineskin is our natural, good behavior. It is also the good works which we perform after we are saved. It is going back to being a Galatian again after one has become a Christian, trying to accomplish what man cannot accomplish through the law. It is trying to please God through keeping the law and trying to gain God’s favor through one’s own strength. This is what Paul meant when he asked if the Galatians could be perfected by the law, after they had begun by grace. “Are you so foolish? Having begun by the Spirit, are you now being perfected by the flesh?” (3:3). All those who have begun by the Lord Jesus, but who nevertheless try to be perfected by themselves, are putting the new wine into the old wineskin.

I can say strongly that never in history has there been a case where a person tried to mix Christianity with Judaism and the two were preserved. The result of such a mixture always makes Christianity no longer Christianity, and Judaism no longer Judaism. In the end both are not what they were. God has no intention to have such a thing. Throughout history, Catholicism has tried to mix Judaism with Christianity. On the one hand, they adopted the customs and ceremonies of the Old Testament, and on the other hand, they displayed a signboard on the outside which said, “The New Testament.” They say that the high priest is on earth and the temple is also on the earth. Actually, the temple is no longer on earth; it is in heaven. Is Catholicism Christianity? No. Is Catholicism Judaism? No. We do not recognize Catholicism to be Christianity, and Judaism will never recognize Catholicism to be Judaism either, because the Catholics have been the ones who persecuted Judaism the most. Catholicism combines Judaism and Christianity together, like patching a tear together. The result is that the tear becomes worse. The end result of putting Christianity and Judaism together is nothing.

The new wine can only be put in the new wineskin. Only then will the power and effect be preserved. The new wine can perform only that which pleases God according to the ordinance of the new covenant and by the power of the Holy Spirit. Once you have the new wine within, you have the power to uphold yourself. If you are not saved, you will not have the experience, and you will not see much change. But if you are saved, you will feel a law controlling you within. One sister has many relatives on her husband’s side. There is always the danger of engaging in gossip when she is with them. As a result she is very careful in the things she says. But her son is very talkative. Every time she goes to her relatives’ homes, she reminds the son not to speak too much and that when she tugs his sleeve, he should shut up and not speak further. But every time her son opens his mouth, he cannot stop; it is useless for the mother to do anything. He will say, “Let me finish this and I’ll shut up.” I have personally witnessed this. This boy has his mother beside him to tug at him. But when a Christian walks about, it seems that he walks alone; no one is beside him tugging at him. When he goes to his relatives’ homes, he may act politely when others are very polite to him. But after half an hour or an hour, his conversation may heat up. Then something within will seem to be tugging at him, saying, “That’s enough. If you go on, it will become ungodliness, and you will not be behaving like a Christian.” If he listens to this inner voice and stops, he will have the peace. What is this? This is the new wine. This is not the only experience a Christian can have; there are hundreds of experiences that are similar to this.

(Collected Works of Watchman Nee, The (Set 2) Vol. 21: The Christian (1934-1940), Chapter 11, by Watchman Nee)

Stefan M.
Stefan M.
10 months ago

We need to experience and enjoy more of Christ day by day; the Christ we enjoy and experience is the new wine filling us and causing us to be a drink offering to God!

May we be persons filled and saturated with Christ as the new wine so that we become the same as He is, ready to be poured out as a drink offering for God’s satisfaction and upon God’s building.

Lord Jesus, we take You as the reality of all the offerings today. We want to enjoy and experience more of You today.

Fill us with Yourself as the new wine. Saturate us with Yourself until we become one!

L. C.
L. C.
10 months ago

Amen fill us with yourself as wine

D. S.
D. S.
10 months ago

Amen. Oh Lord Jesus!

Fill us with Yourself as the new wine.

Saturate us with Yourself until we become one!

Nick H.
Nick H.
10 months ago

Praise the Lord, dear brother. Thank you, Lord, for a new day. Lord fill us more and more with you as the new wine. 

I enjoyed this portion from the ministry today. 

Always pay your full attention to the inner part of your being where Jesus is. Do not try to serve the Lord, work for Him, or do anything for Him. You have to look unto Him so that He would show you all His beauty, His sweetness, and His fairness. This will attract you to love Him. We should say, “Lord Jesus, to me You are so sweet. To me You are so loving and so lovely. Whenever I call on You, I have a sweet sense deep within my being.” We should have a love toward Jesus that is sweet to our inner sense. We should tell the Lord all the time, “O Lord Jesus, I love You.”

Praise the Lord brother.

Moh S.
Moh S.
10 months ago

Aaaaameeen! More saturation today!

Alex S.
Alex S.
10 months ago

Amen, dear saint, may we be one to be the satisfaction of God the Father.

Pak L.
Pak L.
10 months ago

Amen. Lord, we want to be filled and saturated with You so that we can have wine to pour out as a drink offering.

We want to be crazy lovers of Christ!

Lord Jesus, fill us today! Lord, we want to have more experiences of You.

Produce the wine in us!

agodman audio
agodman audio
10 months ago
Phil H.
Phil H.
10 months ago

Yes, Lord, fill us today.

S. A.
S. A.
10 months ago

Amen, Lord saturate us with yourself.

The wine depends upon our experience. We must experience Christ daily and He will become the wine in us. 

We must be fully saturated with Christ to be the drink offering for Gods satisfaction.

Lord we just want to experience you and enjoy you daily as our wine

Christian A.
Christian A.
10 months ago

By experiencing Christ as the reality of the offerings, we will eventually become a person filled & saturated with Christ.

The offerings will become wine and cause us to be happy & joyful slaves of our Master in His house.

Each day, we need to allow Christ to saturate us and make us His crazy lovers, who are ready to be poured out as a drink offering.

