Eat and Experience Christ as Barley and Feed Others with our Experience of Christ

Jesus said to her, I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes into Me, even if he should die, shall live. John 11:25

In ourselves, we cannot meet our needs, but within us we have Christ as a barley loaf, a portion of the unlimited resurrected Christ, and He can meet our needs and produce a surplus; as long as we eat Him and experience Him, we can feed ourselves and also feed others by what we have experienced of Christ. Amen!

Thank the Lord for the good land – the all-inclusive Christ given to us as our portion.

The first two items in this land are wheat and barley; this land is a land of wheat and barley.

In His wisdom, the Lord mentions wheat first, and then barley. If we look at the New Testament to see what do wheat and barley represent, we will be very encouraged.

Wheat is a type of the incarnated, crucified, and buried Christ, and barley is a type of the resurrected Christ.

On one hand, when the Lord Jesus became a man, He was limited, constrained, and under a lot of limitations and constraints.

On the other hand, He did not complain nor did He speak out against these limitations; rather, He lived by the divine life, the resurrection life of Christ, to express God.

Christ was satisfied with the Father, for He spent time with the Father and took the Father as His source.

We can never understand fully what happened at the time of the Lord’s incarnation, but we do know that the infinite God became a finite man.

The One who was not limited by time or space became a finite man who was limited by time and space.

Even more, those around Him limited Him, constrained Him, and pressed Him.

However, He did not fight back nor did He seek to escape the limitation; rather, He was willing to be limited, even willing to die and be buried.

The Lord Jesus went to the cross willingly. No one had to force Him; He willingly chose the cross, the cup that the Father gave Him, and He received the baptism of His death.

He knew that, even though He had to go through the highest pain imaginable to man, the death of the cross, there was resurrection that followed.

Christ in His incarnation, death, and burial is the reality of the grain of wheat.

Then, in His resurrection Christ became a life-giving Spirit – He became the resurrected Christ who is unlimited and powerful.

He is the most powerful One: He overcame the power of death, and He came back to life. Wow!

The barley signifies the resurrected Christ.

Christ is the firstfuits of resurrection, and in His resurrection, He is unlimited and powerful.

Wheat and barley are types of Christ for our experience.

We can experience Christ as the wheat in our limiting situations, and as we remain under the restrictions and limitations, we apply Him as the reality of barley.

The power of resurrection is in us, for the resurrected Christ as the life-giving Spirit is one with our spirit.

Praise the Lord, we can experience and enjoy Christ as the reality of the good land, a land of wheat and barley!

We Can’t meet our Needs but a Portion of the Unlimited Resurrected Christ is in us to Meet our Needs and Produce a Surplus!

I am able to do all things in Him who empowers me. Phil. 4:13We need to come to the Lord in His word regarding the intrinsic significance and practical application of all the features and items of the good land, for the good land is a complete type of the all-inclusive Christ for our experience.

When we experience the all-inclusive Christ with His unsearchable riches, we are built up to be the Body of Christ for His corporate expression and we’re formed as the army of God to fight for His interests on the earth.

The barley is mentioned in the New Testament in a few places, especially in John 6.

There was a great need for food for so many people, and there were only five loaves of barley and two fish; what could these do for such a great crowd, five thousand men besides women and children?

Today we have a great need; we have many needs, and we realize again and again that we cannot meet our needs.

Especially in this modern world where there’s an app for this and for that, where you can try to find a technological solution for so many problems, and where solving problems is the main function of many people, we need to realize that we cannot meet our needs in ourselves.

We may be able to temporarily meet a need, but the real needs cannot be met by ourselves and in ourselves.

We are limited. We’re limited both in knowledge and ability, and we’re limited in time and space.

We need someone else; we need Christ.

Though we cannot meet the need in ourselves, we need to realize that within us there’s a barley loaf.

There is a portion of the unlimited resurrected Christ in our spirit, and He can meet our needs.

Christ is the resurrection and the life, and whoever believes into Him, even if he should die, shall live (John 11:25).

In John 11 there was a great need – Lazarus just died, and the Lord Jesus came to visit him and his sisters.

In the midst of this need, where death was very present, the Lord Jesus came as resurrection life not only to raise Lazarus from the dead but even more, to impart His resurrection life into His believers.

