We have the Divine Right to Participate in God’s Sonship and in God’s Manifestation

Predestinating us unto sonship through Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the good pleasure of His will. Eph. 1:5

The believers in Christ are God-men, and they have the divine right to participate in God’s sonship and also to participate in God’s manifestation. Hallelujah!

We were born of our human parents to have the life and nature of our parents and are therefore sons of men, enjoying the rights of a man.

As human beings, we grow in life, learn, exercise, are trained, and develop, and we enjoy the human life.

It is our right as men to participate in the riches of the human life, to do what people do, and to enjoy what people enjoy.

Similarly, as believers in Christ, we are born of God, and we grow in life and participate in God’s divinity in many ways.

We can never participate in the Godhead, for that is God’s exclusively; we also can’t participate in other incommunicable attributes of God such as His being almighty, all-inclusive, omnipresent, and omniscient.

However, the New Testament reveals in many places that we can participate in so many aspects of God’s divinity for our enjoyment and experience.

We begin by being born in sin, for all men born after Adam are born in sin.

By being born in sin, we are born of Satan, for he is the father of all sinners.

All our cute little children are actually born in sin, and you don’t have to teach them to sin – it comes naturally.

However, when we hear the gospel and choose the Lord, when we turn our heart to the Lord with an unveiled face and see Him, we simply believe into Him.

When we repent and believe into the Lord, something marvellous happens: we are reborn, that is, we are born again, born of God. Wow!

A human being can be born of God!

This is the greatest miracle in the universe, but it is so simple, so normal, and it happens all around the world so often.

This is why we need to preach the gospel and tell our friends, classmates, workmates, neighbours, and everyone about the Lord, for in an instant, a person can become a child of God. Wow!

After being born of God, we need to know what it means for us to be children of God, that is, we need to know our rights.

When we move to a different country, let’s say we’re from a country in South America and we move to the United States of America, we have a new set of rights, so we need to know our rights.

Maybe in our country of origin, we did not have the freedom of speech or the freedom of worship, but when we’re in the USA, these are our unalienable rights, our rights by constitution.

By being born of God, we have the highest and best rights, for we are born in the kingdom of God, and we have the right to participate in many aspects of God’s divinity. Hallelujah!

Our whole Christian life is a quest to know Christ, enjoy Christ, and experience Christ, and we have the right to participate in what He is and even become the same as He is! Wow!

This is our reality and this will be our future. Our destiny is really to become the same as Christ in every possible way. Praise the Lord!

We have the Right to Participate in God’s Sonship through Regeneration, Transformation and Transfiguration

And because you are sons, God has sent forth the Spirit of His Son into our hearts, crying, Abba, Father! Gal. 4:6Because we believers in Christ are born of God, we have the divine right to participate in God’s sonship. God predestinated us unto sonship through Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the good pleasure of His will (Eph. 1:5).

Every believer in Christ has been predestinated by God the Father unto sonship, and each believer has the right to participate in God’s sonship.

We can have God’s life, nature, mind, being, image, and glory because we’re God’s sons.

Just as a human son shares the glory or prestige of his human father, so we as sons of God share in the glory of our Father, for we have the right to participate in God’s sonship.

And this is not initiated by us nor is it carried out by us; we are simply the beneficiaries, those who cooperate with what the Lord is doing.

Even before we were born, in eternity past, before the foundation of the world, God marked us out unto sonship.

He intended and determined that we would participate in His sonship.

Through sonship we have the spirit of sonship, the witnessing of the Spirit, the leading of the Spirit, the firstfruits of the Spirit, the Spirit helping us, and the Spirit interceding for us (see Rom. 8).

Christ’s redemption brings us into the sonship of God, and we have a spirit of sonship; our regenerated human spirit mingled with the Spirit of the Son of God is a spirit of sonship (Gal. 4:6; Rom. 8:15-16).

Sonship is a term encompassing at least three main matters: children, sons, and heirs.

We are born of God through regeneration to be children of God, and the Spirit witnesses with our spirit that we are children of God (Rom. 8:16).

It doesn’t say that the Spirit witnesses that we are sons of God but that we’re children of God.

Every believer in Christ has the Spirit in his spirit witnessing with his spirit that he is a child of God.

And as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are the sons of God (v. 14).

This means that there’s a further process, the process of transformation, so that we may grow in life and be able to take the leading of the Spirit and therefore be sons of God.

Being sons of God is something further and higher than being children of God, and it is through our being transformed and by following the leading of the Spirit.

Praise the Lord, each one of us as the Spirit witnessing with our spirit!

