As believers in Christ, we can live in the Divine Trinity by enjoying Christ as our life supply; we need to daily drink the Spirit as the living water and eat Christ as our spiritual food so that we may live Christ and express Christ. Amen!
It should be easy for us to live Christ and express Him; it should be spontaneous, and it should be so normal.
As long as we have the supply, we spontaneously live in the Divine Trinity so that we may live Christ and express Him.
But if we don’t have the supply, we merely have some outward forms and doctrines, and we adhere to certain sound teachings and moral regulations.
May the Lord save us from merely going through some formalities and abiding by the principles of His word yet without the inward supply!
The only way for us to live Christ is by breathing in Christ as the Spirit, eating Christ as our spiritual food, and drinking the Spirit as the living water.
Humanly speaking, we cannot live the human life if we don’t eat, drink, and breathe; breathing is most important, and it is spontaneous, then drinking is more important than eating.
We can go many days without eating, but it is not easy to go on without drinking even for a day.
As for breathing, if we don’t breathe, we die; breathing is the most important thing. Spiritually speaking it is the same; we should be breathing all the time spiritually.
How do we breathe spiritually? It is by unceasingly praying; the Bible doesn’t tell us to pray only at specific times or in particular places, but pray at every time in spirit, even pray in an unceasing way.
This means that, just as we physically breathe even without thinking about it, we should have a continual prayer that is so normal and so constant that we don’t even try to do it – we simply pray. And the best way to do this is to call on the name of the Lord.
The shortest prayer, even the most common prayer, should be to call, Lord Jesus! O, Lord Jesus!
When we wake up in the morning, instead of saying, Oh No, I’m so tired, and it’s raining outside…we should simply say, Oh Lord Jesus!
We need to call on the name of the Lord whether we’re tired or well-rested, and we need to call on His name whether we’re up or down.
No matter where we are, we can call on His name in every place. In all the daily situations of our living, in all the things we need to deal with and take care of, we need to call on the name of the Lord.
We need to call and call and call until we call on the name of the Lord and open our inner being to Him even without us knowing it.
Our Christian life is a life of conversing with the Lord, calling on His name, and opening our being to Him so that He may inwardly supply us and fill us with Himself.
Enjoy the Lord as our Spiritual Drink by Speaking with Him Constantly to be Filled with Him and Live Christ
Jer. 2:13 reveals that God’s intention in His economy is to be the fountain, the source of living waters to satisfy us, His chosen people, for our enjoyment; the goal is to produce the church as God’s increase, His enlargement, and His fullness for His expression.
When we breathe in the name of Jesus, we drink of life indeed; as we are breathing in the Lord, we are drinking spiritually.
Our drinking of the one Spirit makes us members of the Body of Christ, builds us up as the Body, and prepares us to be the bride of Christ (1 Cor. 12:13; Rev. 22:17; John 4:14).
From the time that we were baptized into the Body in one Spirit, we were positioned to drink of the one Spirit; the way for us to be a proper member in the Body is to be a drinking member.
If we drink the Spirit as the living water, our spiritual drink, we are filled with Christ, and we are one with everything; furthermore, we spontaneously live Christ.
The Spirit and the bride call in oneness for all those who are thirsty to take the water of life freely; as we drink the Spirit as the living water, we are produced to be the bride of Christ.
The more we drink the Spirit, the more we inspire others and call them to also drink; if we don’t drink, however, our inviting others to drink is not that inspiring.
We can joyously draw water from the springs of salvation by speaking to the Lord and by singing to Him (Psa. 46:4; Isa. 12:3-6).
We can draw water with rejoicing from the springs of God’s salvation by singing to the Lord, speaking by the Lord, for the Lord, in the Lord, and with the Lord so that we may exalt the Lord and rejoice in Him in a continuing way.
We all need to find many ways to draw water with rejoicing from the fountain, the well, the springing up of God’s salvation; He has been installed within us as a fountain of water, and we need to draw water.
Hallelujah, there is a well within us, and we can draw water to drink the Spirit as the living water!
There are so many ways to draw water: we can give thanks to Jehovah, thanking Him for everything, and we can call on His name. We can share the gospel, testify to others of our enjoyment of Christ, and overflow to them of the good things that the Lord has done for us.