And when Gideon came, at that moment a man was recounting a dream to his companion; and he said, I have just had a dream. There was this round loaf of barley bread tumbling through the camp of Midian. And it came to the tent and struck it so that it fell, and it turned it upside down. And the tent collapsed. And his companion answered and said, This is nothing else but the sword of Gideon the son of Joash, a man of Israel. God has delivered Midian and all the camp into his hand. Judges 7:13-14May we be delivered from our knowledge, our empty knowledge and vain concepts concerning what the Lord should have done and may we turn to Him and take Him as our resurrection life.

We need to apply Christ as the unlimited resurrected One in us. We need to remember that Christ is in us, and we need to apply Him.

Especially as we grow up and more and more responsibilities are put on us, as we raise a family and we have to meet so many needs, we need to realize that only the resurrected Christ in us can meet our needs and can meet the needs of those around us.

Praise the Lord, within us, there’s a barley loaf, a portion of the unlimited resurrected Christ, and this One can meet every need!

Even more, He can produce a surplus to meet others’ needs as well.

The resurrected Christ is the loaf of barley, and nothing can hinder Him or limit Him.

As seen in Judges, with Gideon and the dream that one of the Midianites had, if we eat Christ as the barley loaf we also become a loaf of barley rolling over the camp of the enemy.

May we eat Christ as the barley and may we become one with Him to meet others’ need by feeding them with Christ as the resurrected One.

May we experience Christ as the unlimited resurrected One, and may we allow Him to meet our needs today.

Lord Jesus, we come to You to enjoy You and experience You as the barley loaf. We acknowledge that, in ourselves, we cannot meet our needs. We cannot meet our needs in ourselves, but praise the Lord, there’s a barley loaf within us! Hallelujah, the unlimited resurrected Christ is in our spirit to meet our every need and even to produce a surplus to meet others’ needs! Amen, Lord, we open to You. We come to enjoy You. We want to apply You as the resurrected Christ, the One who can meet our every need. We take You as the loaf of barley and we eat You. We partake of what You are. You are the resurrection life and resurrection power in us. Nothing can hinder You. Nothing can limit You. We are so hindered and limited, but You are in us, and You are full of life and resurrection power. We want to apply You as the unlimited resurrected Christ and we want to live because of You!

Eat and Experience Christ as Barley and Feed Others with our Experience of Christ

But Jesus said to them, They do not need to go away. You give them [something] to eat. Matt. 14:16

On one hand, we believers in Christ need to enjoy Christ and experience Him as a land of wheat and barley in a personal way in our daily experience.

On the other hand, if we are faithful to enjoy and experience Christ as a loaf of barley, we will have something of Christ to minister to others, and we will feed them with our experience of Christ as barley.

If we remember that Christ is barley in us, when we come to the meeting, we can apply Him as barley to feed others by our prayer or our testimony.

We may meet with a brother and, remembering that Christ is in us as the barley, we will apply Him in our fellowship with this brother.

Many times, however, we just chat with the saints; we have a good time with them, talking about the weather and other things, but we do not minister Christ to them.

If indeed you have heard of the stewardship of the grace of God which was given to me for you. Eph. 3:2 There is a little boy here who has five barley loaves and two fish; but what are these for so many?...So they gathered [them] and filled twelve handbaskets with broken pieces from the five barley loaves which were left over among those who had eaten. John 6:9, 13When we depart, however, we feel hungry and sick from not applying Christ.

We need to grasp every situation as an opportunity for us to apply Christ.

Then, when we come to the meeting, it will be easy for us to praise the Lord or give a testimony, for we will have some loaves of barley to offer to the Lord in the meeting.

When we come to the meeting, we shouldn’t look around and see if there are some older saints who would start the meeting; we simply need to bring out our portion of Christ and share it with the saints.

We can exercise our spirit to share something of the Christ we have enjoyed, and we can offer a prayer or praise to the Lord.

Many times, however, we come to the meeting and we shrink back in fear; the enemy may accuse us by reminding us of our failures, and we may think that we don’t have much of Christ to share with others.

But we need to realize that, even if the apostle Paul would be in the meeting with us, each one of us has at least one loaf of barley, even though our brother Paul may have one hundred.

As long as we have a little bit of the resurrected Christ, we have more than enough to meet every situation.