For you have not received a spirit of slavery bringing you into fear again, but you have received a spirit of sonship in which we cry, Abba, Father! The Spirit Himself witnesses with our spirit that we are children of God. And if children, heirs also; on the one hand, heirs of God; on the other, joint heirs with Christ, if indeed we suffer with Him that we may also be glorified with Him. Rom. 8:15-17However, we need to go on from this stage to follow the leading of the Spirit, grow in life unto maturity, and be transformed so that we may be sons of God, no longer babes or children.

Ultimately, we will be heirs, inheriting what God has assigned to us as our portion of inheritance.

In ancient times, when children were born to rich families, they had to reach a certain age before they could be declared the legal heirs to claim the inheritance.

In Romans we are told that we’re children of God by being regenerated with God’s life, we are sons of God by being transformed and by being led by the Spirit, and we’re heirs of God by being transfigured in our body, therefore being glorified.

We all were born of God to be children of God, and we have the right to participate in God’s sonship.

We need to grow in life and be transformed, being led by the Spirit, so that we can be sons of God.

And one day we will become heirs of God, heirs together with Christ, when God will transfigure our body, redeeming it and bringing us into the redemption of God’s sons (v. 23).

When our body of humiliation is transfigured to be conformed to the body of His glory, we will be fully qualified to be heirs of the divine inheritance.

This transfiguration of our body is accomplished by God’s glorification of our whole being, especially of our body.

Thank You, Father God, for predestinating us unto sonship through Jesus Christ to Yourself, according to the good pleasure of Your will. Amen, Father, it is Your pleasure to have many sons, and You marked us out even before the foundation of the world to be Your sons. Hallelujah, we believers in Christ have been regenerated with the life of God to be children of God! Praise the Lord, the Spirit witnesses with our spirit that we are children of God! We can call God, Abba, Father! Amen, Abba, Father! We love You, Father! Cause us to grow in life and be transformed so that we may become sons of God, those led by the Spirit of God! Amen, Lord Jesus, grow in us and transform us. Hallelujah, we will be transfigured in our body to become heirs of God! Hallelujah, it is our divine right to participate in God’s sonship!

We have the Right to Participate in God’s Manifestation – we will be Manifested with Him in Glory!

For the anxious watching of the creation eagerly awaits the revelation of the sons of God...And not only so, but we ourselves also, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan in ourselves, eagerly awaiting sonship, the redemption of our body. Rom. 8:19, 23Rom. 8:19 tells us that we, the believers in Christ, have the right to participate in God’s manifestation.

As God-men, those who are born of God with His life and nature, we have the right to participate in the manifestation of God.

Christ is in us as the hope of glory (Col. 1:27), and one day He as our life will be manifested, and we will be manifested with Him in glory (Col. 3:4). Wow, Hallelujah!

This is something so real to the whole universe, but we as believers in Christ are many times so blinded to this fact.

It is a fact that the whole creation is anxiously watching and eagerly awaiting the revelation of the sons of God.

The whole creation is subject to corruption and death because of the fall of man, the head of creation.

Because man fell, the whole creation is now subject to corruption, decay, and death.

But when the sons of God fully participate in God’s manifestation, that is, when we are manifested with God in glory, the whole creation will be released from the slavery of corruption and death!

Praise the Lord!

We believers in Christ are in a process at the moment, a process through which we’re regenerated, renewed, transformed, sanctified, conformed, and glorified, and when we have the right to participate in God’s sonship and in God’s manifestation.

Today God seems to be hiding, for He is not visible nor is His economy clearly seen; everything is in the spiritual realm.

But one day, He will be manifested to the whole universe, and when He is manifested, we will be manifested with Him!

When God is manifested, we as the many sons of God will be revealed with Him, for we will participate in His manifestation! Praise the Lord!

God will be manifested with His sons (Heb. 2:10) who will be the same as He is in life, in nature, in mind, in being, in image, and in glory. Wow!

Yes, this is something that we hope for, something that the Bible promises that will happen, but we can have a foretaste of this today.

Today we can participate in God’s sonship and in God’s manifestation.

When Christ our life is manifested, then you also will be manifested with Him in glory. Col. 3:4When we exercise our spirit and live in the mingled spirit, we manifest God.

We manifest Him to a small extent, but this manifestation will increase, little by little and day by day until we see Him and we become like Him!

We dare not to think or imagine how that will be, but we believe with all our heart that what God’s word says is true.

We do not look at our situation, our condition, and our failures; yes, we do fail, we do make mistakes, and it seems that there’s no change in us, but we continue to exercise our spirit and contact the Lord.

He has begun this in us, and He will carry this through.

He has regenerated us, He is transforming us, and He will transfigure our body to make us the same as His.

He will grant us the privilege to participate in His manifestation.