When we call on the Lord’s name, we drink the Spirit; when we speak to others about Him, we drink.
When we sing psalms to Jehovah, we drink; when we cry and give a ringing shout, we drink!
We need to release our inner being and be lost in the Lord by calling on His name, praising Him, crying out to Him, and opening to Him in praising and lauding Him.
Yes, in ourselves we are mortal men, frail, weak, to be handled with care, but we shouldn’t wait to get better or stronger, but we should simply draw water with rejoicing from the springs of God’s salvation by calling on the name of the Lord!
The Lord is our strength and our songs, and He has become our salvation; he comes as rivers of strength as we call, and when we sing, He saves us and fills us up with Himself. Hallelujah!
We can enjoy the Lord as our spiritual drink by practicing to speak to Him constantly; as we speak to the Lord all the time, we will spontaneously live Christ (Num. 20:8; Phil. 4:6-7, 12).
The Lord as the rock has been smitten – we simply need to speak to Him and He will give us water.
On one hand, we need to cry out to Him; on the other hand, we can just speak to Him, asking Him to give us to drink, and He will flow as the Spirit to quench our thirst.
We just need to talk to the Lord, converse with Him; we may not even consider our talk to Him as short prayers – we just converse with Him as with an intimate friend.
He meets us where we are, and He gives us to drink of the Spirit. If we pass through a valley, He as a spring reaches us there, meeting us where we are, face to face, to comfort and shepherd our soul.
If we just talk to Him continually, having a running conversation with Him throughout the day, we will breathe Him in and drink Him, and we will have the life and life supply.
May we learn the secret (Phil. 4:12) to be content in all things by calling on the name of the Lord continually; may we learn the secret to drink the Spirit as the living water whether we’re up or down.
When we hear of living in and with the Divine Trinity, we may think that this is so deep, so high, and so lofty, and the teaching is so high; however, though this is true, the application is so simple and practical.
There’s nothing deeper than the Divine Trinity, but for us to experience living in the Divine Trinity is not so complicated: He has made a way for us to drink the Spirit by calling on the name of the Lord, conversing with Him, and praising Him.
He has become so available, and He installed Himself as the fountain of living waters in our very being; we can just speak to and with Him, and He will give us to drink.
Lord Jesus, we want to draw water with rejoicing out of the springs of God’s salvation by speaking to the Lord and singing praises to Him! Praise the Lord! Hallelujah! We rejoice in the Lord continually, and we sing His praises, for He has done great things for us! Amen, Lord, we cry out to You and give a ringing shout, for You are so available, so rich, so wonderful, and so enjoyable! Praise the Lord Jesus, the One who has come into us as the Spirit to quench our thirst! Amen, Lord, keep us conversing with You throughout the day. We want to enjoy You as our spiritual drink by practicing to talk to You constantly so that we may be filled with You and live Christ! Amen, Lord, give us to drink! Fill us with the Spirit! Quench our thirst. Keep us drinking the Spirit as the living water in resurrection!
We can Eat Christ as our Spiritual Food to Live because of Him – we Eat Him by Exercising our Spirit to Pray-Read and Muse over His Words
On one hand, we need to speak with the Lord constantly, for He is right within us, ready to give us to drink; as we practice speaking with the Lord constantly, we will live Christ.
We can live in the Divine Trinity by taking Christ as our life supply; we can eat Christ as our spiritual food in order to live because of Him; as the living Father sent the Son and the Son lives because of the Father, so we can live because of Christ by eating Christ (John 6:57).
John 6:57 doesn’t say that we live by Christ but that we live because of Christ; to live by something or someone is to use that thing or person to help us to walk or live, but to live because of something means that it becomes the factor of our living.
Christ is not like a cane that we lean on to walk with Him; He is the factor of our living, the food we eat and live because of.
As He lives in resurrection, so we also live (John 14:19); we live by eating Him and living because of Him.
Eating is a basic concept revealed in the Bible concerning the relationship of God and man; in Gen. 1 God created man, and in Gen. 2 He presented Himself as food to man.
Then in John 6 Christ came and said He’s the bread of life, the living bread, the bread coming down out of heaven to feed us; when we eat Him, we live because of Him.