Yes, until we become one spirit with Him all the time.

Richard C.
Richard C.
10 months ago

To be poured out as a drink offering is the result of enjoying Christ subjectively as our new wine, until we are fully saturated and drunk with Him.

We will then be – like Paul – besides ourselves, even crazy.

Such a drink offering is for God’s building, even as we see how Jacob firstly poured oil on the pillar stone, then after being transformed, he poured both oil and wine on the stone.

O Lord Jesus grant us the experience of Yourself as the drink offering so we my be filled with You for the Church as God’s building today for His satisfaction!

Yes Lord. Fill us and saturate us until we become one!

K. P.
K. P.
10 months ago

Gen. 35:14 …Jacob set up a pillar in the place where He had spoken with him, a pillar of stone; and he poured out a drink offering on it and poured oil on it.

Matt. 9:17 Neither do they put new wine into old wineskins; otherwise, the wineskins burst, and the wine pours out, and the wineskins are ruined; but they put new wine into fresh wineskins, and both are preserved.

Hallelujah!  🙌🙋🏽😃

Alan T.
Alan T.
10 months ago

04/26/24 A Land of Vines (Week 5, Day 5)

“By Experiencing Christ as the Wine-producing Vine and by Being Filled with Him as New Wine, We May Become a Drink Offering in Him and with Him” (Part 1) The Drink Offering Typifies Christ as the One Poured Out as the Real Wine before God for His Pleasure

In chapter twenty-eight of Genesis, Jacob poured oil upon the stone that he had set up for a pillar in Bethel (Gen 28:18; 35:14). But in chapter thirty-five there is some further development. Before he poured oil upon the pillar, he poured a drink offering upon it. Probably very few of us know the true significance of the drink offering. But by reading other verses, such as Numbers 15:1-5; 28:7-10; Philippians 2:17; and 2 Timothy 4:6, along with our experience, we can grasp the genuine significance of the drink offering.

The drink offering signifies that the offerer himself becomes the drink offering. However, this does not mean that the offerer can be such a drink offering according to his own natural constitution. Rather, he must enjoy Christ to such an extent that Christ fills him, saturates him, and permeates him. Christ is the heavenly wine for our enjoyment. When we enjoy Him by taking Him into us, we shall become filled with Him and thoroughly saturated with Him. In this way, we shall become the wine to be poured out as a drink offering upon the offerings we present to God.

The drink offering typifies not only Christ Himself but also the Christ who saturates us with Himself as heavenly wine until He and we become one to be poured out for God’s enjoyment and satisfaction. First, Christ poured out Himself as a drink offering for God. Then, as we receive Christ as the Oil and the New Wine into our being, we shall become living stones for God’s building.

And the more we are filled and saturated with Christ as the Wine, we shall become one with Him, to be a drink offering to God. Eventually, when all the believers are fully filled and saturated with Christ, we shall become precious stones, being fitted together to become God’s building, His Dwelling Place.

Jacob’s setting up a pillar of stone at Bethel was a picture of God’s economy. His pouring of oil into the stone typifies the believers (stone) receiving Christ as life. His pouring of drink offering typifies the believer’s experiences of Christ becoming one with Christ in His suffering in order to also flow out oil and wine for others to receive. Corporately, all the believers will thus become the building materials for God’s House.

Ephesians 5:18-19 says, “And do not be drunk with wine, in which is dissoluteness, but be filled in spirit, Speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and psalming with your heart to the Lord,” Wine in this verses does not refer to spiritual wine, but to the physical one. As believers in Christ, we should not be drunk with physical wine, but we need to be drunk with spiritual wine, which is, Christ Himself.

By being drunk with Christ, as the spiritual Wine, we shall become “crazy” lovers of Christ. Because we are filled and drunken with Christ as Wine in our spirit, we shall spontaneously, speak to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and psalming with our heart to the Lord.

People around us may say that we are crazy and drunk, but, in the eyes of God, it is such a pleasure for Him to see us being drunken with Christ for, in this way, God can eventually bring His people into His divine dispensing to be fully saturated with Him and to make them His Dwelling Place for His corporate expression.

“Lord Jesus, we want to be Your crazy lovers by being drunken with You as the Wine so that we too might become a drink offering for others to also become drunken with You as the spiritual Wine. Together, we shall receive the dispensing of Your riches into our tripartite beings, and thus, become Your corporate Dwelling Place for Your expression. Amen.”

Keven B
Keven B
10 months ago

Praise the Lord, brother, The drink offering is not just Christ Himself; it is the Christ who has saturated us until the wine has become us. Ultimately, our experience of Christ becomes the element within us stirring us up to be ecstatically happy. As we continue in this enjoyment, we shall even become one with the wine.
Amen, Lord, may we experience and enjoy You as the new wine to the extent that we become one with You as the wine. Eventually that we would become a drink offering poured out for God’s satisfaction!

Mario V.
Mario V.
10 months ago

When Jacob first came to Bethel he could only pour oil upon the pillar because he was still inexperienced and untransformed. But even he came back the second time he could pour wine and oil on the pillar because after 20 years he gained some experience and somewhat transformed.
When we become drunk of Christ and with Christ, we bocome wine to satisfy God, and we are qualified and ready to be a drink offering. The drink offering is not merely Christ Himself; it is the Christ who saturates us until Christ and we, we and Christ, become one. Formerly, this wine was only Christ, but now it becomes us that we may be poured out as a drink offering. This pouring out depends upon our experience of Christ. In the house of God which is the church today, we must be poured out as a drink offering for God’ building. Amen
Lord grant us the experiences that we need. May we become wine to cheer man and for Your satisfaction. 🙏🙏🙏