We simply need to apply Christ as barley and then exercise our spirit to feed others with our experience of Christ as barley.

Each one of us has a responsibility when we come to the meeting; we need to share the Christ we have enjoyed and experienced.

It is together that we can apprehend with all the saints what the breadth, length and height of Christ are, and we can know the knowledge-surpassing love of God (Eph. 3:16-21).

The stewardship of the grace of God was given to us for others; we were given something of Christ, a portion of the all-inclusive Christ, for us to have something to minister to others also (Eph. 3:2).

We should not think that we are too weak; indeed, in ourselves we are weak, but in our spirit there is One who is barley, resurrection life and power.

When we come to the meeting, we can apply Christ as a loaf of barley to feed the saints around us by our prayer or by our testimony.

We need to practice this. We will be enriched by our pratice.

You say, “Oh, I am too weak!” In yourself you are weak, but in Christ you are not weak. You say, “I have nothing.” Yes, you have nothing, but in Christ you have everything…Remember that Christ is the barley in you. When you come to the meeting, apply Him as the one loaf of barley to feed all the others by your prayer or by your testimony. Try it… You will be enriched by practice. Never say that the meetings are not your business…You must learn to apply Christ; you must make use of the Christ you have. Jesus said to His disciples, “You give them something to eat” (Matt. 14:16). The disciples said, “There is a little boy here who has five barley loaves and two fish; but what are these for so many?” (John 6:9)…As long as they are barley loaves, as long as they are something of the resurrected Christ, that is good enough; that will meet the situation, and there will be a surplus. Collected Works of Witness Lee, 1961-1962, vol. 4, “The All-inclusive Christ,” pp. 237-238We should not be discouraged nor should we be silent. Our mouth shut up defeats us and wins the devil’s smile, so why not praise the Lord, pray, and testify for Him so that we chase the enemy away. Amen!

Sometimes when we come to the meeting we may feel like the little boy who has five barley loaves and two fish, and there’s a great multitude before us to be fed (John 6:9).

The Lord doesn’t want us to go and buy food for others: we need to give them something to eat (Matt. 14:16).

As long as we have the experience and enjoyment of Christ as the barley, as long as we have something of the resurrected Christ wrought into our being through our experience of Him, that is good enough – that will meet the situation.

May we believe in the resurrected Christ, apply Him, and share Him with others, and we will see that the remainder abiding in us will be even more than what we started with. Wow!

This is barley, this is the resurrected Christ. We apply the resurrected Christ, the unlimited, inexhaustible One, and He feeds us and others, and He multiplies!

On one hand, we are in limiting situations and in constraining circumstances, and it is there that we contact Christ and apply Him as the barley, the unlimited resurrected Christ in our spirit.

On the other hand, when we come together with the saints, we can share Him with others, and He feeds us and others, even being multiplied in us and in others as we minister Him to others.

Lord Jesus, we want to apply You as the barley-Christ in our experience. Remind us that You are in our spirit as the unlimited resurrected Christ, ready to impart Your resurrection life into every part of our being. Amen, Lord, keep us coming to You to enjoy and apply You as the resurrected Christ in every situation. In ourselves we cannot meet the need nor can we face the situation. But praise You, Lord, You can. We go ahead trusting wholly in You and counting wholly upon You! Amen, Lord, we exercise our spirit to contact You, enjoy You, and experience You in our daily living and in all our situations. We want to experience You as the unlimited, inexhaustible One. We exercise our spirit to eat Christ as the loaf of barley and also minister Him to others. Amen, Lord, make us those who bring out the riches of Christ we have enjoyed and experienced in the meeting to feed the saints for the building up of the church. May we learn to apply Christ and make use of the Christ we have, and may we feed others with the Christ we have experienced!