He promised that He will do it, and we say Amen to this.

Christ is now leading many sons into glory, and we will share in God’s manifestation to be the same as Christ in life, nature, mind, being, image, and glory. Hallelujah!

Hallelujah, we believers in Christ will participate in God’s manifestation! Praise the Lord, when Christ our life is manifested, we will be manifested with Him in glory! Amen, Lord, we believe with all our heart that You have given us the divine right to participate in God’s manifestation, for the Bible tells us so. We do not look at our situation and we do not focus on our failures; we look away unto Jesus, the One who has cut the way into glory and who is leading us into glory! Praise the Lord, our destiny is to enter into God’s manifestation! We have the divine right not only to participate in God’s sonship but also to participate in God’s manifestation. Hallelujah, God will be manifested in His sons, and we will be the same as He is in life, nature, mind, being, image, and glory! Amen, Lord, bring in that happy day in which we participate in God’s manifestation for all to see the glorious Christ living in us!

References and Hymns on this Topic
  • Inspiration for this article/sharing comes from the Word of God, the enjoyment in the ministry, a sharing by brother Minoru Chen in the message for this week, and portions from, Life-study of Romans, msgs 19, 53, and 62, by Witness Lee, as quoted in the Holy Word for Morning Revival on, An Overview of the Central Burden and Present Truth of the Lord’s Recovery Before His Appearing (2023 July Semiannual Training), week 10, entitled, The God-men’s Divine Right to Participate in God’s Divinity.
  • Similar articles on this topic:
    To participate in God’s sonship, a portion from, Incarnation, Inclusion, and Intensification, Chapter 4, by Witness Lee.
    10 Divine Rights for Every Believer to Participate in, article via, Holding to Truth in Love.
    Deification by participation in God’s divinity, article by Ed Marks via, Affirmation and Critique.
    The God-men’s Divine Right, a new song via, Hymnal.net.
    Excerpts from Life-study of Ephesians, Message 5, The praise of the glory of God’s grace, pdf via, The Church in Manilla.
    To participate in God’s being, a portion from, Incarnation, Inclusion, and Intensification, Chapter 4, by Witness Lee.
  • Hymns on this topic:
    – Abba, Father! we adore Thee, / Humbly now our homage pay; / ’Tis Thy children’s bliss to know Thee, / None but children “Abba” say. / This high honor we inherit, / Thy free gift through Jesus’ blood; / God the Spirit, with our spirit, / Witnesseth we’re sons of God. (Hymns #45 stanza 1)
    – God ordained us unto sonship, / Ere creation’s work was done, / To conform us by His Spirit / To the image of His Son; / That His only dear Begotten / Might become the firstborn One, / And by Him with many brethren / His expression full be won. / By divine regeneration / We the sons of God became, / But we must mature to fullness, / Thus the birthright to obtain. / Born and fully grown to manhood, / God’s adoption we may share; / By the measure of full stature, / We God’s sonship will declare. (Hymns #741 stanzas 1-2)
    – For the glorious revelation / Of the sons of God to come, / All the creatures wait, expecting, / That they all may free become. / All creation groans together, / Subject now to vanity, / Looking for their full deliv’rance / From corruption’s slavery. / Even we ourselves are groaning, / Till we reach maturity; / We are growing into sonship, / With Christ in conformity. (Hymns #970 stanzas 1-3)
About aGodMan

A God-man is a normal believer in Christ; the author of this article is one who is learning to be a normal Christian, a daily enjoyer of Christ, a living and functioning member in the Body of Christ. Amen, Lord, make us such ones for the building up of the Body of Christ!

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brother L.
1 year ago

In…Romans 8 we are told that the Spirit witnesses with our spirit that we are the children of God (v. 16). In verse 16 it does not say “sons” or “heirs,” for in the first stage of sonship we are simply little children who have been regenerated by the life of God. After this we will grow. Then verse 14 says that “as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God.” In verse 14 we are no longer babes or children but sons…We have grown from children into sons who are able to take the leading of the Spirit. This means that we are in the second stage, the stage of transformation. Ultimately, we will become heirs. According to ancient law, heirs had to be of age and declared the legal heirs that they might claim the inheritance. Therefore, in this portion of Romans we have children by regeneration, sons by transformation, and heirs by transfiguration or glorification. We were born the children of God, we are growing up as the sons of God, and we are waiting for the time when we will be fully matured and legally declared to be the rightful heirs of God. The procedure which makes us legal heirs is the transfiguration of our body, that is, the redemption of our body, the full redemption (v. 23). The transfiguration of our body will qualify us to be the heirs of the divine inheritance. This transfiguration will be accomplished by glorification.