Adam fell because of improper eating; he didn’t eat of the tree of life but of the other tree, so he fell.
Whatever we take in as food becomes the supplying factor of our being; if we take in Christ as our spiritual food, we will live because of Him.
We may be experiencing a personal fall if we don’t eat properly; if we take in things for our satisfaction apart from the Lord, we may take in death.
We need many things for our living, and many things are given to us by God.
We need a family, a dwelling place, a car, a job, an education, some entertainment, and some recreation to be refreshed, but we should not allow these things to become food to us.
We need many things for our living, but we should not allow them to be our food; we should feed only on Christ, our spiritual food, so that we may live because of Him.
To eat Christ is to eat His words by exercising our spirit to both pray-read and muse upon His words so that His words become the gladness and joy of our heart (Jer. 15:16; Psa. 119:15-16; Josh. 1:8-9).
We live not only by Christ but also because of Christ, for the energizing element of our daily living is Christ Himself as the living word of God for us to live Christ.
Christ is embodied in His word, and when we exercise our spirit to contact the word of God, we eat the Lord in His Word, for He becomes our spiritual food.
As we eat Christ in His word, He enters our inner being and is being digested in us to become part of us, even our very constitution; now He lives within us (Gal. 2:20).
The way Christ lives in us is by being digested by us. He becomes the very factor with which we live, and we live by Him.
May we be careful concerning our eating; may we stay away from improper food, food that will cause us to have spiritual indigestion and to be alienated from the Lord.
There are many things being put forth and shared via social media, and there is so much entertainment freely available via video sharing websites online; eating this kind of food will affect our spiritual appetite.
If we eat from what the world has to offer us in terms of social media, articles, news, entertainment, etc, we will lose interest in the things of the Lord.
May we be on guard in this matter. May we not allow ourselves to lose interest in the things of the Lord, in the Word of God, in the meetings with the saints, and in the fellowship and coordination with the saints.
If we lose our interest, we can simply turn to the Lord and call on Him, and our appetite will be recovered; we can simply ask Him to grant us a taste of His loveliness and sweetness.
Lord Jesus, we come to Your word with an exercised spirit and a turned heart to eat You. We want to take You in as our spiritual food so that we may live because of You. We exercise our spirit to pray, read, and muse on your words so that Your words become the gladness and joy of our heart. Amen, Lord, we take You as the very factor of our living by eating You to live because of You. Save us from eating other things; save us from eating what the world has to offer. Oh Lord, keep us eating You both personally and with the saints! Recover our appetite for You. Save us from losing interest in the things of God, the word of God, and the church life. We want to taste Your loveliness and Your sweetness!
References and Hymns on this Topic
- Sources of inspiration: the Word of God, my enjoyment in the ministry, a sharing by brother Ricky Acosta, and portions from, Collected Works of Witness Lee, 1989, vol. 3, “The Experience and Growth in Life,” ch. 2, as quoted in the Holy Word for Morning Revival on, Living In and With the Divine Trinity (2021 Thanksgiving Day Conference), week 3, entitled, Living in the Divine Trinity (2) – Living in the Divine Trinity by Enjoying Christ as Our Life Supply, by Living Christ for His Magnification, and by the Grace of the Lord Jesus Christ in Our Spirit.
- Hymns on this topic:
– Therefore with joy shall ye draw water / Out of the wells of salvation. / And in that day shall ye say, / Praise the Lord. / Call upon His name, / Declare His doings among the people, / Make mention that His name is exalted. / Cry out and shout, thou inhabitant of Zion: / For great is the Holy One of Israel in the midst of thee. (Hymns #1340)
– We have found the way to live by Christ— / Pray His Word and call His name! / This—the eating, drinking—has sufficed / And its worth we now proclaim. (Hymns #1153)
– My heart is hungry, my spirit doth thirst; / I come to Thee, Lord, to seek Thy supply; / All that I need is none other but Thee, / Thou canst my hunger and thirst satisfy. / Feed me, Lord Jesus, give me to drink, / Fill all my hunger, quench all my thirst; / Flood me with joy, be the strength of my life, / Fill all my hunger, quench all my thirst. (Hymns #811)