References and Hymns on this Topic
  • Inspiration for this article/sharing comes from the Word of God, the enjoyment in the ministry, a sharing by brother Minoru Chen in the message for this week, and portions from, Collected Works of Witness Lee, 1961-1962, vol. 4, “The All-inclusive Christ,” ch. 7, as quoted in the Holy Word for Morning Revival on, Laboring on the All-inclusive Christ Typified by the Good land for the Building up of the Church as the Body of Christ, for the Reality and the Manifestation of the Kingdom, and for the Bride to make Herself Ready for the Lord’s Coming (2023 Winter Training), week 3, entitled, A Land of Wheat and Barley.
  • Hymns on this topic:
    – O how glorious! O how holy! / God is the eternal life! / Full, unlimited, and pow’rful, / Pure, and merciful, and bright! / In this life are all His riches, / All His nature, love and light… / How mysterious, yet how real! / God Himself now flows in me! / In my heart, with me in oneness, / He has come my life to be. / Hallelujah! Hallelujah! / I will praise unceasingly! (Hymns #602 stanza 1 and 7)
    – Lord, Thy life abundant, / Flowing, rich and free, / Constantly refreshes / And empowers me. / Death by life is swallowed, / Weakness is made strong, / All my bonds are broken, / Gloom is turned to song. (Hymns #841 stanza 4)
    – This land includes so many things: / Wheat, barley, vines, deep-flowing springs, / Fig trees and never-failing bread— / O what a land before us spread! / To have the produce and abound / We daily labor on the ground; / Then to the meetings we will bring / The topmost Christ, our offering! (Hymns #1165 stanza 2 and chorus)
About aGodMan

A God-man is a normal believer in Christ; the author of this article is one who is learning to be a normal Christian, a daily enjoyer of Christ, a living and functioning member in the Body of Christ. Amen, Lord, make us such ones for the building up of the Body of Christ!

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brother L.
brother L.
11 months ago

When you come to the meeting with the brothers and sisters, you must realize your responsibility. You must share in the meeting with others. You must give some thanks and praise; you must offer some prayer. This is your responsibility. You say, “Oh, I am too weak!” In yourself you are weak, but in Christ you are not weak. You say, “I have nothing.” Yes, you have nothing, but in Christ you have everything…Remember that Christ is the barley in you. When you come to the meeting, apply Him as the one loaf of barley to feed all the others by your prayer or by your testimony. Try it… You will be enriched by practice. Never say that the meetings are not your business…You must learn to apply Christ; you must make use of the Christ you have. Jesus said to His disciples, “You give them something to eat” (Matt. 14:16). The disciples said, “There is a little boy here who has five barley loaves and two fish; but what are these for so many?” (John 6:9)…As long as they are barley loaves, as long as they are something of the resurrected Christ, that is good enough; that will meet the situation, and there will be a surplus.

Collected Works of Witness Lee, 1961-1962, vol. 4, “The All-inclusive Christ,” pp. 237-238

Pak L.
Pak L.
11 months ago

Even though our supply seems weak with only five loaves of barley, with faith we can feed five thousands people.

Thank the Lord for the resurrection life!

May we learn how to touch Christ in every situation.

We want to become a barley loaf to feed many people. Lord, gain us today!

Grow in us so that we can become food for others.

Stefan M.
Stefan M.
11 months ago

What a privilege it is not only to enjoy the all-inclusive Christ – the reality of the barley, but also to minister Him as a loaf of barley to others for them to enjoy Him!

He is unlimited, and even a little portion of Christ can supply others and bring them into the experience of the power of His resurrection.

Lord, keep us enjoying You. We want to know and experience You as the resurrection life and minister You as life to others!

Christian A.
Christian A.
11 months ago

We all have at least one barley loaf within us, which can feed 5,000!

Just a little bit of the resurrected Christ is enough to meet every situation.

Nothing can hinder/limit Christ. May we make use of the barley loaf within us.

agodman audio
agodman audio
11 months ago
Alan T.
Alan T.
11 months ago

04/13/24 A Land of Wheat and Barley (Week 3, Day 6)

“We Cannot Meet Our Needs in Ourselves, But Within Us a Barley, a Portion of the Unlimited Resurrected Christ, Neets Every Need and May Even Produce a Surplus”

In Second Corinthians 4:7-12, the Apostle Paul says, “But we have this treasure (the limited and unlimited Christ) in earthen vessels (our tripartite beings) that the excellency of the power (power of Christ’s resurrection) may be of God and not out of us. We are pressed on every side but not constricted; unable to find a way out but not utterly without a way out; Persecuted but not abandoned; cast down but not destroyed; Always bearing about in the body the putting to death of Jesus that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our body. For we who are alive are always being delivered unto death for Jesus’ sake that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our mortal flesh. So then death operates in us, but life in you.”