Life-study of Romans, pp. 233-234, by Witness Lee

Stefan M.
1 year ago

Dear brother, we as children of God have the right to participate in God’s sonship.

The Father predestinated us unto sonship, we are born of God to be children of God through regeneration, we’re being transformed to be sons of God, and we will be transfigured to be heirs of God! Wow!

When the Lord returns, we will be like Him, for we will see Him even as He is.

Amen, Lord Jesus! We want to be transformed and be led by the Spirit of God to be sons of God! Hallelujah, we have the right to participate in God’s sonship!

Moh S.
Moh S.
1 year ago

Aaaaameeen brother!

Hallelujah to be fully matured as sons we need the life of God to work in three stages, we need to be regenerated in our spirit, transformed in our soul, and transfigured in our body!

Hallelujah! Lord thank You we are in the second stage of transformation, bring us fully into transfiguration and glorification to be heirs of God, joint heirs with Christ!

1 year ago

Thank the Lord He predestinated us unto sonship! We were chosen to be sons of God.

Hallelujah, may we be those expressing Him on earth.

Lord transform us day by day. We want to be those full of faith and expressing Your glory when You come.

P. K.
P. K.
1 year ago

Eph. 1:5 Predestinating us unto sonship through Jesus Christ to Him- self, according to the good plea- sure of His will.

Rom. 8:23 …We ourselves also, who have the of the Spir- it,…groan in ourselves, eagerly awaiting sonship, the redemp- tion of our body.

Rom. 8:19 For the anxious watching of the creation eagerly awaits the revelation of the sons of God.

Praise the Lord! 😃🙋🏽 Amen! 🙏

Amen brother!

Sonship implies having not only the life but also the position of a son. God’s marked-out ones have the life to be His sons and the position to inherit Him. 

His putting Himself into us and then mingling His nature with us is the process, the procedure, whereas to be sons of God is the aim, the goal, and is a matter of our being joined to the Son of God and conformed to a particular form or shape, the very image of the firstborn Son of God, that our whole being, including our body, may be “sonized” by God.


M. M.
M. M.
1 year ago

Praise the Lord for the predestination of sonship before the foundation of the earth. 

Today’s rights of participation are God’s sonship and our manifestation with Him in His second coming. 

To get our full sonship, we need to pass through regeneration, transformation, and transfiguration. These steps are for our full maturity.

Praise the Lord for this wonderful opportunity to inherit Him as heirs.


Christian A.
Christian A.
1 year ago

The life of God works in three stages: in regeneration, in transformation and in transfiguration.

Now, we’re in the stage of transformation, and we eagerly await the day of our transfiguration into glory.

This transfiguration will qualify us to be the heirs of the divine inheritance.

May we press on to being conformed to Christ so that we may enter into the enjoyment of being the same as Him in life, nature, mind, being, image & glory. Amen.

For now, the world doesn’t see us as we are, but one fine day Christ will be fully manifested in us and we will shine.

What a happy day!

Mario V.
Mario V.
1 year ago

Ameen!!! Hallelujah!!!

We have the divine rights in Gods image and glory as we behold Him were are being transformed into the same Image from Glory to Glory.

What joy this brings the Father to see this as He has predestinated us in eternity past before the foundation of the universe unto sonship and participate in the divine manifestation.

Thank You Father for the spirit of sonship whereby we cry Abba Father. 

Father as Your many sons we love You.

Praise You and thank You Abba Father.🥰🥰🥰🙏🙏🙏

agodman youtube
1 year ago

Listen to the audio version of this topic via, 

RcV Bible
1 year ago

In God, Christ is our life. This life is now hidden but will be manifested. Then we will be manifested with this life in glory.

In Col. 2:20-23; 3:1-4 the unique way and the unique person are revealed to us. The unique way is the cross, the center of God’s government, and the unique person is Christ, the preeminent, all-inclusive One, the center of the universe. By the cross, not by asceticism, we were saved from the negative things. By Christ, not by philosophy, we live the life hidden in God.

Christ, who is our life, is the allotted portion of the saints (Col. 1:12), the image of the invisible God (Col. 1:15), the Firstborn of all creation (1:15), the Firstborn from the dead (Col. 1:18), the One in whom God’s fullness dwells (Col. 1:19; 2:9), the mystery of God’s economy (Col. 1:26), the mystery of God (Col. 2:2), the reality of all positive things (Col. 2:16-17), and the constituent of the new man (vv. 10-11). By taking such an all-inclusive Christ as life and thus living Him, we experience and enjoy all His riches.

Col. 3:4, footnote 2 on “life”, Recovery Version Bible

Oliver N.
Oliver N.
1 year ago

Hallelujah Amen we are growing