Why does God allow difficult things, unsolvable things, and unavoidable things to happen to us? The only reason that God allows these things to come to us is so that we will use the pressure to gain the power to seek for God. Our failure to face such difficult and impossible situation lies in the fact that we do not know how to turn our pressure into power.

We know that all pressures have a purpose. We do not have to wait until we are pressed beyond measure before we begin to pray. We have to learn to pray with pressure and without pressure. However, if there is pressure, we should turn it into power. If we turn every pressure into power, we will see that pressure comes for the purpose of manifesting God’s power of resurrection. 

We need to realize that, not only is the limited wheat Christ already in our regenerated Spirit, the unlimited barley Christ is also in our mingled spirit. Because we already have Christ as the wheat and barley within us, we just need to access Him in our mingled spirit in order to activate Him for us to face the most difficult limited situation (wgeat) by the unlimited power (barley). 

No power is greater than the power of resurrection. If we are pressed, and things are hopeless on all sides, we will be forced to turn to Christ by our intense and much prayers. Then, we will clearly feel that the power of resurrection is rising up from deep within us. Eventually, we will have the strength and the endurance to undergo such pressures in life. Only then, the Lord as the Spirit shall have His way in us to make His in our hearts. 

We need to humble ourselves, like the church in Philadelphia (Rev 3:8), to accept the fact that, in ourselves, we only have little power, or even have no power at all. We should also realize that we are nothing, have nothing, and can do nothing, and, as such, we are not able. But deep within us, in our mingled spirit, we have such a One, Who is everything, has everything and can do anything, and is able to do all things.

Upon realizing our incapacity and inability, we need to turn to the limited and unlimted Christ by praying desperately in our mingled spirit in order for us to become one with Him and for Him to give us strength and power to meet our timely need (Heb 4:16). Then, like the Apostle Paul, we can eventually declare, “I am able to do all things in Him who empowers me.” (Phil 4:13) In ourselves, we are not able, but within us, there is One Who is able, and He is the unlimited Christ Who now lives in our mingled spirit.

“We praise You, Lord Jesus, for being the unlimited Christ Who lives inside of us in order to empower us that we may be able to do all things, even to remain in sufferings, so that the divine life may be manifested in us. Amen.”

Ramona B.
Ramona B.
11 months ago


*By the power of the resurrected Christ you can follow the steps of the incarnated Jesus. With the life of the resurrected Christ, you can live out the life of the limited Jesus. Sometimes a brother says, “I feel burdened to give a testimony, but I am so weak.” It seems that the need is for five thousand people to be fed, but the supply is only five loaves of barley. Nevertheless, you have to go ahead by faith. Although your portion is seemingly so small and the demand is so great, you must realize that what you have is nothing less than the resurrected Christ. You can do all things in Him who empowers you, because He is resurrected and knows no limit. Apply Him.

(CWWL, 1961-1962,vol.4, “The All-inclusive Christ,” pp. 236-237)

S. A.
S. A.
11 months ago

Amen! Lord keep us in our spirit. As the resurrected Christ You are unlimited Lord.

There is no limit to him.

This is the reality of the Christ as the barley.

And the resurrected Christ is within us, hallelujah He can bear anything

M. J. B.
M. J. B.
11 months ago

In this passage, there are two Bible verses mentioned. The first one is from John 11:25 where Jesus says that he is the resurrection and the life, and anyone who believes in him will live even if they die. The second verse is Philippians 4:13 which states that we can do anything through Christ who gives us strength.

The author then talks about how when we meet with other believers, we should remember that Christ is within us like barley. We need to apply Him in our fellowship with others and not just talk about worldly things like the weather or news. If we forget to apply Christ in these situations, it’s like being hungry and sick because we haven’t nourished ourselves spiritually.

When some younger believers come to a meeting and see senior brothers or sisters there, they may feel intimidated or scared to share their thoughts or pray out loud. But the author reminds us that as long as we have even a little bit of the resurrected Christ within us, nothing can hinder us from sharing our faith boldly.

Overall, this passage emphasizes the importance of applying Christ in every situation and relying on His strength to guide us through life’s challenges. It also encourages believers to be bold in sharing their faith regardless of who else may be present at a gathering.

(HWMRW3D6) Enjoyment 😊
